Matching family tree profiles for Ignatius Ferreira, SV/PROG
Immediate Family
About Ignatius Ferreira, SV/PROG
Baptism record 1st entry on left page
Ignácio Ferreira was 'n matroos op die Chandos, 'n skip met 'n tonnemaat van 440 wat aan die Engelse Oos-Indiese Kompanjie behoort het. Hoewel die naam van die Chandos met die eerste oogopslag Portugees voorkom, is die skip waarskynlik na John Chandos, 'n vermaarde Engelse generaal uit die 14de eeu, vernoem.
Posted by: O.J.O. Ferreira Date: October 25, 1998 at 08:15:02 In Reply to: Re: Ignatio Leopold FERREIRA, Lisbon @1696 by Helder Cerqueira of 3947
His name was Ignacio Ferreira. He was baptized on 1 November 1695 in the Igreja Nossa Senhora da Ajuda, Lisbon. Father: Manuel Ferreira Mother: Antonia Francisca
For more information see: Stamvader Ignatius Ferreira en sy naverwante (Pretoria, 1997), pp. 11-29. ISBN 0-620-21461-9 FERREIRA a1 Ignatius Ferreira v. Lissabon. omstr. 1696. Het na Suid-Afrika gekom op die Engelse skip “Chandos” wat tydens 'n hewige storm in die nag tussen 16 en 17 Junie 1722 op die Tafelbaaise strand gedryf is. Hy het hier gebly en as soldaat in diens van die H.O.I.K. getree. Later het hy die leenplaas “De Hartebeest Kuyl” oor die Gouritsrivier en in 1748 versoek hy om dit in eiendom te kry. †24.5.1772 “over de Berg”. x Stellenbosch 6.11.1735 Martha Terblans of Terblanche. Die eerste twee kinders is voor die huwelik gebore.
Marriage Ignatius Ferreira - https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-6LX3-JMF?i=700&cc=...
The first known Portuguese to settle in South Africa permanently were Ignatio Leopoldo ??? FERREIRA and Manuel João D’OLIVEIRA.
Inacio (Ignatio or Ignatius) Ferreira was a sailor with the British East India Company aboard the Chandos. On its way from Bengal to England during June 1722, the ship hit a storm and was stranded near Table Bay. The Extracts from Précis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope (1652-1732) state that on 16 May 1722, six hundred men of the Chandos, Zoetigheid, Lakeman, Nightingale, Addison, Schotse Lorredraayer, Rotterdam and the Standvastigheid drowned in and near Table Bay. Ferreira made it to shore and decided to stay at the Cape. He joined the Dutch East India Company as a soldier. In 1737 became a burger, farming at De Hartebeeste Kuil near Stellenbosch.
Inacio was possibly baptised in November 1695 at the Nossa Senhora da Ajuda church in Lisbon. His parents were Manuel Ferreira and Antonia Francisca da Costa who lived in Alcantara, according to the only baptismal entry that possibly matches. In the opgaafrol J316 of 1752, Ignatio is listed with nine sons and three daughters. In the opgaafrol J317 of 1762 for Swellendam, he is listed with three sons and one daughter. He died on 24 August 1772.
Thomas Ignatius Ferreira settled at Algoa Bay in April 1776 on the farm Papenkuilsfontein (Paapenkuilsfontein), meaning bulrush fountain. Some early maps refer to the nearby river as Ferreira’s River. In March 1799, British troops built a small mud fort, Star Fort, nearby. On 04 December 1782, six sailors from the Grosvenor ship wreck reached Papenkuilsfontein, one being William Hubberly, after walking nearly 500 km in four months. A search party was immediately sent and a further 12 sailors were found. On 10 August 1799 and in September 1802, the Ferreira family was attacked by Xhosas and had to seek refuge at Fort Frederick. The family lived at the farm until 1806 and sold it in January 1812 to Frederick Korsten. When Sir John Francis Cradock visited the farm, Korsten renamed it to Cradock Town, which later became Cradock Place. In the 1850s, Thomas Baines painted a rural scene which depicted a farmhouse with a windmill and a group of picnickers. This was Cradock Place. The once-productive farm with orchards and oak-lined avenues is now a ruin. The old farmstead burnt down in 1909.
Among Ignatio’s many descendants is Ignatius Philip Ferreira, soldier and gold digger, born in Grahamstown in 1840 and died at Kranspoort (Zoutpansberg) in 1921. Ignatius Philip married Baltrina Erasmus on 14 Dec 1862, and after arriving in the Transvaal about 1870, he settled in the Middelburg district, where he was appointed field-cornet for the Olifants River ward in 1875. With the rank of captain of the Middelburg Volunteers he took part in the Sekhukhune War. He offered his services to the British interim government after the 1877 annexation and was commissioned to raise Ferreira’s Horse. He subdued Sekhukhune in Dec. 1878 and earned the C.M.G. and the rank of lieutenant-colonel. In 1879 he took part in the British action against Cetshwayo, and after being promoted to the rank of colonel, took part in the Basuto War of 1880. In 1881, he was placed in command of the Transvaal Mounted Police with the rank of captain but was discharged on 24 May 1882. He sent petitions to the Government at Pretoria on 7 and 26 July 1886, informing it that gold had been discovered in the Klip River ward and requesting that the farms Langlaagte and Turffontein be proclaimed public diggings. He then returned to the Witwatersrand and became the self-appointed leader of Ferreira’s Camp (which later became Ferreirasdorp) at Turffontein and a member of the first and second Diggers’ Committees on the Witwatersrand. The rich Ferreira Mine was named after him. He settled on the farm Kranspoort, west of Louis Trichardt.
Antonia Ferreira was born in Lisbon , Portugal circa 1831. He died in Pietermaritzburg on 29 Nov 1863.
Source: Standard Encyclopaedia of Southern Africa
Ignatio Leopold Ferreira * Portugal c. 1696, skipbreukeling v.d. Britse skip Chandos wat op 16 Junie 1722 in Valsbaai sink, tree eers in diens v.d. VOC maar word burger in 1737 en boer op die plaas De Hartebeeste Kuil † 24.8.1772 ten ooste v.d. Gouritsrivier x Stellenbosch 6.11.1735 Martha TERBLANCHE
b1 Maria Magdalena (Margaretha) = Paarl 30.8.1733 x 21.11.1751 Frans HAARHOF xx 18.4.1762 George Friedrich RAUTENBACH
b2 Jan Leopold = Paarl 17.4.1735
b3 Petrus Hendrik = Paarl 5.8.1736, burgerkommandant en woonagtig te Misgund in die Langkloof sedert 1771 x 28.12.1760 Catharina Maria VAN STADEN † 26.1.1779 xx 23.1.1780 Martha Johanna MULLER
b4 Martha Jacoba = 22.2.1738 x 30.10.1756 Gerrit VAN ROOYEN
b5 Hester = Paarl 18.6.1741 x Andries DU PREEZ xx Johan Jacob KRITZINGER
b6 Thomas Ignatius = Paarl 17.11.1743 x 21.10.1763 Maria Dorothea MARX
b7 Stephanus = Paarl 20.2.1746 x 3.3.1765 Jacomina Aletta MULLER
b8 Salomon = Paarl 23.2.1749 x 23.2.1772 Sara Elizabeth MULLER xx 18.2.1781 Magdalena LINDEQUE (Aletta Catharina wat in De Villiers/Pama aangegee word as 'n dogter van Salomon Ferreira is eintlik Aletta Catharina Ferryn = 1.10.1747 wat getroud was met Ernst Frederik Wepener en Jan Joost Steenberg. (sy xxx 22.4.1792 Casper Leopold Dunkel)
b9 Ignatius Wilhelm = Paarl 17.10.1751 x 7.3.1775 Aletta VAN STADEN
b10 Susanna Elizabeth = 19.8.1754 x 18.3.1770 Cornelis Johannes MULLER
Skipbreukeling van die Britse skip Chandos wat op 16 Junie 1722 in Valsbaai sink, tree eers in diens van die VOC maar word burger in 1737 en boer op die plaas De Hartebeest KuyL.
Trou 14; - 06.11.1735 – Ignatius FERREIRA van Lissabon , Soldaat in diens der Comp. JM en Martha TerBlangh van Caap de Goede Hoop.
- ***************************************************************** The Ferreira Family in SA
2nd February 2015
Most South Africans are proud of the fact that they can trace their heritage back to Dutch, German or French forefathers. The influence of other European nations on the composition of the Afrikaner before 1807 was negligible. It is thought that it was as little as 2.9%. These particular forefathers came from Sweden (40), Denmark (37), Norway (16), Italy (4), Portugal (2), Austria (2), Poland (1), Finland (1) and Hungary (1).
The two Portuguese mentioned were both from Lisbon and both were shipwrecked along the Cape coast. They were Ignácio Ferreira (1722) and Manuel Joao d'Oliveira (1792 - "Olivier"). Of these two, the number of Ferreiras are far and away in the majority because Ignácio Ferreira was shipwrecked about 70 years before d'Oliveira. Ferreira also had many more sons than d'Oliveira - six of the ten Ferreira children were boys.
Many Afrikaners who are proud of their Germanic or Huguenot surnames will find through genealogical research that they, thanks to the Ferreiras, also have a sprinkling of Portuguese blood coursing through their veins.
Ignácio Ferreira was born in 1695 in Lisbon, Portugal. Nothing further about him can be substantiated except that the registration of his baptism could be confirmed reasonably accurately from the records of the Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo of Lisbon. According to the records, Ignácio Ferreira was baptized on 1 November 1695 in the parochial church Nossa Senhora da Ajuda by father Luis Alurz' do Soutto. His parents, Manuel Ferreira and Antónia Francisca, were from Alcântara, a suburb of Lisbon near the harbour from where Vasco da Gama left in 1497. During this time 99% of all Portuguese were Roman Catholics.
On 16-17 June 1722 a powerful north westerly wind hit the Cape. During the night, pieces of wreckage were found on the beaches. Nothing could be done except to light a big fire on the beach. On the morning of the 17th it was ascertained that all the ships of the V.O.C, namely Standvastigheid, Rotterdam, Zoetigheid, Schotse Lotterdraayer, Lakeman and Gouda, as well as a Cape ship D'Amy and three English East India Company ships, namely Chandos, Nightinglae and Addison had all been wrecked and stranded. Ten ships were lost and more than 600 sailors perished. Today the Chandos is buried under reclaimed land near the Castle.
27 year old Ignácio Ferreira was a surviving sailor on the Chandos, a ship of 440 tons. The Chandos was on its return voyage from Bengal to England. Only 2 sailors of the Chandos drowned.
On 6 November 1735 Ignácio Ferreira, aged 40, married Martha Terblanche, a Protestant girl aged 18 years, at Stellenbosch. Two children, Maria Magdalena and Jan Leopold - who died young - were born out of wedlock before the above date. Eight more children completed the Ferreira family. Interestingly, not a single child carried the name of either parent or family. All their children were given Dutch names. They lived on the farm Hartebeeskuil in the present day Mossel Bay district, at the time part of the Stellenbosch district. The original homestead and a portion of the farm is today under the water of the dam supplying Mossel Bay.
From here the Ferreira family spread through the Langkloof, Karoo, to the Gamtoos Valley, throughout the eastern Cape, South Africa and neighbouring states. Ignácio Ferreira died on 24 May 1772 at the age of 77 years.
The first white people who visited the Gamtoos Valley were hunters. During the 18th Century (1700's), a certain van Zyl was trampled by an elephant on the farm which belonged to James Wait in Kleinrivier, Hankey. These people were just visitors. It was the pioneer farmers who settled here that tamed the dense valley for later generations to prosper.
As hunters and pioneer stock farmers moved ever deeper into the countryside, the borders of the Colony had to be moved eastwards continuously. To keep in contact with the farmers and to collect "recognition" monies, more landdrost offices had to be established. Thus Swellendam came into being in 1745.
It is recorded by Theal "...a commission, comprising Lucas Faber and Joachim Mentz, reported that farmers with big herds of cattle were observed in the vicinity of the Gamtoos Valley without paying any recognition monies." The commission recommended that the Gamtoos River be proclaimed as the border of the Colony and that all farmers east of the river must come back. In 1770 the Gamtoos River was proclaimed as the border and the Gamtoos Valley was part of the Swellendam district. In 1804, it became part of Uitenhage district.
From 1765 farmers were given permits to live on the farms. No title deeds were given. As long as the rental was paid, improvements could be made which could be sold again or be inherited by children, but there was no ownership. After 1806, under English rule, property rights were issued although farmers had been living on their "properties" for quite a long time.
Of these pioneer farmers, descendants with surnames such as Vermaak, Kok, Ferreira, Muller, Rautenbach, Wait, van der Watt, Scheepers and Rens are still today farming in the Gamtoos Valley.
1820 Settler families also had a great influence in the Gamtoos Valley. Surnames such as Bean, Colling, Melville, Williams, Jones, Seal, Smith, Young, Henry and Whitehead are still found in the Valley area. Not all of these families were 1820 Settlers. Some settled both before and after 1820.
At one stage about 20% of all inhabitants in the Gamtoos Valley were of the Ferreira family. Many had the same names so that nicknames had to identify the families. Thus there were the Eerlikes (honest ones), Langsalmons, Matabelies, Giele, Wittes (white ones), Stompies (short ones), Salies, Vales (grey ones), Swartes (black ones), Skeles (squint-eyed ones), Konings (kings), Fisante (pheasants), Atties, Jape, van der Poele, Bloubokkies, Geelbekke etc.
Today the number of Ferreiras has decreased, but there are still enough to field at least two senior rugby and two netball teams, consisting solely of Ferreira family members, to play against the rest during the annual Ferreira Sports Day in November.
2006 commemorated the day 40 years before when the first rugby team of Patensie, representing the Gamtoos Valley, consisted of Ferreiras only, the manager of the team included!
The town Patensie was established on 4 morgen of land donated by Edward Dawson Ferreira, born 13 December 1866. Patensie has four streets named after the Ferreira family, namely Fred Ferreira Road, Johnny Ferreira Road, Paul Ferreira Street and Teddy Ferreira Street.
compiled by C.R. (Radie) Ferreira http://www.baviaans.net/article/the_ferreira_family_in_sa/51
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Ignatio arrived in Cape Town as shipwrecked sailor of the ship the "Chandos" in 1722.
Ancestry of Ignacio (Ignatius) Ferreira
Ignacio Ferreira, the progenitor of most Ferreiras in South Africa,
by most genealogical sources in South Africa was born around 1696 in Lisbon, Portugal. From its origin was not hing known no. With 1696 as the starting point, all the baptismal registers from the period 1690 to 1700 of the 35 Roman Catholic parish churches by the end of the 17th century and existed in Lisbon in July 1992 in the Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo in Lisbon studied. With the kind assistance of the Archive staff is probably the only relevant christening entry of a Ignacio Ferreira eventually traced. On the one hand it was an easy task because Ignacio or Inácio in that period rarely used as a name is. Otherwise it was a difficult task because overall family n ames in the registers are abbreviated, for example Ferreira = Fra. According to the baptismal entry (Fig. 7), Ignacio Ferreira on 1 November 1695
in the parish Nossa Senhora da Ajuda (Fig. 8), ie, Our Lady of Hulpbetoning by local assistance priest Father Luis Alurz 'do Soutto, baptized. His parents, Manuel Ferreira and his wife Francisca Antonia , in that stage in Alcantara, a suburb of Lisbon, near the port where Vasco da Gama in 1497 on his voyages of discovery, s imply. His godparents were Ignacio de Matos and Afonceca Freques. The original parish Nossa Senhora da Ajuda which Ignacio Ferreira baptized in 1695, was a simple building which in 1587 brought into use and the east of the present Largo da Ajuda stood. The church is 1835 by the impressive Paroquial the Igreja Nossa Senho ra da Ajuda in the north side of the Largo da Boa-aurora replaced. In the marriage register of the parish of Alcantara is recorded that Manuel (ManoeI) and Antonia Ferreira, the parents of Ignacio, on Mar ch 12, 1679 by father Manoei Godinho in the marriage. Manuel's parents in the register as António Ferreira Guedes Gracia and Santa Engracia, a eastern suburb of Lisbon, passed, and Antonia's parents, Sebastiao da Costa and Maria Perez, lived in Alcantara. According to his family name was Antonia's father obviously of Portuguese Jewish descent. In 9/8/2017 RootsWeb: SOUTH-AFRICA-L [SOUTH-AFRICA] TRANSLATION: Ignacio Ferreira (long post) http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/SOUTH-AFRICA/2012-02/... 2/9 Marriage registration is referred to that Antonia was still a minor. When the wedding date of Ignacio's parents and the date he was baptized are compared, the conclusion is made that he probably one of the youngest children in the family was. Being a Catholic used to children as soon as possible after birth to baptism, can A reasonable degree of certainty assume that Ignacio probably October 1695 was born. Ignacio is in the reign (1683-1706) of King Pedro II (1648-1706), also named Pedro Vrede1iewende of the H ouse of Bragança born. The inception by a severe economic depression marked, but in the nineties of the seventeenth cent ury gold Brazil and Lisbon discover again flourish because these har bor the distribution point of the precious metal has become. In 1703, the Methuen-treaties between Portugal and England signed, which Anglo-Portuguese trade and friendship ties considerably str engthened and English ships more in Lisbon's harbor anchored it. During the reign (1706-1750) of Pedro's successor, Joao V (1689-1750), also called t he Joao Generous, the church and the nobility favored and still richer and richer, while the ordinary citizen Portuguese increasingly impover ished. This state of affairs and that he close the port grew up _ probably explains Ignacio Ferreira's decision as a sailor in the service of the English East India Company to act. The Company was in 1600 when trading company established, but was later acquired territory and w as ultimately responsible for ensuring that British rule in India was established. Castaway from the Chandos On June 16, 1722 had a tremendous northwestern storm hit the Cape. The massive waves, the ships Tafëlbaai ronddobber let the keels some of them from the shore was visible. (Fig. 9) At 19:00 the night heard some gun shots, which indicated that some ships moorings broke. By night the wreckage on the beach uitgespo eI. Governor Maurice P. the Chavonnes Ensign J. T. Rhenius instruc ted to ensure that the shipwrecks guard, while the Political Council gathered for possible rescue efforts are discussed. The storm wa s so severe that nothing could hul1e do everything to the gracious providence of God left. On the beach is a great fire made as indicator for the ships to serve. At dawn on June 17 was determined that all V.O.C. ships, namely Steadfastness, Rotterdam, Sweets, Scottish Lorredraayer, Lakeman and Gouda, a Cape vessel, the d 'Amy, and ships of the English East India Company, the Chandos, Nightingale and Addison, stranded. This storm had ten ships destroyed and more than 600 crew drowned. By order of the G overnor's all debris and aangespoelde goods to the Castle, and the bodies of castaways who perished in the storm and scattered on the bea ches lay buried. Only in the evening, the storm subsided somewhat and 18 June was to sail into Table Bay. Ignacio Ferreira was a sailor on the Chandos, a ship with a tonnage of 440 to the English East India Company had. Although the name of Chandos at first glance appear Portuguese, the ship probably after John Chandos, a renowned British Genera l to the 14th century, named. The Chandos was on his return voyage from Bengal to England when he the night of 16 on June 17, 1722 due to the severe northwest storm near the Castle ran aground in Table Bay. Of the seven crew carriage of Chandos, only two were drowned, while the rest manage d to walk ashore. Among the survivors was Ignacio Ferreira. A Reisjoemaal from 1829 claimed that Ignacio Ferreira, a Portuguese was "the wreck and had suffered for seven days at sea had driven before it off could berijken. "Family tradition wants to Ignacio An empty barrel, and so clung to the beach uitgespoei. A Descendent of Ignacio Ferreira at CI Latrobe (1758-1836) , a Moravian and spiritual traveler, told the father the only survivor was a Portuguese ship near Cape sink. According to this Ignacio Ferreira has three days on a plank and carried on his ha nds and he rowed shoreward end, by the grace of God, the Cape beach exhausted and dying of hunger reached. Maybe there is somewhere a grain of truth in these myths. 9/8/2017 RootsWeb: SOUTH-AFRICA-L [SOUTH-AFRICA] TRANSLATION: Ignacio Ferreira (long post) http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/SOUTH-AFRICA/2012-02/... 3/9 A version of the progenitor of the Ferreiras's arrival at the Cape devoid of truth, the complicated story of a Commodore Ferreira already in the reign (1679-1699) of Governor Simon Set of (1639-1712) from shipwreck saved Isy's a long story here summary is given on the basis of an article on 1 September 1911 in Zoutpansberg Review published more than thirty years later in the local newspaper of Humansdorp appeared. According to this version Ignatius Ferreira was a Commodore in board the Sarpine, a Portuguese warship in 1691 from Portugal to China and Japan fared with Portuguese envoys on board who had co mmissioned to treaties of commerce and friendship with the two Asian nations to included. A strong south-easter, the ship on the coast near Cape Hottentots Holland driven on the rocks. About 95 passengers and ship's crew in the lifeboats gone, but hul1e all the waves destroyed. The next day, an old fisherman name d Simon, the ship wreck seen and managed Commodore Ferreira and four other crew slide , Who refused to the ship with the others to opvarendes leaving his fishing boat rescue. Simon, the castaways i n his home he cared, but Governor Simon van der Stel of disaster knowledge proposed. The Governor, the survivors will personally meet with them in his carriage to his residence, where they very well cared for. Af ter the castaways were strong, had their van der Stel, to his regret, that he has strict orders from the Netherlands that he received n o foreigners in Cape Town may be live. He did however leave hul1e gi ven to hul1e in Franschhoek under the Huguenots to relocate. and a wagon and supplies made available to them. Baron Pierre du Piessis, leader of the Huguenots, they warmly in Franschhoek after Ferreira received the Governor's letter of int roduction handed him. Du Piessis Ferreira invited him to attend. Although Roman Catholic, the Portuguese had to quickly Huguenots of Franschhoek adjusted. Commodore Ferreira insisted that they had "Ignas" had called. When Ferreira him a house built, he Countes s Almine du Pré, a granddaughter of Du Piessis, asked the cornerst one of to lie. He was in love with her and her soon afterwards asked him to married. She loved this man "the softest nature and free from vanity ", but his membership of the Catholic Church was a maj or obstacle. What could Ferreira do differently? He was a Protesta nt and became "Within three months she was [Almine] Countess Ferreira, happy in her little house" .
R. van Selm of Pinelands in the late forties the authenticity of This version of the arrival of the Ferreira-father tried to dete rmine, but without any success. Following Van Selm's investigation J. High with thorough genealogical research on the progenitor of the The building began, but he was even-even no documentary evidence for the "Commodore Ferreira" version found. Even Cicero Rautenbach, formerly of Carletonville and later Pretoria, tried to determine whether the Ferrei ras two possible ancestors had. Although he did not directly say, it seems now that he is the accuracy of the "Commodore Ferreira 'version questioned. Soldier and "Knegt" at the Cape Ignacio, probably because of his frightening experience during the stranding of Chandos, decided to stay at the Cape and as a soldier the United East India Company in retired. The labor problem at the Cape to resolve the Company including the services of 'servants' use. They were Europeans en_ mostly unmarried by the Company as paid laborer s to freemen rented out, but hul1e was the defense of the Ca pe involved. The servants are often teachers on the farms, b ut in general they are as slave overseers appointed. Servants were mercenaries who do not benefit from the prosperity of the farms went and them in a world between master and slave found.
From September 1725 to September 1727, Ignacio himself as a "Knegt"
to citizen Nicholas Goekelius rental. The contract promises to Ferre ira Goekelius "faithful and diligent to serve as Knegt ... the sum of Caapse twelve guilders and lb Tobacco, above behalven and mainten ance of 9/8/2017 RootsWeb: SOUTH-AFRICA-L [SOUTH-AFRICA] TRANSLATION: Ignacio Ferreira (long post) http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/SOUTH-AFRICA/2012-02/... 4/9 meat, drink and good huijsvesting. "He was" Knegt "employed by the Anna King (Conink), the widow of Captain Olof Bergh, from 1730 to 1734 "to Sixteen of the Zomma CLC Caabs money "per month, plus free tobacco, f ood and drink and accommodation. Then he was of 1734 to 1735 as "Knegt" serv ice Citizens of Peter Jurgen van der Heyden at "Twenty Caabse guilders" by month, plus the same benefits as those working at his previous employe rs enjoyed. His last employer was the farmer Jan Pienaar, a half brother his wife Martha Terblanche, with whom he 1735 to 1736 under the same conditions of service as Van der Heyden as "Knegt" was employed. Cur iously Ignacio's appeal is in the marriage register of Stellenbosch on 6 November 1735 still as a soldier in the employ of the Company sta ted. Name Confusion In documents in the Cape Archives Repository is Ferreira's family name different ways given such honorable, Verere, Verrere, Ferraire, Ferrera, Vreira, Freeden, Feryra Van Erden, Van Heerden, Ferrida, Fereira, Feirera and Ferraira. These variations are probably written versions of the sounds that the Dutch officials at t he expression of the surname Ferreira heard! In the contracts between Ferreira and his employers have his name Ignacio Frra, Frra Ignatius, and Ignatius Ferreira (Fig. 10) is signed. The latte r Latin form of his name found in all contemporary documents to him referred to and among his descendants continue to live, so it is the form that henc eforth be used in place of the variants Inacio, and Ignatio Ignazio also by later authors used. The "Commodore Ferreira "myth has led several authors later a sec ond name the name of the father Ferreira added, namely Ignatius Leopoldus or Ignatius Leopold. No documentary evidence could be found that Ignatius Ferreira have a middle name had. (Figure 10 refers to an image of the signature of Ferreira in a document in the Cape Archives Repository Ferreira that his full name "Ignatius Ferreira" drawn. According to dr. Ilidio Rocha, a historian of Oeiras, Portugal, Ferreira's signature indicates that he is a thorough schooling received. Prospective Portuguese sailors were back in Catholic kloosterskole trained before they sail the seas because they there not only sailors, but also as missionaries considered.
Best wishes, Keith
Ancestry of Ignacio (Ignatius) Ferreira
Ignacio Ferreira, the progenitor of most Ferreiras in South Africa, by most genealogical sources in South Africa around 1696 in Lisbon, Portugal (Fig. 6) was born. From its origin was nothing known no.
With 1696 as the starting point, all the baptismal registers from the period 1690 to 1700 of the 35 Roman Catholic parish churches by the end of the 17th century and existed in Lisbon in July 1992 in the Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo in Lisbon studied. With the kind assistance of the Archive staff is probably the only relevant christening entry of a Ignacio Ferreira eventually traced. On the one hand it was an easy task because Ignacio or Inácio in that period rarely used as a name is. Otherwise it was a difficult task because overall family names in the registers are abbreviated, for example Ferreira = Fra.
According to the baptismal entry (Fig. 7), Ignacio Ferreira on 1 November 1695 in the parish Nossa Senhora da Ajuda (Fig. 8), ie, Our Lady of Hulpbetoning by local assistance priest Father Luis Alurz 'do Soutto, baptized. His parents, Manuel Ferreira and his wife Francisca Antonia, in that stage in Alcantara, a suburb of Lisbon, near the port where Vasco da Gama in 1497 on his voyages of discovery, simply. His godparents were Ignacio de Matos and Afonceca Freques. The original parish Nossa Senhora da Ajuda which Ignacio Ferreira baptized in 1695 , was a simple building which in 1587 brought into use and the east of the present Largo da Ajuda stood. The church is 1835 by the impressive Paroquial the Igreja Nossa Senhora da Ajuda in the north side of the Largo da Boa-aurora replaced.
In the marriage register of the parish of Alcantara is recorded that Manuel (ManoeI) and Antonia Ferreira, the parents of Ignacio, on March 12, 1679 by father Manoei Godinho in the marriage. Manuel's parents in the register as António Ferreira Guedes Gracia and Santa Engracia, a eastern suburb of Lisbon, passed, and Antonia's parents, Sebastiao da Costa and Maria Perez, lived in Alcantara. According to his family name was Antonia's father obviously of Portuguese Jewish descent. In Marriage registration is referred to that Antonia was still a minor.
When the wedding date of Ignacio's parents and the date he was baptized are compared, the conclusion is made that he probably one of the youngest children in the family was. Being a Catholic used to children as soon as possible after birth to baptism, can A reasonable degree of certainty assume that Ignacio probably October 1695 was born.
Ignacio is in the reign (1683-1706) of King Pedro II (1648-1706), also named Pedro Vrede1iewende of the House of Bragança born. The inception by a severe economic depression marked, but in the nineties of the seventeenth century gold Brazil and Lisbon discover again flourish because these harbor the distribution point of the precious metal has become. In 1703, the Methuen-treaties between Portugal and England signed, which Anglo-Portuguese trade and friendship ties considerably strengthened and English ships more in Lisbon's harbor anchored it. During the reign (1706-1750) of Pedro's successor, Joao V (1689-1750), also called the Joao Generous, the church and the nobility favored and still richer and richer, while the ordinary citizen Portuguese increasingly impoverished.
This state of affairs and that he close the port grew up _ probably explains Ignacio Ferreira's decision as a sailor in the service of the English East India Company to act. The Company was in 1600 when trading company established, but was later acquired territory and was ultimately responsible for ensuring that British rule in India was established.
Castaway from the Chandos
On June 16, 1722 had a tremendous northwestern storm hit the Cape. The massive waves, the ships Tafëlbaai ronddobber let the keels some of them from the shore was visible. (Fig. 9) At 19:00 the night heard some gun shots, which indicated that some ships moorings broke. By night the wreckage on the beach uitgespoeI. Governor Maurice P. the Chavonnes Ensign J. T. Rhenius instructed to ensure that the shipwrecks guard, while the Political Council gathered for possible rescue efforts are discussed. The storm was so severe that nothing could hul1e do everything to the gracious providence of God left. On the beach is a great fire made as indicator for the ships to serve. At dawn on June 17 was determined that all V.O.C. ships, namely Steadfastness, Rotterdam, Sweets, Scottish Lorredraayer, Lakeman and Gouda, a Cape vessel, the d 'Amy, and ships of the English East India Company, the Chandos, Nightingale and Addison, stranded. This storm had ten ships destroyed and more than 600 crew drowned. By order of the Governor's all debris and aangespoelde goods to the Castle, and the bodies of castaways who perished in the storm and scattered on the beaches lay buried. Only in the evening, the storm subsided somewhat and 18 June was to sail into Table Bay.
Ignacio Ferreira was a sailor on the Chandos, a ship with a tonnage of 440 to the English East India Company had. Although the name of Chandos at first glance appear Portuguese, the ship probably after John Chandos, a renowned British General to the 14th century, named. The Chandos was on his return voyage from Bengal to England when he the night of 16 on June 17, 1722 due to the severe northwest storm near the Castle ran aground in Table Bay. Of the seven crew carriage of Chandos, only two were drowned, while the rest managed to walk ashore. Among the survivors was Ignacio Ferreira.
A Reisjoemaal from 1829 claimed that Ignacio Ferreira, a Portuguese was "the wreck and had suffered for seven days at sea had driven before it off could berijken. "Family tradition wants to Ignacio An empty barrel, and so clung to the beach uitgespoei. A Descendent of Ignacio Ferreira at CI Latrobe (1758-1836), a Moravian and spiritual traveler, told the father the only survivor was a Portuguese ship near Cape sink. According to this Ignacio Ferreira has three days on a plank and carried on his hands and he rowed shoreward end, by the grace of God, the Cape beach exhausted and dying of hunger reached. Maybe there is somewhere a grain of truth in these myths.
A version of the progenitor of the Ferreiras's arrival at the Cape devoid of truth, the complicated story of a Commodore Ferreira already in the reign (1679-1699) of Governor Simon Set of (1639-1712) from shipwreck saved Isy's a long story here summary is given on the basis of an article on 1 September 1911 in Zoutpansberg Review published more than thirty years later in the local newspaper of Humansdorp appeared.
According to this version Ignatius Leopold Ferreira was a Commodore in board the Sarpine, a Portuguese warship in 1691 from Portugal to China and Japan fared with Portuguese envoys on board who had commissioned to treaties of commerce and friendship with the two Asian nations to included. A strong south-easter, the ship on the coast near Cape Hottentots Holland driven on the rocks. About 95 passengers and ship's crew in the lifeboats gone, but hul1e all the waves destroyed. The next day, an old fisherman named Simon, the ship wreck seen and managed Commodore Ferreira and four other crew slide , Who refused to the ship with the others to opvarendes leaving his fishing boat rescue. Simon, the castaways in his home he cared, but Governor Simon van der Stel of disaster knowledge proposed. The Governor, the survivors will personally meet with them in his carriage to his residence, where they very well cared for. After the castaways were strong, had their van der Stel, to his regret, that he has strict orders from the Netherlands that he received no foreigners in Cape Town may be live. He did however leave hul1e given to hul1e in Franschhoek under the Huguenots to relocate. and a wagon and supplies made available to them.
Baron Pierre du Piessis, leader of the Huguenots, they warmly in Franschhoek after Ferreira received the Governor's letter of introduction handed him. Du Piessis Ferreira invited him to attend. Although Roman Catholic, the Portuguese had to quickly Huguenots of Franschhoek adjusted. Commodore Ferreira insisted that they had "Ignas" had called. When Ferreira him a house built, he Countess Almine du Pré, a granddaughter of Du Piessis, asked the cornerstone of to lie. He was in love with her and her soon afterwards asked him to married. She loved this man "the softest nature and free from vanity ", but his membership of the Catholic Church was a major obstacle. What could Ferreira do differently? He was a Protestant and became "Within three months she was [Almine] Countess Ferreira, happy in her little house" .
R. van Selm of Pinelands in the late forties the authenticity of This version of the arrival of the Ferreira-father tried to determine, but without any success. Following Van Selm's investigation J. High with thorough genealogical research on the progenitor of the The building began, but he was even-even no documentary evidence for the "Commodore Ferreira" version found. Even Cicero Rautenbach, formerly of Carletonville and later Pretoria, tried to determine whether the Ferreiras two possible ancestors had. Although he did not directly say, it seems now that he is the accuracy of the "Commodore Ferreira 'version questioned.
Soldier and "Knegt" at the Cape
Ignacio, probably because of his frightening experience during the stranding of Chandos, decided to stay at the Cape and as a soldier the United East India Company in retired.
The labor problem at the Cape to resolve the Company including the services of 'servants' use. They were Europeans en_ mostly unmarried by the Company as paid laborers to freemen rented out, but hul1e was the defense of the Cape involved. The servants are often teachers on the farms, but in general they are as slave overseers appointed. Servants were mercenaries who do not benefit from the prosperity of the farms went and them in a world between master and slave found.
... From September 1725 to September 1727, Ignacio himself as a "Knegt" to citizen Nicholas Goekelius rental. The contract promises to Ferreira Goekelius "faithful and diligent to serve as Knegt ... the sum of Caapse twelve guilders and lb Tobacco, above behalven and maintenance of meat, drink and good huijsvesting. "He was" Knegt "employed by the Anna King (Conink), the widow of Captain Olof Bergh, from 1730 to 1734 "to Sixteen of the Zomma CLC Caabs money "per month, plus free tobacco, food and drink and accommodation. Then he was of 1734 to 1735 as "Knegt" service Citizens of Peter Jurgen van der Heyden at "Twenty Caabse guilders" by month, plus the same benefits as those working at his previous employers enjoyed. His last employer was the farmer Jan Pienaar, a half brother his wife Martha Terblanche, with whom he 1735 to 1736 under the same conditions of service as Van der Heyden as "Knegt" was employed. Curiously Ignacio's appeal is in the marriage register of Stellenbosch on 6 November 1735 still as a soldier in the employ of the Company stated.
Name Confusion
In documents in the Cape Archives Repository is Ferreira's family name different ways given such honorable, Verere, Verrere, Ferraire, Ferrera, Vreira, Freeden, Feryra Van Erden, Van Heerden, Ferrida, Fereira, Feirera and Ferraira. These variations are probably written versions of the sounds that the Dutch officials at the expression of the surname Ferreira heard!
In the contracts between Ferreira and his employers have his name Ignacio Frra, Frra Ignatius, and Ignatius Ferreira (Fig. 10) is signed. The latter Latin form of his name found in all contemporary documents to him referred to and among his descendants continue to live, so it is the form that henceforth be used in place of the variants Inacio, and Ignatio Ignazio also by later authors used. The "Commodore Ferreira "myth has led several authors later a second name the name of the father Ferreira added, namely Ignatius Leopoldus or Ignatius Leopold. No documentary evidence could be found that Ignatius Ferreira have a middle name had.
(Figure 10 refers to an image of the signature of Ferreira in a document in the Cape Archives Repository Ferreira that his full name "Ignatius Ferreira" drawn. According to dr. Ilidio Rocha, a historian of Oeiras, Portugal, Ferreira's signature indicates that he is a thorough schooling received. Prospective Portuguese sailors were back in Catholic kloosterskole trained before they sail the seas because hul1e not only sailors, but also as missionaries considered.
Best wishes,
Original Message
Received: Thu, 09 Feb 2012 08:49:38 PM EST From: "Colin Pretorius" <lists(a)fmxau.com> To: <south-africa(a)rootsweb.com> Subject: [SOUTH-AFRICA] Ignacio Ferreira (long post)
For those interested in the Ferreira progenitor Ignacio Ferreira, the following from the Ferreira book "Stamvader Ignatius Ferreira en sy naverwante" by OJO Ferreira ( pages 11-18 , including the section on the confusion/muddling up of his name(s) ):
- ******* Afkoms van Ignácio (Ignatius) Ferreira
Ignácio Ferreira, die stamvader van die meeste Ferreiras in Suid-Afrika, is volgens die meeste genealogiese bronne in Suid-Afrika omstreeks 1696 in Lissabon, Portugal, (Fig. 6) gebore. Van sy afkoms was verder niks bekend nie.
Met 1696 as uitgangspunt, is al die doopregisters uit die periode 1690 tot 1700 van die 35 Rooms-Katolieke parogiekerke wat teen die einde van die 17de eeu in en om Lissabon bestaan het in Julie 1992 in die Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo in Lissabon bestudeer. Met die vriendelike hulp van die argiefpersoneel is die enigste waarskynlik toepaslike doopinskrywing van 'n Ignácio Ferreira uiteindelik opgespoor. Enersyds was dit 'n maklike taak omdat Ignácio of Inácio in die betrokke periode selde as voornaam gebruik is. Andersyds was dit 'n moeilike taak omdat algemene familiename in die registers afgekort is, byvoorbeeld Ferreira = Fra.
Volgens die doopinskrywing (Fig. 7) is Ignácio Ferreira op 1 November 1695 in die parogiekerk Nossa Senhora da Ajuda (Fig. 8), dit wil sê Onse Vrou van Hulpbetoning, deur die plaaslike hulppriester, vader Luis Alurz' do Soutto, gedoop. Sy ouers, Manuel Ferreira en sy vrou Antónia Francisca, het in daardie stadium in Alcantara, 'n voorstad van Lissabon naby die hawe waarvandaan Vasco da Gama in 1497 op sy ontdekkingstog vertrek het, gewoon. Sy peetouers was Ignácio de Matos en Afonceca Freques. Die oorspronklike parogiekerk Nossa Senhora da Ajuda waarin Ignácio Ferreira in 1695 gedoop is, was 'n eenvoudige geboutjie wat in 1587 in gebruik geneem is en aan die oostekant van die teenswoordige Largo da Ajuda gestaan het. Dié kerkie is in 1835 deur die indrukwekkende Igreja Paroquial de Nossa Senhora da Ajuda aan die noordekant van die Largo da Boa-Rora vervang.
In die huweliksregister van die parogiekerk van Alcantara is opgeteken dat Manuel (ManoeI) en Antónia Ferreira, die ouers van Ignácio, op 12 Maart 1679 deur vader Manoei Godinho in die huwelik bevestig is. Manuel se ouers word in die register as António Guedes en Gracia Ferreira van Santa Engracia, 'n oostelike voorstad van Lissabon, aangegee, terwyl Antónia se ouers, Sebastiao da Costa en Maria Peres, in Alcantara gewoon het. Volgens sy familienaam, was Antónia se vader kennelik van Joods-Portugese afkoms. In die huweliksinskrywing word daarna verwys dat Antónia nog minderjarig was.
Wanneer die troudatum van Ignácio se ouers en die datum waarop hy gedoop is met mekaar vergelyk word, kan die afleiding gemaak word dat hy waarskynlik een van die jongste kinders in die gesin was. Omdat dit 'n Rooms-Katolieke gebruik is om kinders so spoedig moontlik na hulle geboorte te doop, kan met 'n redelike mate van sekerheid aanvaar word dat Ignácio waarskynlik in Oktober 1695 gebore is.
Ignácio is dus in die regeringstyd (1683-1706) van koning Pedro II (1648-1706), ook genoem Pedro die Vrede1iewende, van die Huis van Bragança gebore. Die aanvang daarvan is deur 'n ernstige ekonomiese depressie gekenmerk, maar in die negentigerjare van die sewentiende eeu is goud in Brasilië ontdek en het Lissabon weer floreer omdat dié hawe die verspreidingspunt van die edelmetaal geword het. In 1703 is die Methuen-verdrae tussen Portugal en Engeland gesluit, waardeur Brits-Portugese handels- en vriendskapsbande aansienlik versterk is en Engelse skepe al meer in Lissabon se hawe geanker het. Tydens die bewind (1706-1750) van Pedro se opvolger, Joao V (1689-1750), ook genoem Joao die Edelmoedige, is die kerk en die adelstand bevoordeel en het steeds ryker en ryker geword, terwyl die gewone Portugese burger steeds verder verarm het.
Dié stand van sake en die feit dat hy digby die hawe opgegroei het, _ verklaar waarskynlik Ignácio Ferreira se besluit om as matroos in diens van die Engelse Oos-Indiese Kompanjie te tree. Dié Kompanjie is in 1600 as handelsmaatskappy gestig, maar het later ook grondgebied bekom en was uiteindelik daarvoor verantwoordelik dat Britse gesag in Indië gevestig is.
Skipbreukeling van die Chandos
Op 16 Junie 1722 het 'n geweldige noordwestelike stormwind die Kaap getref. Die massiewe golwe het die skepe in Tafëlbaai laat ronddobber dat die kiele van sommige van hulle van die strand sigbaar was. (Fig. 9) Teen 19:00 die aand is enkele kanonskote gehoor, wat daarop gedui het dat sommige skepe se ankertoue gebreek het. Deur die nag het wrakstukke op die strand uitgespoeI. Goewerneur Maurits P. de Chavonnes het vaandrig J. T. Rhenius opdrag gegee om te sorg dat die skeepswrakke bewaak word, terwyl die Politieke Raad vergader het om moontlike reddingspogings te bespreek. Die storm was egter so hewig dat hul1e niks kon doen nie en alles aan die genadige voorsienigheid van God oorgelaat is. Op die strand is wel 'n groot vuur gemaak om as rigtingwyser vir die skepe te dien. Teen dagbreek op 17 Junie is vasgestel dat al die V.O.C. se skepe, naamlik Standvastigheid, Rotterdam, Zoetigheid, Schotse Lorredraayer, Lakeman en Gouda, 'n Kaapse vaartuig, die d 'Amy, en skepe van die Engelse Oos-Indiese Kompanjie, naamlik die Chandos, Nightingale en Addison, gestrand het. In hierdie storm het tien skepe vergaan en meer as 600 skeepslui verdrink. In opdrag van die Goewerneur is alle wrakstukke en aangespoelde goedere na die Kasteel geneem en is die lyke van skipbreukelinge wat in die storm omgekom en verstrooid op die strande gelê het, begrawe. Eers teen die aand het die storm ietwat bedaar en op 18 Junie was Tafelbaai weer bevaarbaar.
Ignácio Ferreira was 'n matroos op die Chandos, 'n skip met 'n tonnemaat van 440 wat aan die Engelse Oos-Indiese Kompanjie behoort het. Hoewel die naam van die Chandos met die eerste oogopslag Portugees voorkom, is die skip waarskynlik na John Chandos, 'n vermaarde Engelse generaal uit die 14de eeu, vernoem. Die Chandos was op sy terugvaart van Bengale na Engeland toe hy in die nag van 16 op 17 Junie 1722 as gevolg van hierdie hewige noordwestelike stormwind naby die Kasteel in Tafelbaai gestrand. Van die sewentig bemanning slede van die Chandos het slegs twee verdrink, terwyl die res daarin geslaag het om aan wal te stap. Onder die oorlewendes was ook Ignácio Ferreira.
'n Reisjoemaal uit 1829 beweer dat Ignácio Ferreira 'n Portugees was "die schipbreuk had geleden en zeven dagen lang in de zee had gedreven voordat hij de kust had kunnen berijken". Familie-oorlewering wil hê dat Ignácio aan 'n leë wynvaatjie vasgeklou en so op die strand uitgespoei het. 'n Afstammeling van Ignácio Ferreira het aan C.I. Latrobe (1758-1836), 'n Morawiese geestelike en reisiger, vertel dat die stamvader die enigste oorlewende was toe 'n Portugese skip naby die Kaap gesink het. Volgens dié Ferreira het Ignácio drie dae lank op 'n plank gedryf en met sy hande landwaarts geroei sodat hy uiteindelik, deur die genade van God, die Kaapse strand uitgeput en dood van honger bereik het. Moontlik is daar iewers 'n greintjie waarheid in al hierdie mites.
'n Weergawe van die stamvader van die Ferreiras se aankoms aan die Kaap wat van alle waarheid ontbloot is, is die omslagtige verhaal van 'n kommodoor Ferreira wat reeds in die regeringstyd (1679-1699) van goewerneur Simon van der Stel (1639-1712) van skipbreuk gered isY Dis 'n lang verhaal wat hier opsommend weergegee word aan die hand van 'n artikel wat op 1 September 1911 in die Zoutpansberg Review gepubliseer is en meer as dertig jaar later ook in die plaaslike koerant van Humansdorp verskyn het.
Volgens hierdie weergawe was Ignatius Leopold Ferreira 'n kommodoor aan boord van die Sarpine, 'n Portugese oorlog skip wat in 1691 van Portugal na Sjina en Japan gevaar het met Portugese gesante aan boord wat opdrag gehad het om traktate van handel en vriendskap met die twee Oosterse volke te sluit. 'n Sterk suidooster het die skip aan die Kaapse kus naby Hottentots-Holland op die rotse gedryf. Ongeveer 95 passasiers en skeepsbemanning het in die reddingsbote geklim, maar hul1e het almal in die golwe omgekom. Die volgende dag het 'n ou visser, ene Simon, die skeepswrak gesien en daarin geslaag om kommodoor Ferreira en vier ander bemanning slede , wat geweier het om die gestrande skip saam met die ander opvarendes te verlaat, met sy vissersboot te red. Simon het die skipbreukelinge in sy huis ie versorg, maar ook goewerneur Simon van der Stel van die ramp in kennis gestel. Die Goewerneur het die oorlewendes persoonlik gaan ontmoet en hulle in sy rytuig na sy woning geneem, waar hulle besonder goed versorg is. Nadat die skipbreukelinge aangesterk het, moes Van der Stel hulle, tot sy spyt, meedeel dat hy streng opdragte uit Nederland ontvang het dat hy geen vreemdelinge in Kaapstad mag laat woon nie. Hy het hul1e egter verlof gegee om hul1e in Franschhoek onder die Hugenote te gaan vestig . en 'n wa en voorrade aan hulle beskikbaar gestel.
Baron Pierre du PIessis, leier van die Hugenote, het hulle hartlik in Franschhoek ontvang nadat Ferreira die Goewerneur se bekendstellingsbrief aan hom oorhandig het. Du PIessis het Ferreira genooi om by hom in te woon. Hoewel Rooms-Katolieke, het die Portugese hulle spoedig by die Hugenote van Franschhoek aangepas. Kommodoor Ferreira het daarop aangedring dat hulle hom "Ignas" moes noem. Toe Ferreira vir hom 'n huis laat bou het, het hy gravin Almine du Pré, 'n kleindogter van Du PIessis, gevra om die hoeksteen daarvan te lê. Hy was verlief op haar en het haar spoedig daarna gevra om met hom te trou. Sy was ook lief vir hierdie man "van die sagste geaardheid en vry van ydelheid", maar sy lidmaatskap van die Rooms-Katolieke Kerk was 'n groot struikelblok. Wat kon Ferreira anders doen? Hy het 'n Protestant geword en "binne drie maande was sy [Almine] Gravin Ferreira, gelukkig in haar huisie" .
R. van Selm van Pinelands het in die laat veertigerjare die egtheid van hierdie weergawe van die aankoms van die Ferreira-stamvader probeer vasstel, maar sonder enige sukses. Na aanleiding van Van Selm se ondersoek het J. Hoge ook met deeglike genealogiese navorsing oor die stamvader van die Ferreiras begin, maar hy kon ewe-eens geen dokumentêre bewyse vir die "Kommodoor Ferreira"-weergawe vind nie. Ook Cicero Rautenbach, vroeër van Carltonville en later van Pretoria, het probeer vasstel of die Ferreiras moontlik twee stamvaders gehad het. Hoewel hy dit nie direk sê nie, blyk dit tog dat hy die juistheid van die "Kommodoor Ferreira" -weergawe bevraagteken.
Soldaat en "knegt" aan die Kaap
Ignácio het, waarskynlik as gevolg van sy skrikwekkende ervaring tydens die stranding van die Chandos, besluit om aan die Kaap te bly en het as soldaat by die Verenigde Oos-Indiese Kompanjie in diens getree.
Om die arbeidsprobleem aan die Kaap op te los, het die Kompanjie onder meer van die dienste van sogenaamde "knegte" gebruik gemaak. Hulle was Europeërs en_ meestal ongetroud wat deur die Kompanjie as betaalde arbeiders aan vryburgers uitgehuur is, maar hul1e was ook by die verdediging van die Kaap betrokke. Die knegte is dikwels as onderwysers op die plase gebruik, maar oor die algemeen is hulle as opsigters oor slawe aangestel. Knegte was huurlinge wat geen voordele uit die welvaart van die plase getrek het nie en hulle in 'n wêreld tussen baas en klaas bevind het.
Van September 1725 tot September 1727 het Ignácio homself as so 'n "knegt" aan burger Nicolaas Goekelius verhuur. In die kontrak het Ferreira beloof om Goekelius "trouw en naarstig te dienen als knegt .. . voor de somma van twaalf Caapse guldens en een lb Tabak, boven en behalven het onderhoud, van spijs, drank en goede huijsvesting". Hy was ook "knegt" in diens vän Anna de Koning (Conink), die weduwee van kaptein Olof Bergh, van 1730 tot 1734 "voor de Zomma van sestien gls Caabs geld" per maand, plus gratis tabak, voedsel en drank en huisvesting. Daarna was hy van 1734 tot 1735 as "knegt" in diens van burger Pieter Jürgen van der Heyden teen "Twintig Caabse guldens" per maand, plus dieselfde byvoordele as dié wat hy by sy vorige werkgewers geniet het. Sy laaste werkgewer was die landbouer Jan Pienaar, 'n halfbroer van sy vrou Martha Terblanche, by wie hy van 1735 tot 1736 onder dieselfde diensvoorwaardes as by Van der Heyden as "knegt" in diens was. Vreemd genoeg word Ignácio se beroep in die huweliksregister van Stellenbosch op 6 November 1735 steeds as soldaat in diens van die Kompanjie aangegee.
In dokumente in die Kaapse Argiefbewaarplek word Ferreira se familienaam op verskillende wyses weergegee, byvoorbeeld Van Eere, Verere, Verrere, Ferraire, Ferrera, Vreira, Freeden, Feryra, Van Erden, Van Heerden, Ferrida, Ferêira, Feirera en Ferraira. Hierdie variasies is waarskynlik die skriftelike weergawes van die klanke wat die Nederlandse amptenare by die uitspreek van die familienaam Ferreira gehoor het!
Op die kontrakte tussen Ferreira en sy werkgewers het hy sy naam Ignácio Frra, Ignatius Frra, en Ignatius Ferreira (Fig. 10) geteken. Laasgenoemde Latynse vorm van sy voornaam kom in alle tydgenootlike dokumente wat na hom verwys voor en het onder sy nasate bly voortleef, sodat dit die vorm is wat voortaan gebruik sal word, in plaas van die wisselvorme Inacio, Ignatio en Ignazio wat ook deur latere outeurs gebruik is. Die "Kommodoor Ferreira"-mite het daartoe gelei dat verskeie latere outeurs 'n tweede naam tot die voornaam van die Ferreira-stamvader toegevoeg het, naamlik Ignatius Leopoldus of Ignatius Leopold. Nêrens kon dokumentêre bewys gevind word dat Ignatius Ferreira wel 'n tweede voornaam gehad het nie .
(Fig 10 verwys na 'n afbeelding van die handtekening van Ferreira in 'n dokument in die Kaapse Argiefbewaarplek waarop Ferreira sy naam voluit "Ignatius Ferreira" geteken het. Volgens dr. Ilidio Rocha, 'n historikus van Oeiras, Portugal, dui Ferreira se handtekening daarop dat hy 'n deeglike skoling ontvang het. Voornemende Portugese matrose is destyds in Rooms-Katolieke kloosterskole opgelei voordat hulle die seë bevaar het omdat hul1e nie net as seelui nie, maar ook as sendelinge beskou is
- ********************
The Afrikaner Ferreira Family.
Photo: Boer settlement, circa 1895.
For certain there's a Ferreira in that group of men, posing for the photo.
"Many Afrikaners who are proud of their Germanic or Huguenot surnames will find through genealogical research that they, thanks to the Ferreiras, also have a sprinkling of Portuguese blood coursing through their veins.
Ignácio Ferreira was born in 1695 in Lisbon, Portugal. Nothing further about him can be substantiated except that the registration of his baptism could be confirmed reasonably accurately from the records of the Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo of Lisbon. According to the records, Ignácio Ferreira was baptized on 1 November 1695 in the parochial church Nossa Senhora da Ajuda by father Luis Alurz' do Soutto. His Mother Antonia Francisca was from Madeira Island, and his father, Manuel Ferreira, from Alcântara, a suburb of Lisbon near the harbour from where Vasco da Gama left in 1497. During this time 99% of all Portuguese were Roman Catholics.
On 16-17 June 1722 a powerful north westerly wind hit the Cape. During the night, pieces of wreckage were found on the beaches. Nothing could be done except to light a big fire on the beach. On the morning of the 17th it was ascertained that all the ships of the V.O.C, namely Standvastigheid, Rotterdam, Zoetigheid, Schotse Lotterdraayer, Lakeman and Gouda, as well as a Cape ship D'Amy and three English East India Company ships, namely Chandos, Nightinglae and Addison had all been wrecked and stranded. Ten ships were lost and more than 600 sailors perished. Today the Chandos is buried under reclaimed land near the Castle.
27 year old Ignácio Ferreira was a surviving sailor on the Chandos, a ship of 440 tons. The Chandos was on its return voyage from Bengal to England. Only 2 sailors of the Chandos drowned.
On 6 November 1735 Ignácio Ferreira, aged 40, married Martha Terblanche, a Protestant girl aged 18 years, at Stellenbosch. Two children, Maria Magdalena and Jan Leopold - who died young - were born out of wedlock before the above date. Eight more children completed the Ferreira family. Interestingly, not a single child carried the name of either parent or family. All their children were given Dutch names. They lived on the farm Hartebeeskuil in the present day Mossel Bay district, at the time part of the Stellenbosch district. The original homestead and a portion of the farm is today under the water of the dam supplying Mossel Bay.
From here the Ferreira family spread through the Langkloof, Karoo, to the Gamtoos Valley, throughout the eastern Cape, South Africa and neighbouring states. Ignácio Ferreira died on 24 May 1772 at the age of 77 years."
He did not have stepchildren???
Ignatius Ferreira, SV/PROG's Timeline
1695 |
November 1, 1695
Lisbon, Portugal
November 1, 1695
Igreja Nossa, Senhora da Ajuda, Lisbon, Portugal
November 1, 1695
Parogiekerk Nossa Senhora Da Ajuda, Lissabon, Portugal
November 1, 1695
Parogiekerk Nossa Senhora da Ajuda, Lissabon
November 1, 1695
Roman Catholic, Nossa Senhora da Adjuda, Lissabon, Portugal
1735 |
March 17, 1735
Paarl, Cape Winelands, WC, South Africa
1736 |
August 5, 1736
Paarl, Cape, South Africa