Historical records matching Ingjald Helgasson
Immediate Family
About Ingjald Helgasson
Helgesson, (Ingjaldr Helgason)
Småkonge, Vikingkonge i Irland
- Ingjald var sønn av Helge og Thora
- Hans kone er ukjent, de hadde sønnen Olav Kvite
Ingjaldr Helgason 1 Tilnavn / fordanskning: Ingjald Lokalitet: Vestl. Island Relationer: Søn af Helge Olafson. Fader til Oleif den Hvide. Kilder: Landnamabogen: 82
Ingjaldr Helgason 2 Tilnavn / fordanskning: Ingjald Lokalitet:Relationer: Efterkommer af Ynglingeslægten.
Kilder: Islændingebogen: Tillæg 2; Noter: Muligvis identisk med Ingjaldr Helgason 1.
Ingjald "Kvite", Viking king in Ireland.
- Father: Helge, son of Olaf Gudrødsson, grandson of Halfdan Kvitbein
- Mother: Thora, daughter of Sigurd Orm-i-auga, son of Ragnar Lodbrok.
- Wife: Unknown
- Son: Olaf the White
Forte, Angelo, Richard Oram and Frederik Pedersen. Viking Empires. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005 ISBN 0-521-82992-5.
See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingjald_Helgasson
The text from "Landnåmabok" that mentions him seems to be:
Óleifur hinn hvíti hét herkonungur; hann var son Ingjalds konungs Helgasonar, Óláfssonar, Guðröðarsonar, Hálfdanarsonar hvítbeins Upplendingakonungs
(36. kafli from http://www.snerpa.is/net/snorri/landnama.htm)
Eyrbyggja saga says:
Ketill flatnefur gifti Auði dóttur sína Ólafi hvíta er þá var mestur herkonungur fyrir vestan haf. Hann var sonur Ingjalds Helgasonar en móðir Ingjalds var Þóra, dóttir Sigurðar orms í auga, Ragnarssonar loðbrókar.
In English:
Ketil Flatneb gave his daughter Auth to Olaf the White, who at that time was the greatest war-king West-over-the-sea; he was the son of Ingiald, the son of Helgi; but the mother of Ingiald was Thora, the daughter of Sigurd Worm-in-eye, the son of Ragnar Hairy-breeks.
Alternate sources
The Laxdale saga mentions Ingjald again, with a different father's name:
Unn "the Deep-minded" was another of Ketill's daughters, and was the wife of Olaf the White, son of Ingjald, who was son of Frodi the Valiant, who was slain by the Svertlings.
For the purpose of being consistent on Geni, we'll ignore the Laxdale saga.
Other Info
Ingjald Helgasson[1] was a Hiberno-Norse chieftain of the ninth century AD. According to the Landnamabok he was the son of Helgi, the son of Olaf, the son of Gudrod, the son of Halfdan Hvitbeinn; he was thus distantly related to the Yngling kings of Vestfold and later Norway. According to Eyrbyggja saga, Ingjald's mother was Thora, the daughter of Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye who was a son of Ragnar Lodbrok.
Ingjald had at least one son, Olaf the White, who became King of Dublin.
- In some sources his father's name is given as Olaf. In Laxdaela Saga his father's name is given as "King Frodi the Valiant, who was slain by Jarl Sverting and his sons."
[edit] References Forte, Angelo, Richard Oram and Frederik Pedersen. Viking Empires. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005 ISBN 0-521-82992-5.
- The Laxardal Saga says that Ingjald was "the son of Frodi the Valiant, who was killed by the descendants of Earl Sverting." Here it is shown his father is Helge Olavsson. The Saga of Eirik the Red also says his father was "Helgi, the son of Olaf".
About Ingjald Helgasson (Icelandic)
Ingjaldur Helgason Fæddur (800) Heimildir: Sturl., Njáls saga, ÍÆ.I.109
Ingjald Helgasson's Timeline
820 |
Dublin, Ireland
830 |
Dyflinni, Ireland
840 |
842 |
Age 22
Dublin, Ireland
???? | |||
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