Hugues III de Chaources

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Hugues III de Chaources

Also Known As: "Hugh", "de Chaworth", "de Sourches"
Birthplace: St Symphorien, Sarthes, Pays de la Loire, France
Death: after 1090
Chaworth, Nottinghamshire, England
Immediate Family:

Son of Patrice (Patrick) de Chaworth
Father of Patrice (Patrick) II de Chaworth
Brother of Geoffrey de Chaources

Occupation: living in 1050
Managed by: Elizabeth Ellen Prince
Last Updated:

About Hugues III de Chaources

Source <Ballon, Saint-Mards et Saint-Ouen, ou Histoire religieuse de ces trois paroisses> Par [Michel Guillaume] Aubry (abbé.): "... Dans le xie siècle, la seigneurie de Saint-Mards appartenait à la famille de Chaources, l'une des plus illustres du Maine, dit l'historien Ménage. Mais comment un seigneur temporel pouvait-il donner un bourg avec une église, avec des dîmes? C'est que, pendant les troubles qui eurent lieu sous la seconde race, les laïcs puissants, les guerriers s'emparèrent d'un grand nombre de bénéfices et de donations ecclésiastiques , et qu'ils s'attribuèrent également les dîmes qui y étaient annexées. ... Cauvin, dans sa Géographie, écrit que le prieuré de Saint-Mards a été fondé par Hugues de Chaources ; mais il fait ce dernier fils de Patry, tandis qu'il en est le père. Hugo, seriions Patricii pater (1). Quant a l'année de la donation de Hugues de Chaources, il serait difficile de la préciser rigoureusement : le titre primordial se tait a cet égard. Cependant, les noms des trois hauts personnages qui y sont mentionnés nous permettent d'indiquer une époque, à sept ans près." ______________________________

HUGUES [I] de Chaources . Cars and Ledru name “Simon de Brizay, présent en 1050 à la fondation du prieuré de Saint-André de Mirebeau, Bouchard seigneur de Sourches et Hugues seigneur de Marigné, tige des de Sourches seigneurs de Saint-Aignan, de Brûlon, de Malicorne et de Bernay” as the sons of “Ernauld de Brizay, vivant encore en 1045”[41]. He is named “Hugonis de Matrinniaco” in the charter of his son Patrice [I] dated to [1050] which is quoted below.] m ---. The name of Hugues´s wife is not known. Hugues [I] & his wife had one child:

i) PATRICE [I] de Chaources . A charter dated to [1050] records that “Patricius de Cadurcis filius Hugonis de Matrinniaco” became a monk at Saint-Pierre de la Couture, donated “villam...Lavariacum” with the consent of “Hugone et Goffrido utique suis filiis”, and that after he died “quidam sacerdos eius consanguineus...Rainaldus” also became a monk there and donated “ honore sancti Dionysii, non longe a castro Genide”, by undated charter dated to [1050][42]. m ---. The name of Patrick´s wife is not known. Patrick & his wife had two children:

(a) HUGUES [III/IV/V--see below] de Chaources . A charter dated to [1050] records that “Patricius de Cadurcis filius Hugonis de Matrinniaco” became a monk at Saint-Pierre de la Couture, donated “villam...Lavariacum” with the consent of “Hugone et Goffrido utique suis filiis”, by undated charter dated to [1050][43].

(b) GEOFFROY de Chaources . A charter dated to [1050] records that “Patricius de Cadurcis filius Hugonis de Matrinniaco” became a monk at Saint-Pierre de la Couture, donated “villam...Lavariacum” with the consent of “Hugone et Goffrido utique suis filiis”, by undated charter dated to [1050][44].


HUGUES [III/IV/V] de Chaources . Hugues [IV] may have been the same person as Hugues [III] who is shown above. A charter dated to [1080/1120] records a donation by "Hugo de Cadurciis" to the church of Saint-Vincent du Mans, naming "quodam suo milite Patricio"[49]. "Hugo de Cadurciis" consented to the donation of "ecclesiam Sancti Martini de Bellofaio" to Saint-Vincent du Mans by "Teobaudus et Radulfus de Torciaco", by charter dated to end-11th century[50].

HUGUES [III/IV/V] de Chaources (-after [1090/96]). The chronology suggests that Hugues [V] may have been the same person as Hugues [IV] who is named above. “Hugo de Cadurciis, senioris Patricii pater” donated “vicum Sancti Medardi, justa castrum Baladonis” to Saint-Pierre de la Couture by charter dated to [1090/96][51]. m ---. The name of Hugues´s wife is not known. Hugues [V] & his wife had one child:

a) PATRICE [II] de Chaources (-after [1095]). A charter dated to [1081/90] records that “Patricius de Cadurcis” killed “Gaufredum puerum filium Gaufredi de Brullone” and as part of the resulting agreement donated “ecclesiam de Beneyo” to Saint-Pierre de la Couture “cum uxore sua Mathilde”[52]. "Patricius de Cadurcis" donated property to the abbey of La Couture by charter dated to [1085/97], in the presence of "…Hugone de Lavalle…"[53]. “Patricus”, wishing to go overseas [%E2%80%9Cvolens mare transire”, the editor of the edition suggesting that this related to his leaving on the First Crusade] ratified previous donations to Saint-Pierre de la Couture, with the consent of “Hugo...filius eius”, by charter dated to [1095][54]. m MATHILDE, daughter of ---. A charter dated to [1081/90] records that “Patricius de Cadurcis” killed “Gaufredum puerum filium Gaufredi de Brullone” and as part of the resulting agreement donated “ecclesiam de Beneyo” to Saint-Pierre de la Couture “cum uxore sua Mathilde”[55]. Patrice [II] & his wife had [two] children:

i) HUGUES [VI] de Chaources . “Patricus”, wishing to go overseas [%E2%80%9Cvolens mare transire”, the editor of the edition suggesting that this related to his leaving on the First Crusade] ratified previous donations to Saint-Pierre de la Couture, with the consent of “Hugo...filius eius”, by charter dated to [1095][56]. “Hugo filius Patrici” donated “quidquid de feuo patris sui” to Saint-Pierre de la Couture by charter dated to [1095][57].

ii) [PATRICE [III] de Chaources (-after 1133). The Historia sancti Petri Gloucestriæ records that "Patricius de Cadurcis filius Patricii" donated the mill at “Horcote in villa de Kynermaresforde" with the consent of "rege Henrico seniore…tempore Willelmi abbatis" [abbot from 1113 to 1131] and that "Patricius de Cadurcis" donated "tria molendina in Kynemerefforde" confirmed by "rex Willielmus junior…tempore Serlonis abbatis" [abbot from 1072 to 1104][58]. It is uncertain whether "Patricius de Cadurcis" who made the earlier donation (undoubtedly Patrice [III]%29 was the same person as "Patricius de Cadurcis filius Patricii" who made the later donation. The latter could also have been the person who is called Patrick [II] in the corresponding UNTITLED ENGLISH NOBILITY document. If Patrice [III] was the son of another Patrice, the chronology suggests that his father was Patrice [II], although this affiliation cannot be confirmed beyond all doubt.] UNTITLED ENGLISH NOBILITY - CHAOURCES/CHAWORTH.

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Hugues III de Chaources's Timeline

St Symphorien, Sarthes, Pays de la Loire, France
Chaworth, Nottinghamshire, England (United Kingdom)
Age 65
Chaworth, Nottinghamshire, England
October 10, 1940
Age 915
October 10, 1940
Age 915
October 10, 1940
Age 915
October 10, 1940
Age 915
October 10, 1940
Age 915
February 8, 1941
Age 916
February 8, 1941
Age 916