Immediate Family
About Hucbert, Duke of Transjurane Burgundy
BOSO, son of --- (-before 855). Comte d'Arles. Count in Italy.
m ---. The name of Boso's wife is not known.
Boso & his wife had [four] children:
1. [BOSO ([820/25]-[874/78]). There is no proof that Boso, husband of the adulterous Engiltrudis, was the son of Boso Comte d'Arles. Regino refers to "fratribus Thietbirgæ reginæ" referring her case to Pope Nicholas after her repudiation by her husband King Lothaire II[98], which shows that she had at least two brothers, one of whom may therefore have been Boso. Count in Italy[99]. m ([845/50], deserted [856/57]%29 ENGILTRUDIS, daughter of MATFRIED [I] Comte d'Orléans & his wife --- ([825/30]-). The Annales Fuldenses record that "Engildrudam filiam quondam Matifredi comite" left "Busone proprio viro" and wandered for seven years[100]. Regino names "Engildrudam quoque uxorem quondam Bosonis comitis" when recording her excommunication in 866 after deserting her husband and fleeing to France with "Wangerum suum vassallum"[101].] Boso & his wife had [two] children:
a) [two] daughters. They disputed their mother's inheritance with their illegitimate half-brother Godefroi. Pope John VIII requested "Ludovicum Germani Regem" to restore the property of "Bosonis C filiabus" in 878[102].
2. HUBERT (-killed in battle Orbe 866). Regino records that "Hucbertus abba, frater Thietbirgæ reginæ" rebelled against King Lothaire in 866[103]. Duke of Transjurania. Abbot of St Maurice. The Annalium Laubacensium record Lothar King of Italy leading his army into Burgundy in 858 against "Hucbertum cognatum suum"[113]. The Gesta Abbatum Gemblacensium records that "Hubertus dux, frater reginæ Tietbergæ" expelled abbot Hartpert and invaded the abbey of Lobbe in 863[114]. Regino names "Hucberti abbati" when recording that he was invested with a dukedom "inter Iurum et montem Iovis", specifying that "Thietbirgam", the wife of King Lothaire II, was his sister[115]. Regino records that "Hucbertus abba, frater Thietbirgæ reginæ" rebelled against King Lothar in 866[116]. Duke of Transjurania. Abbot of St Maurice. The Annales Mettenses records that "Hucbertus…a Conrado comite occisus est juxta castrum…Orba"[117]. The Annales Xantenses record in 866 that "Hubertus clericus…cuius sororem Lotharius rex pridem repudiatam dimisit" was killed in battle by "filiis Cuonradi fratris quondam Iuthit reginæ"[118].
m ---. The name of Hubert's wife is not known. Hubert & his wife had one child:1. THEOTBALD [Thibaut] (-[Jun 887/895]). The Annales Vedastini record that "Teutbaldum filium Hucberti" was gravely wounded by "Heinricus" in the battle against "Bosonem tyrannum" in 880[119]. "Richardi comitis, Teutbaldi comitis, Bernardi comitis" subscribed the charter dated 25 Jul 879 under which "Boso…et coniunx mea Hirmingardi proles imperiales" donated property "in pago Laticense…in villa Lantinus" to the abbey of Montiérender[120]. Comte d'Arles. m ([879/80]%29 as her first husband, BERTA of Lotharingia, illegitimate daughter of LOTHAIRE II King of Lotharingia & his mistress Waldrada --- ([863]-8 Mar 925, bur Lucca). "Hugo comes et marchio" names "patris mei Teutbaldi et matris meæ Berthe…" in a donation by charter dated 924[121]. "Berte" is also named as mother of "Hugo rex" in the latter's donation to Cluny for the souls of his parents dated 8 Mar 934[122]. Her parentage and first marriage are confirmed by the Annales Bertiniani which name "Hugonem Lotharii iunioris filium" and “sororium illius Theutbaldum” in 880[123]. Her origin and second marriage are confirmed by the epitaph of "Comitissæ…Bertha" which specifies that she was "uxor Adalberti Ducis Italiæ…regalis generi…filia Lotharii" and records her death in 925[124]. Liudprand provides the proof that Berta, who married Marchese Adalberto, was the widow of Theotbald when he names "Berta matre regis Hugonis", specifying that she was previously married to Adalberto, when recording her death[125]. She was regent of Tuscany after the death of her second husband in 915. She married secondly ([890/98]) Adalberto II Marchese of Tuscany. Theotbald & his wife had four children:
a) HUGUES ([880]-10 Apr 947). "Hugo comes et marchio" names "patris mei Teutbaldi et matris meæ Berthe…" in a donation by charter dated 924[126]. "Hugo et Lotharius…reges" name "patris et matris nostræ Teubaldi…et Berte" in their donation to Cluny dated 8 Mar 934[127], although this incorrectly implies that Ugo and Lothar were brothers instead of father and son, which is proved by other sources. Comte de Vienne. He was elected as UGO King of Italy in 926.
b) BOSO ([885]-after 936). Liudprand names “Boso ex eodem patre regis Hugonis frater”[128]. Gingins-la-Sarra suggests that this text means that Boso was born from a different marriage of his father[129]. However, the wording could just as easily be interpreted as emphasising that Boso and Hugues were born from the same marriage of their mother. Considering the marriage dates of Boso´s daughters, it is unlikely that he was born before his brother Hugues. Comte d'Avignon et Vaisin 911-931. Comte d'Arles 926-931. He was installed by his brother as BOSO Marchese of Tuscany in 931 after Lambert Marchese of Tuscany was deposed and blinded. He rebelled against his brother in 936, encouraged by Willa "uxore sua cupidissima", but was captured and deposed[130]. m (separated 936) WILLA, daughter of ---. Willa is named "uxore…Boso Tusciæ provinciæ marchio regis frater" by Liudprand, without giving her origin, when he records the marriage of her daughter Willa in 936[131]. According to Jean-Noël Mathieu, she was Willa, daughter of Rudolf I King of Burgundy & his wife Willa ---, basing this on the fact that she was sent to Burgundy when she was separated from her husband in 936[132], this event being recorded by Liudprand[133], but there are presumably other plausible explanations for her destination. Comte Boso & his wife had four children:i) BERTA (-after 18 Aug 965). "Bertam, Willam, Richildam et Gislam" are named (in order) as the four daughters of Boso and Willa by Liudprand[134], who in a later passage names Berta as "Bosonis Arelatensis comitis viduæ" and mentions her marriage soon after the death of her first husband to Raymond, by virtue of which she was deemed guilty of incest[135]. "Raymundus comes" names "…Bertanæ et Raymundo filio meo…" in his 961 testament[136]. "Berta…comitissa et filius meus Raimundus…comes" donated property "in comitatu Nemausense" to Nîmes Notre-Dame by charter dated 7 Sep 961[137]. "Berta…comitissa" donated property "in comitatu Nemausense" to Nîmes Notre-Dame by charter dated 18 Aug 965, subscribed by "Raimundus filius meus"[138]. She is cited at the time of a synod held after 1004 (maybe [1012])[139]. m firstly ([928]%29 BOSO Comte in Upper Burgundy, son of RICHARD "le Justicier" Duke of Burgundy & his wife Adelais d'Auxerre [Welf] (-Sep 935, bur Reims, église de l'abbaye de Saint-Rémi). m secondly ([936]) RAYMOND I Comte de Rouergue Marquis de Septimanie, son of ERMENGAUD Comte de Rouergue & his wife Adelaida --- (-killed [Feb 961/7 Oct 962]). Duke of Aquitaine 936.
ii) WILLA (-after 963). "Bertam, Willam, Richildam et Gislam" are named (in order) as the four daughters of Boso and Willa by Liudprand[140]. Willa is named "rex Hugo neptim suam…ex Willa uxore sua Boso Tusciæ provinciæ marchio regis frater" by Liudprand when he records her marriage to Berengario[141]. She ordered the imprisonment of Adelheid, widow of her husband's predecessor Lothaire [de Provence] King of Italy. She retreated with her husband to the fortress of San Leo in the face of Otto King of Germany's invasion, but was captured and taken to Bamberg with Berengario. Regino records that Willa became a nun after her husband died before he was buried[142]. m ([930/31]%29 BERENGARIO II Marchese di Ivrea, son of ADALBERTO I Conte e Marchese di Ivrea & his first wife Gisela di Friulia ([900]-in prison Bamberg 6 Jul 966). He was proclaimed BERENGARIO II King of Italy in Dec 950.
iii) RICHILDE . "Bertam, Willam, Richildam et Gislam" are named (in order) as the four daughters of Boso and Willa by Liudprand[143].
iv) GISELA . "Bertam, Willam, Richildam et Gislam" are named (in order) as the four daughters of Boso and Willa by Liudprand[144].c) TEUTBERGA ([880/90][145]-before Sep 948). The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. She is named "matris mee Theotberg" in the Sep 948 donation to Cluny of her son "Manases archiepiscopus Arelatensis" made for her soul[146], presumably indicating that she was then deceased. m WARNER [Garnier] Vicomte de Sens, son of --- (-killed in battle 6 Dec 924). Comte de Troyes 895/96.
d) daughter (-after 924). As "Hugo comes et marchio" refers to "…fratrum et sororum mearum" in a donation by charter dated 924[147], Theotbald must have had at least two daughters. No further information about this second daughter, or any further daughters, has so far been found in other primary sources.3. TEUTBERGA (-before 875). The Annales Lobienses name "Tietberga, sorore Hucberti abbatis" as lawful wife of "Lotharius"[104]. The Annales Bertiniani name "Teutbergam" as "materteram suam [=Bosone filio Buvini comitis]"[105]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Thieberga regina legitima uxore [Lotharii]", specifying that she relied on the advice of "Bosonis comitis" at the time of her repudiation, although her relationship to him is not specified[106]. Herimannus names "Tiohtpirga uxore legitima" of King Lothaire II when recording that he repudiated her[107]. She protected the wife of Boso Count in Italy after she deserted her husband. She was repudiated on the grounds of her alleged incest with her brother Hubert[108]. Her husband kept her prisoner after separating from her. The Annales Bertiniani record that "uxor Lotharii" fled to "fratrem suum Hucbertum in regno Karli" in 860[109]. She escaped in 860 and sought refuge with Charles II "le Chauve" King of the West Franks, who gave her the abbey of Avenay in the diocese of Reims. The Annales Bertiniani records that "uxore [Lothario]" gave support to "uxori Bosonis et Balduino qui filiam eius [=Karoli regis] furatus fuerat in uxorem"[110]. Abbess of Sainte Glossinde at Metz 869. "Heccardus comes" names "…Teutbergane uxore Lotharii…" among the beneficiaries under his testamentary disposition dated to [Jan 876][111]. It is not certain that this refers to the separated wife of King Lothaire II, but no other "Teutberga/Lothaire" couple has been identified at the time. If this identification is correct, it suggests a family relationship between Teutberga and Ekkehard, which has not yet been identified. m ([855], separated 857, repudiated 860) LOTHAIRE II King of Lotharingia, son of Emperor LOTHAIRE I King of Lotharingia & his wife Ermengarde de Tours (-Piacenza 8 Aug 868).
4. daughter. The existence of this sister of Teutberga is indicated by the Annales Bertiniani which name "Teutbergam" as "materteram suam [=Bosone filio Buvini comitis]"[112]. m BUVINUS [Bouvin], son of --- (-[863/69]).
HUBERT, son of BOSO Comte d'Arles, Count in Italy & his wife --- (-killed in battle Orbe 866). Duke of Transjurania. Abbot of St Maurice.
The Annalium Laubacensium record Lothar King of Italy leading his army into Burgundy in 858 against "Hucbertum cognatum suum"[114]. The Gesta Abbatum Gemblacensium records that "Hubertus dux, frater reginæ Tietbergæ" expelled abbot Hartpert and invaded the abbey of Lobbe in 863[115].
Regino names "Hucberti abbati" when recording that he was invested with a dukedom "inter Iurum et montem Iovis", specifying that "Thietbirgam", the wife of King Lothar II, was his sister[116]. Regino records that "Hucbertus abba, frater Thietbirgæ reginæ" rebelled against King Lothar in 866[117].
Duke of Transjurania. Abbot of St Maurice.
The Annales Mettenses records that "Hucbertus…a Conrado comite occisus est juxta castrum…Orba"[118].
The Annales Xantenses record in 866 that "Hubertus clericus…cuius sororem Lotharius rex pridem repudiatam dimisit" was killed in battle by "filiis Cuonradi fratris quondam Iuthit reginæ"[119].
m ---. The name of Hubert's wife is not known.
Hubert & his wife had one child:
1. THEOTBALD [Thibaut] (-[Jun 887/895]).
- Name: Herbert Of St Maurice ARLES
- Given Name: Herbert Of St Maurice
- Surname: Arles
- Sex: M
- Birth: Abt 830
- Death: Abt 864 in Orbe
Father: Boso III The Old' Count Of Turin ITALY b: Abt 803 in Turino, Piedmont, Italy
Mother: Mrs Boso III Of ITALY
Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
Hucbert (820 - 864) was a Frank and son of Boso the Elder. Therefore he was a Bosonid. His sister was Teutberga, who married Lothair II, a prince of the Carolingian dynasty, the imperial family of Francia. Hucbert was lay-abbot of the Abbey of Saint Maurice-in-Valais.
Lothair's reign was chiefly occupied by his efforts to obtain a divorce from his wife Theutberga, and his relations with his uncles Charles the Bald and Louis the German were influenced by his desire to obtain their support for this endeavor. Lothair, whose desire for the divorce was prompted by his affection for a woman named Waldrada, put away Theutberga, but Hucbert took up arms on her behalf.
In 863 it was reported that he took by force the Abbey Lobbe and expelled its abbot . Hucbert was finally killed in 864 or more probably 866 , in a battle near d ' Orb against the Count of Paris, who succeeded him in his duchy and title Abbot of St. Maurice.
From a wife whose name was unknown, Hucbert is the father of:
- Theobald of Arles (-?) who married Bertha , illegitimate daughter of Lothair II .
Source: http://www.ourfamilyhistories.org/getperson.php?personID=I30384&tre...
Hucbert, Duke of Transjurane Burgundy's Timeline
824 |
Arles, Provence or Transjourane, Burgundy, France
866 |
Age 42
Orbé, Saint-Léger-de-Montbrun, Poitou-Charentes, France
Age 42
???? | |||
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Lay Abbott of St. Maurice
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- 864
Abbazia di S. Maurizio d'Agauno, Borgogna