OLIVER de Beauchamp, son of --- ([1110/25]-before 1157). “Oliveri de Bello-campo” is named as father of “Hugo de Bello-campo” in an undated charter for Thorney monastery[1030]. No other reference to Oliver has been found. His estimated birth date range is suggested from his son Hugh being, presumably, of age when he is named in the 1157 Pipe Roll. This range is consistent with his having been a younger brother of Payn de Beauchamp Lord of Beauchamp, son of Robert de Beauchamp, as also is his son’s holding land in Bedfordshire. The primary source which confirms that this affiliation is correct has not been found.
m ---. The name of Oliver’s wife is not known.
Oliver & his wife had [three] children:
1. HUGH de Beauchamp of Eaton Scoton, Bedfordshire (-after 1190). The 1157 Pipe Roll records "Hug. de Bellocampo" in Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire under "Nova Placita & Noue Conuentiones"[1031]. The Red Book of the Exchequer refers to "in perdonis Hugoni de Bello Campo" in Huntingdonshire in [1158/59][1032]. The Red Book of the Exchequer refers to "Simon de Bello Campo xxxvi l et in perdonis Hugoni de Bello Campo xxxi s" in Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire in [1161/62][1033]. Military fee certifications in the Red Book of the Exchequer, in 1166, record that "Hugo de Bello Campo" held knights’ fees "de honore de Etone" in Buckinghamshire from "Gilbertus de Bolebec"[1034]. The Red Book of the Exchequer records enfeoffments in the duchy of Normandy in [1172], "Hugo de Bello Campo" with one knight "Regi de comitatu Mortonii…de vicecomitatu de Cerenciis"[1035]. “Hugo de Bellocampo filius Oliveri de Bellocampo” founded Bushmead priory, Bedfordshire by undated charter, witnessed by “Nicholao de Bellocampo...Rogero de Bellocampo...”[1036]. “Willielmus de Bello-campo, filius Johannis de Bello-campo” renewed a donation of property to Thorney Monastery by “Hugo de Bello-campo, filius Oliveri de Bello-campo” by undated charter[1037]. The Red Book of the Exchequer, listing scutage payments in [1190/91], records "Milo de Bello Campo, Hugo de Bello Campo" paying "xv s, i militem" and "xx s, ii milites", respectively, in Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire[1038]. The fact that their names are adjacent suggests a close family relationship, maybe brothers. [m firstly ---. No proof has been found of this supposed first marriage. However, the charter of Hugh’s known wife Philippa de Trailly is witnessed only by her sons Miles and Richard. The omission of Hugh’s other children, who were probably alive at the date of the charter, suggests that they may have been born from an earlier marriage.] m [secondly] PHILIPPA de Trailly, daughter of GEOFFREY de Trailly & his wife ---. Philippa donated the land of her maritagium in Southill and Broom, Bedfordshire to Wardon abbey, for the souls of her father Geoffrey de Trailly and Hugh de Beauchamp her deceased husband, by undated charter witnessed by “Miles and Richard de Beauchamp her sons”[1039].
Pedigree below is FICTIONAL and the dates are way off!
Relationship information (secondary sources cited):
Father Walter de Beauchamp,
Mother Emmeline d'Abitot,
(Alternate) Father Simon de Beauchamp,
Family 1 Philippa de Trailli
M E Sorley: The Sorley Pedigrees P. 25www.findagrave.com
Hugh "Sir" De Beauchamp
BIRTH 1104
Shropshire, England
DEATH 1187 (aged 82–83)
Jerusalem, Jerusalem District, Israel
BURIAL Non-Cemetery Burial, Specifically: Body buried in Jerusalem
MEMORIAL ID 183432241
In 1186 he went to Jerusalem with a multitude of men at arms and pilgrims. The truce had been prolonged and very few remained. However, Roger De Mowbray and Hugh De Beauchamp remained there in the service of God. Salah-Ad-Din brought his muslim army to Israel in 1187 and layed seige to Jerusalem. During the battle Hugh died from his wounds.After a week long battle Jerusalem fell to Salah-d-Din ad his army.
V M Norr: Some Early English Pedigrees P. 20
1140 |
Eaton upon Tern, Shropshire, England
1141 |
Eaton Socon, Bedfordshire, England
1143 |
Eaton, Socon, Bedfordshire, England
1146 |
Eaton, Socon, Bedfordshire, England
1187 |
Age 47
Jerusalem, Kingdom of Jerusalem
???? |
Wiltshire , England (United Kingdom)