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Gutle HaKohen-KaZ (Worms)

Death: 1552
Frankfurt am Main, Hessen-Nassau, Preussen
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Efraim (Gumprecht) Worms, zum Bär and Schone Worms
Wife of Chaim Katz, z. Bär
Mother of Sore Katz and Ephraim Gumpel Katz, z. Bär
Sister of Emde HaKohen-KaZ; Samuel Worms and Edel Ysselstejn

Managed by: Ofir Friedman
Last Updated:

About Gutle HaKohen-KaZ

According to Ele Toldot she is the daughter of Yosef (Feibesch)(Bajfes) Worms, zur Bär, not Efraim (Gumprecht) Worms, zum Bär, see daughter (f): BUT see also "About' on Feibesch page which argues that Ele Toldot is mistaken as to some of the children of Feibisch. It should also be noted that according to Deitz (whose work predates Ele Toldot), Gutle is the daughter of Feibisch (Jewish Community of Frankfurt, 1988 Edition, p. 379, 1A5).

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