Immediate Family
About Humbeline de Baudémont
HUMBELINE de Baudément (-1166 or >)
d/o Andre Seigneur de Baudément, de la Fère-en-Tardenois, de Nesles, de Longueville et de Quincy & AGNES
x (repudiated <1147) GAUTHIER [II] Comte de Brienne
1 ? [AGNES (c1122/25- >c1191])
3 EUSTACHE (->1133)
4 ERARD [II] (-8 Feb [1190/91])
5 EUSTACHE (-1166 or >)
6 ANDRE (-killed in battle Acre Oct 1189)
9 ELVIDE (-1202 or >)
- https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/nfralaoncou.htm#HumbelineBaudement...
- https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/chambarsein.htm#AnsericIIChacenayd...
- https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/chambrien.htm
The New Count of Brienne, Walter II (1125 - 1161) and his Marriage Alliances
From Ismail, Dana Celest Asmoui. A History of the Counts of Brienne (950 – 1210) (2013) < PDF >
Page 76.
The House of Baudemont
Contrary to the suggestion by the authors of the Europäische Stamtafeln (commonly regarded as the authoritative source on the genealogies of the great families of Europe) that Walter married four times, he married only twice. His first wife was Humbeline (sometimes called Adelaide), the daughter of Andrew of Baudement seneschal of Champagne who journeyed to the Holy Land at least on two occasions.
Page 79-80
In a charter dated 1133, Walter stood as witness to a grant gift that his father - in - law, Andrew, made to the Knights Templar. 21 In this charter, Walter is noted as having been with his wife and this woman, who was not cited by name, was likely Humbeline. 22 Walter and Humbeline’s daughter Agnès wed James, lord of Chacenay. ... Walter and Humbeline also had two sons, Guy and Eustace. 28 Guy, who would have been the heir to the county of Brienne, disappeared from record after 1143 and Eustace, the next in line to inherit, is absent from the extant charters for twenty - three years. 29 Guy may have died shortly after his last appearance in 1143, or he may have left his patrimony, either willingly or by force, once his father remarried. Eustace’s role in the county is also ambiguous as once his father remarried, the titles of Brienne and Ramerupt were granted to the children of his second marriage. ... Humbeline, countess of Brienne, likely died in 1138 shortly after she stood witness to a gift granted by her husband to the bishop of Châlons.
Children of Humberline and Walter ll, Count of Brienne (page 77)
- Agnes, married Jacques, lord of Chaceray
- Guy
- Eustache
Page 81.
The House of Soissons
Walter’s second marriage was to Adélaide of Soissons soon after Humbeline’s death. 32 Adélaide was the daughter of John, count of Soissons, who was the great - grandson of Richard I, duke of Normandy, John’s grandfather having been Richard’s bastard son. 33 Unlike the previous marriage, there survives strong charter evidence in support of this union and perhaps more importantly, to confirm the suggestion that this was Walter’s second and final marriage.
Page 87
During eight or nine years of marriage, Adélaide gave Walter three sons for certain and possibly two daughters. 64 The eldest son of this marriage would usurp the patrimony of Walter’s eldest sons from his previous marriage and become Erard II, count of Brienne upon his father’s death. His brother, Andrew, would become count of Ramerupt. Both whom would be acknowledged by chroniclers of the Third Crusade, one praised and noted for his courage and virtue, the other a blemish upon the honour of the dynasty of Brienne. A future son, John, would go on to become abbot of Beaulieu. 65 A daughter, Marie, would disappear from record after 1152. And yet another daughter would marry Barthélemy, lord of Vignory, a crusader who died along with his brother Guy of Vignory, at the siege of Acre in 1191. 66
- 32 Although this second wife’s name is not mentioned until 1146, her children, Erard, Andrew and Marie are mentioned in a charter dated 22 January 1143. Therefore, Walter likely married her shortly after Humbeline’s death in 1138 as within a span of five years, he had three children by Adélaide and they are present as witnesses to this charter [CACB, 40].
- 38 According to the ES, Walter married a Humbeline of Troyes in 1137 and Adelais, daughter of the widow of Andrew of Baudement [ES, III, 681].
- 64. Erard, future count of Brienne, and his brother Andrew, along with their sister, Marie, are first mentioned in a charter whereby they witness their father approve the rights of the abbey of Bassefontaine [CACB, 41]. John, abbot of Beaulieu, does not make an appearance in the charters until his brother’s tenure as count [CACB, 60].
First marriage?
[It is possible that Humbeline married secondly Gauthier [II] Comte de Brienne. If that is correct, she was Humbeline de Baudémont, daughter of André de Baudémont Seneschal de Champagne & his wife Agnes ---.
GAUTHIER [II] de Brienne, son of ERARD [I] Comte de Brienne & his wife Alix de Montdidier (-before 1161). "Airardus Breonensis comes…et comitem Barrensem Milonem fratrem suum" are named in a charter dated [1125 or before], in which "Walterii nepotis sui filii Airardi defuncti comitis" is named, clarifying that his father was then deceased[50]. ...
[m firstly ---. This possible first marriage is indicated only by one possible interpretation of the charter dated 1174 ...
m [firstly/secondly] ([repudiated before 1147]) HUMBELINE de Baudémont, daughter of ANDRE de Baudémont Seneschal de Champagne & his wife Agnes --- (-1166 or after). A charter dated 1138 notes that "Galterum Brennensem comitem" donated property to the hospitals of Chalette and Brienne with the consent of "uxoris sue Hubeline"[57]. Her parentage is confirmed by the charter dated 1144 under which "Aelidis uxor Widonis domini de Brana post mortem viri sui…Guidonis" donated "census…Branæ castri et Branellæ villæ" to the Premonstré abbey, with the consent of "patre eorum Andrea de Baldimento et matre eorum Agnetis et ipsorum fratre Waleranno Vrsicampi abbate et sororibus eorum Helwide et Hubelina et earum maritis Waltero comiti de Brienna et Guidone de Dampierre" (although the names of the brothers-in-law are reversed in this document)[58]. [It is possible that Humbeline married firstly Anseric [II] Seigneur de Chacenay. ... If that second interpretation is correct, there were two different individuals named Humbeline, one married to Anseric de Chacenay and the other to Gauthier de Brienne.] "Matris mee" is recorded as present in the charter dated 1166 of "Erardus Brenensis comes"[61]. "E Brenensium comes" donated property to Basse-Fontaine "matre mea mediante actum fuisse" by charter dated 1166[62]. Neither charter names the mother of Comte Erard, but they show that she survived her husband. Gauthier must therefore have repudiated Humbeline before his marriage to Adelais, who is named in a charter dated 1147 as his wife (see below).
m [secondly/thirdly] (before 1147) ADELAIS, daughter of ---. "G comes Brene" donated property to "ecclesie Sancte Marie de Rameruco" with the consent of "uxoris Adelisis, Erardi, Andreæ filium meorum atque Marie filie mee" by charter dated 1147[63]. "Walterus comes Brenensis" made donations to the priory of Jully-les-Nonnains with the consent of "Adelaidis uxor suæ et filiorum meorum Arardi et Andree et filiarum mearum Marie et Helvidis" by charter dated [1150][64].
Comte Gauthier [II] & his [first/second] wife had nine children [this document assumes that Humbeline was the mother of all of Gauthier’s children, in line with the most natural interpretation of the various charters which are quoted here. If Humbeline was the same person as the widow of Anseric [II] Seigneur de Chacenay, several of the older children shown here must have been born from Gauthier’s first marriage.]:
- 1. [AGNES ([1122/25]-after [1191]). ... m [firstly] (before 1138) JACQUES Seigneur de Chacenay, son of ANSERIC [II] Seigneur de Chacenay & his wife Humbeline --- (-[1152/58]). [m secondly JEAN, son of ---. Seigneur de Chacenay[, de iure uxoris]. 1166/1183.]
- 2. GUY de Brienne . "Comes Brinie…et uxor eius et filii eorum Guido et Eustachius" approved the donation by "Lethericus de Baudimonto" to the Templars at Provins, by charter dated 1133[71]. 1143.
- 3. EUSTACHE de Brienne (-after 1133). "Comes Brinie…et uxor eius et filii eorum Guido et Eustachius" approved the donation by "Lethericus de Baudimonto" to the Templars at Provins, by charter dated 1133[72]. He presumably died young. ...
- 4. ERARD [II] de Brienne (-8 Feb [1190/91]). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Aerardum comitem et Andream atque Mariam castellanam de Sancto Otmaro cum aliis liberis" as children of "Galterus comes"[73]. He succeeded his father in [1161] as Comte de Brienne. - see below.
- 5. EUSTACHE de Brienne (-1166 or after). ... Eustache was possible ancestor of the Seigneurs de Conflans.
- 6. ANDRE de Brienne (-killed in battle Acre Oct 1189). The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "Aerardum comitem et Andream atque Mariam castellanam de Sancto Otmaro cum aliis liberis" as children of "Galterus comes"[76]. Seigneur de Ramerupt. - SEIGNEURS de RAMERUPT.
- 7. JEAN de Brienne . "Johannis de Brena clerici" subscribed the charter dated 22 Jan 1143 of "Walterus Brenensis comes", although no relationship between the two is specified in the document[77]. ...
- 8. MARIE de Brienne . ... m ([1150/52]%29 as his first wife, GAUTHIER de Fauquemberghes Châtelain de Saint-Omer, son of GUILLAUME [II] Châtelain de Saint-Omer & his wife Mélisende de Picquigny (-1174).
- 9. ELVIDE de Brienne (-1202 or after). ELVIDE (-1202 or after). The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. m BARTHELEMY Seigneur de Vignory, son of GUY [V] de Vignory & his wife Tiphaine --- (-Acre 1190).
Source: A History of the Counts of Brienne (950 – 1210) by Dana Celest Asmoui Ismail. Royal Holloway, University of London (2013) Doctor of Philosophy thesis.< PDF >. Chapter Three "The New Count of Brienne, Walter II (1125 - 1161) and his Marriage Alliances." Page 76.
- https://www.genealogics.org/getperson.php?personID=I00452682&tree=LEO cites
- [S00301] Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.), ~Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg. 3:681
- [S02125] Bur, Nichel, La formation du comté de Champagne v. 950 - v.1150 .
Gauthier's wives and children in Charters
Humbeline is alive in 1138:
A charter dated 1138 notes that "Galterum Brennensem comitem" donated property to the hospitals of Chalette and Brienne with the consent of "uxoris sue Hubeline"
his wife Hubeline
22 January 1143 charter with only Children
"Walterus Brenensis comes" granted "decimam reddituum suorum de Brena Castello" to the abbey of Basse-Fontaine by charter dated 22 Jan 1143, subscribed by "Airardi filii sui, Andree filii sui, Marie filie sue…Johannis de Brena clerici…Guidonis fratris comitis"
Airard his son, Andrew his son, Marie his daughter [no mother mentioned]
Humbeline appears still to be alive in 1144:
A charter dated 1144 under which "Aelidis uxor Widonis domini de Brana post mortem viri sui…Guidonis" donated "census…Branæ castri et Branellæ villæ" to the Premonstré abbey, with the consent of "patre eorum Andrea de Baldimento et matre eorum Agnetis et ipsorum fratre Waleranno Vrsicampi abbate et sororibus eorum Helwide et Hubelina et earum maritis Waltero comiti de Brienna et Guidone de Dampierre"
Aelid, wife of Lord Widon of Bran after the death of her husband...Guidonis" donated "census…Branæ castri et Branellæ villæ" to the Premonstré abbey, with the consent of their father Andrea de Baldimento and their mother Agnetis and their brother Waleranno the abbot of Vrsicampi and their sisters Helwide and Hubelina and their husbands Walter the Count of Brienne and Guy de Dampierre.
The first reference to Adelais as Gauthier's wife is in 1147
"G comes Brene" donated property to ecclesie Sancte Marie de Rameruco" "uxoris Adelisis, Erardi, Andreæ filium meorum atque Marie filie mee" by charter dated 1147
with the consent of "my wife Adelis, Erard, my son Andrew, and my daughter Marie"
The second reference to Adelais as Gauthier's wife is in c1150
"Walterus comes Brenensis" made donations to the priory of Jully-les-Nonnains with the consent of "Adelaidis uxor suæ et filiorum meorum Arardi et Andree et filiarum mearum Marie et Helvidis" by charter dated [1150].
"Adelaide my own wife and of my sons Arard and Andrea and of my daughters Marie and Helvid"
Humbeline de Baudémont's Timeline
1120 |
1130 |
June 1, 1130
Brienne-le- Chataeu, Champagne, France
1132 |
1135 |
1138 |
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? |
Diksmuide, West-Vlaanderen, Vlaanderen, Belgium