Heinrich I "der Kahle" von Stade, Graf von Stade, Graf im Heilangau

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Heinrich I "der Kahle" von Stade, Graf von Stade, Graf im Heilangau (929 - 976)

German: Heinrich, Graf von Stade, Graf im Heilangau
Also Known As: "The Bald", "Heinrich I Von Stade", "Graf of Heilangau"
Birthplace: Stade, Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany
Death: May 11, 976 (46)
Stade, Lower Saxony, Germany
Place of Burial: Heringen, Hesse, Germany
Immediate Family:

Son of Lothar II, von Stade and Swanehild
Husband of Hildegard von Rheinhausen and Judith of Ohningen
Father of Hildegard von Stade, duchess of Saxony; Lothar I, Graf von Stade; Kunigunde von Stade; Hedwig von Stade; Heinrich II "der Gute" von Stade, Graf and 2 others
Brother of Gerburg von Stade; Siegfried I von Stade, Graf von Stade and Thietmar von Stade, Graf

Occupation: Graf von Helangau, Greve av Kahlen, hertug av Stade, Conde de Stade, Greve, Graaf van Stade in de Hellingau, Comte, de Heilingau, de Nosles, Greve (Stade). Känd som Heinrich der kahle (Henrik den skallige)., Count of Stade
Managed by: James Fred Patin, Jr.
Last Updated:

About Heinrich I "der Kahle" von Stade, Graf von Stade, Graf im Heilangau

[LOTHAR [II] von Stade (-killed in battle near Lenzen an der Elbe 5 Sep 929). No proof has been found that Lothar [II] was the son of Lothar [I] but this looks likely. Thietmar records the death of two of his great grandfathers "both named Liuthar" at the battle of Lenzen 5 Sep[1805].] m SWANEHILD, daughter of --- (-13 Dec-). The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. Graf Lothar [II] & his wife had four children:

a) HEINRICH [I] "der Kahle" von Stade (-11 May 976, bur Kloster Heeringen). The paternity of Heinrich is determined from Thietmar recording the death of two of his great grandfathers "both named Liuthar" at the battle of Lenzen 5 Sep[1806]. Graf von Stade. He constructed Burg Harsefeld in 964.
b) GERBURG von Stade . The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified.
c) SIEGFRIED [I] von Stade . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Graf von Stade 954/973. "Otto…rex" granted property "Asundorf marcam et Dornsteti marcam Liubissa…in pago Hassigeuui in comitatu comitis Sigiuuridi…loco Biscopstat…in pago Altgeuui in comitatu comitis Uuillihelmi" to "vassallo Billing" by charter dated 23 Apr 961[1807].
d) THIETMAR von Stade (-12 Mar 1001). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Abbot of Corvey 983.




HEINRICH [I] "der Kahle" von Stade, son of LOTHAR [II] Graf on Stade & his wife Swanehild --- (-11 May 976, bur Kloster Heeringen). The paternity of Heinrich is determined from Thietmar recording the death of two of his great grandfathers "both named Liuthar" at the battle of Lenzen 5 Sep[680]. The Annalista Saxo refers to "Heinricus Calvus comes de Stathen" as "consanguineus" of Emperor Otto I[681], but the precise relationship between the two has not been identified. Graf von Stade. Graf im Heilangau 959: "Otto…rex" granted property "in pago…Helinge et Moside in locis…Buochstadon et Rinchurst in comitatu et legatione Heinrici comitis" to Magdeburg St Moritz by charter dated 2 Jul 959[682]. He constructed the castle of Harsefeld [Herseveld][683] in 964. Thietmar names his "grandfather Heinrich" when recording that he tried to capture Duke Hermann Billung at Magdeburg allegedly in response the duke's "arrogance" in certain ceremonial matters[684].

  • m firstly ([946]%29 JUDITH, daughter of GEBHARD Graf im Ufgau [Konradiner] & his wife [Adela] --- (-16 Oct [973]). "Iuditham sororem Udonis ducis qui postmodum in Calabria sub Ottone Rufo cum multis occubuit" is named in Annalista Saxo, which specifies that she had three sons "Heinricum, Udonem et Sigefridum" and three daughters (unnamed), constructed the castle "qui Herseveld dicitur" and was buried with her husband (unnamed) at Heslinge[685]. Her husband is named "Heinricus Calvus comes de Stathen" in a later passage[686]. Thietmar records that his grandmother Judith died 26 Oct and "rests in a church which her daughter had constructed"[687]. The necrology of Lüneburg records the death "16 Oct" of "Juthita com"[688].
  • m secondly HILDEGARD [von Reinhausen, daughter of ELLI [I] Graf von Reinhausen & his wife ---] (-11 Jun ----). The Annales Stadenses name "Hildigardam" as wife of "Heinricus calvus" and mother of "Bonus Heinricus"[689]. The primary source which confirms her parentage has not yet been identified. Graf Heinrich [I] & his first wife had seven children:

1. HEINRICH [II] "der Gute" von Stade ([946]-2 Oct 1016, bur Harsefeld).

2. LOTHAR-UDO [I] von Stade ([950]-killed in battle near Stade 23 Jun 994). m --- im Liesgau, daughter of SIEGBERT Graf im Liesgau & his wife ---.

3. GERBERG von Stade ([950]-[1000]).

4. KUNIGUNDE von Stade ([956]-13 Jul 997, bur Germersleben).

5. HEDWIG [Hathui] von Stade ([960/61]-18 Jul ----).

6. EMNILDE von Stade .

7. SIEGFRIED [II] von Stade ([965]-6 Jan or 1 May 1037). "Heinricum, Udonem et Sigefridum" are named as the three sons of Judith in the Annalista Saxo, Siegfried being named "filio Heinrici comitis de Stathen" in a later passage[715]. Graf von Stade. - see below.

Graf Heinrich [I] & his second wife had one child: 8. HILDEGARDE von Stade ([974/77]-3 Oct 1011, bur Lüneburg St Michaelis).

Born: Bef 929

Marriage: Hildegard

Died: 10 May 976

Another name for Henrik was Henry the Bald.

General Notes:

He was first married with Judith, daughter of Heribert I of Kinziggau and Irmtrud who died in 973.

Noted events in his life were:

• He was a Count of Stade.

Henrik married Hildegard.

Born: Bef 929

Marriage: Hildegard

Died: 10 May 976

Another name for Henrik was Henry the Bald.

General Notes:

He was first married with Judith, daughter of Heribert I of Kinziggau and Irmtrud who died in 973.

Noted events in his life were:

• He was a Count of Stade.

Henrik married Hildegard.

dog 976

Leo: Europäische Stammtafeln, J.A. Stargardt Verlag, Marburg, Schwennicke, Detlev (Ed.), Reference: VIII 133.
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Heinrich I "der Kahle" von Stade, Graf von Stade, Graf im Heilangau's Timeline

September 5, 929
Stade, Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany
Stade, Germany
Stade, Lower Saxony, Germany
Stade,Lenzen,Lower Saxony,Thüringia
Stade, Germany
Stade, Saxony, Germany
May 11, 976
Age 46
Stade, Lower Saxony, Germany