Immediate Family
About Hugues III de Candavène, sieur d'Hesdin, comte de Saint-Pol
Note that MedLands makes no mention of Béatrice de Rollancourt, but refers rather to his first wife as being unknown, and his second as being Marguerite de Clermont (c. 1104-c.1145), daughter of Renaud de Clermont III and Adélaïde de Vermandois.
b) HUGUES [III] de Saint-Pol "Candavène" (-1145 or after). "Comes Hugo de Sancto Paulo" donated property to the abbey of Molesme with the consent of "uxoris sue Helisendis filiorumque suorum Ingelranni et Hugonis" by charter dated 17 Jun 1095[1364]. Comte de Saint-Pol 1122. "Hugo de Sancto Paulo cognomen habens Campdaveine" donated property to the monastery of Bourbourg, in the presence of Charles Count of Flanders, by charter dated 7 Jul 1123[1365]. Comte d'Hesdin 1129 and 1135. “...Hugo de S. Paulo...” witnessed the charter dated Jul 1129 under which “Hugo castellanus de Cambrai et dom. de Oisy” donated property to Mont Saint-Eloi[1366]. He was excommunicated in 1136. He founded the abbey of Clairfayt[1367]. "Hugo Candavene" founded the abbey of Cercamp, with the consent of "filii eius Engelrandus et Hugo, Anselmus, Radulfus et Wido", by charter dated 1137[1368]. "Hugo Candavena comes S. Pauli" donated property to Fécamp by charter dated 1141[1369].
m firstly ---. Europäische Stammtafeln states that Hugues [III] married firstly an unnamed wife who was mother of several of his children[1370]. The chronology of Aigeline, supposed daughter of Hugues, suggests that she must have been born from an earlier marriage if she was his daughter.
m secondly ([1128]%29 as her second husband, MARGUERITE de Clermont, widow of CHARLES Count of Flanders, daughter of RENAUD [II] Comte de Clermont-en-Beauvaisis & his first wife Adelais Ctss de Vermandois [Carolingian] ([1104/05]-after 1145). The Vita Karoli Comitis Flandriæ names "nobilem puellam Margaretam, Reinaldi comitis Clarmontensis filiam" as wife of Count Charles, specifying that the marriage took place before his accession[1371]. It is assumed that Marguerite was born soon after her parents' marriage as her mother was already nearly 40 years old at the time. The De Genere Comitum Flandrensium, Notæ Parisienses refers to (but does not name) the daughter of "comes de Claromonte" and his wife Adela, specifying that she married firstly Charles Count of Flanders, secondly "Hugo Champdaveine…comes Sancti Pauli" by whom she had "Radulfus Champdaveine et Guod Champdaveine", and thirdly "dominus Balduinus de Encra" by whom she had "domini Galteri de Helli"[1372]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis refers to, but does not name, the daughter of "comes Rainaldus [de Claromonte]" and his wife Adelaide as the wife of "comes Karolus Flandre"[1373]. It is assumed that Marguerite was born soon after her parents' marriage as her mother was already nearly 40 years old at the time. She married thirdly Baudouin d’Encre.
Comte Hugues [III] & his [first] wife had [two children]:
Comte Hugues [III] & his [first/second] wife had [five] children:
Comte Hugues [III] & his second wife had two children:
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Hugues II de Campdavaine or Campdavesne (died in 1130 or 1131 [ 1 ] ), was Count of Saint-Pol from 1083 to 1118, after having succeeded his brother Guy who died without posterity.
He was the son of Hugh I st and Clemence.
Pope Gregory VII , the25 November 1078, described the three sons of Hugues , Guy , Hugues and Eustache, counts of Saint-Pol .
Biography Edit
Having accompanied with Enguerrand, his son, in the year 1096 , Robert Courteheuse , Duke of Normandy , to the First Crusade , he distinguished himself at the siege of Antioch . He was among the first to attack Jerusalem . He lost his son, who was killed in front of Marah . They were the heroes of the epic Song of Antioch made at the beginning of the xii th century by Richard pilgrim.
On his return, he took up arms for the Count of Hainaut against Robert II , Count of Flanders .
He also had to fight the successor of Robert II , Baudouin à la Hache . In 1115, the latter took the castle of Encre from him , which he donated to Charles of Denmark , his cousin. In the year 1117, it was the castle of Saint-Pol which was taken from him. But, shortly after, he returned the latter to him at the request of the Comte de Boulogne .
After the death of Baudouin à la Hache, he entered the league formed by Clémence de Bourgogne , the widow of Robert II , with the aim of excluding Charles of Denmark from the county of Flanders , and putting William of 'Ypres . Charles triumphed over all the Confederates and having entered the county of Saint-Pol , he razed all the fortresses and forced the count to ask him for peace. It was granted to him on condition of returning to the movement of Flanders from which his predecessors had freed themselves.
Family and descendants Edit
His first wife was Elissende de Ponthieu, daughter of Enguerrand II , Count of Ponthieu and d'Aumale , and Adèle of Normandy [ 2 ] . He married her before 1091 and had as children:
Enguerrand, who died during the First Crusade at Marah in Palestine . Hugues III , who succeeded him. Béatrix de Saint-Pol , who became heir to the county of Amiens , transferred it to the house of Boves by marrying Robert , second son of Thomas de Marle . According to the historian Charles du Cange [ 3 ] , Hugues II married in second marriage Marguerite de Clermont-Beauvaisis , Countess of Amiens widow of Charles of Denmark . They had:
Raoul Guy Marguerite de Clermont then married Baudouin d'Encre, from whom she had a daughter who was the mother of Gautier, Lord of Heilli, according to a genealogist of the time of Philippe Auguste.
According to other historian Marguerite de Clermont would have married Thierry d'Alsace .
Hugues III de Candavène, sieur d'Hesdin, comte de Saint-Pol's Timeline
1075 |
Saint Pol Sur Ternoise, Pas-de-Calais, Nord Pas-de-Calais, France
1117 |
St. Pol-sur-Mer, Nord, France
1120 |
Arras, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France
1124 |
Saint Pol Sur Ternoise, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, France
1125 |
Saint Pol, France
1141 |
Age 66
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? |