Helie d'Aubigny, Baron of Belvoir, Ingleby, Saxilby and Broadholme

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Helie d'Aubigny, Baron of Belvoir, Ingleby, Saxilby and Broadholme's Geni Profile

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Helie d'Aubigny (d'Aubigné), Baron of Belvoir, Ingleby, Saxilby and Broadholme

Also Known As: "Elias de Chauvigne", "Lord Daubeney"
Immediate Family:

Son of Geoffroi de Chauvigné and NN d'Aubigny
Husband of Hawise NN
Father of Drusiana de Neville; Ralph d'Aubigné, Lord Daubeney of Belvoir, Ingleby, Saxilby and Broadholme; Oliver d'Aubigne, Baron of Enderby; John d'Aubigne; Elias d'Aubigne and 2 others
Brother of Iwain d'Aubigné; Olivier de Chauvigné; Geoffroi II d'Aubigné and Osmund de Chauvigné

Managed by: Pam Wilson (on hiatus)
Last Updated:

About Helie d'Aubigny, Baron of Belvoir, Ingleby, Saxilby and Broadholme


Elias (Helias) de Aubigne Nephew of William I de Albini Brito, brother of Iwain de Aubigne and Geoffrey II de Chavigne. Benefactor of Kirkstead, to which he and his son Ralph granted a meadow in Scampton temp. Henry II (Stenton, Danelaw Charters no. 206). Held one fee of Roger de Mowbray at Strathern, Leicestershire, in 1166. Elias held a fee of Belvoir, and was given or inherited a holding on the demesne of the Count of Brittany in Bructon, in 1185 he married Hawise, and his sons Ralf, Oliver and John, 1179-1181, are mentioned. Elias was captured at the Seige of Dol-de-Bretagne Under Henry II in 1173. Elias also had sons; Elias Jr., Marchisius, and Phillip who we will discuss later, and a daughter, Drusiana who married Ralph IV de Neville of Scotton. Taken and edited from: K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, Domesday Descendants, A Prosopography of persons occurring in English documents, 1066-1166: II Pipe Rolls to Cartae Baronum (Boydell Press, 2002), pg. 271.