Henry III, duke of Brabant

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Henry III of Brabant, duke of Brabant and Limburg (1231 - 1261)

Dutch: Hendrik III, hertog van Brabant en Limburg, French: Henri III, duc de Brabant, German: Heinrich III von Brabant, duke of Brabant and Limburg
Also Known As: "de barmhartige"
Birthplace: Brabant
Death: February 28, 1261 (25-34)
Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium
Place of Burial: Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium
Immediate Family:

Son of Henry II, duke of Brabant and Maria von Hohenstaufen
Husband of Alix (Adelheid) of Burgundy
Partner of Joanna van der Balch
Father of Godfried van Brabant, heer van Aarschot; Hendrik van Brabant, IV; John I, duke of Brabant; Marie de Brabant, reine de France and Gillis van Brabant van Brecht
Brother of Mathilde van Brabant; Beatrix van Brabant, Gravin gemalin van Vlaanderen; Margaretha van Brabant; Filips van Brabant and Maria of Brabant
Half brother of Elizabeth van Brabant Hessen and Hendrik van Brabant, Landgraf von Hessen

Occupation: Hertog van Brabant
Managed by: Private User
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About Henry III, duke of Brabant



Henry III of Brabant (c. 1230 – February 28, 1261, Leuven) was Duke of Brabant between 1248 and his death. He was the son of Henry II of Brabant and Marie of Hohenstaufen.

The disputed territory of Lothier, the former Duchy of Lower Lorraine, was assigned to him by the German King Alfonso X of Castile. Alfonso also appointed him Imperial Vicar to advance his claims on the Holy Roman Empire.

In 1251, he married Adelaide of Burgundy (c. 1233 – October 23, 1273), daughter of Hugh IV, Duke of Burgundy, by whom he had four children:

  1. Henry IV, Duke of Brabant (c. 1251 – aft. 1272)

2. John I, Duke of Brabant (1253–1294)
3. Godfrey of Brabant, Lord of Aarschot (d. July 11, 1302, Kortrijk), killed at the Battle of the Golden Spurs, married 1277 Jeanne Isabeau de Vierzon (d. aft. 1296)
4. Maria of Brabant (1256, Leuven – January 12, 1321, Murel), married at Vincennes on August 27, 1274 to King Philip III of France.
He also had one illegitimate son:

   * Gilles, ancestor of the van der Balch family.


Nobility, only son of Henri II and his first wife Maria of Hohenstaufen. He succeeded his father as Duke de Brabant in 1248. He married Alix de Bourgogne in 1251 who bore him four children, including Jean who succeeded him and Marie who became Queen of France.

Über Heinrich III von Brabant (Deutsch)

Herzog Heinrich III. von Brabant , siehe Wikipedia, Seine ersten Erfahrungen als Soldat machte er an der Seite seines Verwandten, des deutschen Gegenkönigs Wilhelm von Holland, an dessen Krönung am 1. November 1248 in Aachen er teilnahm. Im Flämischen Erbfolgekrieg hingegen unterstützte er ihn nicht, obwohl in dieser Auseinandersetzung Wilhelms Sohn und der Schwager involviert waren. Stattdessen verbündete er sich mit Wilhelm von Dampierre, Graf von Flandern, dessen Schwester er dann heiratete. Andererseits suchte er, im alten Niederlothringen den Frieden zu erhalten, was ihm auch gelang, trotz der Feindseligkeiten der Dampierres und der Avesnes sowie der Wirren, die dem Tod Wilhelms von Holland mit dem Interregnum folgte. Auf dem Sterbebett unterzeichnete er 1261 eine Charta, die seinen Untertanen größere Freiheiten gewährte.



Henry III of Brabant (c. 1230 – February 28, 1261, Leuven) was Duke of Brabant between 1248 and his death. He was the son of Henry II of Brabant and Marie of Hohenstaufen.

The disputed territory of Lothier, the former Duchy of Lower Lorraine, was assigned to him by the German King Alfonso X of Castile. Alfonso also appointed him Imperial Vicar to advance his claims on the Holy Roman Empire.

In 1251, he married Adelaide of Burgundy (c. 1233 – October 23, 1273), daughter of Hugh IV, Duke of Burgundy, by whom he had four children:

  1. Henry IV, Duke of Brabant (c. 1251 – aft. 1272)

2. John I, Duke of Brabant (1253–1294)
3. Godfrey of Brabant, Lord of Aarschot (d. July 11, 1302, Kortrijk), killed at the Battle of the Golden Spurs, married 1277 Jeanne Isabeau de Vierzon (d. aft. 1296)
4. Maria of Brabant (1256, Leuven – January 12, 1321, Murel), married at Vincennes on August 27, 1274 to King Philip III of France.
He also had one illegitimate son:

   * Gilles, ancestor of the van der Balch family.
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Henry III, duke of Brabant's Timeline

Brussel, België (Belgium)
April 3, 1253
Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium
May 13, 1254
Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium
February 28, 1261
Age 30
Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium
Tervuren, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium
Notre-Dame des Dominicains, Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium