Immediate Family
About Hedwig of Nordgau
Hedwig van Nordgau (922 - 993) was de dochter van graaf Eberhard IV van de Nordgau en Luitgard van Lotharingen. Zij trouwde rond 950 haar oom (broer van haar moeder) Siegfried van Luxemburg, de stichter en eerste graaf van Luxemburg.
Volgens http://www.thepeerage.com/p397.htm#i3968 was haar moeder Gerberge von Sachsen. Dit lijkt veel aannemelijker omdat haar echtgenoot Siegfried van Luxemburg een broer was van Luitgard van Trier, die doorgaans geïdentificeerd wordt met hogerstaande Luitgard van Lotharingen.
Siegfried en Hedwig kregen 11 kinderen, waaronder:
Hendrik, graaf van Luxemburg
Adalbero, aartsbisschop van Trier
Luitgard, getrouwd met graaf Aarnout van Holland
Eva, getrouwd met graaf Gerard van de Elzass
Kunigunde, getrouwd met keizer Hendrik II van het Heilige Roomse Rijk
Dideriek, bisschop van Metz
Frederik, vader van de latere graven Hendrik II en Giselbert
Hedwig of Nordgau (922 - 993) was the daughter of count Eberhard IV of Nordgau and Luitgard of Lotharingia. Around 950 she married her maternal uncle Siegfried of Luxembourg, first count of Luxembourg and founder of the county.
According to http://www.thepeerage.com/p397.htm#i3968 her mother was Gerberge von Sachsen. This seems much more likely because her husband Siegfried of Luxembourg was a brother of Luitgard of Trier, who is usually identified with the Luitgard of Lorraine mentioned above.
Siegfried and Hedwig had 11 children, including:
Henry, count of Luxemburg
Adalbert, archbishop of Trier
Luitgard, married Aarnout
Eva, married count Gerard of Elzass
Cunigunde, married Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor
Dietrich, bishop of Metz
Frederik, father of the later counts Henry II and Giselbert.
Hedwig of Nordgau (922 - 993) was the daughter of count Eberhard IV of Nordgau and Luitgard of Lotharingia. Around 950 she married her maternal uncle Siegfried of Luxembourg, first count of Luxembourg and founder of the county.
Siegfried and Hedwig had 11 children, including:
* Henry, count of Luxemburg
* Adalbert, archbishop of Trier
* Luitgard, married Aarnout
* Eva, married count Gerard of Elzass
* Cunigunde, married Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor
* Dietrich, bishop of Metz
* Frederik, father of the later counts Henry II and Giselbert
Female, ( - 13 December 992)
Hedwig|d. 13 Dec 992|p31399.htm|Eberhard IV Count in Alsace and in the Nordgau|d. 18 Dec 972|p31400.htm|Luitgarde of Trier||p31401.htm|Hugh I. o. H. Count in the Alsacian Nordgau and of Hohenburg in Alsace|d. 940|p35551.htm|Hildegarde||p35552.htm|Wigeric Count in the Triergau and Ardennesgau|d. b 919|p31855.htm|Kunigunde|b. a 890\nd. a 923|p31856.htm|
Hedwig was the daughter of Eberhard IV Count in Alsace and in the Nordgau and Luitgarde of Trier.1 She was a Saxon.1 About 950 Hedwig married Siegfried Count of Luxemburg and in the Moselgau, son of Wigeric Count in the Triergau and Ardennesgau and Kunigunde.1 Hedwig died on Thursday, 13 December 992.1
Ancestry of Edward III
Children of Hedwig and Siegfried Count of Luxemburg and in the Moselgau
Eva+ ( - bt 1006 - 1024)1
Luitgarde of Luxemburg+ ( - 14 May 1005)1
Frederick I Count of Luxembourg, Count in the Moselgau+ (a 965 - 6 Oct 1019)1
Stuart, Roderick W. Royalty for Commoners, The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philippa. Fourth Edition. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2002.
Hedwig of Nordgau
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Hedwig of Nordgau (922 - 993) was the daughter of count Eberhard IV of Nordgau and Luitgard of Lotharingia. Around 950 she married her maternal uncle Siegfried of Luxembourg, first count of Luxembourg and founder of the county.
Siegfried and Hedwig had 11 children, including:
Henry, count of Luxemburg
Adalbert, archbishop of Trier
Luitgard, married Aarnout
Eva, married count Gerard of Elzass
Cunigunde, married Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor
Dietrich, bishop of Metz
Frederik, father of the later counts Henry II and Giselbert
Hedwig of Nordgau (922 - 993) was the daughter of count Eberhard IV of Nordgau and Luitgard of Lotharingia. Around 950 she married Siegfried of Luxembourg, first count of Luxembourg and founder of the county.
Siegfried and Hedwig had 11 children, including:
Henry, count of Luxemburg
Adalbert, archbishop of Trier
Luitgard, married Aarnout
Eva, married count Gerard of Elzass
Cunigunde, married Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor
Dietrich, bishop of Metz
Frederik, father of the later counts Henry II and Giselbert
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedwig_of_Nordgau"
Categories: 922 births | 993 deaths | Countesses of Luxembourg | Conradiner family members
Hedwig of Nordgau (922 - 993) was the daughter of count Eberhard IV of Nordgau and Luitgard of Lotharingia. Around 950 she married Siegfried of Luxembourg, first count of Luxembourg and founder of the county.
Siegfried and Hedwig had 11 children, including:
* Henry, count of Luxemburg
* Adalbert, archbishop of Trier
* Luitgard, married Aarnout
* Eva, married count Gerard of Elzass
* Cunigunde, married Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor
* Dietrich, bishop of Metz
* Frederik, father of the later counts Henry II and Giselbert
Nascimento: ou c. 935.
from Geneanet the parents Hugues de Nordgau 895-940 and Hildegarde de Ferrete ±900-949
Hedwig of Nordgau's Timeline
937 |
Nordgau, Herzogtum Alamannia, Ostenfrankenreich
942 |
955 |
Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
957 |
Waldelevin, Belgium
964 |
September 17, 964
Luxemburg, Grafschaft von Luxemburg (Present Luxembourg), Heiligen Römischen Reich
965 |
Hanover Preußen, Northeim, Lower Saxony, Germany
Moselgau, France
970 |
971 |