Hilletje Gerrits Lansing

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Hilletje Gerrits Lansing

Also Known As: "Hilligien Lansing", "Hilletie Lansingh", "Hilletie Lansing Vanderzee Ketelhuyn"
Birthplace: Hasselt, Hasselt, Overijssel, Netherlands
Death: September 10, 1693 (42)
Albany, Albany County, New York, United States
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Gerrit Frederiksz. Lansing and Elisabeth Heynderickse ten Eyck
Wife of Storm Alberse Van Der Zee; Storm Albertse van der Zee and Willem Ketelhuyn
Mother of Anna Bradt Van Der Zee; Wouter Sorm Van Der Zee; Anna Elisabetha Stormsesdr. Van der Zee / Vanderzee; Wouter Storm van der Zee and Albert Storm van der Zee
Sister of Aeltje Gerrits Lansing; Gerrit Gerritse Lansing; Gijsbertje Gerritse Lansing; Hendrick Gerritse Lansing and Johannes Gerritse Lansing

Managed by: James C. Lansing
Last Updated:

About Hilletje Gerrits Lansing


Hilletie Lansing was the daughter of New Netherland pioneers Gerrit Frederickse and Elizabeth Hendrix Lansing. She was born in Holland before her parents left for America.

By the mid-1660s, she had married Albany tavernkeeper/trader Storm Vanderzee. The marriage produced several children who established the Vanderzee family with an important Lansing connection in Albany and in the region.

Vanderzee died in 1679. A joint will left everything to his wife with provision that half the estate be divided among their children when they reached adulthood. At the same time, she stood to inherit a share of her father's estate in Holland.

Within a year, Hilletie had remarried. Her second husband was Willem Ketelhuyn - who took over her husband's tavern. As she was still in her twenties, Hilletie gave birth to at least three Ketelhuyn children over the next deade - with two sons being christened "Storm" in honor of her first husband.

The tavern was located beyond Albany's north gate. In 1697, she is included on the city census in the household of her husband.

Hilletie Lansing Vanderzee Ketelhuyn died before March 1715 when Ketelhuyn re-married.

  • 'Genealogical notes of New York and New England families
  • http://www.archive.org/stream/genealogicalnote00talc#page/112/mode/1up
  • 1.
  • Gerrit Frederick, son of Frederick Lansing, of the town of Hassel, in the Province of Overyssell, came to New Amsterdam with three sons, and probably to Rensselaerwyck about 1650. He had also three daughters, all his children having been born before leaving Hassel. They were
    • 2 Gerrit, b. ___; m. Elsje, daughter of Wouter Van Wythorst.
    • 3 Hendrick, b, ___; m. Lysbet ; d. July 11, 1709.
    • 4 Johannes, b. ___ ; m (2) Geertje Van Schaick, widow of Hendrick Coster, in 1678.
    • 5 Altje (Alida), b. ; m. Gerrit Van Slightenhorst.
    • 6 Gysbertie, b. ___ ; m. Hendrick Roseboom, 1679 ?
    • ' 7 Hilletje, b. ___ ; m. Storm Van der Zee (Bradt). He died about 1679.
  • Gerrit F. Lansing was probably dead before the 3d of October, 1679, as on that day the above-named children made a joint conveyance of property.
  • http://www.archive.org/stream/genealogicalnote00talc#page/115/mode/1up
  • 7.
    • ' Hilletje, daughter of (I) Gerrit Frederick Lansing, was probably born in Hassel ; married Storm Van der Zee, son of Albert Andriese Bradt, " the Norman," and Annetie Barentse van Rotmer, and had
      • 36 Albert.
      • 37 Wouter, and possiby other children.
    • The tradition is that one of Bradt's children was born on shipboard, on the passage out, in the midst of a heavy storm, in consequence of which he was called " Storm Van der Zee."
  • _____________________________
  • 'The Lansing family. A genealogy of the descendants of Gerritt Frederickse Lansing who came to America from Hasselt, province of Overijssell, Holland, 1640. Eight generations
  • http://www.archive.org/details/lansingfamilygen00muns
  • http://www.archive.org/stream/lansingfamilygen00muns#page/n20/mode/1up
  • 1. Gerrit Frederickse1 Lansing, son of Frederick Lansing, married Elizabeth Hendrickse.
    • 2. Gerrit2 Lansing.
    • 3. Hendrick G. Lansing.
    • 4. Johannes G. Lansing.
    • 5. Altje Lansing, married Sieur Gerrit, son of Brandt Arentse Van Slectenhorst.
    • 6. Gysbertie Lansing, married Hendrick Janse Roseboom in 1679.
    • ' 7. Hilletje Lansing, married Storm, son of Albert Andriese Brant Van der Zee.
  • Gerrit Frederickse1 Lansing was a citizen of Hasselt, Province of Overijssell, Holland. He came to New Amsterdam (New York) about 1640 and was one of the early settlers of Rensselaerwyck. He died and his widow married Wouter Van Den Uythof of Albany. The heirs of Gerrit Frederickse Lansing executed a Power of Attorney in favor of Jan Barentse ten Kate of Zwolle and Gysbert Janse Vermeer of Hasselt, Holland, on October 3, 1697. (Albany County deed book No. 3, page 51.)
  • ______________________
  • 'Calendar of wills on file and recorded in the offices of the clerk of the Court of appeals (1896)
  • http://www.archive.org/stream/calendarofwillso01fern#page/444/mode/1up
  • 1963 1678 June 4, 5 p.m. ___ Dutch
  • van den UYTHOF, Wouter, of Albany, baker, and wife Elisabeth Heyndricx. Children by first husband Aeltie Lansingh, Gysbertie Lansingh, Gerrit Lansingh, Heyndrick Lansingh, Johannes Lansingh and 'Hilletie Lansingh'. Real and personal estate. The survivor executor. Witnesses G. Swartt, Albert Ryckman and Adriaen van Ilpendam, Notary Public. Albany Co. Records, Notarial Papers, II., p. 37.
  • 1963 1678 June 4, 5 p.m. __ Dutch
  • 'van der ZEE, Storm, of New Albany, and wife Hilletie Lansinck. Children mentioned, but not by name. Real and personal estate. The survivor executor. Witnesses Jacob Jansen van Nortstrant, Steeven Jansen Coning and Adriaen van Ilpendam, Notary Public. Albany Co. Records, Notarial Papers, II., p. 73.
  • ________________________


MARR: DSS, vol 1956/58, p23, #2. Daughter of Gerrit Gerritse L

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Hilletje Gerrits Lansing's Timeline

October 9, 1630
Hasselt,,, Netherlands
October 9, 1650
Hasselt, Hasselt, Overijssel, Netherlands
October 9, 1650
Hasselt, Overijssel Prov, Netherlands
October 9, 1650
Hasselt, Overyssel, Holland
June 16, 1665
Albany, Albany, New York, United States
June 16, 1665
Albany, NY
Albany, Province of New York
Albany, Albany, NY