Immediate Family
About Herman I, Herzog von Schwaben
EBERHARD [I] (-after 27 Jun 889). Graf im Zürichgau. The dating clause of a charter dated 27 Jun 889, under which “Perehtelo...” donated property to abbey, notes “sub dominatione Eberharti comitis et advocati sui Adalberti”[609]. same person as...? ---. m GISELA, daughter of --- (-after 911). The Annales Alamannicorum record that "Gisle…socrui Purchardi iunioris" donated all her property to St Peter's in 911[610]. One child: https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc514513192
a) REGINLIND ([885/90]-Insel Ufenau 958 after 29 Apr). Reginlind's mother´s identity is confirmed by the reference noted above, but direct proof that Graf Eberhard [I] was her father has not yet been found. Regino records that "viduam Burchardi" married "Herimanno"[611]. The Liber Anniversariorum of Einsiedeln records in Aug the donation of "Stevegeia, Kaltbrunnen et Lindowa" by "domina Regelinda cum filio suo Burcardo duce"[612]. "Otto…rex" granted property "in pago Zuriggaui in comitatu Liudonis commitis" to "Erig" at the request of "Regilinde…comitisse" by charter dated 10 Mar 952[613]. "Otto…rex" donated property "in pago Engrisgouue in comitatu Uualtbrahtti in loco…Uuidhergis" to "matrone fidelique nostre Reginlind" at the request of "Burghardi ducis" by charter dated 29 Apr 958[614]. m firstly (before 911) BURKHARD [II], son of BURKHARD [I] Marchio in Rätien [Duke of Swabia] & his wife --- (-murdered Novara 28/29 Apr 926). He was installed as BURKHARD II Duke of Swabia in 917. m secondly HERMANN I Duke of Swabia, son of GEBHARD Graf im oberen Rheingau [Konradiner] & his wife Hidda --- (-10 Dec 949, bur Reichenau Island). https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SWABIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#_Toc514513192
UDO, son of GEBHARD Graf im Niederlahngau & his wife ---. Graf im Lahngau. 860/879. m ---. The identity of Udo's wife is not known with certainty. According to Jackman[160], she may have been Judith, daughter of Konrad Graf im Linz- und Argengau. Udo & his wife had [four possible] children[163]
1. KONRAD ([845/60]-killed in battle near Fritzlar 27 Feb 906, bur Weilburg Martinskirche). m GLISMOD, daughter of --- (-26 Apr 924).
2. EBERHARD (-killed in battle near Bamberg [902/903]). m WILTRUD, daughter of ---. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[225], the wife of Eberhard may have been Wiltrud, daughter of Walacho
3. GEBHARD (-killed in battle near Augsburg [22] Jun 910). m ---. Duke Gebhard & his wife had two children:a) UDO ([895/900]-949). m ([915]%29 [CUNIGUNDIS] de Vermandois, daughter of HERIBERT [I] Comte de Vermandois & his wife [Lietgardis] --- ([890/900][302]-after 943). Udo & his wife had three children:
i) GEBHARD ([918/20]-killed in battle 938).
ii) OTTO ([920/25]-).
iii) UDO (-26 Aug 965). Regino records the election as Bishop of Strasbourg in 950 of "Udo filius Udonis comitis"[307]. He was elected Bishop of Strasbourg 13 Aug 950.b) HERMANN (-10 Dec 949, bur Reichenau Island).
4. RUDOLF (-killed in battle in Thuringia 3 Aug 908).
Herman I (died 10 December 949) was the first Conradine Duke of Swabia (from 926), the son of Gebhard, Duke of Lorraine, and a cousin of King Conrad I of Germany.
When duke Burchard II died at Novara, while campaigning in Italy, King Henry the Fowler gave the duchy to Herman. By investing the duke at a reichstag at Worms, the king clearly demonstrated that he, not the tribal noblesse, had the right to appoint the duke. Herman married Regilinda, the widow of Burchard.
Only once during his reign did Herman face a rebellion of his own vassals, but he was also forced several times to make concessions in Switzerland. Sankt Gallen was given over to the direct protection of the king and the duke lost the use of its lands and incomes. By his control over the Alpine passes into Burgundy and Italy, he dutifully served Ottonian interests in these realms. At Worms in 950, after Herman's death, Otto the Great appointed his son Liudolf, who had, in 947 or 948, married Herman's daughter Ida (died 17 May 986), duke.
Aside from being duke, Herman was from 939 count in Lahngau, from 948 count in Auelgau, and from 947 lay abbot of Echternach. He founded the church of St Florin in Coblenz and was buried on Reichenau Island.
Hermann I, who was a key helper King HENRY I, I was informed of this after the death of Burchard, the Duchy of Swabia and also had transferred Alsace. A strong supporter Otto I, who was also at the grave crisis 938/39 (Rebellion of Henry's brother, OTTO) to the king, met Hermann I, the Abbey of Echternach, his daughter and heiress Ita (Ida) was 947 with OTTO son Liudolf wed. The Hermann praised for his wisdom counted together with his brother Udo's closest advisers OTTO and has practiced primarily in its policy towards Lotharingien and the West Frankish kingdom and in the early phase of Ottoman influence Italian politics.
Herman I (died 10 December 949) was the first Conradine Duke of Swabia (from 926), the son of Gebhard, Duke of Lorraine, and a cousin of King Conrad I of Germany.
When duke Burchard II died at Novara, while campaigning in Italy, King Henry the Fowler gave the duchy to Herman. By investing the duke at a reichstag at Worms, the king clearly demonstrated that he, not the tribal noblesse, had the right to appoint the duke. Herman married Regilinda, the widow of Burchard.
Only once during his reign did Herman face a rebellion of his own vassals, but he was also forced several times to make concessions in Switzerland. Sankt Gallen was given over to the direct protection of the king and the duke lost the use of its lands and incomes. By his control over the Alpine passes into Burgundy and Italy, he dutifully served Ottonian interests in these realms. At Worms in 950, after Herman's death, Otto the Great appointed his son Liudolf, who had, in 947 or 948, married Herman's daughter Ida (died 17 May 986), duke.
Aside from being duke, Herman was from 939 count in Lahngau, from 948 count in Auelgau, and from 947 lay abbot of Echternach. He founded the church of St Florin in Coblenz and was buried on Reichenau Island.
Preceded by
Burchard II Duke of Swabia
926 – 949 Succeeded by
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Hermann I. (Schwaben)
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Hermann I. († 10. Dezember 949) aus dem Adelsgeschlecht der Konradiner war von 926 bis 949 als erster seiner Familie Herzog von Schwaben.
Leben [Bearbeiten]
Hermann war ein Sohn des lotharingischen Herzogs Gebhard und ein Vetter des ostfränkenischen Königs Konrad I.
Als im Jahre 926 Herzog Burchard II. von Schwaben in Italien fiel, entbrannte erneut der Kampf um den - bisher nicht erblichen - Titel eines Herzogs von Schwaben; dieser wurde von König Heinrich I. entschieden, indem er das Herzogtum auf dem Reichstag zu Worms im gleichen Jahr an einen außenstehenden Verwandten vergab – und damit endgültig klar stellte, dass für die Investitur der Herzöge von Schwaben der König zuständig war und nicht der Adel des Landes.
Heinrich bestimmte den Franken und Konradiner Hermann zum Herzog, der Burchards Witwe Regelinda heiratete und damit der wegen der Vorgehensweise des Königs aufkommenden Front der schwäbischen Adligen entgegentrat. Allerdings musste Hermann weitere Konzessionen machen: St. Gallen wurde endgültig dem Schutz des römisch-deutschen Königs unterstellt, das Bistum Chur erhielt Reichsgut zugesprochen, das der Herzog bislang selbst genutzt hatte.
Andererseits avancierte das Land aufgrund der politischen Interessen der Ottonen zum Dreh- und Angelpunkt europäischer Machtpolitik: Die Herrschaft über die Alpenpässe unterstützte die Interessen in Italien, die Herrschaft über die Burgundische Pforte die Interessen in Burgund.
Neben seinem Herzogstitel war Hermann 939 Graf im Lahngau und 948 Graf im Auelgau; er wurde 947 Laienabt von Echternach und gründete das Stift St. Florin in Koblenz.
Hermann zählte gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Udo zu den engsten Beratern Ottos. Ottos Sohn Liudolf wurde um die Jahreswende 947/948 mit Hermanns einziger Tochter und Erbin Ida (Ita) († 17. Mai 986) vermählt. Nach Hermanns Tod am 10. Dezember 949 übertrug König Otto der Große auf dem Reichstag zu Worms 950 das Herzogtum seinem eigenen Sohn Liudolf.
Hermann wurde in der – heute nicht mehr existenten – Erasmus-Kapelle der Kirche des Klosters Reichenau auf der im Bodensee gelegenen Insel Reichenau beigesetzt.
Literatur [Bearbeiten]
* Otto Gerhard Oexle: Hermann I. (Schwaben). In: Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB). Band 8. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1969, S. 641.
* Paul Friedrich von Stälin: Hermann I. (Herzog von Schwaben). In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 12. Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1880, S. 153 f.
Vorgänger Amt Nachfolger
Burchard II. Herzog von Schwaben
926–949 Liudolf
Normdaten: PND: 138771901 – weitere Informationen
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Herman I, Duke of Swabia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Herman I (died 10 December 949) was the first Conradine Duke of Swabia (from 926), the son of Gebhard, Duke of Lorraine, and a cousin of King Conrad I of Germany.
When duke Burchard II died at Novara, while campaigning in Italy, King Henry the Fowler gave the duchy to Herman. By investing the duke at a reichstag at Worms, the king clearly demonstrated that he, not the tribal noblesse, had the right to appoint the duke. Herman married Regilinda, the widow of Burchard.
Only once during his reign did Herman face a rebellion of his own vassals, but he was also forced several times to make concessions in Switzerland. Sankt Gallen was given over to the direct protection of the king and the duke lost the use of its lands and incomes. By his control over the Alpine passes into Burgundy and Italy, he dutifully served Ottonian interests in these realms. At Worms in 950, after Herman's death, Otto the Great appointed his son Liudolf, who had, in 947 or 948, married Herman's daughter Ida (died 17 May 986), duke.
Aside from being duke, Herman was from 939 count in Lahngau, from 948 count in Auelgau, and from 947 lay abbot of Echternach. He founded the church of St Florin in Coblenz and was buried on Reichenau Island.
- 3. GEBHARD (-killed in battle near Augsburg [22] Jun 910). ... m ---. The identity of Gebhard's wife is not known with certainty. Jackman highlights the Liber Memorialis of Remiremont which lists (in order) "Gebardi duci, Hidda, Riquinus, Christianus, Raginfridus". He associates the first two with Duke Gebhard [Konradiner] & his wife, whom he therefore speculates was named HIDDA [Ida], and the last three with the family of Gebhard's wife[278]. Jackman speculates[279] that the wife of Duke Gebhard may have been a sister of Hermann Archbishop of Köln, and descended from Christian [I] Graf von Grabfeld, possibly the daughter of Christian [II] Graf im Grabfeld. This series of suppositions provides support for his theory that Gebhard's grandson Otto was the same person as Otto Graf von Grabfeld. Duke Gebhard & his wife had two children:
- a) UDO ([895/900]-949).
- b) HERMANN (-10 Dec 949, bur Reichenau Island). Regino names "duobus filiis suis [=Gebeardus comes] …pueris Udone et Herimanno" when recording their father's death fighting the Hungarians in 910[297]. Graf 914-915. He was installed in 926 as HERMANN I Duke of Swabia by Heinrich I King of Germany after the murder of Duke Burkhard II[298]. - DUKES of SWABIA.
HERMANN, son of GEBHARD Graf im oberen Rheingau [Konradiner] & his wife Hidda --- (-10 Dec 949, bur Reichenau Island). Regino names "duobus filiis suis [=Gebeardus comes] …pueris Udone et Herimanno" when recording their father's death fighting the Hungarians in 910[75]. Graf 914-915. He was installed in 926 as HERMANN I Duke of Swabia by Heinrich I King of Germany after the murder of Duke Burkhard II[76]. "Otto…rex" granted property to Waldo Bishop of Chur at the request of "Herimanni…ducis Sueuorum" by charter dated 8 Apr 940[77]. "Otto…rex" granted property "locis Tiuoningovue et Tuzinhusa…in Alemannia" to Kloster Kempten at the request of "fratris nostri Brunonis et Herimanni ducis" by charter dated 18 Jan 943[78]. "Otto…rex" confirmed the immunities of Kloster Essen including over land "excepta in loco Ruoldinghus quam Eggihart et eius coniunx Rikilt" possessed by hereditary right and in land "in comitatu Ecberti et Cobbonis" by charter dated 15 Jan 947, signed by "Heinrici fratris regis, Herimanni ducis, Cuonradi comitis, Erenfridi comitis, Gebehardi comitis, Ekkihardi comitis, Hugonis comitis"[79]. "Otto…rex" granted rights to Kloster St Gallen at the request of "Herimanni ducis Sueuorum" by charter dated 12 Jun 947[80]. "Otto…rex" granted property "in comitatu Herimanni ducis Rehzia" to "abbati nostro Hartberto" at the request of "filie nostre Ite…et Hermanni comitis" by charter dated 7 Apr 948[81]. "Otto…rex" granted property to the church of Cambrai at the request of "germani nostri Brunonis et Cuonradi ducis atque Herimanni ducis" by charter dated 30 Apr 948[82]. "Otto…rex" confirmed the possession of Abtei Süsteren by Kloster Prüm by charter dated 1 Jun 949, signed by "Cuonradus dux, Herimannus dux, Hezzo comes, Godefridus comes, Rudolfus comes, Reginherus comes"[83]. Regino records the death "949 IV Id Dec" of "Herimannus dux"[84]. The necrology of St Gall records the death "IV Id Dec" of "Herimanni ducis Alamannorum"[85]. The year is confirmed by the charter dated 1 Jan 950 under which "Otto…rex" confirmed a donation by "Liutolfo nostro filio eiusque…coniuge Ita" to Kloster Reichenau for the soul of "ducis nostri beate memorie Herimanni"[86]. m (926) as her second husband, REGINLIND, widow of BURKHARD II Duke of Swabia, daughter of [EBERHARD II Graf im Zürichgau] & his wife Gisela --- ([885/90]-Insel Ufenau 958 after 29 Apr). The Annales Alamannicorum record that "Gisle…socrui Purchardi iunioris" donated all her property to St Peter's in 911[87]. Regino records that "viduam Burchardi" married "Herimanno"[88]. The Liber Anniversariorum of Einsiedeln records in Aug the donation of "Stevegeia, Kaltbrunnen et Lindowa" by "domina Regelinda cum filio suo Burcardo duce"[89]. "Otto…rex" granted property "in pago Zuriggaui in comitatu Liudonis commitis" to "Erig" at the request of "Regilinde…comitisse" by charter dated 10 Mar 952[90]. "Otto…rex" donated property "in pago Engrisgouue in comitatu Uualtbrahtti in loco…Uuidhergis" to "matrone fidelique nostre Reginlind" at the request of "Burghardi ducis" by charter dated 29 Apr 958[91]. Duke Hermann & his wife had one child:
- 1. IDA (-17 May 986). Widukind names "ducis Herimanni filiam Idam" as wife of Liudolf[92]. Regino records the marriage of "filiam Herimanni ducis" and "Liutolfus filius regis" in 947[93]. "Otto…rex" confirmed a donation by "Liutolfo nostro filio eiusque…coniuge Ita" to Kloster Reichenau for the soul of "ducis nostri beate memorie Herimanni" by charter dated 1 Jan 950[94]. The Liber Anniversariorum of Einsiedeln records in May the donation of "Siernza" by "domina Ita…uxor Luitolfi ducis"[95]. m ([27 Oct 947/7 Apr 948][96]%29 LIUDOLF [of Saxony], son of OTTO I "dem Großen" King of Germany & his first wife Eadgyth of Wessex (930[97]-Piomba 6 Sep 957, bur St Alban, near Mainz). His father installed him as LIUDOLF Duke of Swabia in 950, in succession to his father-in-law[98]. He was deposed in 954.
Herman I, Herzog von Schwaben's Timeline
899 |
Schwaben, Bavaria
930 |
Wittenberg,Sachsen Wittenberg,Ringia,
949 |
December 10, 949
Age 50
???? |
???? | |||
???? |
Reichenau Island lies, Lake Constance, Germany