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Hilda Gustavson (Soolo) (1898 - 1983)

Also Known As: "Solo", "Gustawson"
Birthplace: Viljandi, Estland (Eesti)
Death: January 18, 1983 (84)
Stockholm, Sweden
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Peeter Soolo and Anna Soolo
Wife of Oskar Gustavson
Sister of Salme Soolo; Peeter Soolo, Jr.; Anna Poska and Marie Söödor-Soolo

Occupation: Eesti õpetaja
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Hilda Gustavson

Hilda Gustavson (kuni 8. novembrini 1924 Soolo, 09./21. august 1898 Viljandi – 18. jaanuar 1983 Stockholm) oli eesti õpetaja, Oskar Gustavsoni abikaasa.


Rootsist Austraaliasse

Austraaliast tagasi Rootsi


Surmakuulutused (suri 18.01.1983 Stokholmi Södra haiglas; Matusetalitus 18.02.1983 14.00 Heliga Korset kabelis Stockholmi Metsakalmistul)

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Hilda Gustavson's Timeline

August 21, 1898
Viljandi, Estland (Eesti)
January 18, 1983
Age 84
Stockholm, Sweden