Gwynhafar verch Clemen

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Gwynhafar verch Clemen (604 - 680)

Also Known As: "Gwynhwyfar"
Birthplace: Dumnonia, Devon, England
Death: 680 (75-76)
Wessex, England
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Clemens ap Bledrig, King of Dumnonia and N.N. ferch Guitoli ab Urbgen
Wife of Cutha Cathwulf
Mother of Ceolweald
Sister of Pedrog Baladrddelt King of Dumnonia

Occupation: KDSK-3P2
Managed by: Henn Sarv
Last Updated:

About Gwynhafar verch Clemen

It is known that Cathwulf married a Dumnonian princess Gwynhafar, almost certainly a daughter of Clemen ap Bledric, as part of a (temporary, at least) alliance - probably the one mentioned above by Geoffrey of Monmouth, or maybe an earlier one. The marriage was perhaps unsuccessful, as he is believed to only have had one son, Ceolwald of Wessex.

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Gwynhafar verch Clemen's Timeline

Dumnonia, Devon, England
Kingdom of Wessex, England (United Kingdom)
Age 76
Wessex, England
June 20, 1911
Age 76
February 6, 1924
Age 76