HUGH Bigod, son of ROGER Bigod Earl of Norfolk & his wife Ida --- (-[11/18] Feb 1225). “Rogerus Bigot comes Norfolchiæ” donated property to Colne priory, for the souls of “Hugone Bigot fratris mei et comitissæ Julianæ matris meæ et Idæ uxoris meæ”, by undated charter, witnessed by “Hugone Bigot filio meo…”[1008]. He succeeded his father in 1221 as Earl of Norfolk. The Annals of Dunstable record that “Hugo Bigot comes” died in 1225[1009]. The Annals of Waverley record the death in 1225 of “Hugo Bigot comes Norfolchiæ”[1010].
m ([before Lent] 1207) as her first husband, MATILDA Marshal of Pembroke, daughter of WILLIAM Marshal Earl of Pembroke & his wife Isabel Ctss of Pembroke ([before 1195]-1/7 Apr 1248). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire, names (in order) ”Matilda…Johanna…Isabella” as the daughters of “Willielmi Marescalli comitis Penbrochiæ”, adding that Matilda married “Hugoni le Bigod comiti Norfolke et Suffolke” and secondly “Johanni de Garrene comiti de Surrey”[1011]. Her birth date is estimated from the birth of her first child in [1212/13]. Henry III King of England granted letters of conduct to "Matildis uxor Hugonis Bygod" dated 7 Sep 1217[1012]. The Annals of Dunstable record that “Hugo Bigot comes…uxor” married “comiti Warenniæ”[1013]. She married secondly as his second wife, William [IV] de Warenne Earl of Surrey.
Earl Hugh & his wife had [four] children:
1. [ISABEL . The sources which report the parentage of the wife of Gilbert de Lacy are conflicting. A manuscript which narrates the descents of the founders of Lanthony Abbey records that “Gilbertus de Lacy” married “Isabellæ Mareschal”[1014], presumably confusing her with Isabel daughter of William Marshal Earl of Pembroke who married firstly Gilbert de Clare Earl of Gloucester and Hereford and secondly Richard Earl of Cornwall. The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names "Isabella soror Johannis" as daughter of ”Rogerus sive Radulphus Bigod, secundus filius Hugonis le Bigod com. Norfolke et Suffolke…” and his wife “Bertam de Fornivale”, adding that she married firstly "Gilberto de Lacy" and secondly "Johanni Fitz-Geffrey"[1015]. This must also be incorrect, as any children of Ralph Bigod could not have been born before the late 1220s at the earliest, which is inconsistent with the timing of Isabel’s first marriage. If Isabel was a member of the Bigod family, she must have been the daughter of Hugh and Matilda Marshal of Pembroke. This is the solution adopted by the Complete Peerage[1016], although the primary source on which this is based has not yet been identified. m firstly GILBERT de Lacy, of Ewyas Lacy, Herefordshire, son of WALTER de Lacy Lord of Meath & his wife --- (-[12 Aug/25 Dec] 1230, bur Lanton, Wales). m secondly JOHN FitzGeoffrey, son of GEOFFREY FitzPiers Earl of Essex & his second wife Aveline de Clare (-1258). Justiciar of Ireland.] http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLISH%20NOBILITY%20MEDIEVAL.htm#H...
GILBERT de Lacy of Ewyas Lacy, Herefordshire (-[12 Aug/25 Dec] 1230, bur Lanton, Wales). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire records that "Gilbertus de Lacy" had a son "Hugonem" who had "filium Walterum", who in turn had "filium Gilbertum de Lacy"[892]. A manuscript which narrates the descents of the founders of Lanthony Abbey names “Gilbertus de Lacy” as son of “Walterus de Lacy” and his wife[893]. An undated charter of Henry III King of England confirmed a donation by ”Walterus de Lacy” to the Hospital of Ludlow, Shropshire, for the souls of “Margeriæ uxoris meæ…Gilberti de Lacy filii mei”[894]. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the death in 1230 of “Gilebertus de Lacy filius et hæres Walteri de Lacy” and his burial “apud Lantone in Wallia”[895]. The Annals of Worcester record the death in 1230 of “Gilbertus de Lacy”[896]. m as her first husband, ISABEL, daughter of [HUGH Bigod Earl of Norfolk & his wife Maud Marshal of Pembroke] ([after 1207]-). (duplicate info not copied)
Gilbert & his wife had three children:
a) WALTER de Lacy (-[15 May 1238/1241]). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names "Walterus de Lacy" as the son "Gilberto de Lacy" and his wife, adding that he died young[900]. His paternal grandfather recognised Walter as his heir 15 May 1238[901].
b) MARGERY de Lacy (-before 1256). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names "Margeria et Matilda" as the daughters and co-heiresses of "Gilberto de Lacy" and his wife, adding that Margery married "Johanni de Verdon" (and lists three generations of their descendants)[902]. A manuscript which narrates the descents of the founders of Lanthony Abbey names “Margeria, uxor Johannis de Verdon” as daughter and heiress of “Gilbertus de Lacy”, son of “Walterus de Lacy”, and also lists their descendants[903]. A charter dated 14 May 1244 restored to "John de Verdun and Margaret his wife, granddaughter and one of the heirs of Walter de Lascy, and to Peter de Geneve and Matilda his wife, granddaughter and another of Walter´s heirs, all the lands in Meath whereof Walter was seised at his death"[904]. m (before 14 May 1244) as his first wife, JOHN de Verdun, son of THEOBALD Butler [Le Botiller] & his second wife Rohese de Verdun of Alton, Staffordshire ([1226]-before 17 Oct 1274).
c) MATILDA de Lacy (1230 or before-11 Apr 1304). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names "Margeria et Matilda" as the daughters and co-heiresses of "Gilberto de Lacy" and his wife, adding that Matilda married "Gaufrido de Genyvile" (and naming her son and grandchildren)[905]. A manuscript which narrates the descents of the founders of Lanthony Abbey names “Matildis” as second daughter and heiress of “Gilbertus de Lacy”, son of “Walterus de Lacy”, adding that she married “Galfridi de Geneville”, and also lists their descendants[906]. A charter dated 19 Feb 1244 relates to the inheritance of "W. de Lacy in…comitatu [Hereford]" by "Matillidi uxori Petri de Geneva, neptem et unicam heredem predicti Waltheri" and "sorori ipsius Matillidis"[907]. A charter dated 14 May 1244 restored to "John de Verdun and Margaret his wife, granddaughter and one of the heirs of Walter de Lascy, and to Peter de Geneve and Matilda his wife, granddaughter and another of Walter´s heirs, all the lands in Meath whereof Walter was seised at his death"[908]. Her first marriage is confirmed by Matthew of Paris who names "Matildam elegantem filiam Walteri de Lasey in Hybernia" as wife of "Petrus de Geneure natione Provincialis…" when recording her husband's death in 1249[909]. Henry III King of England granted "Geoffroy de Joinville et Mahaut de Lacy sa femme" rights in the land of Meath held by "Gautier de Lacy, grand-père de Mahaut" by charter dated 8 Aug 1252[910]. “Gaufridus de Genvyle dominus de Vaucolour miles et Matildis de Lacy filia Gileberti Lacy uxor eius” donated property to Dore Abbey by undated charter, witnessed by “Johanne de Vaucolour milite…”[911]. m firstly (before 19 Feb 1244) PIERRE de Genève, son of HUMBERT Comte de Genève & his wife --- (-1249). m secondly (1252 before 8 Aug) GEOFFROY de Joinville Seigneur de Vaucouleurs, son of SIMON Seigneur de Joinville & his second wife Beatrix d'Auxonne [Bourgogne-Comt%C3%A9] (-Trim 21 Oct 1314). http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/IRELAND.htm#GilbertLacydied1230
JOHN FitzGeoffrey of Shere, Surrey (-1258). He was not entitled to succeed his half-brother as Earl of Essex in 1227, the earldom having devolved from his father's first wife. Justiciar of Ireland. "John Fitz Geoffrey" was appointed justiciary of Ireland by King Henry III by charter dated 4 Nov 1245[789]. m as her second husband, ISABEL, widow of GILBERT de Lacy of Ewyas Lacy, daughter of [HUGH Bigod Earl of Norfolk & his wife Matilda Marshal of Pembroke]. (duplicate info not copied)
John FitzGeoffrey & his wife had six children:
i) JOHN FitzJohn of Shere (-Lambeth [6 Nov] 1275). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names "Ricardus le Fitz John, Johannes et Willielmus" as the three sons of "Johanni Fitz-Geffrey" and his wife "Isabella Bygod…"[793]. m (before 18 Feb 1259) MARGERY Basset, daughter of PHILIP Basset of Wycombe & his first wife Hawise de Louvain (-before 19 Oct 1271).
ii) RICHARD FitzJohn of Shere (-1297). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names "Ricardus le Fitz John, Johannes et Willielmus" as the three sons of "Johanni Fitz-Geffrey" and his wife "Isabella Bygod…"[794]. He was summoned to Parliament in 1290 whereby he is held to have become Lord FitzJohn. m as her first husband, EMMA, daughter of --- (-26 Jan 1332, bur Stradsett, Norfolk). She married secondly (royal licence 25 Jan 1301) Robert de Mohaut Lord Mohaut.
iii) WILLIAM FitzJohn . The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names "Ricardus le Fitz John, Johannes et Willielmus" as the three sons of "Johanni Fitz-Geffrey" and his wife "Isabella Bygod…"[795].
iv) MATILDA (-16/18 Apr 1301, bur 7 May 1301 Worcester Franciscan Church). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire names "Matilda uxor Guidonis comitis Warwici" as the oldest daughter of "Johanni Fitz-Geffrey" and his wife "Isabella Bygod…"[796]. "Willelmum de Bello Campo filium Walteri de Bello Campo" granted "manerium suum de Ledecombe" to "Willelmum primogenitum eius et Matildem uxor eius", in exchange for "tenemento in Schirrevelench", by charter dated to [1261/69][797]. The will of "William de Beauchamp", dated 7 Jan 1268, bequeathed property to "Walter my son...Joane my daughter...Isabel my daughter...Sibill my daughter...Sarah my daughter...William my eldest son...my daughter the countess his wife...Isabel my wife..."[798]. The will of "William de Beauchamp Earl of Warwick", dated 14 Sep 1296, chose burial “in the quire of the Friars-Minors, commonly called the Gray-friars at Worcester”, bequeathed property to "Maud my wife...Guy my eldest son...my two daughters nuns at Shouldham"[799]. m firstly GERARD de Furnivalle Lord of Hallamshire, son of --- (-1261). m secondly (before 7 Jan 1269) WILLIAM de Beauchamp Earl of Warwick, son of WILLIAM [III] de Beauchamp of Elmley, Worcestershire & his wife Isabel Mauduit ([1237/41]-Elmley 5 or 9 Jun 1298, bur 22 Jun 1298 Worcester Franciscan Church).
v) AVELINE (-[20 May 1274], bur Dunmow Priory). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire records that the second (unnamed) daughter of "Johanni Fitz-Geffrey" and his wife "Isabella Bygod…" married "comiti Ultoniæ"[800]. m WALTER de Burgh Lord of Connaught, son of RICHARD de Burgh Lord of Connaught & his wife Egidia de Lacy of Meath (-Galway Castle 28 Jul 1271). He was created Earl of Ulster in [1264].
vi) JOAN (-1303). The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire records that the third (unnamed) daughter of "Johanni Fitz-Geffrey" and his wife "Isabella Bygod…" married "le Botyler Hiberniæ"[801]. m THEOBALD Butler of Thurles, Nenagh, son of THEOBALD Butler & his wife Margaret de Burgh (-1285).
vii) ISABEL . The Chronicle of Tintern Abbey, Monmouthshire records that the fourth (unnamed) daughter of "Johanni Fitz-Geffrey" and his wife "Isabella Bygod…" married "domino --- de Westmoreland", adding that they had two daughters "Idonia et Isabella, de quibus una" married "Rogero de Clifford" by whom she had "Robertus de Clifford"[802]. m ROBERT de Vespont Lord of Westmoreland, son of --- (-1264). http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ENGLISH%20NOBILITY%20MEDIEVAL1.htm#...
Sir Hugh Bigod [f], Earl of Norfolk, Magna Carta Surety, b abt 1182, Thetford, Norfolk, England, d sh bef 18 Feb 1224/25, England. He md Maud Marshal 1207, Pembrokeshire, Wales, daughter of Sir William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke, Mareschal of England, and Isabel de Clare.
Children of Hugh Bigod and Maud Marshal were:
[1] Gilbert de Lacy abt 1225, son of Sir Walter de Lacy, Lord of Meath and Weobley, and Margaret/Margery de Braose; and
[2] Sir John Fitz Geoffrey, Justiciar of Ireland, abt 1235, son of Sir Geoffrey Fitz Piers, Earl of Essex, and Aveline de Clare.
? Sir Simon Bigod, Knight, b abt 1218, Thetford, Norfolk, England, d bef 1242.
John FitzGeoffrey, Lord of Shere and Justiciar of Ireland (1205? in Shere, Surrey – 23 November 1258). He was the son of Geoffrey Fitz Peter, 1st Earl of Essex and Aveline de Clare, daughter of Roger de Clare, 3rd Earl of Hertford & his wife Maud de Saint-Hilaire. He was Justiciar of Ireland. He was not entitled to succeed his half-brother as Earl of Essex in 1227, the Earldom having devolved from his father's first wife. He was the second husband of Isabel Bigod, daughter of Hugh Bigod, 3rd Earl of Norfolk, a Magna Carta surety, and Maud Marshal. They had six children, one being Maud who married William de Beauchamp, 9th Earl of Warwick Note: The males took the FitzJohn surname ("fitz" mean "son of"). John FitzJohn of Shere (?-1275). m Margary, daughter of Philip Basset of Wycombe (?-1271). Richard FitzJohn of Shere (?-1297). Lord FitzJohn 1290. m as her first husband, Emma (?-1332). Maud FitzJohn (? - 16/18 April 1301). Married firstly to Gerard de Furnivalle, Lord of Hallamshire (?-1261). Married secondly to William de Beauchamp, 9th Earl of Warwick, son of William de Beauchamp of Elmley, Worcestershire & his wife Isabel Mauduit. Had issue. Isabel m Robert de Vespont, Lord of Westmoreland (?-1264). Had issue. Aveline (?-1274) m Walter de Burgh, Earl of Ulster (?-1271). Had issue, ncluding Richard Og de Burgh, 2nd Earl of Ulster who in turn married Margaret de Burgh, by whom he had ten children. Joan (?- 4 April 1303) m Theobald le Botiller of Thurles, Nenagh (1242-1285). Had issue, from whom descend the Butler Earls of Ormond
Family links:
Isabel Bigod (1210 - 1250)
Aveline FitzJohn Burgh (____ - 1274)*
Isabel FitzJohn Vipont (1233 - 1301)*
Burial: Shouldham Priory Shouldham Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Norfolk, England
Created by: Kat Record added: May 13, 2011 Find A Grave Memorial# 69772937
Isabel Bigod, Lady of Shere, was an English noblewoman. She was the wife of Gilbert de Lacy, of Ewyas Lacy, and John FitzGeoffrey, Lord of Shere Isabel was born in Thetford, Norfolk in about 1212, the only daughter of Hugh Bigod, 3rd Earl of Norfolk, a Magna Carta surety, and Maud Marshal. Her paternal grandparents were Roger Bigod, 2nd Earl of Norfolk and Ida de Tosny, a former mistress of King Henry II of England. Her maternal grandparents were William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke and Isabel de Clare, 4th Countess of Pembroke. She had four brothers including Roger Bigod, 4th Earl of Norfolk and Hugh Bigod. She also had two younger half-siblings John de Warenne, 7th Earl of Surrey and Isabelle de Warenne, by her mother's second marriage to William de Warenne, 6th Earl of Surrey.
Isabel's father had died in 1225. In 1225, the year of her father's death, Isabel married her first husband, Gilbert de Lacy, of Ewyas Lacy (c.1202- 25 December 1230). He was the son of Walter de Lacy, Lord of Trim Castle and Ludlow Castle, and Margaret de Braose. Gilbert and Isabel's chief residence was Ewyas Lacy in Herefordshire; however, they spent the last two years of their marriage on his father's estates in Ireland, where their youngest child, Maud was born, and Gilbert would shortly afterwards die.
Together they had three children:
Gilbert died on 25 December 1230 at Trim Castle, in County Meath, Ireland leaving Isabel a widow at the age of eighteen with three small children. Sometime before 12 April 1234, Isabel married her second husband, John FitzGeoffrey, Lord of Shere, Justiciar of Ireland.
The marriage produced six children:
In early 1241, Isabel's eldest son by her first husband died. Upon the death of her former father-in-law, Walter de Lacy shortly afterwards on 24 February, the vast de Lacy estates and lordships were passed down to Margery and Maud, her daughters by Gilbert. Their marriages were personally arranged by King Henry III to ensure that the estates they inherited were retained in the hands of trusted servants of the Crown.
Isabel Bigod died in 1250. She was about thirty-eight years old. Her second husband John died eight years later
(Source found and inserted after the fact:) http://freepages.family.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~otstott/ind299.hwww....
Isabel Le Bigod
Birth: 1210
Breckland Borough
Norfolk, England Death: 1250, England
Isabel Bigod, Lady of Shere, was an English noblewoman. She was the wife of Gilbert de Lacy, of Ewyas Lacy, and John FitzGeoffrey, Lord of Shere
Isabel was born in Thetford, Norfolk in about 1212, the only daughter of Hugh Bigod , 3rd Earl of Norfolk, a Magna Carta surety, and Maud Marshal . Her paternal grandparents were Roger Bigod , 2nd Earl of Norfolk and Ida de Tosny , a former mistress of King Henry II of England. Her maternal grandparents were William Marshal , 1st Earl of Pembroke and Isabel de Clare , 4th Countess of Pembroke. She had four brothers including Roger Bigod, 4th Earl of Norfolk and Hugh Bigod. She also had two younger half-siblings John de Warenne, 7th Earl of Surrey and Isabelle de Warenne, by her mother's second marriage to William de Warenne, 6th Earl of Surrey. Isabel's father had died in 1225.
In 1225, the year of her father's death, Isabel married her first husband, Gilbert de Lacy , of Ewyas Lacy (c.1202- 25 December 1230). He was the son of Walter de Lacy, Lord of Trim Castle and Ludlow Castle, and Margaret de Braose. Gilbert and Isabel's chief residence was Ewyas Lacy in Herefordshire; however, they spent the last two years of their marriage on his father's estates in Ireland, where their youngest child, Maud was born, and Gilbert would shortly afterwards die. Together they had three children:
Walter de Lacy (died early 1241)
Margery de Lacy (1228, Ewyas Lacy, Herefordshire- 1256), married before 14 May 1244 John de Verdun, Lord of Westmeath by whom she had issue.
Maud de Lacy (1230, Dublin, Ireland- 11 April 1304 Trim Castle, Ireland), married firstly Pierre de Geneve, by whom she had issue; in 1252, she married secondly Geoffrey de Geneville, 1st Baron Geneville, Seigneur de Vaucouleurs, by whom she had two sons, Geoffrey de Geneville, and Sir Piers de Geneville, father of Joan de Geneville, 2nd Baroness Geneville.
Gilbert died on 25 December 1230 at Trim Castle, in County Meath, Ireland leaving Isabel a widow at the age of eighteen with three small children. Sometime before 12 April 1234, Isabel married her second husband, John FitzGeoffrey , Lord of Shere, Justiciar of Ireland. The marriage produced six children:
Richard FitzJohn of Shere (died 1297, married Emma
John FitzJohn of Shere (died 1275), married Margery Basset
Maud FitzJohn (died 16/18 April 1301), married firstly Gerald de Furnivalle, Lord of Hallamshire; she married secondly William de Beauchamp, 9th Earl of Warwick, by whom she had issue.
Aveline FitzJohn (died c.20 May 1274), married Walter de Burgh, 1st Earl of Ulster, by whom she had issue including Richard Og de Burgh, 2nd Earl of Ulster.
Joan FitzJohn (died 4 April 1303), married Theobald le Botiller (1242- 1285 of Thurles, Nenagh, by whom she had issue. Joan and Theobald were the ancestors of the Butler Earls of Ormond.
Isabel FitzJohn, married Robert de Vispont, Lord of Westmoreland by whom she had two daughters.
In early 1241, Isabel's eldest son by her first husband died. Upon the death of her former father-in-law, Walter de Lacy shortly afterwards on 24 February, the vast de Lacy estates and lordships were passed down to Margery and Maud, her daughters by Gilbert. Their marriages were personally arranged by King Henry III to ensure that the estates they inherited were retained in the hands of trusted servants of the Crown.
Isabel Bigod died in 1250. She was about thirty-eight years old. Her second husband John died eight years later
Family links:
Hugh Bigod (1182 - 1225)
Matilda Marshal De Warenne (1192 - 1248)
Gilbert de Lacy (1206 - 1230)
John FitzGeoffrey (1205 - 1258) *
Aveline FitzJohn Burgh (____ - 1274) *
Margery de Lacy Verdun (____ - 1256) *
Isabel FitzJohn Vipont (1233 - 1301) *
Maud FitzJohn Beauchamp (1235 - 1301) *
Roger Bigod (1207 - 1270) *
Isabel Bigod (1210 - 1250)
Sir Hugh Bigod (1211 - ____) *
Ralph Bigod (1215 - 1260) *
John De Warenne (1231 - 1304) **
Shouldham Priory
Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Borough
Norfolk, England
Created by: Kat
Record added: May 13, 2011
Find A Grave Memorial# 69748146tml
1212 |
November 1, 1212
Thetford, Norfolk, England
1228 |
Ewyas Lacy, Herefordshire, England
1229 |
Ewyas Lacy, Herefordshire, England
Shere, Farnbridge, Surrey, England
1230 |
Dublin, Dublin City, Dublin, Ireland
1232 |
Shere, Surrey, , England
1233 |
Shere, Farnbridge, Surrey, England
1234 |
Lincoln, Lincolnshire, England (United Kingdom)