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Ida de Hainaut (van Leuven) (1062 - 1139)

French: Ide de Louvain, Dutch: Ida van Leuven
Also Known As: "Ida", "Ide", "Adelaide", "Alix", "Alex", "of Louvain", "of Leuven", "Also called Yde de Louvain and Ida of Leuven"
Birthplace: Louvain, Brabant, Flemish region, Holy Roman Empire, Belgium
Death: April 1139 (77)
Mons, Hainaut, Walloon Region, Holy Roman Empire, Belgium
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Henry II, count of Louvain & Brussels and Gravin Adela Van Leuven van Teisterbant
Wife of Baldwin II, count of Hainault
Mother of Ida de Hainaut; Baldwin III, count of Hainaut; Arnulf I van Henegouwen; Aleidas de Hainaut; Richilde de Hainaut and 5 others
Sister of Sir Radolphus Lambert; Mathilde Van Leuven; Alberon van Leuven, bishop of Liège; Count Henry III of Leuven and Brussel; Oda van Leuven-Brabant and 1 other

Managed by: Private User
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About Ida de Hainaut

Baldwin II, Count of Hainaut

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


He married Ida of Leuven (a daughter of Count Henry II of Leuven and sister of Godfrey I of Leuven, Duke of Lower Lotharingia) in 1084. Their children were:

Baldwin III, Count of Hainaut

Louis, living 1096

Simon, a canon in Liege

Henry, living 1096

Willem, died after 1117

Arnould; m. Beatrix von Ath (b. c. 1075–before 1136), daughter of Walter von Ath and Ade de Roucy

Ide, (c. 1085–after 1101); 1m: Guy de Chievres; 2m: c. 1100 Thomas I de Coucy

Richilde, (c. 1095–after 1118); m. c. 1115 (div. 1118) Amaury IV de Montfort

Aelidis, (before 1098–1153); m. Nicolas II de Rumigny

Gräfin von Hennegau Ida von Löwen1

b. circa 1070, d. after 1107

Gräfin von Hennegau Ida von Löwen|b. c 1070\nd. a 1107|p357.htm#i5357|Heinrich II, Graf von Löwen|b. c 1021\nd. 1079|p350.htm#i6763|Adela von Tweisterbant|b. c 1045\nd. a 1086|p351.htm#i6764|Lambert II "der Gegürtete", Graf von Löwen|b. c 992\nd. a 21 Sep 1062|p346.htm#i7239|Oda von Verdun|b. c 995\nd. 23 Oct 1044|p341.htm#i7240|Graf in der Betau Eberhard von Orlamünde|b. c 1000|p59.htm#i7238||||

Father Heinrich II, Graf von Löwen1 b. circa 1021, d. 1079

Mother Adela von Tweisterbant1 b. circa 1045, d. after 1086

    Also called Yde de Louvain.2 Gräfin von Hennegau Ida von Löwen was born circa 1070.1 She was the daughter of Heinrich II, Graf von Löwen and Adela von Tweisterbant.1 Gräfin von Hennegau Ida von Löwen married Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut, son of Boudewijn VI, Graaf van Vlaanderen and Richilde de Mons, comtesse de Hainaut, in 1084.1,3 Gräfin von Hennegau Ida von Löwen died after 1107.1


Baudouin II "de Jerusalem", comte de Hainaut b. 1061, d. after 8 June 1098


   * Yde de Hainaut 4

* Alice de Hainault+ b. c 1086?, d. a 11535
* Baudouin III, comte de Hainaut+ b. c 1087, d. 11201
* Richeude de Hainaut b. 1090?

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Ida de Hainaut's Timeline

March 1062
Louvain, Brabant, Flemish region, Holy Roman Empire, Belgium
Hainaut, Wallonia, Belgium
Mons, Hainault, Belgium
Mons, Hainaut, Walloon Region, Belgium
Hainault, Flanders, Belgium
April 1139
Age 77
Mons, Hainaut, Walloon Region, Holy Roman Empire, Belgium
Hainaut, Walloon Region, Belgium
Hainaut, Walloon Region, Belgium