Henry Gallop, of Hanover Parish

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Henry Gallop, of Hanover Parish

Birthplace: England or, Virginia Colony
Death: before July 26, 1727
Hanover Parish, King George County, Province of Virginia
Immediate Family:

Brother of Robert Gallop, of Hanover Parish

Managed by: Erica Howton
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Henry Gallop, of Hanover Parish


From https://www.colonial-settlers-md-va.us/getperson.php?personID=I0415...

KING GEORGE COUNTY VIRGINIA WILL BOOK A-1;1721-1752 {George Harrison Sanford King}; Pages 63-64

In the Name of God Amen, the 6th day of April in the year of our Lord God 1726. I Henry Gollop of Hanover Parish in the County of King George being in perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God for the same but calling to mind ye mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last Will & Testament that is to say

  • First: I revoke all other Wills & Testaments either by wrighting or otherwise which ever was made by me and this only to stand as my last Will & Testament and no other.
  • Imprimis: 1 give and bequeath to my couzen Mary Elkens the plantation where I now live and the land belonging to it, to her and the heirs of her body forever and one Negro called Cili and one heifer to her daughter Elizabeth.
  • Item: I give and bequeath to my cuzen Anne Gollop one plantation at the Deep Run and the land belonging to it to her and her heirs lawfully begotten forever, and one Negro called Nan and one feather bed and furniture.
  • Item: I give to Phillis Gollop one Negro called Tom and one feather bed and furniture.
  • Item: I give to my cuzen Elenor Gollop twenty pounds Sterling which I have now by me and please God that I rase more money before I die, I desire she may have it.
  • And further my desire is that all my personal estate not mentioned in my Will after funeral charges and lawful debts [are] paid should be equally divded between my four cuzens and I do hereby appoint and ordain John Owens and Elenor Owens his now wife my sole and lawfull Executors.
  • As Witness my hand and Seale His *******
  • Henry [H] Gollop *Seale* Mark *******
  • Copy Test
  • Witnesses Richard Owens
  • His
  • William [M] Owen
  • Mark

Thomas Rallins

At a Court held for King George County on Friday ye 6th day of July Anno Dom: 1727.

This last Will and Testament of Henry Gollop, dece., was presented into Court by John Owen and Elliner his wife Executors therein appointed who made oath thereto and the same was proved by the oaths of Richard & William Owen two of the evidences thereto subscribed and admitted to Record. Copy Test T: Turner Cl: Cur:

[Gollop and Gallop interchange in the records; also Owen and Owens. The four cousins named in Henry Gollop's will were his four nieces, the only children of his deceased brother, Robert Gallop (Gollop), who died testate in Richmond County in 1720. His widow, Eleanor (Elener, Elliner, &c.), married secondly John Owen(s). The wife and children of Robert Gallop are detailed by George Harrison Sanford King in Marriages of Richmond County, Virginia, 1668-1853, see index page 303, under Gallop

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Henry Gallop, of Hanover Parish's Timeline

England or, Virginia Colony
July 26, 1727
Age 74
Hanover Parish, King George County, Province of Virginia