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Helju Aren (Nael) (1936 - 1984)

Birthplace: Leningrad, Vene NFSV, NSVL
Death: January 17, 1984 (47)
Place of Burial: Tallinna Metsakalmistu, V, TL, 20/4, 1-kohaline kirstuplats
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Johannes Nael and Linda-Karin Nael
Wife of Väino Aren
Mother of Krista Aren
Sister of Silvia Pikka

Managed by: Kärt Kaljurand
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Helju Aren

Helju Aren (sünninimi Nael; 22. august 193617. jaanuar 1984) oli eesti baleriin ja näitleja, Väino Areni abikaasa ja lavapartner.


Helju Aren sü 22.08.1936 su 17.01.1984 ma 21.01.1984 Tallinna Metsakalmistu, V, TL, 20/4, 1-kohaline kirstuplats

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Helju Aren's Timeline

August 22, 1936
Leningrad, Vene NFSV, NSVL
August 17, 1961
Tallinn, Harjumaa
January 17, 1984
Age 47
January 21, 1984
Age 47
Tallinna Metsakalmistu, V, TL, 20/4, 1-kohaline kirstuplats