Historical records matching Halfdan the Valiant
Immediate Family
About Halfdan the Valiant
Halfdan the Valiant
- Halfdan, sagokung av Skåne - multiple call-names, including "the Valiant", "Snälle", "Kloke" (Hversu).
- Halfdan the Valiant (Hálfdan snjalli) (7th century?) was a legendary Scanian prince, who was the father of Ivar Vidfamne according to Hervarar saga, the Ynglinga saga, Njal's Saga and Hversu Noregr byggdist.[1] The genealogical work Hversu Noregr byggdist gives his father as Harald the Old, his grandfather as Valdar and his great-grandfather as Hróarr (i.e. the Hroðgar of Beowulf).
- Father: Harald the Old, son of Valdar
- Mother: Unnamed (see below)
- Wife: Moalda "Digri" Kinriksdotter (unsourced)
- Child: Ivar Vidfamne
- English: Halfdan the Valiant http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halfdan_the_Valiant
- Danish: http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halvdan_Snjalle
- Swedish: Halvdan snälle http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halvdan_sn%C3%A4lle
Haldan the Valiant (Hálfdan snjalli) (7th century) was the legendary father of Ivar Vidfamne according to Hervarar saga, the Ynglinga saga, Njal's Saga and Hversu Noregr byggdist. The genealogical work Hversu Noregr byggdist gives his father as Harald the Old, his grandfather as Valdar and his great-grandfather as Hróarr (i.e. the Hroðgar of Beowulf).
Snorri Sturluson related that the Swedish king Ingjald Ill-ruler married his daughter Åsa to king Guðröðr of Scania. Åsa was her father's daughter and made Guðröðr murder his own brother Halfdan, the father of Ivar Vidfamne. Later, she was the cause behind Guðröðr's death as well, and had to escape back to her father. People afterwards called her Åsa Ill-ruler like her father Ingjald.
Ivar Vidfamne mustered a large army and besieged Ingjald and his daughter at Ræning, whereupon the two committed suicide by burning themselves to death inside the hall.
Whereas Hversu and Ynglinga saga don't inform about Halfdan's mother, Hervarar saga provides the information that she was Hild, the daughter of the Gothic king Heiðrekr Ulfhamr, the son of Angantyr who defeated the Huns. (This needs verification, since the name Hild does not occur in the copy of Hervarar saga at http://www.oe.eclipse.co.uk/nom/Hervor.htm).
It then tells that Halfdan had the son Ivar Vidfamne, who attacked Ingjald Ill-ruler, which led to Ingjald's suicide by burning down his own hall at Ræning together with all his retinue. After this, Ivar Vidfamne conquered Sweden.
Other stuff
Hálfdán 'snjalli' Haraldsson
Halfdan 'den voldsomme' den gamle & Stingy Haroldsson (590), Konge i Skáney, Svíþjód
Mólada (Maolda) (Moalda)
fikk også sønnen Godfrey 'the noble'
Harald Valdarsson - was born about 0568, lived in Jutland, Denmark. He is the son of Valdar Hroarsson.
Harald married Hildur Heidreksdatter about 0589 while living in Jutland, Denmark. Hildur was born about 0572, lived in Jutland, Denmark. She is the daughter of Heidrek "Ulfhamr" Angantyrsson.
i. King Ivar Halfdansson "Vidfame" In Sweden was born about 0612, lived in Denmark and died in 0647 while living in Denmark . See #45. below.
ii. King Halfdan Haraldsson of Lethra was born about 0590, lived in Jutland, Denmark and died about 0650
Name: Halfdan HARALDSSON , King Of Sweden
Sex: M
Birth: ABT 590 in Jutland
Death: ABT 650
Name: Halfdan HARALDSSON , King Of Sweden
Sex: M
Birth: ABT 590 in Jutland
Death: ABT 650
Hafldan Haroldsson King of Sweden (590-) [Pedigree]
Son of Harold Valdarsson (568-)
b. c. 590, Jutland, Denmark
Married Maolda
1. Ivar Halfdansson King of Lethra (612-)
1. "Royalty for Commoners",
Roderick W. Stuart, 1992, 2nd edition.
This book lists all of the known ancestors of John of Gaunt,
which amounts to most of the Medieval royalty of Europe. Also
see the following article: "A Mediaeval Miscellany:
Commentaries on Roderick W. Stuart's Royalty for Commoners,"
The American Genealogist 69 (April 1994)
Legendary and Early Kings of Scandinavia-http://www.friesian.com/germania.htm#norse
King Halfdan Haraldsson of Lethra - was born about 0590, lived in Jutland, Denmark and died about 0650 . He was the son of Harald Valdarsson and Hildur Heidreksdatter.
King Halfdan married Moalda Kinriksdatter about 0650. Moalda was born about 0594, lived in Jutland, Denmark.
King Halfdan - King in Sweden & Denmark.
i. Hraeric of Lethra S
King of Roeskild
Killed by his brother, Gudrod, who did it at the urging of his wife, Aasa, daughter of Ingjald "the Evil-Advisor."
"A Guide to Irish Roots," William & Mary Durning (La Mesa, CA: Irish Family Names Society, 1995), p. II-112, gives this ancestry of Halfdan (backwards in time): Heiti, Gor, Snow ("The Old One"), Frosti, Karl, Fornjot of Finland.
Reference: http://familytrees.genopro.com/318186/jarleslekt/default.htm?page=t...
Halvdan snälle kung av Skåne. Sagokung beskriven av Snorre Sturlasson som skriver att Halvdan dräptes av sin bror Gudröd av Skåne, vilken uppviglats till detta av sin hustru Åsa Ingjaldsdotter.
Enligt Hervarar saga, var hans morfar, Heidrek, kung av Ostrogoterna.
Den här artikeln är hämtad från http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halvdan_sn%C3%A4lle
Kategori: Skånska sagokungar
Haldan the Valiant (Hálfdan snjalli) (7th century) was the legendary father of Ivar Vidfamne according to Hervarar saga, the Ynglinga saga, Njal's Saga and Hversu Noregr byggdist. The genealogical work Hversu Noregr byggdist gives his father as Harald the Old, his grand-father as Valdar and his great-grand-father as Hróarr (i.e. the Hroðgar of Beowulf).
[edit] Ynglinga saga
Snorri Sturluson related that the Swedish king Ingjald Ill-ruler married his daughter Åsa to king Guðröðr of Scania. Åsa was her father's daughter and made Guðröðr murder his own brother Halfdan, the father of Ivar Vidfamne. Later, she was the cause behind Guðröðr's death as well, and had to escape back to her father. People afterwards called her Åsa Ill-ruler like her father Ingjald.
Ivar Vidfamne mustered a large army and besieged Ingjald and his daughter at Ræning, whereupon the two committed suicide by burning themselves to death inside the hall.
[edit] Hervarar saga
Whereas Hversu and Ynglinga saga don't inform about Halfdan's mother, Hervarar saga provides the information that she was Hild, the daughter of the Gothic king Heiðrekr Ulfhamr, the son of Angantyr who defeated the Huns.
It then tells that Halfdan had the son Ivar Vidfamne, who attacked Ingjald Ill-ruler, which led to Ingjald's suicide by burning down his own hall at Ræning together with all his retinue. After this, Ivar Vidfamne conquered Sweden.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halfdan_the_Valiant"
Category: People in Norse mythology and legends
30) Ingjald Illråde av Skilfingaätten: Sveakung 640 - 655. Son till Bröt-Anund. Den siste sveakonungen av Skilfingaätten (Yngre Ynglingaätten). Han uppfostrades av Svipdag blinde som påstås ha givit honom ett varghjärta att äta, vilket sedan skulle förklara varför Ingjald blev så grym. På sin fars gravöl svor Ingjald att han skulle vidga riket åt alla håll. Det gjorde han genom att bjuda in sju underlydande kungar av vilka sex kom. Alla blev innebrända i "Sjukungarssalen" i G:a Uppsala. Offren var: kung Algöt (Ingkalds svärfar), kung Yngvar från Fjärdhundraland samt dennes två söner Agnar och Alf, kung Spersnjall från Närke och kung Sigverk från Attundaland. Ingjald lade deras riken direkt under sig och deras män, som nu saknade ledare, följde honom direkt. Kung Granmar av Södermanland hade inte kommit till det makabra gästabudet och därför red nu kung Ingjald och hans män ner och anföll honom och även han innebrändes. Gift med Göthild, dotter till kung Algöt av Västergötland (denne var i sin tur son till kung Götrik den milde av Västergötland som var son till kung Götrik av Västergötland) . Göthilds mor hette Ålof och var dotter till kung Olav den synske av Närke. Deras dotter Åsa var lika grym som sin far. Hon gifte sig med kung Gudröd av Skåne och övertalade honom att dräpa sin bror Halvdan Snälle. Straxt därefter lät hon även mörda sin man Gudröd. Men halvdan Snälle hade en son, Ivar Vidfamne (se nedan), som med en stark flotta överföll kung Ingjald och hans dotter Åsa på Räninge kungsgård. Både far och dotter brändes inne. Enligt tradition höglagd i Ingjaldshögen vid Rällinge på Fogdön i Mälaren, men den graven har visat sig varaalldeles för ung. Troligen ligger han i den sk Uppsa kulle i Rönöbygden. Efter Ingljald Illråde upphörde kungamakten att gå från far till son inom Ynglingaätten. Ingjald hade även en son, Olof Trätälja, som blev kung av Värmland och sedan gav upphov till den norska grenen av Ynglingaätten som Harald Hårfager, norska rikets enare, sex generationer senare tillhörde.
Name: Halfdan Haroldsson OF SWEDEN
Prefix: King
Given Name: Halfdan Haroldsson
Surname: of Sweden
Sex: M 1 2
Birth: 590
Father: Harold VALDARSSON b: 568 in Jutland, Denmark
Marriage 1 Moalda
Ivar Halfdansson OF UPPSALA b: 612
Abbrev: Stuart (1992)
Title: Royalty for Commoners
Author: Stuart, R. W.
Publication: Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2nd. Ed. 1992 (firstEd. 1988).
Page: pp. 175-176 (Line 240)
Abbrev: Ashley (1998)
Title: British Kings and Queens
Author: Ashley, Mike
Publication: New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 1998.
Page: p. 737
- Halfdan Haraldsson of Lethra King in Sweden & Denmark
born Abt 0590 Of Jutland, Denmark
died Abt 0650
- Harald Valdarsson
born Abt 0568 Of Jutland, Denmark
- Hildur "Hildis" "Hervor" Heidreksdatter
born Abt 0572 Of Jutland, Denmark
married Abt 0589 Of, Jutland, Denmark
Gudrud (Gudrod) Haraldsson born Abt 0592 Of Jutland, Denmark
- Moalda "Digri" Kinriksdatter
born Abt 0594 Of Jutland, Denmark
married Abt 0611 Of Denmark
(end of information)
- Ivar "Vidfame" Halfdansson King in Sweden
born Abt 0612 Of Denmark died 0647
- Hraeric of Lethra
biographical and/or anecdotal:
- Halfdan was killed by his brother, Gudrod, "whom he also killed."
The question is, were they dueling?
Haldan the Valiant (Hálfdan snjalli) (7th century) was the legendary father of Ivar Vidfamne according to Hervarar saga, the Ynglinga saga, Njal's Saga and Hversu Noregr byggdist. The genealogical work Hversu Noregr byggdist gives his father as Harald the Old, his grandfather as Valdar and his great-grandfather as Hróarr (i.e. the Hroðgar of Beowulf).
Snorri Sturluson related that the Swedish king Ingjald Ill-ruler married his daughter Åsa to king Guðröðr of Scania. Åsa was her father's daughter and made Guðröðr murder his own brother Halfdan, the father of Ivar Vidfamne. Later, she was the cause behind Guðröðr's death as well, and had to escape back to her father. People afterwards called her Åsa Ill-ruler like her father Ingjald.
Ivar Vidfamne mustered a large army and besieged Ingjald and his daughter at Ræning, whereupon the two committed suicide by burning themselves to death inside the hall.
Whereas Hversu and Ynglinga saga don't inform about Halfdan's mother, Hervarar saga provides the information that she was Hild, the daughter of the Gothic king Heiðrekr Ulfhamr, the son of Angantyr who defeated the Huns.
It then tells that Halfdan had the son Ivar Vidfamne, who attacked Ingjald Ill-ruler, which led to Ingjald's suicide by burning down his own hall at Ræning together with all his retinue. After this, Ivar Vidfamne conquered Sweden.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halfdan_the_Valiant"
- Halfdan Haraldsson of Lethra King in Sweden & Denmark
born Abt 0590 Of Jutland, Denmark
died Abt 0650
- Harald Valdarsson
born Abt 0568 Of Jutland, Denmark
- Hildur "Hildis" "Hervor" Heidreksdatter
born Abt 0572 Of Jutland, Denmark
married Abt 0589 Of, Jutland, Denmark
Gudrud (Gudrod) Haraldsson born Abt 0592 Of Jutland, Denmark
- Moalda "Digri" Kinriksdatter
born Abt 0594 Of Jutland, Denmark
married Abt 0611 Of Denmark
(end of information)
- Ivar "Vidfame" Halfdansson King in Sweden
born Abt 0612 Of Denmark died 0647
- Hraeric of Lethra
biographical and/or anecdotal:
- Halfdan was killed by his brother, Gudrod, "whom he also killed."
The question is, were they dueling?
notes or source:
another source says Froda VI was the father but he died in 0548
Halfdan and brother Gudrud reportedly killed each other
"A Guide to Irish Roots," William & Mary Durning (La Mesa, CA: Irish Family Names Society, 1995), p. II-112, gives this ancestry of Halfdan (backwards in time): Heiti, Gor, Snow ("The Old One"), Frosti, Karl, Fornjot of Finland.
Note: Halfdan and brother Gudrud reportedly killed each other
Halfdan's ancestry on his father's and mother's side is elsewhere in this chart.
Halfdan's father was Harald Valdarsson and his mother was Hildur (Hildis, Hervor) Heidreksdottir. His paternal
grandparents were Valdar Hroarsson and Hildis Vandals.
his maternal grandparents were Heidrek (Ulfhamr) Angantyrsson and Arnfleda (The Younger).
Hálfdan Snälle Haraldsson, King of Roeskilde1,2,3
Hálfdan Snälle Haraldsson, King of Roeskilde||p278.htm#i9379|Haraldr Valdarsson, King of Roeskilde||p78.htm#i10098||||Valdar H., King of Roeskilde||p78.htm#i10099|Hildis|b. b 530\nd. c 572|p293.htm#i10100|||||||
Father Haraldr Valdarsson, King of Roeskilde4
Hálfdan Snälle Haraldsson, King of Roeskilde died. Killed by his brother, Gudrod, who did it at the urging of his wife, Aasa, daughter of Ingjald "the Evil-Advisor."5 He was born at Jutland, Denmark. He was the son of Haraldr Valdarsson, King of Roeskilde.4 Hálfdan Snälle Haraldsson, King of Roeskilde married Maolda (?) before 612.
Maolda (?) b. circa 590
* Ivarr Vídfadmi Hálfdanarson, King of the Danes and Swedes+ d. 647
1. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 143-41 - This generation is added by RFC in order to fulfill the fact that Rörik, Skioldung Prince of Lethra, is the great-grandfather of Rörik 143-39. See also 240-45..
2. [S220] Rupert Alen and Anna Marie Dahlquist, Royal Familes of Scandanavia, Flanders, and Kiev, Pg. 170. This source names him..
3. [S278] DfAdam, online unknown url, The Line of Skjöld, King of Danes, 72.
4. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 240-46.
5. [S449] Circa 1225 A.D. Snorri Sturluson, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway, The Ynglinga Saga.
Hálfdan Snälle Haraldsson, King of Roeskilde died. Killed by his brother, Gudrod, who did it at the urging of his wife, Aasa, daughter of Ingjald "the Evil-Advisor."5 He was born at Jutland, Denmark. He was the son of Haraldr Valdarsson, King of Roeskilde.4 Hálfdan Snälle Haraldsson, King of Roeskilde married Maolda (?) before 612.
Maolda (?) b. circa 590
* Ivarr Vídfadmi Hálfdanarson, King of the Danes and Swedes+ d. 647
Haldan the Valiant (Hálfdan snjalli) (7th century) was the legendary father of Ivar Vidfamne according to Hervarar saga, the Ynglinga saga, Njal's Saga and Hversu Noregr byggdist. The genealogical work Hversu Noregr byggdist gives his father as Harald the Old, his grandfather as Valdar and his great-grandfather as Hróarr (i.e. the Hroðgar of Beowulf).
Snorri Sturluson related that the Swedish king Ingjald Ill-ruler married his daughter Åsa to king Guðröðr of Scania. Åsa was her father's daughter and made Guðröðr murder his own brother Halfdan, the father of Ivar Vidfamne. Later, she was the cause behind Guðröðr's death as well, and had to escape back to her father. People afterwards called her Åsa Ill-ruler like her father Ingjald.
Ivar Vidfamne mustered a large army and besieged Ingjald and his daughter at Ræning, whereupon the two committed suicide by burning themselves to death inside the hall.
Whereas Hversu and Ynglinga saga don't inform about Halfdan's mother, Hervarar saga provides the information that she was Hild, the daughter of the Gothic king Heiðrekr Ulfhamr, the son of Angantyr who defeated the Huns.
It then tells that Halfdan had the son Ivar Vidfamne, who attacked Ingjald Ill-ruler, which led to Ingjald's suicide by burning down his own hall at Ræning together with all his retinue. After this, Ivar Vidfamne conquered Sweden.
Halfdan, sagokung av Skåne - multiple call-names, including "the Valiant", "Snälle", "Kloke" (Hversu).
Father: Harald the Old, son of Valdar
Mother: Unnamed (see below) Wife: Moalda "Digri" Kinriksdotter (unsourced) Child: Ivar Vidfamne Sources
English: Halfdan the Valiant http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halfdan_the_Valiant Danish: http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halvdan_Snjalle Swedish: Halvdan snälle http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halvdan_sn%C3%A4lle Haldan the Valiant (Hálfdan snjalli) (7th century) was the legendary father of Ivar Vidfamne according to Hervarar saga, the Ynglinga saga, Njal's Saga and Hversu Noregr byggdist. The genealogical work Hversu Noregr byggdist gives his father as Harald the Old, his grandfather as Valdar and his great-grandfather as Hróarr (i.e. the Hroðgar of Beowulf).
Snorri Sturluson related that the Swedish king Ingjald Ill-ruler married his daughter Åsa to king Guðröðr of Scania. Åsa was her father's daughter and made Guðröðr murder his own brother Halfdan, the father of Ivar Vidfamne. Later, she was the cause behind Guðröðr's death as well, and had to escape back to her father. People afterwards called her Åsa Ill-ruler like her father Ingjald.
Ivar Vidfamne mustered a large army and besieged Ingjald and his daughter at Ræning, whereupon the two committed suicide by burning themselves to death inside the hall.
Whereas Hversu and Ynglinga saga don't inform about Halfdan's mother, Hervarar saga provides the information that she was Hild, the daughter of the Gothic king Heiðrekr Ulfhamr, the son of Angantyr who defeated the Huns. (This needs verification, since the name Hild does not occur in the copy of Hervarar saga at http://www.oe.eclipse.co.uk/nom/Hervor.htm).
It then tells that Halfdan had the son Ivar Vidfamne, who attacked Ingjald Ill-ruler, which led to Ingjald's suicide by burning down his own hall at Ræning together with all his retinue. After this, Ivar Vidfamne conquered Sweden.
Other stuff
Hálfdán 'snjalli' Haraldsson
Halfdan 'den voldsomme' den gamle & Stingy Haroldsson (590), Konge i Skáney, Svíþjód
Mólada (Maolda) (Moalda)
fikk også sønnen Godfrey 'the noble'
Harald Valdarsson - was born about 0568, lived in Jutland, Denmark. He is the son of Valdar Hroarsson.
Harald married Hildur Heidreksdatter about 0589 while living in Jutland, Denmark. Hildur was born about 0572, lived in Jutland, Denmark. She is the daughter of Heidrek "Ulfhamr" Angantyrsson.
i. King Ivar Halfdansson "Vidfame" In Sweden was born about 0612, lived in Denmark and died in 0647 while living in Denmark . See #45. below.
ii. King Halfdan Haraldsson of Lethra was born about 0590, lived in Jutland, Denmark and died about 0650
Name: Halfdan HARALDSSON , King Of Sweden
Sex: M
Birth: ABT 590 in Jutland
Death: ABT 650
Name: Halfdan HARALDSSON , King Of Sweden
Sex: M
Birth: ABT 590 in Jutland
Death: ABT 650
Hafldan Haroldsson King of Sweden (590-) [Pedigree]
Son of Harold Valdarsson (568-)
b. c. 590, Jutland, Denmark Married Maolda
1. Ivar Halfdansson King of Lethra (612-) Sources:
1. "Royalty for Commoners",
Roderick W. Stuart, 1992, 2nd edition. This book lists all of the known ancestors of John of Gaunt, which amounts to most of the Medieval royalty of Europe. Also see the following article: "A Mediaeval Miscellany: Commentaries on Roderick W. Stuart's Royalty for Commoners," The American Genealogist 69 (April 1994)
Halfdan Haroldsson kung av Sverige
King Halfdan Haraldsson of Lethra - was born about 0590, lived in Jutland, Denmark and died about 0650 . He was the son of Harald Valdarsson and Hildur Heidreksdatter.
King Halfdan married Moalda Kinriksdatter about 0650. Moalda was born about 0594, lived in Jutland, Denmark.
King Halfdan - King in Sweden & Denmark.
i. Hraeric of Lethra S
King of Roeskild
Killed by his brother, Gudrod, who did it at the urging of his wife, Aasa, daughter of Ingjald "the Evil-Advisor."
"A Guide to Irish Roots," William & Mary Durning (La Mesa, CA: Irish Family Names Society, 1995), p. II-112, gives this ancestry of Halfdan (backwards in time): Heiti, Gor, Snow ("The Old One"), Frosti, Karl, Fornjot of Finland.
Reference: http://familytrees.genopro.com/318186/jarleslekt/default.htm?page=t...
Halvdan snälle kung av Skåne. Sagokung beskriven av Snorre Sturlasson som skriver att Halvdan dräptes av sin bror Gudröd av Skåne, vilken uppviglats till detta av sin hustru Åsa Ingjaldsdotter.
Enligt Hervarar saga, var hans morfar, Heidrek, kung av Ostrogoterna.
Den här artikeln är hämtad från http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halvdan_sn%C3%A4lle
Kategori: Skånska sagokungar
Haldan the Valiant (Hálfdan snjalli) (7th century) was the legendary father of Ivar Vidfamne according to Hervarar saga, the Ynglinga saga, Njal's Saga and Hversu Noregr byggdist. The genealogical work Hversu Noregr byggdist gives his father as Harald the Old, his grand-father as Valdar and his great-grand-father as Hróarr (i.e. the Hroðgar of Beowulf).
[edit] Ynglinga saga
Snorri Sturluson related that the Swedish king Ingjald Ill-ruler married his daughter Åsa to king Guðröðr of Scania. Åsa was her father's daughter and made Guðröðr murder his own brother Halfdan, the father of Ivar Vidfamne. Later, she was the cause behind Guðröðr's death as well, and had to escape back to her father. People afterwards called her Åsa Ill-ruler like her father Ingjald.
Ivar Vidfamne mustered a large army and besieged Ingjald and his daughter at Ræning, whereupon the two committed suicide by burning themselves to death inside the hall.
[edit] Hervarar saga
Whereas Hversu and Ynglinga saga don't inform about Halfdan's mother, Hervarar saga provides the information that she was Hild, the daughter of the Gothic king Heiðrekr Ulfhamr, the son of Angantyr who defeated the Huns.
It then tells that Halfdan had the son Ivar Vidfamne, who attacked Ingjald Ill-ruler, which led to Ingjald's suicide by burning down his own hall at Ræning together with all his retinue. After this, Ivar Vidfamne conquered Sweden.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halfdan_the_Valiant"
Category: People in Norse mythology and legends
30) Ingjald Illråde av Skilfingaätten: Sveakung 640 - 655. Son till Bröt-Anund. Den siste sveakonungen av Skilfingaätten (Yngre Ynglingaätten). Han uppfostrades av Svipdag blinde som påstås ha givit honom ett varghjärta att äta, vilket sedan skulle förklara varför Ingjald blev så grym. På sin fars gravöl svor Ingjald att han skulle vidga riket åt alla håll. Det gjorde han genom att bjuda in sju underlydande kungar av vilka sex kom. Alla blev innebrända i "Sjukungarssalen" i G:a Uppsala. Offren var: kung Algöt (Ingkalds svärfar), kung Yngvar från Fjärdhundraland samt dennes två söner Agnar och Alf, kung Spersnjall från Närke och kung Sigverk från Attundaland. Ingjald lade deras riken direkt under sig och deras män, som nu saknade ledare, följde honom direkt. Kung Granmar av Södermanland hade inte kommit till det makabra gästabudet och därför red nu kung Ingjald och hans män ner och anföll honom och även han innebrändes. Gift med Göthild, dotter till kung Algöt av Västergötland (denne var i sin tur son till kung Götrik den milde av Västergötland som var son till kung Götrik av Västergötland) . Göthilds mor hette Ålof och var dotter till kung Olav den synske av Närke. Deras dotter Åsa var lika grym som sin far. Hon gifte sig med kung Gudröd av Skåne och övertalade honom att dräpa sin bror Halvdan Snälle. Straxt därefter lät hon även mörda sin man Gudröd. Men halvdan Snälle hade en son, Ivar Vidfamne (se nedan), som med en stark flotta överföll kung Ingjald och hans dotter Åsa på Räninge kungsgård. Både far och dotter brändes inne. Enligt tradition höglagd i Ingjaldshögen vid Rällinge på Fogdön i Mälaren, men den graven har visat sig varaalldeles för ung. Troligen ligger han i den sk Uppsa kulle i Rönöbygden. Efter Ingljald Illråde upphörde kungamakten att gå från far till son inom Ynglingaätten. Ingjald hade även en son, Olof Trätälja, som blev kung av Värmland och sedan gav upphov till den norska grenen av Ynglingaätten som Harald Hårfager, norska rikets enare, sex generationer senare tillhörde.
Name: Halfdan Haroldsson OF SWEDEN
Prefix: King
Given Name: Halfdan Haroldsson
Surname: of Sweden
Sex: M 1 2
Birth: 590
Father: Harold VALDARSSON b: 568 in Jutland, Denmark
Marriage 1 Moalda
Ivar Halfdansson OF UPPSALA b: 612 Sources:
Abbrev: Stuart (1992)
Title: Royalty for Commoners
Author: Stuart, R. W.
Publication: Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., 2nd. Ed. 1992 (firstEd. 1988).
Page: pp. 175-176 (Line 240)
Abbrev: Ashley (1998)
Title: British Kings and Queens
Author: Ashley, Mike
Publication: New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 1998.
Page: p. 737
Halfdan Haraldsson of Lethra King in Sweden & Denmark born Abt 0590 Of Jutland, Denmark
died Abt 0650
Harald Valdarsson born Abt 0568 Of Jutland, Denmark
Hildur "Hildis" "Hervor" Heidreksdatter born Abt 0572 Of Jutland, Denmark
married Abt 0589 Of, Jutland, Denmark
Gudrud (Gudrod) Haraldsson born Abt 0592 Of Jutland, Denmark
Moalda "Digri" Kinriksdatter born Abt 0594 Of Jutland, Denmark
married Abt 0611 Of Denmark
(end of information)
Ivar "Vidfame" Halfdansson King in Sweden born Abt 0612 Of Denmark died 0647
Hraeric of Lethra biographical and/or anecdotal:
Halfdan was killed by his brother, Gudrod, "whom he also killed." The question is, were they dueling?
Haldan the Valiant (Hálfdan snjalli) (7th century) was the legendary father of Ivar Vidfamne according to Hervarar saga, the Ynglinga saga, Njal's Saga and Hversu Noregr byggdist. The genealogical work Hversu Noregr byggdist gives his father as Harald the Old, his grandfather as Valdar and his great-grandfather as Hróarr (i.e. the Hroðgar of Beowulf). Snorri Sturluson related that the Swedish king Ingjald Ill-ruler married his daughter Åsa to king Guðröðr of Scania. Åsa was her father's daughter and made Guðröðr murder his own brother Halfdan, the father of Ivar Vidfamne. Later, she was the cause behind Guðröðr's death as well, and had to escape back to her father. People afterwards called her Åsa Ill-ruler like her father Ingjald. Ivar Vidfamne mustered a large army and besieged Ingjald and his daughter at Ræning, whereupon the two committed suicide by burning themselves to death inside the hall.
Whereas Hversu and Ynglinga saga don't inform about Halfdan's mother, Hervarar saga provides the information that she was Hild, the daughter of the Gothic king Heiðrekr Ulfhamr, the son of Angantyr who defeated the Huns. It then tells that Halfdan had the son Ivar Vidfamne, who attacked Ingjald Ill-ruler, which led to Ingjald's suicide by burning down his own hall at Ræning together with all his retinue. After this, Ivar Vidfamne conquered Sweden.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halfdan_the_Valiant"
Halfdan Haraldsson of Lethra King in Sweden & Denmark born Abt 0590 Of Jutland, Denmark
died Abt 0650
Harald Valdarsson born Abt 0568 Of Jutland, Denmark
Hildur "Hildis" "Hervor" Heidreksdatter born Abt 0572 Of Jutland, Denmark
married Abt 0589 Of, Jutland, Denmark
Gudrud (Gudrod) Haraldsson born Abt 0592 Of Jutland, Denmark
Moalda "Digri" Kinriksdatter born Abt 0594 Of Jutland, Denmark
married Abt 0611 Of Denmark
(end of information)
Ivar "Vidfame" Halfdansson King in Sweden born Abt 0612 Of Denmark died 0647
Hraeric of Lethra biographical and/or anecdotal:
Halfdan was killed by his brother, Gudrod, "whom he also killed." The question is, were they dueling?
notes or source:
another source says Froda VI was the father but he died in 0548
Halfdan and brother Gudrud reportedly killed each other
"A Guide to Irish Roots," William & Mary Durning (La Mesa, CA: Irish Family Names Society, 1995), p. II-112, gives this ancestry of Halfdan (backwards in time): Heiti, Gor, Snow ("The Old One"), Frosti, Karl, Fornjot of Finland.
Note: Halfdan and brother Gudrud reportedly killed each other
Halfdan's ancestry on his father's and mother's side is elsewhere in this chart.
Halfdan's father was Harald Valdarsson and his mother was Hildur (Hildis, Hervor) Heidreksdottir. His paternal
grandparents were Valdar Hroarsson and Hildis Vandals.
his maternal grandparents were Heidrek (Ulfhamr) Angantyrsson and Arnfleda (The Younger).
Hálfdan Snälle Haraldsson, King of Roeskilde1,2,3
Hálfdan Snälle Haraldsson, King of Roeskilde||p278.htm#i9379|Haraldr Valdarsson, King of Roeskilde||p78.htm#i10098||||Valdar H., King of Roeskilde||p78.htm#i10099|Hildis|b. b 530\nd. c 572|p293.htm#i10100|||||||
Father Haraldr Valdarsson, King of Roeskilde4
Hálfdan Snälle Haraldsson, King of Roeskilde died. Killed by his brother, Gudrod, who did it at the urging of his wife, Aasa, daughter of Ingjald "the Evil-Advisor."5 He was born at Jutland, Denmark. He was the son of Haraldr Valdarsson, King of Roeskilde.4 Hálfdan Snälle Haraldsson, King of Roeskilde married Maolda (?) before 612. Family
Maolda (?) b. circa 590
- Ivarr Vídfadmi Hálfdanarson, King of the Danes and Swedes+ d. 647 Citations
1. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 143-41 - This generation is added by RFC in order to fulfill the fact that Rörik, Skioldung Prince of Lethra, is the great-grandfather of Rörik 143-39. See also 240-45.. 2. [S220] Rupert Alen and Anna Marie Dahlquist, Royal Familes of Scandanavia, Flanders, and Kiev, Pg. 170. This source names him.. 3. [S278] DfAdam, online unknown url, The Line of Skjöld, King of Danes, 72. 4. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 240-46. 5. [S449] Circa 1225 A.D. Snorri Sturluson, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway, The Ynglinga Saga.
Hálfdan Snälle Haraldsson, King of Roeskilde died. Killed by his brother, Gudrod, who did it at the urging of his wife, Aasa, daughter of Ingjald "the Evil-Advisor."5 He was born at Jutland, Denmark. He was the son of Haraldr Valdarsson, King of Roeskilde.4 Hálfdan Snälle Haraldsson, King of Roeskilde married Maolda (?) before 612.
Maolda (?) b. circa 590
- Ivarr Vídfadmi Hálfdanarson, King of the Danes and Swedes+ d. 647 http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p278.htm#i9379 -------------------- Haldan the Valiant (Hálfdan snjalli) (7th century) was the legendary father of Ivar Vidfamne according to Hervarar saga, the Ynglinga saga, Njal's Saga and Hversu Noregr byggdist. The genealogical work Hversu Noregr byggdist gives his father as Harald the Old, his grandfather as Valdar and his great-grandfather as Hróarr (i.e. the Hroðgar of Beowulf).
Snorri Sturluson related that the Swedish king Ingjald Ill-ruler married his daughter Åsa to king Guðröðr of Scania. Åsa was her father's daughter and made Guðröðr murder his own brother Halfdan, the father of Ivar Vidfamne. Later, she was the cause behind Guðröðr's death as well, and had to escape back to her father. People afterwards called her Åsa Ill-ruler like her father Ingjald.
Ivar Vidfamne mustered a large army and besieged Ingjald and his daughter at Ræning, whereupon the two committed suicide by burning themselves to death inside the hall.
Whereas Hversu and Ynglinga saga don't inform about Halfdan's mother, Hervarar saga provides the information that she was Hild, the daughter of the Gothic king Heiðrekr Ulfhamr, the son of Angantyr who defeated the Huns.
It then tells that Halfdan had the son Ivar Vidfamne, who attacked Ingjald Ill-ruler, which led to Ingjald's suicide by burning down his own hall at Ræning together with all his retinue. After this, Ivar Vidfamne conquered Sweden.
Om Halfdan the Valiant (Norsk)
Halvdan Haraldsson den snille, sagnkonge av Skåne
Han var sønn av Harald den gamle og Hild. Han var gift med Moalda Digre. De hadde barna De hadda barna Ivar, Trond, Solveig og Audi.
I ifølge sagalitteraturen skal han ha i det 7. århundre Han er omtalt i Hervors saga, Ynglingesagaen, Njåls saga og Hvordan Norge ble bygd.
Halvdan ble drept av sin bror Gudrød av Skåne som ble oppviglet til dette av sin kone Åsa Ingjaldsdotter.
Halfdan the Valiant's Timeline
590 |
Jutland, Egtved, Vejle Municipality, Denmark
612 |
Roeskilde, Lethra, Denmark
Age 22
Danmark (Denmark)
614 |
625 |
Trondheim, Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway
650 |
Age 60
Age 60
Jutland, Danmark (Denmark)
670 |
Soleyum, Sweden
???? |