He was 2nd Lord of Roslin. "He was of a free nature, and candid in his thoughts and words, very wise and mBattle of Castle Alnwick 1093 This conflict was at a site near Route A-1 in Northumbria, England, and was the first in a long series of disastrous battles, by the Scots to acquire the northern part of the English territory..
In May 1091 Malcolm Canmore invaded Northumbria while William Rufus was in Normandy. This was to be the most extensive of his raids. But it was a bad time to start because provisions at that time of a year would have been in short supply. Malcolm hoped to take Durham, an attack which had not been attempted since Duncan's raids in the 1040's. The Scots laid siege to the city and remained outside the walls throughout the summer. This gave time for King William Rufus of England to return from Normandy having settled his differences with his elder brother, Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy. Edgar the Atheling, (close friend of the Duke's) the brother of Queen Margaret (Malcolm's 2nd wife), was forced to give up the estates granted to him by Duke Robert and to seek asylum at the Scottish Court. He acted as a mediator at Durham. The King marched on Durham and a peace was drawn up which was soon broken by the Scots because of the insulting treatment of Malcolm. William Rufus made a surprise attack on the Castle of Alnwick in Northumbria Nov. 1093. The Scots laid siege to the castle and the English garrison surrendered.
Sir Henry, 2nd Baron of Rosslyn b. 1060, had been serving as Warden of the the Marches as he commanded the Scottish forces to defend their land. He then led the Scottish attack into English territory at Castle Alnwick in 1093. After the battle was won, the surrendering English garrison requested that Malcolm should come in person to receive the keys of the castle. When Malcolm reached the gates, the soldier, Arkil Morel of Bamburgh, nephew of Earl Robert de Mowbray (sworn brother of Malcolm) presented him with the keys but thrust his spear into the king's eye at the moment his hand was outstretched to receive them. By this 'base treachery' of de Mowbray, the king Scots was killed.' Malcolm's son, Edward, maintained the siege to avenge his father's death, but, advancing too eagerly was killed, in an assault. The Scots, being too much afflicted, abandoned the siege and retired. Today the castle in an impressive display of medieval fortification, with a central keep and a massive encircling wall. -St Margaret Queen of Scotland by Alan J. Wilson
Battle of Allerton 1136 or 38 King David I gave Sir Henry St. Clair, 2nd Baron of Rosslyn and s/o William the Seemly, the command of 8,000 men with which he routed the English army at the Battle of Allerton (now in Yorkshire) thereby avenging the death of his father. ore given to study warre than peace, for which rare qualities, he was entrusted with the militarie commands."
Knighted by King Malcolm who confirmed the Barony of Rosslyn and also awarded Henry the Barony of Pentland following a number of military successes against the English. He was with the King when Malcolm was killed in 1093 during the siege of Alnwick in Northumberland. He accompanied Edgar Atheling, brother of Scotland’s Queen Margaret, on the First Crusade in 1095 and took part in the siege of Antioch in 1098.
1058 |
Normandy, Kerlouan, Brittany, France
1065 |
Rosslyn Castle, Roslin, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1100 |
Roslin Castle, Midlothian, Scotland
Rosslyn Castle, Rosslyn, Midlothian, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1110 |
Age 45
Rosslyn Castle, Rosslyn, Midlothian, Scotland (United Kingdom)
1135 |
Rosslyn Castle, Roslin, Midlothian, Scotland
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Crusader with Godefroi de Bouillon