Immediate Family
About Herluin II, count of Ponthieu
HERLUIN (-killed in battle 13 Jul 945). Flodoard names "Monasteriolum castellum Erluini filii Hilgaudi comitis" when recording that Montreuil was besieged by "Heribertus et Hugo"[1423]. The Chronique de Saint Riquier names "Herluin…comte" as son of "le comte Helgaud" lay abbot of Saint-Riquier[1424]. As noted above, it is possible that Helgaud and his son Herluin are in fact the same people as Helgaud Comte de Montreuil 877-79 and his son Herluin who died in 945 (see below), and that the Chronique de Saint-Riquier is inaccurate in its chronology relating to the supposedly earlier father and son of these names. Comte de Montreuil. Arnoul Count of Flanders captured Montreuil in 939: Flodoard records in 939 that “comes Arnulfus” captured “castellum Erluini...Monasteriolum” and that he sent “uxorem ipsius Erluini...cum filiis” across the sea “ad Alstanum regem”[1425]. Guillaume of Jumièges records that “Arnulfus Flandrensis comes” captured "castrum...Monasteriolum" from “comiti...Herluino”, who sought help from “Normanniæ dominum” who recaptured the castle for Herluin[1426]. Comte d'Amiens 944/45. He was killed fighting the Normans. The Liber Modernorum Regum Francorum records the death of "Herluinus Monasterioli castro comes" fighting "Aygroldo regi Danorum"[1427]. Guillaume de Jumièges records that “Herluini” was killed on the orders of “Haigroldo regi Danorum”[1428]. m firstly (divorced before 927) ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not been identified. m secondly (before 927) --- (-after 939). Flodoard records in 939 that “comes Arnulfus” captured “castellum Erluini...Monasteriolum” and that he sent “uxorem ipsius Erluini...cum filiis” across the sea “ad Alstanum regem”[1429]. Comte Herluin & his second wife had [two or more] children
- MedLands, Northern France, Nobility
(Herbouin de Ponthieu) Titres: Comte de Ponthieu (926), Comte de Montreuil
Herluin II, count of Ponthieu's Timeline
890 |
Ponthieu, Somme, Picardie, France
920 |
Torcy-le-Grand, Seine-Maritime, France
922 |
Ponthieu, Somme, Picardy, France
930 |
945 |
July 13, 945
Age 55
Normandel, Orne, Basse-Normandie, France
???? |
first, Count of, Montreuil
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first, Count of, Montreuil
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first, Count of, Montreuil
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