Immediate Family
About Harold de Ewyas I, Lord of Ewyas
Harold de Ewyas I, Lord of Ewyas
- Son of Ralph I "the Timid" de Mantes, earl of Hereford and Gytha, countess of Hereford
Curator's Note: Although many family trees have Harold married to Maud d'Avranches, little to no evidence currently exists for this in primary or in credible secondary sources. For this reason, his wife has been changed to "NN" (name unknown) until further evidence of her identity is found.
- Ralph / Raoul "The Timid" de Mantes (d. 21 December 1057)
- Unknown, generally believed to be Gytha, a kinswoman to Earl Godwin. (Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700 - by Frederick Lewis Weis and Walter Lee Shepard, Jr. - suggested the name Getha. However this is a secondary source and the source of a lot of unaccountable information - verification is advised before accepting this as even likely; English Wikipedia names her as Gytha without providing citation.)
- 1. Robert I de Ewias (d. after 1147, m. Sibylla)
- 2. Roger de Ewias (d. after 1166)
- 3. John de Sudeley (d. before 1166)
- 4. Alexander de Ewias
- 5. William de Ewias
Birth: Unknown, but at least before 1058 (year after his father died).
Marriage: Unknown f
Death: After 1100 (date of charter for Dore Abbey), location unknown.
Burial: Unknown.
Occupation: Lord of Ewyas (later named Ewyas Harold by his son, Robert I). Served as keeper of Sudeley Castle during the Conquest (1066).
Alternate names: Harold de Ewias (FMG), or de Ewyas (apparently more common spelling). Harold de Sudeley
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on English Nobility Medieval:
HAROLD de Ewias of Ewias Harold, Herefordshire, son of RAOUL de Mantes Earl of Hereford & his wife Gytha --- ([1050/57]-after 1120). His birth date is estimated from the chronology of his father’s life. Bannister suggests that Harold “could only have been a boy in January 1066”, adding that “he was then a minor in the wardship of Queen Edith, widow of the Confessor and daughter of Earl Godwin”[350]. Bannister does not cite the corresponding primary source, but this must be Domesday Book for Middlesex which states that "Harold the son of Earl Ralph, of whom Queen Edith had the custody together with the manor on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead" had held “Ebury” before the conquest[351]. Freeman states that "Harold the son of Ralph" is named in Domesday in Gloucestershire, Worcester, Warwickshire and Middlesex[352]. Domesday Book records that "Harold son of Earl Ralph holds Sudeley of the king. Ralph his father held it...[and] Toddington" in Gloucestershire; Droitwich in Worcestershire; Chilvers Cotton and Burton Dassett in Warwickshire[353]. Lord of Ewias, Herefordshire after 1086: Bannister comments that “exactly how or when Harold became possessed of this Ewias land it is not possible to explain”[354]. The Historia sancti Petri Gloucestriæ records that "Haraldus dominus de Ewyas" donated "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis, Diveles cum capella Sancti Nicholai de Castro, capellam Sancti Jacobi de Ewyas, capellam Sanctæ Kaenæ cum capella de Caneros…decimam annonæ suæ venationis suæ…ecclesiam de Foy…ecclesiam de Alyngetone et ecclesiam de Burnham" in 1100, confirmed by "Theobaldo Cantuarensi archiepiscopo tempore Hamelini abbatis" [abbot from 1148 to 1179][355]. "Haraldus de Ewyas" donated "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis de Ewyas…decimam de domino castelli de Ewyas…" to Gloucester St Peter, confirmed by "Roberto herede meo", by undated charter, witnessed by "Rogerus, Johannes, Alexander et Willelmus filii mei…"[356].
m ---. The name of Harold’s wife is not known. Bannister speculates that she was “Alveva uxor Heraldi”, holding lands in Buckinghamshire “near to the lands once held by Harold’s mother Gueth” in Domesday Book[357]. He does not specify the land, but presumably it is "in Tyringham Acard holds of William", Domesday Book specifying that “this manor 5 thegns held: one of them Harold had 3 hides...and Æelfgifu wife of Harold 11/2 hides as 1 manor”[358]. As the latter part of the entry in question clearly relates to the pre-conquest holding, Bannister has misinterpreted the section and his speculation should be ignored.
Harold & his wife had five children:
1. ROBERT [I] de Ewias (-after 1147[359]). The Historia sancti Petri Gloucestriæ records the confirmation by "Robertus" of the donation of "ecclesiam de Burneham prioratui de Ewyas" made by "patris sui Haraldi" and his own donation of "decimas omnium maneriorum suorum"[360]. "Haraldus de Ewyas" donated "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis de Ewyas…decimam de domino castelli de Ewyas…" to Gloucester St Peter, confirmed by "Roberto herede meo", by undated charter, witnessed by "Rogerus, Johannes, Alexander et Willelmus filii mei…"[361]. A manuscript which lists donations to Gloucester St Peter includes a record of the donation in 1100 by “Haraldus dominus de Ewyas” and the later confirmation by “Robertus” of "donum Haraldi patris sui"[362]. The Gesta Stephani Regis records that "Robertus…filius Heraldi, vir stemmatis ingenuissimi" was sent by the king to subdue the Welsh, dated to [1136/37][363]. "Robertus filius Haraldi de Ewyas" confirmed the donations of "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis de Ewyas…decimam de domino castelli de Ewyas…" to Gloucester St Peter made by his father, for the souls of himself and "uxoris meæ Sibillæ", by undated charter[364]. Bannister states that Robert [I] de Ewias founded in 1147 the Cistercian abbey at Dore in which he was buried[365]. m SIBYLLA, daughter of ---. "Robertus filius Haraldi de Ewyas" confirmed the donations of "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis de Ewyas…decimam de domino castelli de Ewyas…" to Gloucester St Peter made by his father, for the souls of himself and "uxoris meæ Sibillæ", by undated charter[366]. Robert & his wife had [five] children:
a) ROBERT [II] de Ewias (-1198). Military fee certifications in the Red Book of the Exchequer, in 1166, record the knights’ fees held from "Roberti de Weias" in Herefordshire[367]. “Robert of Ewias” donated tithes to Ewias Priory by undated charter witnessed by “Petronilla my wife, Sibilla my daughter, William and Herbert my brothers”[368]. The Red Book of the Exchequer refers to "Robertus de Ewias xix m" in Hereford in [1167/68][369]. The Red Book of the Exchequer, listing scutage payments in [1190/91], records "Robertus de Ewias" paying "ix l x s, xix milites" in Herefordshire[370]. The Red Book of the Exchequer, listing scutage payments in [1194/95], records "Robertus de Ewias" paying "xix l, xix milites" in Herefordshire and also paying in Hampshire[371]. “Robert of Ewias” remitted payments to the chaplains of Ewias Priory by charter dated 1196 which names “John my son”[372]. "Robertus de Ewyas filius Roberti de Ewyas" confirmed the donations of "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis et Sancti Jacobi de Ewyas…" to Gloucester St Peter, for the souls of himself and "uxoris meæ Petronillæ et filiæ meæ Sibillæ", by charter dated 23 Feb 1196[373]. m PETRONILLA, daughter of --- (-after 28 Oct 1204). “Robert of Ewias” donated tithes to Ewias Priory by undated charter witnessed by “Petronilla my wife, Sibilla my daughter, William and Herbert my brothers”[374]. "Robertus de Ewyas filius Roberti de Ewyas" confirmed the donations of "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis et Sancti Jacobi de Ewyas…" to Gloucester St Peter, for the souls of himself and "uxoris meæ Petronillæ et filiæ meæ Sibillæ", by charter dated 23 Feb 1196[375]. “Petronilla de Ewias” reached agreement with the abbot of Gloucester about the advowson of Eton by charter dated 28 Oct 1204[376]. Robert & his wife had two children:
i) SIBYLLA de Ewias (-before 1 Jul 1236). “Robert of Ewias” donated tithes to Ewias Priory by undated charter witnessed by “Petronilla my wife, Sibilla my daughter, William and Herbert my brothers”[377]. "Robertus de Ewyas filius Roberti de Ewyas" confirmed the donations of "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis et Sancti Jacobi de Ewyas…" to Gloucester St Peter, for the souls of himself and "uxoris meæ Petronillæ et filiæ meæ Sibillæ", by charter dated 23 Feb 1196[378]. Henry III King of England confirmed "terre de Helvinton, que est de feodo ipsius Sibille" to "Rogero de Clifford et Sibille de Euias uxori eius" dated [early] 1217[379]. “Rogerus de Clifford” requested burial at Dore abbey, Herefordshire, with the consent of "Sibillæ uxoris meæ", next to "filium suum", by undated charter, witnessed by "Ricardo de Clifford, Willielmo de Ewyas seniore, Willielmo de Ewyas juniore, filio Sibillæ"[380]. "Domina Sibilla de Ewyas filia Roberti de Ewyas" donated her mill at Ethon to Acornbury priory, Herefordshire by undated charter, witnessed by “domino Waltero de Lacy, domino Rogero de Clifford, Willielmo de Ewias…Roberto Tregoz et fratribus suis"[381]. m firstly ROBERT [I] de Tresgoz, son of --- (-[1213/14]). m secondly (early 1217) ROGER [I] Clifford of Tenbury, son of WALTER [II] de Clifford & his wife Agnes de Cundy (-[Dec 1231]).
ii) JOHN de Ewias (-[1196/98]). “Robert of Ewias” remitted payments to the chaplains of Ewias Priory by charter dated 1196 which names “John my son”[382].b) WILLIAM de Ewias (-after [1231]). “Robert of Ewias” donated tithes to Ewias Priory by undated charter witnessed by “Petronilla my wife, Sibilla my daughter, William and Herbert my brothers”[383]. “Rogerus de Clifford” requested burial at Dore abbey, Herefordshire, with the consent of "Sibillæ uxoris meæ", next to "filium suum", by undated charter, witnessed by "Ricardo de Clifford, Willielmo de Ewyas seniore, Willielmo de Ewyas juniore, filio Sibillæ"[384]. "Domina Sibilla de Ewyas filia Roberti de Ewyas" donated her mill at Ethon to Acornbury priory, Herefordshire by undated charter, witnessed by “domino Waltero de Lacy, domino Rogero de Clifford, Willielmo de Ewias…Roberto Tregoz et fratribus suis"[385].]
c) HERBERT de Ewias . “Robert of Ewias” donated tithes to Ewias Priory by undated charter witnessed by “Petronilla my wife, Sibilla my daughter, William and Herbert my brothers”[386].
d) ROGER of Ewias (-after 1206). “Roger of Ewias” donated land to Ewias Priory, with the consent of “William of Ewias my lord”, by charter dated to after 1206 witnessed by “William of Ewias my brother and lord...”[387].
e) [WALTER de Ewias (-after 1206). There is no indication of the parentage of Walter, but from a chronological point of view he could have been another son of Robert [I] de Ewias. “Walter of Ewias” donated land “versus Haiam” to Ewias Priory, with the consent of “Basilia my wife and William and Roger his sons”, by charter dated 1206[388].] m BASILIA de Carneville, daughter of RICHARD de Carneville & his wife --- (-after 1206). “Walter of Ewias” donated land “versus Haiam” to Ewias Priory, with the consent of “Basilia my wife and William and Roger his sons”, by charter dated 1206[389]. “Basilia daughter of Richard de Carneville and wife of Walter de Ewias” donated land to Ewias Priory by charter dated to after 1206 witnessed by “William and Roger my sons...”[390]. Walter & his wife had two children:i) WILLIAM de Ewias . “Walter of Ewias” donated land “versus Haiam” to Ewias Priory, with the consent of “Basilia my wife and William and Roger his sons”, by charter dated 1206[391]. “Basilia daughter of Richard de Carneville and wife of Walter de Ewias” donated land to Ewias Priory by charter dated to after 1206 witnessed by “William and Roger my sons...”[392]. “William son of Walter of Ewias and Basilia de Carneville” confirmed the donation of land “near the church and...super Stanihurstam” to Ewias Priory made by “his father and mother” by charter dated to after 1206[393].
ii) ROGER de Ewias . “Walter of Ewias” donated land “versus Haiam” to Ewias Priory, with the consent of “Basilia my wife and William and Roger his sons”, by charter dated 1206[394]. “Basilia daughter of Richard de Carneville and wife of Walter de Ewias” donated land to Ewias Priory by charter dated to after 1206 witnessed by “William and Roger my sons...”[395].
2. ROGER de Ewias (-after 1166). "Haraldus de Ewyas" donated "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis de Ewyas…decimam de domino castelli de Ewyas…" to Gloucester St Peter, confirmed by "Roberto herede meo", by undated charter, witnessed by "Rogerus, Johannes, Alexander et Willelmus filii mei…"[396]. Military fee certifications in the Red Book of the Exchequer, in 1166, record that "Rogerus de Wias" held one knight’s fee "de Cliva" from "Roberti de Weias" in Herefordshire[397]. Roger’s precise parentage has not been identified, but it is reasonable to suppose that he was another brother of Robert [II] de Ewias.]
3. JOHN de Sudeley (-before 1166). "Haraldus de Ewyas" donated "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis de Ewyas…decimam de domino castelli de Ewyas…" to Gloucester St Peter, confirmed by "Roberto herede meo", by undated charter, witnessed by "Rogerus, Johannes, Alexander et Willelmus filii mei…"[398]. Lord of Sudeley Castle and Toddington, Gloucestershire. The 1130 Pipe Roll records "Johs de Sulleia" accounting for his (unnamed) wife’s property in Gloucestershire[399].
4. ALEXANDER de Ewias . "Haraldus de Ewyas" donated "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis de Ewyas…decimam de domino castelli de Ewyas…" to Gloucester St Peter, confirmed by "Roberto herede meo", by undated charter, witnessed by "Rogerus, Johannes, Alexander et Willelmus filii mei…"[400].
5. WILLIAM de Ewias . "Haraldus de Ewyas" donated "ecclesiam Sancti Michaelis de Ewyas…decimam de domino castelli de Ewyas…" to Gloucester St Peter, confirmed by "Roberto herede meo", by undated charter, witnessed by "Rogerus, Johannes, Alexander et Willelmus filii mei…"[401].
- [350] Bannister (1902), p. 20.
- [351] Domesday Translation, Middlesex, IX, Ossulstone Hundred, p. 365.
- [352] Freeman, E. A. (1877) The History of the Norman Conquest of England, its causes and its results 3rd Edn. (Oxford), Vol. II, Appendix, Note LL, p. 683, citing Domesday, 129 b, 169, 177, 244.
- [353] Domesday Translation, Gloucestershire, LXI, p. 468, Worcestershire, XXII, p. 489, Warwickshire, XXXVIII, p. 669.
- [354] Bannister (1902), p. 21.
- [355] Hart, W. H. (ed.) (1863) Historia et Cartularium Monasterii Sancti Petri Gloucestriæ (London) ("Gloucester St Peter"), Historia monasterii sancti Petri Gloucestriæ, p. 76.
- [356] Gloucester St Peter, Vol. I, CCXXXVIII, p. 285.
- [357] Bannister (1902), p. 21.
- [358] Domesday Translation, Gloucestershire, XVII, p. 409.
- [359] Domesday Descendants, p. 453.
- [360] Gloucester St Peter, Vol, I, Historia monasterii sancti Petri Gloucestriæ, pp. 67 and 76-7.
- [361] Gloucester St Peter, Vol. I, CCXXXVIII, p. 285.
- [362] Dugdale Monasticon I, Gloucester Monastery, XIII, p. 546.
- [363] Sewell, R. C. (ed.) (1846) Gesta Stephani, Regis Anglorum et Ducis Normannorum (London) ("Gesta Stephani Regis") I, p. 13.
- [364] Gloucester St Peter, Vol. I, CCXXXIX, p. 287.
- [365] Bannister (1902), p. 23.
- [366] Gloucester St Peter, Vol. I, CCXXXIX, p. 287.
- [367] Red Book Exchequer, Part I, Certificationes factæ de feodis militum, p. 286.
- [368] Bannister (1902), 10, p. 49.
- [369] Red Book Exchequer, Part I, Knights fees, p. 41.
- [370] Red Book Exchequer, Part I, Anno secundo regis Ricardi…scutagium Walliæ assisum, p. 73.
- [371] Red Book Exchequer, Part I, Anno VI regis Ricardi, ad redemptionem eius, scutagium ad XXs, pp. 86 and 91.
- [372] Bannister (1902), 11, p. 49.
- [373] Gloucester St Peter, Vol. I, CCLX, p. 287.
- [374] Bannister (1902), 10, p. 49.
- [375] Gloucester St Peter, Vol. I, CCLX, p. 287.
- [376] Bannister (1902), 57, p. 57.
- [377] Bannister (1902), 10, p. 49.
- [378] Gloucester St Peter, Vol. I, CCLX, p. 287.
- [379] Patent Rolls Henry III 1215-1225 (1901), p. 32.
- [380] Dugdale Monasticon V, Dore Abbey, Herefordshire, IX, p. 555.
- [381] Dugdale Monasticon VI, Acornbury Priory, Herefordshire, VII, p. 491.
- [382] Bannister (1902), 11, p. 49.
- [383] Bannister (1902), 10, p. 49.
- [384] Dugdale Monasticon V, Dore Abbey, Herefordshire, IX, p. 555.
- [385] Dugdale Monasticon VI, Acornbury Priory, Herefordshire, VII, p. 491.
- [386] Bannister (1902), 10, p. 49.
- [387] Bannister (1902), 35, p. 53.
- [388] Bannister (1902), 32, p. 52.
- [389] Bannister (1902), 32, p. 52.
- [390] Bannister (1902), 36, p. 53.
- [391] Bannister (1902), 32, p. 52.
- [392] Bannister (1902), 36, p. 53.
- [393] Bannister (1902), 33, p. 52.
- [394] Bannister (1902), 32, p. 52.
- [395] Bannister (1902), 36, p. 53.
- [396] Gloucester St Peter, Vol. I, CCXXXVIII, p. 285.
- [397] Red Book Exchequer, Part I, Certificationes factæ de feodis militum, p. 286.
- [398] Gloucester St Peter, Vol. I, CCXXXVIII, p. 285.
- [399] Pipe Roll 31 Hen I (1129/30), Gloucestershire, p. 79.
- [400] Gloucester St Peter, Vol. I, CCXXXVIII, p. 285.
- [401] Gloucester St Peter, Vol. I, CCXXXVIII, p. 285.
Notes mainly confirming above from
King Ethelred (The Unready) gave the Saxon manor house and estate at Sudeleagh to his daughter Goda, sister of King Edward the Confessor, on her marriage to Walter de Maunt. Their son Ralf de Mederatinus became Earl of Hereford.
Norman Conquest, Ralf’s son Harold was allowed to retain Sudeley but deprived of his earldom by William the Conqueror.
Domesday Book entry for Sudeley: held by Harold de Sudeley : taxed at 12 Hides; there were 31 plow villages, whereof 4 were in demean, 6 water mills and a wood 3 leagues long by 4 leagues wide (4½ miles by 3 miles).
Harold was succeeded by his son John de Sudeley, who married Grace, daughter of William Tracy, an illegitimate son of Henry I.
Harold de Ewyas I, Lord of Ewyas's Timeline
1057 |
Hertfordshire, England, United Kingdom
1088 |
Sudley Castle, Gloucestershire, England
1090 |
Sudeley Castle, Toddington, Gloucestershire, England
1100 |
Age 43
Probably Ewyas Harold Castle, Herefordshire, England, (Present UK)
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