Hans Nicholaus Eisenhaur

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Hans Nicholaus Eisenhaur

Birthplace: Weschnitz river valley, Landgrafschaft Hessen-Darmstadt, Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation
Death: March 27, 1760 (68)
Fredericksburg, Lancaster County, Province of Pennsylvania
Place of Burial: Linglestown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of Johann Peter Friedrich Eisenhauer and Anna Catherina Mildenberger
Husband of Maria Margaretha Eisenhaur
Father of Martin Johannes Eisenhauer; Johann Peter Eisenhaur; Johannes Eisenhauer and Maria Magdalena Fisher
Brother of Anna Catharina Klump; Lydia Ann Eisenhauer; Elizabeth Catherina Eisenhauer; Maria Sara Rosenberger; Christopher Eisenhauer and 2 others
Half brother of Johann George Peter Eisenhauer; Hans Nicolaus Eisenhauer; Johann Peter Eisenhauer and Hans Nicholas Eisenhauer

Managed by: Nancy Jean Schwab-Ketner
Last Updated:

About Hans Nicholaus Eisenhaur


FORBEARS OF HANS NICHOLAS EISENHAUER, b.1691 Eiterbach, Odenwald, Palatinate, Germany

In trying to trace birth places of Hans Nicholas Eisenhauer and his forbearers requires noting that the Palatinate, and especially the people of the Odenwald, had no chance for a regular way of living due to the warlike and political unrest and the poor economic and social conditions existing near the end of the 17th century in this region. When the elector Charles of the Palatinate died in 1685the king of France, Lewis XIV, demanded vast areas of the Palatinate to which he had no legal claim declaring war when his demands were not met.Numerous foreign armies marched back and forth thru the area resulting in plundering and devastation of the towns and villages.The lovely old castle at Heidelberg was destroyed. People were forced to hide in the woods with many becoming a victim to the wolf.A peace treaty signed in 1697 but was soon broken in 1701 and another reign of terror by the French lasted till 1714.They returned again to the Odewald in 1733 with renewed destruction.Additionally, the various German States constantly quarreled with each other for possession of land and tax revenues.

Nobody had an interest in maintaining public records and parochial registers of that time that might have recorded official evidence of the date and place of birth of the emigrant, Hans Nicholas Eisenhauer,Even when events were recorded, the records were frequently burned by marauding armies.

I.Speculative Candidates for Father (?) of Hans, Hans Peter Eisenhauer [b. 1691]
e.Hans Eisenhauer, b. c1630,d. 1671, had a son, Hans Peter, b. 1650, Hedesbach, Darmstadt,Germany........con't.
as III Hans Peter Eisenhauer below,Paul Mears
f.Hans Nicholas Eisenhauer, b. 1600, Eiterbach, Germany,had Hans Eisenhauer, b. c1631., d.01 Jan 1683, Weschnitz , Germany,m. Margaretha(?), b. 1635.....con't. as ineabove,etc. ......Susan Isenhower,


Name: Hans Nicholas EISENHAUER

  • •Sex: M
  • •Birth: ABT 1691 in Eitebach/Weschnitz-Starkenberg, Hessen, Rhine-Palinate Germany
  • •Death: MAR 1760 in Poss., Fredericksburg, , Pennsylvania
  • •Reference Number: Taf:1.24+427.6+624.448
  • •Note:
    • !SOURCE: GedCom received from Ancestry.com as file F2204 which was supplied by Dr. George Alan Ulch, 114 Camphor Tree Lane, Altmonte Springs, Florida 32714-5802;also available per e-mail: gulch@cfl.rr.com date: 17 Sep 1999
    • !BIOGRAPHICAL: This excellent biographical and genealogical information came from Jim Woolbright via E-Mail: wolbrite@bellsouth.net Dated: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 16:41:40 -0500. It states the following:(1) 1. Hans Nicholaus 01 EISENHAUER
    • Birth Date: 1691
    • Birth Place: Eitebach/Weschnitz-Starkenberg, Hessen, Rhine-Palinate Ger.
    • Death Date: After Mar 1760
    • Death Place: , the date he attested to the will of his son, Martin.
    • Burial Place: Burial: most probably in Fredrickberg, Pennsylvania (apparently a presumption)
    • Occupation: Near Eiterbach /Weschnitz, Starkenbarg


"Hans" is a shorter version of Johannes (John)

The eldest son, Johann, b. 1713, remained behind in Germany when the rest of the family emigrated to America.

Descendants of Frederick Eisenhower indicate the Eisenhauers lived in Switzerland for a period of time due to religious percusition and possibly in Holland for a while before coming to America. Some family member indicates they lived along the French border, in Alsace- Lorraine" (Richardson, in: Sammelband Friederichs, p. 8) and that he was born in Forbach, France.

"Palatines" who emigrated from Germany in the 18th century, tpically, went down the Rhine River by raft or flat boat to Rotterdam, where they embarked on English ships that then stopped briefly in England before proceeding to Philadelphia. It was the result of an agreement between William & Mary of Orange and William Penn.This was, in modern terms, a rescue effort for minorities who were being "ethnically cleansed." William, who was originally Dutch, sympathized with the Palatines, but not enough to want to keep them in England, it appears. Penn was, of course, famously hospitable to non-traditional peoples; today,we would say he appreciated diversity."...Christopher T. Hill" <chrishll@erols.com.

The children of Hans Nicholaus [Nicholas] Eisenhauer has several places of birth sited, depending on whom your source, the most common being either Eiterbachor Weschnitz, Starkenbarg, both Hessa, Patinate-Rhineland,

Germany. Nine children were born in Karlsbrunn, Germany, between 1725 and 1739; four children died in Karlsbrunn. (Sse notes and ressurch references)

According to " The Eisenhower Family" by Betty White, the passenger manifest of the ship, "Europa", listed 44 passengers over the age of 16 embarking from Rotterdam, the Netherlands with Captain Ludsaine, the ship's master. They debarked on 17 November 1741 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [ The Europa ran aground in the port at Lewes, Deleware and sank. Captain Lusdaine and a cabin boy drown but "the 120 souls on board " were saved and transported to Philadelphia by boat. Ocean going vessels usually tied up at Lewes inside Cape Henlopen at enterance to the Delaware River estuary and the passengers were carried by sloop or shallop to Philadelphia where they took the Oath of Government three days later, after having been processed and medically examined..... From Family Tree Maker,

Book of Emmigrants and also Mr. And Mrs Lloyd D.Eisenhower. Rt. 14, Box 164, Moore, Okla. 73105. Material researched by DeJohn , " EisenhowerGenealogy" by Heinz Friederichs.

The trip probably took longer than the usual three months and the passengers probably experienced the roughest of seas as the North Atlantic has many storms during that time of the year. Hans was 50 years old when he left Europe.

The manifest listed Hans Nicholas, age 50; *John, age 28 (sic, D01 John Jacob Eisenhauer ), Hans (John) Peter, age 25; and Johannes, age 16, (family name, Josshower). The Qualification Record at the Court House, 20 Nov, 1841, states "The Palatines whose names are undersigned, imported on the ship, Europa, Captain Lumsdaine, Late Master, did this date take the oath to the government, viz: - Hans Nicol Eisenhauer, Johan Peder Eisenhauer and Johan (X, his mark) Isen Hower, someone else having written his name and explains the difference in spelling.

Females and males under the age of 16 were not manifested. Therefore Martin, who was about age 14, was not on the manifest and neither was his sister, Maria Magdelena, age unknown. [*There is no evidence that John, b. c1713, was a son and subsequently there is no mention of him.]

Hans Nicholas and his family settled in Bethel Township, Lancaster (now Berks) County, Pennsylvania. [Northwestern Berks, Lebanon and Dauphin counties were later formed from Lancaster Co.) The land lay to the north and west of Fredericksburg on a gentle slope to the north looking towards the Blue Mountain. The Blue Mountain is a northern extension of the Blue Ridge Mountains into Penn.

On 20 Jan 1753, a land grant showing a tract of land of168 acres and identified in a warranty deed as 'Nicholas Iron Cutter's' land is recorded in Book A55-224, Land Patent Office, Harrisburg, Penn. Below the name Nicholas Iron Cutter, the clerk wrote, "Say Eisenhower." * Two Hundred years later, on the same day, his great-great-great-grandson was inaugurated as the 34th President of the United Satates.

  • [Mrs. Fannie Belle Taylor-Richardson repeats the same story about a clerk writing "Hans Nicholas, Ironcutter" and the name "Eisenhour."]

On 13 Sept 1759, he deeded this tract to his son, Peter. Peter and Ann, in turned, deeded the tract to Jacob Meiley. These two families are frequently linked and may be related or just close friends. The Miley's were from Zurich, Switzerland. Pennsylvania was settled by the Swedes in 1643; the Dutch in 1655; the British in 1664; and by the William Penn. Colony in 1862. The southern boundary was established by the Mason-Dixon Survey of 1763-1767.

Attested his signature on the will of his son, 04 Martin Eisehhauer, 27 March 1760, the last known written record of his name. It appears to be the custom of this family to use the middle name of their children as it is not uncommon for several childer to have a common first name

Although no graves have been found, it is believed Hans Nicholas and his wife Anna Margreta are buried in Fredricksburg, Penn. [B.S., p.25] Hans Nicholas was still alive on 19 Dec 1759 when he witnessed a will of his son, Martin.

In "Eisenhower - Man and Soldier", by Francis T. Miller, Hugh Oscar Eisenhower of Gastonia, North Carolina relates that a good-looking school teacher named Miss Coffin persuaded his grandfather to change the spelling of his name to Eisenhower. [ means iron hitter] The family name has been found in many various combinations of prefixes and suffixes, {a possibility of 16 versions] the more common being ; Prefixes - Eisen, Ysen, Isen, Icen, Ising, Issen and Suffixes - har, hauer, hawer, hour, hower plus any number of mis-spellings. It appears that it was common practice in all these families to use primarily the middle name in every day usage. Name spelling will try to conform to the forebear's individual preference including mid-life changes as much as possible..+++++++

Indians were evidently a problem for the settlers in this region, a report in the Pennsylvania Gazette of 12 Aug 1756 from Fort Henry mentioning that indians has busted into Nicholas Eisenhauer's house. The house later was burned. The following year on 30 Sept. five children of Peter Wampler were carried off. This family was on the Europa with the

Eisenhauers and lived just south of their farm.

In the 1770s, some of the family begin to roam, some going to Virginia and some to Wyoming Valley in Central Pennsylvania with adherants of Lazarus Stewart formerly of the Hanover Presbyterian Church including Peter

Eisenhauer, 02 Peter's son. Hanover is eleven miles northeast of Harrisburg. Some moved to Lincoln Co. Canada near Niagara. and were primarily from Bucks and Lancaster Counties, traveling by Conestoga wagons.

Originally called Rumbletown, it was later changed to Kitchener during World War I. Another group of Lancaster Mennonites formed a company, raised $20,000 in silver and cleared the title to 60,000 acres in what is now Waterloo Co. Ontario. 507 Leonard, s/o 03 Johannas, was one of the Eisenhauers in this group.

Eisenhauer families continued to immigrate throughout the 19th Century from Germany, settling mostly in New York, New Jersey, and Penn. as well as to Nova Scoia {See notes under D01 John Jacob for more information on those Eisenhauer immigrants not related to Hans Nicholas.}

Eiterbach is a small village north east of Heidelberg, near Wilhelmsfeld, Heddesbach and Heligkreuzsteinach, Palatinate.


According to tradition, the Eisenhauer family....hewers of iron, lived on the banks of the Rhine under the rule of the court palinates which began in 945 AD. The early family members were reputed to have been horse mounted warriors. This Palatinate, which eventually became one of the states of the Holy Roman Empire, was part of the Rhineland (a Rhinish Prussian Province) bounded by France, Lexenboug, Belgium, Alsace, Wittenberg-Baden, Saar, Hesse and Westphalia.

Being a small municipality, it was frequently overrun by rulers of more powerful countries with the result its people were frequently oppressed and deprived of religious, personal and political liberty. Equally disruptive was the fact that in the the locale where Has Nicholas was born, the population was about evenly devided between Catholic and Lutheran

confessions with riotous strife from time to time including home and church burnings, business disruption and mob killing.

This territory later became a part of the German Empire. At the end of the Thirty Years War (1648) Switzerland and Holland became independent and began to practice religious tolerance as did Russia under Czarina Catherine the Great. Members of vairous Eisenhauer famililes fled to these states to excape the carnage from time to time. Religious

persecution was a major factor contributing to Eisenhauer emmigration during these troubled times as would be draft evasions from the Franco-Prussian Wars in the following century which saw a number of other Eisenhauer families immigrate to America.

THE EISENHAUER COAT OF ARMS was discribed in Jacob Puterich's Stanza 37, "Ehrenbrif" of 1462 - "a white shield with three pairs of black sheep shears in a sloping position; sheep shears being made of iron, an allusion to the name - Ironcutter - and carries the name "Hauer des Eisins". An updated Eisenhauer cost of arms displays a golden haired boy holding a sword upuright in the Crest; In the lower portion , (Shield) the sword is cutting thru an iron anvil, i. e. Ironcutter or EISENHAUER.

Posted by Tina Eisenhauer: "Iron Bender" . Coat of arms is a man standing in front of an anvil with a sword & hammer in hand

Already during the years 773-795 reports was given of an ore mine situated right in the midst of the Odenwald (Germany) and even in modern times iron ore have been wrought there. A picture originating in the year of 1528 shows the primitive way iron and ore were exploited. The man below in the pit of the mine who breaks off the iron ore is the EISENHAUER (ironcutter). Derived from this professional term the family name of Eisenhower developed; the translation into English was later sometimes given with the amended suffix "ironcutter" in America.

By 1450 the Eisenhauers appeared in many a place in Odenwald, next to all of which are situated in that zone where ore was found and iron mills were located. This gives evidence that the original home of the Eisenhauers

may be traced back to this very spot. The Odenwald are magnificent woody mountains between Frankfurt or Darmstadt and Heidelberg, with some larger hills with ancient small towns, castles and valleys. By Cathy McHugh-Aug

14, 2000

(From Der Odenwald Als Herkunftslandschaft und seine "Eisenhauer-Probleme" von Heinz F. Friederichs)

  • ************

Research: Unless otherwise noted, the primary source of information is attributed to Fannie Bell Taylor-Richardson's books, (1)"Hans Nicholas Eisenhauer, The 1741 immigration to America and his Descendants " printed in

1956 documenting his descendants, the last being that of Mary Jean Eisenhower, fourth grandchild of 194 Dwight David Eisenhower, born 21 Dec 1955 & (2)"Eisenhower Lineage and References" which began as a series of family history bulletins in 1956, documenting over 2,228 numbered families and 17,000 Eisenhower family names,

Her method of assigning sequencial neumerical designators for major heads of family (with survivors) is utilized here for easy of cross-reference with her materials [but it sure complicates computer indexing. ] She compiled a vast index of names and numerous referances of great interest. It is available on Microfilm through any LDS Research

Library. She had access to several of the early family bibles including Hans Nicholas Eisenhauser's family bible records. She was the great-great-great- great-granddaughter of 03 Johannes and Veronica Mayer Eisenhauer. There are several family placement errors in her work but it detracts little from the over-all scope of her effors.

Probably the most amazing thing about her records is that everyone of the several hundred sheets was typed on Memograph stenciles on a manuel typewriter and handprinted, one page at a time, on a Memograph machine, consequently it took her years to compile and print all of her material. Equally amazing is the poverty of typographical errors.

(3) The New York Genealogical and Bographical Record, Vol. LXXVI, No. 2, New York, April 1945. EISENHOWER FAMILY IN AMERICA by Ross Keeye Cook & Mrs Claire Robison Shirk. (4) There are multiple linages put forth for Hans Nicholas Eisenhauer but generally the most likely line is based on Mrs. Taylor/Richardson document "Eisenhower Lineage and Reference" and information courtesy of George Alan Ulch, M. D., 114 Camphor Tree Lane, Altamonte Springs, FL, 32714 - 5802, e-mail: gulch@cfl.rr.com and Daniel and April Geyer, aprildan@geyer.com,The Palatinate was part of the Rhineland ( a Rhinish Prussian Province) bounded by France, Lexenboug, Belgium, Alsace, Wittenberg-Baden, Saar, Hesse and Westphalia.

I am inclined to accept conditionally the linage as I have it documented for Hans Nicholas Eisenhauer. Dr. Ulch spent several weeks in Germany researching this family group.

(5) Crack filling courtesy of "The Eisenhower Line" by Roger Cramer, RogerCubs@aol.com; James S. D. Eisenhower, III, smed@erols.com & Linda Smith, lsmith@sbts.edu...courtesy of fletcher ramseur" fjramseur@home.com

(6) Individual family group sources are credited locally.

"Eisenhower Linage & References Bulletins" as follow-up to "Descendants of Hans Nicholas Eisenhauer" by Fannie Belle Taylor-Richardson available from Higgingson Book Company, 148-GH Washington Street, Salem, MA 01970, $89.00 plus $5.00 postage. Telephone: 978-745-7170, e-mail: HIGGINSN@COVE.COM.

Spouse: Anna Margareta Struble

Birth Date: 1707

Birth Place: probably Weschnitz Valley, Odenwald, Palatinate, Germany;

Death Date: 9 Dec 1775

Death Place: Penn.

Spouse Notes:

The last record of her name is at the baptism of John Michael Fisher , 02 Feb 1759.

Reputable researchers have her as the d/o of Christian Strubel [Strub(b)le], (1670/1675- 1728) & Margareta, b. <1674, and grand-daughter of Albert Strubel, b. >1644 [ DJIcenhower@ email. msn.com; gulch@cfl.rr.com]

Ben Struble, treeshakr@hotmail.com, et el have Anna Margareta Struble, b. c1695, Albig, Rheinhessen, Germany; d/o Peter Struble, b. c1670, Albig, Germany & Anna Catherine Wueck; in turn, grandson of George & Elisabetha Struble.

Spouse Research:

Some records have her as the d/o Peter Streuble, b. c1670, Albig, Germany & Anna Catherine Wueck; grandson of George Struble [Ben Struble, treeshakr@hotmail.com et el) Christian Strubel

Marriage Date: Circa 1725

Marriage Place: [1722?] Karlsbrunn, Germany

Children: Hans (John) Peter 02

Johannes 03

Johannes Martin 4

Maria Magdalena

D01 John Jakob


Hans Peter 02

(2) 1.1a Hans (John) Peter 02 EISENHAUER , 01,Eisenhower*

Birth Date: 1716

Birth Place: Weschnitz-Starkenberg, Hesse, Palatine District, Germany

Death Date: 10 Jun 1801

Death Place: Lower Paxton Twp. Dauphin Co. Penn

Burial Place: Wenerich Cem.Linglestown, Dauphin Co. Penn

Occupation: Blacksmith, gunsmith and merchant

Education: 27 Jul 1802 in some records


He was the second son of Hans Nicholas Eisenhauer's first wife whose name remains unkonwn. His older brother, Johannes, b. 1712, stayed behind in Germany probably due to illness or had alresdy established a family. Probably born 1715 in Weschnitz-Starkenberg, Hesse; however some records have his date of birth as 1721 in Forbach, Lorraine, Germany having confused him with one of his cousins, the eldest son of his uncle, Johann Frederick, b. 1659, younger son of Hans Eisenhauer and younger brother of Hans Peter, b. 1650, (sic.) On the manifest of the Ship Europa he is listed as Johann Peter, age 25 in 1741 (b. c1715)

Occupation: Blacksmith, gunsmith, amd merchant, constable of Bethel Twp. in 1777. Land records also show that he bought and sold a sonsiderable amount of land from time to time in the Blue Mountain range, Upper Paxton

and Bethel Townships.

Occupation: Blacksmith, gunsmith and merchant. "Peter Icyhauer, Merchant" bought lot #144, one of the first sold in the new town of Stumptown on 01 May 1761. He was constable of Bethel Twp. in 1777. During the Revolutionary War, he contributed two buschels of wheat and some forage for the sustenance of Gen. Washington's troops at Valley Forge in 1773. He participated with Paxton's Rangers to the Wyoming Valley in a retaltatory raid on Indians encaaped there.

Great-great-grandfather of D. D. Eisenhower. Took passage with father and family to Pennsylvania from Holland in 1741. Settled in Sesquehanna River Valley near York. Peter, Elizabeth and his brother, Martin, on 11 April 1752, were naturalized by the Supreme Court in Philidelphia, Penn. Settled in Swatara, Lancaster [now Lebanon] Co. Penn.

13 Sept 1756. On 11 April 1759, he purchased his father's homestead from heirs in Swatara, Bethel Twp., Lancaster Co. Pa. which he sold on 07 Jun 1779. In 1777, he sold 100 acres in Upper Bethel Twp. to Michael Isenhower for 30 pounds. According to Lancaster County land records, he bought and sold numerous tracts of land in foothills of the Blue Mountains and in Bethel Twp. He married three times and was 78 at the time his youngest child was born. He had eight cildren by his first wife, one by the second and another eight by the third. 04 June 1801, he filed his final very detailed Will in Narrisburg, Dauphine Co. Penn. Some have him dying six days later while other records indicate 27 July 1802.

Peter Eisenhauer changed the spelling to the family to Eisenhower about 1776/77 around the time of his 3rd marraige. Some sources have him born on 15 March 1721, Forbach, France (?) Hans Peter was the son ot Hans Nicholas first wife of unknown name.


The location of his birth seems to be less precisely located than his siblings but Weschitz, Starkenburg, Hesse, is the place of birth in most records? Burial site from Ron Myers Family page, ddandrm@aol.com/Ancestry.com

Spouse: Elizabeth Ann Graff

Birth Date: 1720

Birth Place: Germany

Death Date: Circa 1764

Death Place: Penn.

Spouse Notes:

: Ron Myers <ddandrm@aol.com> have b. c1727, Penn.

Sister of Anna Barbara Graff, wife of Peter's 's brother, 04 Johnnes Martin's wife, , making any off-spring double cousins. They were daughters of Catherine & Hans George Graff (Graef)., shop keeper, of Lancaster Co. Penn. Had two brothers named George [m. Catherine] and Michael Graff.

The Graff sisters were daughters of Hans Graff as indicated by their record in Deed Book D, page 369, deed recorded May 20, 1756 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. (The deed is written in German.)

Spouse Research:

Elizabeth Graff and especially, Anna M. Strubel, both appear in several reports with comflicting information with overlaping similiarity in husband's names. Do to tendency to recyle names in this family as well as the German practice of havin several childen with common first names, there is a tendency for confusion, especially for non-German speeking researchers. It appears that both Anna Margareta Strubel and Elizabeth Graff have "co-mingled" husbands names as a result of some researchers trying to make the facts they find, fit the information they have on hand.

Marriage Date: 1744

Marriage Place: Lancaster, Penn.

Children: Peter 06

Maria Barbara 07

John (Hans) Nicholas 08

George Michael 09

John Frederick 10

Maria Magdelene

Anna Maria Elizabetha

Samuel 11

George Michael 09

Other spouses: Anna Maria Elizabeth Schmidt

Ann Margaret Disssinger

•Change Date: 1 MAY 2009 at 18:31:09 1

Father: Hans Peter EISENHAUER b: ABT 1659 in Karlsbrunn, Saar, Germany

Mother: Anna Catharine MILDENBERGER b: in Germany

Marriage 1 Miss EISENHAUER

•Married: 1712


1. John EISENHAUER b: ABT 1713 in Germany

2. Johann Peter EISENHAUER b: 1716 in Forbach, Lorraine, Germany

Marriage 2 Anna Margareta STRUBLE b: ABT 1707 in Lorzenbach, Odenwald, Hessen, Palatinate, Germany c: 1707

•Married: 18 JAN 1725 in Odenwald, Hessen, Palatinate


1. Johannes EISENHAUER b: 24 JUN 1727 in , , , Germany

2. Johannes Martin EISENHAUER b: ABT 1728 in , , , Germany

3. Maria Magdalena EISENHAUER b: ABT 1735 in , , , Germany


1.Title: Terry D. & Cathleen M. Smith

Note: 1978 Miner Way, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 89104-5214, tdsfamgen100@earthlink.net, unlisted, http://worldconnect.genealogy.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=tsmith. This update as of 05 Jul 2009. As a work in progress your comments, suggestion, corrections and data are appreciated. Please use Postem- notes. The inquiry comes to me.

Not to be confused with H. Nicholas, b. 1695, son of his Uncle Johann Frederick Eisenhower "Hans" is a shorter version of Johannes (John). See notes on common confusions resulting from mis-information on the several individuals named Hans Nicholas Eisenhauer under Hans Peter Eisenhauer's family line.

Descendants of Frederick Eisenhower, forbearer of D. D Eisenhower, indicate the Eisenhauers lived in Switzerland for a period of time due to religious persecusition and possibly in Holland for a while before coming to America. Some family member indicates they lived along the French border, in Alsace-Lorraine" (Richardson, in: Sammelband Friederichs, p. 8) and that he was born in Forbach, France. This is probably the result of confusing Hans Nicholas' father, Hans Peter, b. c1651 with his Uncle Johann Frederick, b, 1659, who emigrated to Forbach in 1710 and had sons of similar names as Hans Peter did! ( see pre-colonial German history, above)"Palatines" who emigrated from Germany in the 18th century, typically, went down the Rhine River by raft or flat boat to Rotterdam, where they embarked on English ships that then stopped briefly in England before proceeding to Philadelphia. It was the result of an agreement between William & Mary of Orange and William Penn. This was, in modern terms, a rescue effort for minorities who were being "ethnically cleansed." William, who was originally Dutch, sympathized with the Palatines, but not enough to want to keep them in England, it appears. Penn was, of course, famously hospitable to non-traditional peoples; today,we would say he appreciated diversity."...Christopher T. Hill"ols.com.

The children of Hans Nicholaus [Nicholas] Eisenhauer has several places of birth sited, depending on whom your source, the most common being either Eiterbach or Weschnitz, Starkenbarg, both Hessa, Patinate-Rhineland, Germany. Nine children were born in Karlsbrunn, Germany, between 1725 and 1739; four children died in Karlsbrunn. (Sse notes and ressurch references)According to " The Eisenhower Family" by Betty White, the passenger manifest of the ship, "Europa", listed 44 passengers over the age of 16 embarking from Rotterdam, the Netherlands with Captain Ludsaine, the ship's master. They debarked on 17 November 1741 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [ The Europa ran aground in the port at Lewes, Deleware and sank. Captain Lusdaine and a cabin boy drown but "the 120 souls on board " were saved and transported to Philadelphia by boat. Ocean going vessels usually tied up at Lewes inside Cape Henlopen at enterance to the Delaware River estuary and the passengers were carried by sloop or shallop to Philadelphia where they took the Oath of Government three days later, after having been processed and medically examined..... From Family Tree Maker, Book of Emmigrants and alo Mr. And Mrs Lloyd D. Eisenhower. Rt. 14, Box 164, Moore, Okla

. 73105. Material researched by DeJohn , " Eisenhower Genealogy" by Heinz Friederichs.

The trip probably took longer than the usual three months and the passengers probably experienced the roughest of seas as the North Atlantic has many storms during that time of the year. Hans was 50 years old when he left Europe.

The manifest listed Hans Nicholas JOSHOWER, age 50; *John, age 28 (sic, D01 John Jacob Eisenhauer ), Hans (John) Peter, age 25; and Johannes, age 16, (family name, Josshower). The Qualification Record at the Court House, 20 Nov, 1841, states "The Palatines whose names are undersigned, imported on the ship, Europa, Captain Lumsdaine, Late Master, did this date take the oath to the government, viz: - Hans Nicol Eisenhauer, Johan Peder Eisenhauer and Johan (X, his mark) Isen Hower, someone else having written his name and explains the difference in spelling.

Females and males under the age of 16 were

Not to be confused with Hans Nicholas, b. 1695, son of his Uncle Johann Frederick Eisenhower. "Hans" is a shorter version of Johannes (John). See notes on common confusions resulting from mis-information on the several individuals named Hans Nicholas Eisenhauer under Hans Peter Eisenhauer's family

Hans Nicholas had two sons by his first wife, name unknown: 01 Johann Eisenhauer, b. 1713, probably Weschnitz-Starkenberg. Hesse, Palatine District, who was manifested on the ship 'Europa' with his father but after reaching Philidelphia no futhre mention of him is found, suggesting he may have died shortly thereafter. 02 Hans (John) Peter. (sic.)

Sources: (1)Unless otherwise noted, the primary source of informations attributed to Fannie Bell Taylor-Richardson's books, (1)"Hans Nicholas Eisenhauer, The 1741 immigration to America and his descendants " printed in 1956* documenting his descendants, the last being that of Mary Jean Eisenhower, fourth grandchild of 194 Dwight David Eisenhower, born 21 Dec 1955 & (2)"Eisenhower Lineage and References" which began as a series of family history bulletins in 1956, documenting over2,228 numbered families and 7000 Eisenhower family names,Her method of assigning sequential numerical designators for major heads of family (with survivors) is utilized here for easy of cross-reference [but it sure complicates indexing. ] She compiled a vast index of names and numerous references of great interest which unfortunately is out of print. However, it is available on Microfilm through any LDS Research Library. She had access to several of the early family bibles including Hans Nicholas Eisenhauer family bible records. She was the great-great-great- great- granddaughter of 03 Johannes and Veronica Mayer Eisenhauer. There are several errors in her work according to other researchers but it detracts little from the over-all scope of her efforts. Probably the most amazing thing abut her records is that everyone of the several hundred sheets was typed on mimeograph Stencel and hand printed one page at a time, consequently it took her years to compile and Pring all of her material.

Individual family group sources are credited locally. (2) The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. LXXVI, No. 2, New York, April 1945. EISENHOWER FAMILY IN AMERICA by Ross Keeye Cook & Mrs Claire Robison Shirk. (3) There are multiple linages put forth for Hans Nicholas Eisenhauer [ John Jacob Eisenhauer] but generally the most likely line is: 1. Hans Eisenhauer, probably born about 1630, is the father of 2. Hans Peter, b. 1659, Karlsbrunn, Saar, Germany, m. Anna Catherine Mildenberg (second wife also Anna) d. 28 Feb 1729, Karlsbrun Saar, Germany. In addition to his son, Hans Nicholas, b.1691, Weschnitz, Sharkenburg, Hesse , who married Anna Struble, Hans and Ann Catherine had Christopher, A. Catherine, Hans, Mathaus and Lydia....... Courtesy of George Alan Ulch, 114 Camphor Tree Lane , Altamonte Springs, FL 32714-5802, gulch@cfl.rr.com Sammelband Friederich (Collective Volume), p. 99 ff and 174 ff. - It has not been considered enough that people designated with the collective "Palatinates", on account of the Palatine origin and preponderance in the Pennsylvania immigration collective of the 18th century farmers and craftsmen from the entire German speaking area, who sought a new homeland on the other side of the Atlantic (Fritz, Trautz, Die Pfalzische Auswanderung nach Nordamerika im.) Sinking of the Europa: " I received information on the sinking of the Europa from a lady who was making a talk on Ships to a group of people at a genealogical meeting. She sent me the information but I have mislaid her name"...Roberta Isenhower, isenhowerjd@acu.edu Eisenhower Linage & References Bulletins as follow-up to "Desce ( per Jim Woolbright)

(Dee Webb Sparks.) I have added Dwight D. Eisenhower to this line due to the fact this is how it is in his "Presendential Library"


@R-2138817487@ Public Member Trees Ancestry.com Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Family trees submitted by Ancestry members.Original data: Family trees submitted by Ancestry members. This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.


Information extracted from various family tree data submitted to Ancestry and The Generations Network http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=983211&pid=315


@R-2138817487@ Public Member Trees Ancestry.com Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Family trees submitted by Ancestry members.Original data: Family trees submitted by Ancestry members. This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.


Information extracted from various family tree data submitted to Ancestry and The Generations Network http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=983211&pid=315


@R-2138817487@ Pennsylvania Census, 1772-1890 Jackson, Ronald V., Accelerated Indexing Systems, comp. Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999.Original data - Compiled and digitized by Mr. Jackson and AIS from microfilmed schedules of the U.S. Federal Decennial Census, territorial/state censuses, and/or census substitutes.Or 1,3570::0


http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=pacen&h=28151511&ti=0&indiv=try http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=pacen&h=28151511&ti=0... Name: Hans Niclas Eisenhauer Residence Date: Residence Place: Philadelphia County, PA 1,3570::28151511


@R-2138817487@ Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s Gale Research Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Filby, P. William, ed.. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s. Farmington Hills, MI, USA: Gale Research, 2006.Original data: Filby, P. William, ed.. Passe 1,7486::0


Place: Pennsylvania; Year: 1741; Page Number: 225. http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=pili354&h=3117542&ti=0&indiv=try http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=pili354&h=3117542&ti=... Name: Hans Niclas Eisenhauer Arrival Date: 1741 Arrival Place: Pennsylvania 1,7486::3117542


@R-2138817487@ Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s Gale Research Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Filby, P. William, ed.. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s. Farmington Hills, MI, USA: Gale Research, 2006.Original data: Filby, P. William, ed.. Passe 1,7486::0


Place: Pennsylvania; Year: 1741; Page Number: 225. http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=pili354&h=3117542&ti=0&indiv=try http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=pili354&h=3117542&ti=... Name: Hans Niclas Eisenhauer Arrival Date: 1741 Arrival Place: Pennsylvania 1,7486::3117542


@R-2138817487@ Pennsylvania Census, 1772-1890 Jackson, Ronald V., Accelerated Indexing Systems, comp. Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999.Original data - Compiled and digitized by Mr. Jackson and AIS from microfilmed schedules of the U.S. Federal Decennial Census, territorial/state censuses, and/or census substitutes.Or 1,3570::0


http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=pacen&h=28151511&ti=0&indiv=try http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=pacen&h=28151511&ti=0... Name: Hans Niclas Eisenhauer Residence Date: Residence Place: Philadelphia County, PA 1,3570::28151511


@R-2138817487@ Public Member Trees Ancestry.com Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Family trees submitted by Ancestry members.Original data: Family trees submitted by Ancestry members. This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.


Information extracted from various family tree data submitted to Ancestry and The Generations Network http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=983211&pid=315

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Hans Nicholaus Eisenhaur's Timeline

October 22, 1691
Weschnitz river valley, Landgrafschaft Hessen-Darmstadt, Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation
March 15, 1716
Forbach, Herzogtum Baden, Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation
June 24, 1727
Weschnitz, Starkenburg, Hessen,, Fürth, Darmstadt, HE, Germany
Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation
Age 49
March 27, 1760
Age 68
Fredericksburg, Lancaster County, Province of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia County, Panama