Immediate Family
About Ingeborg of Kiev
Ingeborg af Novgorod - var gift med Knud Lavard, hertug af Sønderjylland. Wikipedia DA
Ingeborg, –1131–, Datter af den russiske Fyrste Mstislav og Christine, den svenske Kong Inge I’s Datter, ægtede Knud Lavard (o. 1116). Uhistorisk er Sagafortællingen om Knuds Bejlen ved Kjøbmanden Vidgaut; Giftermaalet skyldtes I.s Moster Dronning Margrethe Fredkulla, der endog gav I. en Del af sit svenske Fædrenegods i Medgift. Forgjæves fraraadede I. Knud at drage til Julegildet i Roskilde (1130)-, 8 Dage efter hans Mord fødte hun Sønnen Valdemar (Jan. 1131). Alt tidligere var hun bleven Moder til Margrethe, Kirsten og Cathrine. Da Høvdingen Christiern Svendsen efter Erik Emunes Drab vilde gjøre den lille Valdemar til Konge (1137), modsatte I. sig dette paa det stærkeste. Fra den Tid nævnes hun ikke mere.
Ingeborg Mstislavna of Kiev (fl. 1137) was a Russian princess, married to the Danish prince Canute Lavard of Jutland.
She was the daughter of grand prince Mstislav I of Kiev and Christina Ingesdotter of Sweden and was in about 1116 married to Canute in a marriage arranged by her maternal aunt, the Danish queen Margaret Fredkulla. In 1130, she tried to prevent Canute from going to the gathering where he was to be murdered, but without success. She gave birth to their son Valdemar I of Denmark posthumously in January 1131. In 1137, she refused to support the suggestion of Christiern Svendsen to proclaim her son monarch after the death of Erik Emune. Ingeborg is not mentioned after this, and the date of her birth and death are unknown.
Margaret, married Stig Hvitaledr
Christina (b. 1118), married (1133) Magnus IV of Norway
Catherine, married Pribislav Henry, Duke of Mecklenburg
Valdemar I of Denmark (born 1131)
Ingeborg af Novgorod.
Leo: Nachkommen Gorms des Alten, 1978 , Brenner, S. Otto, Reference: 72.
Ingeborg of Novgorod is the daughter of Mstislaw I, Grand Prince of Kiev and Christina Ingesdottir.
Ingeborg of Novgorod is the daughter of Mstislaw I, Grand Prince of Kiev and Christina Ingesdottir.1,2 She married Knut Lavard Eriksson, Duke of South Jutland, son of Erik I 'the Evergood' Svendsson, King of Denmark and Bothilde Thorgautsdottir, circa 1117.1
Children of Ingeborg of Novgorod and Knut Lavard Eriksson, Duke of South Jutland Christina Knutsson1 d. 1139 Valdemar I 'the Great' Knutsson, King of Denmark+ b. 14 Jan 1131, d. 12 May 1182 Citations [S16] Jirí Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 16. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession. [S262] Russia, online http://www.friesian.com/russia.htm. Hereinafter cited as Russia http://www.thepeerage.com/p10546.htm#i105460
Ingeborg Mstislavsdtr of Novgorod was born at Kiev, Russia. She married Hertug Knut Eriksen Lavard, son of Erik I. Knutsen Eiegod and Bodil Torgautsdtr. She died at Sweden.
Hertug Knut Eriksen Lavard married Ingeborg Mstislavsdtr of Novgorod, daughter of Storfyrste Mstislav I. Vladimirsen Kiev and Fyrstinne Kristin Ingesdtr. He married Ingelborg Haraldsdtr Holmgard, daughter of Harald Valdemarsen Holmgard and Kristin Ingesdtr. He was born in 1096 at Jylland syd, Denmark. He was Hertug. He ble drept av sitt søskenbarn kong Magnus. He died on 7 Jan 1131 at
Jylland syd, Denmark.
Fra sin moster, dronning Margrethe (gift med kong Niels af Danmark)
fik hun store svenske godser i medgift.
(Kilde: Dahl & Engelstoft: Dansk Biografisk Håndleksikon. 1920-26)
(Kilde: Salmonsens Konversations Leksikon, 2' udg. 1915-1930)
О Ingeborg of Kiev (русский)
Ингеборга Киевская - русская княжна из рода Рюриковичей, жена датского герцога Кнуда Лаварда. Wikipedia RU
Ingeborg of Kiev's Timeline
1099 |
Kiev, Ukraina (Ukraine)
1116 |
1118 |
1125 |
Roskilde, Region Zealand, Denmark
1130 |
May 1, 1130
1131 |
January 14, 1131
Schleswig, Denmark
Valdemar DEN STORE
Död: 1182 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Årtal Ålder Händelse
Skapad av MinSläkt 3,6, Programmet Tillhör: Roland Knutsson |
1140 |
Age 41
???? | |||
???? |