Immediate Family
About Helgi "the Sharp", King of Ringerike
Helgi the Sharp (Ringerike)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Ragnarssona þáttr, Helgi the Sharp, prince of Ringerike (Old Norse: Helgi Hvassi) was son of king Ring II of Ringerike and the brother of Guðrøðr, the king of Ringerike and they lived in the 9th century.
Ragnar Lodbrok's sons Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye, Björn Ironside and Hvitserk had raided in France and after Björn had gone home to Sweden, his brothers were attacked by emperor Arnulf of Carinthia. In the battle 100,000 Danes and Norwegians fell, including Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye and king Guðrøðr. (At the decisive Battle of Leuven in September 891, he "Arnulf" defeated an invading force of the Northmen, or Vikings, essentially ending their invasions on that front.)
Helgi escaped from the battle with Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye's banner, sword and shield. He went to Denmark and informed Sigurd's mother Aslaug of her loss. Since the next king, Harthacnut, was still too young to rule, Helgi stayed in Denmark as its regent. There, Helgi married Harthacanute's twin sister, also named Aslaug, and they had the son Sigurd Hart.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Dagling or Dögling dynasty was a legendary clan of the petty kingdom Ringerike in what today is Norway. It was descended from a Dag the Great.
In the Ynglinga saga, Snorri Sturluson writes that the clan was descended from Dag the Great whose daughter Dageid married the Swedish king Alrekr and was the mother of Yngvi and Alf.
Dag of the nine sons
Stanza 18 of the Hyndluljóð reads:
Dagr átti Þóru
drengja móður, ólusk í ætt þar æðstir kappar: Fraðmarr ok Gyrðr ok Frekar báðir, Ámr ok Jösurmarr, Alfr inn gamli. Varðar, at viti svá. Viltu enn lengra?[1]
The mate of Dag was a mother of heroes, Thora, who bore him the bravest of fighters, Frathmar and Gyrth and the Frekis twain, Am and Jofurmar, Alf the Old; It is much to know,-- wilt thou hear yet more?[2]
In the later Hversu Noregr byggðist, it is reported that Dag married a woman named Þóra drengjamóður and they had nine sons. Among them were Óli, Ámr, Jöfurr and Arngrim the berserker who married Eyfura.
This makes this Dag roughly contemporary with the Dag of Ynglinga saga, Hervarar saga and Orvar-Odd's saga, as Arngrim's sons Angantyr and his brother Hjörvard would have been the cousins of the Swedish king Yngvi, whose daughter Hjörvard wanted to marry. This proposal would lead to both Angantyr and his brothers being killed in battle against the Swedish hero Hjalmar and his Norwegian friend Orvar-Odd.[citation needed] But the "Hversu Noregr Byggðist" tells that Dag's grandfather received a promise from the gods that there would be no woman among his descendants for three hundred years[3], which fits badly with Dag having a daughter.
Another one of Dag the Great's sons according to Hversu Noregr Byggðist was Óli, who was the father of Dag, the father of Óleif the father of Hring (the old king Ring of Frithiof's Saga), the father of Olaf, the father of Helgi, the father of Sigurd Hjort, the father of Ragnhild, who was the mother of Harald Fairhair.
This line partially agrees with the one found in Ragnarssona þáttr, where it is told instead that Dag the Great and his wife Þóra drengjamóður were the parents of Hring, the father of Ingi, the father of Ingjald, the father of Olaf, the father of Gudröd and Helgi the Sharp. Helgi married the daughter of Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye and had the son Sigurd Hjort, the father of Ragnhild, the mother of Harald Fairhair.
- Guðni Jónsson's edition
- Bellow's translation
- "Hvorledes Norge ble bosatt". Retrieved 2011-03-04.
Om Helge den kvasse Olavson, Konge av Ringerike (Norsk)
Helge den hvasse konge over Ringerike
Han var sønn av Olaf, gift med Åslaug Sigurdsdatter: De hadde sønnen Sigurd Hjort
Fra Hods ættetavle Dag var gift med Thora Drengjamor, og de hadde ni sønner. Den ene het Oli, den andre Åm, den tredje Jøfur og den fjerde Arngrim. Oli var far til Dag, far til Oleif, far til Hring, far til Olaf, far til Helge, far til Sigurd hjerte, far til Ragnhild, mor til Harald hårfagre. Haralds ætt ble kalt Døglinger. Arngrim eide Eyfuru. Sønnen deres var Angantyr berserk.
Alfs den gamle ættetavle. Kong Ålf den gamle styrte over Ålfheim. Han var far til Ålfgeir, far til Gandalf, far til Ålfhild. Ålfhild var mor til Ragnar lodbrok, far til Sigurd orm i øyet, far til Åslaug, mor til Sigurd hjerte, far til Ragnhild, mor til Harald hårfagre. Harald den gamle, sønn av Valdar den gavmilde Hroarsønn, var gift med kong Heidreks datter, Hervor. Sønnen deres var Halfdan den rådkloke, far til Ivar den vidfadme, far til Aud den dyptenkte. Hun var gift med Hrærek ringslengeren. Deres sønn var Harald hilditann. Senere var Aud gift med kong Rådbard. Sønnen deres var Randver, far til Sigurd ring, far til Ragnar lodbrok, far til Sigurd, far til Åslaug, mor til Sigurd, far til Ragnhild, mor til Harald hårfagre, som var den første enevoldskongen over Norge. (Dette er anetavlen via Åslaug, og nevner ikke Helge).
Denne linjen stemmer delvis overens med den som blir funnet i Ragnarssonas þáttr, hvor det i stedet er fortalt at Dag den store og hans kone Þóra drengjamóður var foreldre til Ring, far til Inge, far til Ingjald, far til Hring, far til Olaf, far til Gudröd og Helge Kvasse. Helge giftet seg med datteren til Sigurd slange-i-the-øye og hadde sønnen Sigurd Hjort, faren til Ragnhild, mor til Harald Hårfagre
De to tavlene er engie om at Helge Kvasse sin far var Olaf sønn av Hring.
Helgi "the Sharp", King of Ringerike's Timeline
800 |
Ringerike, Buskerud, Norge
Ringerike, Buskerud, Norway
815 |
Ringerike, Buskerud, Norge (Norway)
818 |
891 |
September 891
Age 91
Ringerike, Buskerud, Norway