Immediate Family
About Ilona Elek
Olympic Games Gold Medalist Athlete. One of the greatest female fencers in the history of her sport. Elek competed for Hungary in three Olympiads, winning gold medals in 1936 (Berlin) and 1948 (London), and the silver in 1952 (Helsinki). She also won gold medals at the World Championships in 1934, 1935, and 1951, the silver in 1937 and 1954, and the bronze in 1955, and was Hungary's National Champion for all but two years from 1946 to 1952. Elek was born in Budapest. She took up fencing as a teenager but did not begin competing until she was 26. Her relatively advanced age, along with a seven-year hiatus in her career because of World War II, make her accomplishments all the more impressive. She retired at 50.
name changed
Felvett vezetéknév: Elek Eredeti (alias) vezetéknév: Eisler Utóneve(k): Ilona Vallása: izr. Lakhelye: Szentes Polgári állása: kiskorú Születési helye: Szentes Születési éve: 1907 Kora: 0 Az engedélyt tartalmazó BM rendelet száma/évszáma: 87447/1907 A hivatalos hírlapban közhírré tétetett: 172 Forrás: MNL-OL 30791. mikrofilm 1067. kép 3. karton Névváltoztatási kimutatások 1907. év 10. oldal 17. sor
Ilona Elek's Timeline
1907 |
1988 |
Age 81