Historical records matching Henry II, duke of Limburg
Immediate Family
About Henry II, duke of Limburg
Henri II de Limbourg, né vers 1111, mort à Rome en août 1165, fut duc de Limbourg et comte d'Arlon de 1139 à 1165. Il était fils de Waléran II, duc de Limbourg et de Basse-Lotharingie, et de Jutte de Gueldre.
Il succéda à son père comme duc de Limbourg, mais l'empereur Conrad III refusa de lui laisser la Basse-Lotharingie, qu'il attribua à Godefroid II de Louvain. Henri II continua cependant à s'intituler duc de Limbourg. Refusant d'accepter la perte du duché de Basse-Lotharingie, il attaqua Godefroid II, mais fut vaincu. Godefroid mourut en 1142, laissant un fils mineur, mais Henri, occupé à se battre contre le seigneur de Fauquemont, ne reprit pas la lutte. En 1147, il hérite du comté d'Arlon, son frère Waléran étant mort sans enfants
Conrad lui ayant promis un autre fief que la Lotharingie, il se réconcilia avec lui, mais resta en Europe tandis que l'empereur et une partie importante de la noblesse s'engageait dans la deuxième croisade. Henri vint ensuite souvent à la cour impériale et assista au couronnement de l'empereur Frédéric Ier Barberousse.
La Basse-Lotharingie était alors agitée par plusieurs luttes, dont celle du comte de Limbourg contre le comte de Namur Henri l'aveugle. La ville d'Andenne fut prise et complètement pillée et brûlée. Puis Henri II combattit Godefroid III de Louvain. Les difficultés que rencontraient le comte de Limbourg fit que les deux seigneurs se rencontrèrent et firent la paix en 1155. A l'occasion, Marguerite, la fille d'Henri, épousa Godefroid.
Il accompagna ensuite Frédéric Barberousse dans ses expéditions en Italie, où l'empereur luttait contre la papauté et les villes lombardes. En 1167, il accompagne de nouveau Frédéric en Italie, mais l'armée impériale est décimée par la peste. Henri II compta parmi les victimes.
Henry II (c. 1111 – August 1167) was the duke of Limburg from 1139 and count of Arlon from 1147 to his death. He was the son of Waleran, Duke of Lower Lorraine, and Jutta of Guelders. He succeeded his father in Limburg with the title of duke, but Conrad III refused grant him Lower Lorraine. He continued to style himself as duke nevertheless.
Henry refused at first to accept the loss of Lorraine and attacked the new duke, Godfrey VII. He was defeated. Godfrey died in 1142, but Henry was occupied with a war against the lord of Fauquemont and did not assert any claim to the duchy of Lower Lorraine.
In 1147, he inherited Arlon, his younger brother Waleran having died without children. Conrad confirmed this, for he had promised Henry a fief to compensate for the loss of Lorraine, and the duke and the king were reconciled. Henry did not take part in the Second Crusade that year, however. Henry attended the coronation of Conrad's successor, Frederick Barbarossa.
At that time, Henry was involved in a war with Henry IV of Luxembourg. The town of Andenne was taken and completely plundered and burned. Then Henry turned to Godfrey VIII, but they soon made peace in 1155. Henry's daughter Margaret married Godfrey.
Henry took part in Barbarossa's Italian campaigns, dying during the epidemic of 1167 at Rome.
Henry II (c. 1111 – August 1167) was the duke of Limburg from 1139 and count of Arlon from 1147 to his death. He was the son of Waleran, Duke of Lower Lorraine, and Jutta of Guelders. He succeeded his father in Limburg with the title of duke, but Conrad III refused grant him Lower Lorraine. He continued to style himself as duke nevertheless.
Henry refused at first to accept the loss of Lorraine and attacked the new duke, Godfrey VII. He was defeated. Godfrey died in 1142, but Henry was occupied with a war against the lord of Fauquemont and did not assert any claim to the duchy of Lower Lorraine.
In 1147, he inherited Arlon, his younger brother Waleran having died without children. Conrad confirmed this, for he had promised Henry a fief to compensate for the loss of Lorraine, and the duke and the king were reconciled. Henry did not take part in the Second Crusade that year, however. Henry attended the coronation of Conrad's successor, Frederick Barbarossa.
At that time, Henry was involved in a war with Henry IV of Luxembourg. The town of Andenne was taken and completely plundered and burned. Then Henry turned to Godfrey VIII, but they soon made peace in 1155. Henry's daughter Margaret married Godfrey.
Henry took part in Barbarossa's Italian campaigns, dying during the epidemic of 1167 at Rome.
Henry II was the Duke of Limburg from 1139 and Count of Arlon from 1147 to his death. He succeeded his father in Limburg with the title of Duke, but Conrad III of Germany refused grant him Lower Lorraine. He continued to style himself as Duke nevertheless.
Henry refused at first to accept the loss of Lorraine and attacked the new Duke, Godfrey VII (also our ancestor). He was defeated. Godfrey died in 1142, but Henry was occupied with a war against the lord of Fauquemont and did not assert any claim to the duchy of Lower Lorraine.
In 1147, he inherited Arlon, his younger brother Waleran having died without children. Conrad confirmed this, for he had promised Henry a fief to compensate for the loss of Lorraine, and the Duke and the King were reconciled. Henry did not take part in the Second Crusade that year, however. Henry attended the coronation of Conrad's successor, Frederick Barbarossa (also our ancestor).
At that time, Henry was involved in a war with Henry IV of Luxembourg. The town of Andenne was taken and completely plundered and burned. Then Henry turned to Godfrey VIII, but they soon made peace in 1155. Henry's daughter Margaret married Godfrey.
Henry took part in Barbarossa's Italian campaigns, dying during the epidemic of 1167 at Rome.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_II_of_Limburg for more information.
Henry II of Limburg
Henry II (c. 1111 – August 1167) was the duke of Limburg from 1139 and count of Arlon from 1147 to his death. He was the son of Waleran, Duke of Lower Lorraine, and Jutta of Guelders. He succeeded his father in Limburg with the title of duke, but Conrad III refused grant him Lower Lorraine. He continued to style himself as duke nevertheless.
Henry refused at first to accept the loss of Lorraine and attacked the new duke, Godfrey VII. He was defeated. Godfrey died in 1142, but Henry was occupied with a war against the lord of Fauquemont and did not assert any claim to the duchy of Lower Lorraine.
In 1147, he inherited Arlon, his younger brother Waleran having died without children. Conrad confirmed this, for he had promised Henry a fief to compensate for the loss of Lorraine, and the duke and the king were reconciled. Henry did not take part in the Second Crusade that year, however. Henry attended the coronation of Conrad's successor, Frederick Barbarossa.
At that time, Henry was involved in a war with Henry IV of Luxembourg. The town of Andenne was taken and completely plundered and burned. Then Henry turned to Godfrey VIII, but they soon made peace in 1155. Henry's daughter Margaret married Godfrey.
Henry took part in Barbarossa's Italian campaigns, dying during the epidemic of 1167 at Rome.
Henry II (c. 1111 – August 1167) was the duke of Limburg from 1139 and count of Arlon from 1147 to his death. He was the son of Waleran, Duke of Lower Lorraine, and Jutta of Guelders. He succeeded his father in Limburg with the title of duke, but Conrad III refused grant him Lower Lorraine. He continued to style himself as duke nevertheless.
Henry refused at first to accept the loss of Lorraine and attacked the new duke, Godfrey VII. He was defeated. Godfrey died in 1142, but Henry was occupied with a war against the lord of Fauquemont and did not assert any claim to the duchy of Lower Lorraine.
In 1147, he inherited Arlon, his younger brother Waleran having died without children. Conrad confirmed this, for he had promised Henry a fief to compensate for the loss of Lorraine, and the duke and the king were reconciled. Henry did not take part in the Second Crusade that year, however. Henry attended the coronation of Conrad's successor, Frederick Barbarossa.
At that time, Henry was involved in a war with Henry IV of Luxembourg. The town of Andenne was taken and completely plundered and burned. Then Henry turned to Godfrey VIII, but they soon made peace in 1155. Henry's daughter Margaret married Godfrey.
Henry took part in Barbarossa's Italian campaigns, dying during the epidemic of 1167 at Rome.
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Preceded by
Waleran II Duke of Limburg
1139–1167 Succeeded by
Henry III
Preceded by
Waleran III Count of Arlon
[edit] References
FMG on Henry II of Limburg, his wives and children
Histoire du Limbourg, tome troisième 1139
1147 graaf van Arlon 1153 hertog van Limburg, oppervoogd van St. Truiden door huwelijk voogd van Rolduc hertrouwd 1150 Laurette van Vlaanderen (gescheiden 1151-1152)
Heinrich II. (Limburg)
Heinrich II. von Niederlothringen (* um 1110; † 19. August 1167 in Rom) war Herzog von Limburg.
Um 1135 heiratete er Mathilde von Saffenberg (* um 1120; † 2. Januar 1145). Aus der Ehe stammt
- Heinrich III. von Limburg (* um 1140; † 21. Juli 1221 Rolduc) der 1167 Sophia von Saarbrücken (* 1155; † 1226) heiratet.
- Ab Heinrich II. führt die Familie nicht mehr die Bezeichnung Herzöge von Niederlothringen sondern Herzöge von Limburg. Heinrich führte diesen Titel von 1139 bis 1167.
Henry II, duke of Limburg's Timeline
1111 |
Limburg, Liège, Wallonia, Belgium
1130 |
1133 |
Limburg an der Lahn, Landkreis Gießen, Hessen, Germany
1138 |
Lorraine, France
1167 |
August 19, 1167
Age 56
Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Lazio, Italy
Age 56
Abbaye de Rolduc, Kerkrade, Limburg, The Netherlands (Netherlands)