Gunnora de Valoignes

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Gunnora de Valoignes (de Valoines) (1167 - 1208)

Also Known As: "de Valognes"
Death: after 1208
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Robert de Valoines and Hawise de Valoines
Wife of Robert FitzWalter of Woodham, Baron of Little Dunmow, Surety of the Magna Carta and Durand de Ostil, Butler & Chamberlain to King Henry II
Mother of Christiana Fitzrobert, Lady of Essex and Matilda FitzRobert FitzWalter, Lady of Essex

Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Gunnora de Valoignes

Our Royal, Titles, Noble and Commoner Ancestors and Cousins: Gunnora de Valoines¹⁻⁴

  • Father: Robert de Valoines¹⁻⁴
  • Mother: Hawise²,⁴⁻⁵
  • Gunnora de Valoines married Robert FitzWalter, Magna Charta Baron, Constable of Hereford Castle, son of Sir Walter FitzRobert, Lord of Dunmow Castle, Seigneur de Meri and Maud de Lucy, before 13 October 1199; They had 1 son (unnamed) & 2 daughters (Maud, wife of Sir Geoffrey de Mandeville, 5th Earl of Essex; & Christian, wife of Sir William de Mandeville, 6th Earl of Essex, & of Sir Raymond de Burgh, Constable of Hertford Castle).²⁻⁴
  • Gunnora de Valoines died after 1208.
  • She had married (1) Durand d'Outillé, Butler & Chamberlain to King Henry II (d. about 1194).¹,⁴
  • Spouse: Robert FitzWalter, Magna Charta Baron, Constable of Hereford Castle d. 9 Dec 1235
    • Children
    • (Mr.) FitzRobert⁴,⁶ d. b 25 Jan 1227
    • Christine FitzWalter²⁻⁴,⁷ d. c 17 Jun 1232
    • "Maid Marion" Matilda FitzWalter¹,⁴,⁸ d. b 16 Jan 1214
      • Citations
        • 1. The Complete Peerage, by Cokayne, Vol. V, p. 127.
        • 2. Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. II, p. 202-203.
        • 3. Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. II, p. 515.
        • 4. Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. II, p. 646-648.
        • 5. Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, p. 344.
        • 6. The Complete Peerage, by Cokayne, Vol. V, p. 472, notes.
        • 7. The Complete Peerage, by Cokayne, Vol. V, p. 132.
        • 8. Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. II, p. 514.

Charles Cawley's Medlands Project: Untitled English Nobility T–Z (3 Dec 2022)

  • a) GUNNOR de Valoignes (?–after 1208).
  • Robertus de Valoniis” donated “jus advocacionis ecclesie de Westeleya” to Binham priory, for the salvation of “mea et Athenize uxoris mee et Gunore filie mee”, by undated charter[345].
  • Durandus de Steill camerarius domini regis et Gunnora de Valoniis uxor eius” confirmed donations made to Binham priory by “Rogerus de Valoniis” by undated charter[346].
  • Her first marriage is confirmed by the Rotuli de Dominabus of 1185 which records property “Hortfurdburia et Hochwelle” held by her paternal grandmother “Agnes de Valeines…l annorum”, property “Hecham et Leic” held by “Agnes de Valuines…plusquam lx annorum”, and “Redefelde” held by “Agnes de Valuines…soror Pagani filii Johannis” adding that her heir is “filia eius et heres data est Durando de Ostili”[347]. Round suggests that "filia eius" in this passage is an error for "neptis eius", as Gunnor was the senior heiress of her grandmother as only daughter of the latter’s second surviving son, and pointing out that "Durandus de Osteilli" paid scutage in Essex/Hertfordshire of £15/3/4 in the Pipe Roll 1190, equivalent to the 30 and one third knights’ fees on which the barony of Valoignes paid had paid in 1166, and on which "Gunnore de Valoniis" paid in 1194[348].
  • The Red Book of the Exchequer, listing scutage payments in [1194/95], records that "Gunnore de Valoniis" paid "xx s, i militem" in Norfolk, Suffolk, and also paid in Essex, Hertfordshire[349].
  • The Red Book of the Exchequer, listing scutage payments in [1196/97], records "Gunnore de Valoniis" paying "xxx l, xxx milites" in Essex, Hertfordshire[350].
  • Bracton records an inquiry, dated 1234/35, whether "Cristiana de Mandevilla soror Walteri filii Roberti" was seised of part of land "in Dersingham", which descended to her "ex parte Gunnore matris sue" and was inherited by "Henricus de Bailloil et Lora uxor eius" because "idem Walterus non fuit frater predicte Cristiane nisi ex parte patris", noting that "tres fratres fuerunt…Petrus, Robertus, Philippus ex parte patris et matris", that Robert was father of "Gunora mater predicte Cristiane"[351].
  • "Rob fil Walteri et Gunnor ux eius" paid a fine for the inheritance of "Gaufri de Valon avunculi ipsius Gunnor", dated 1208[352].
  • m firstly (before 1185) DURAND de Ostill, son of --- (-[1191/94]).
  • m secondly (after 1194) as his first wife, ROBERT FitzWalter of Woodham Walter, Essex, son of WALTER FitzRobert & his first wife Matilda de Lucy (-9 Dec 1235, Dunmow Priory).

Charles Cawley's Medlands Project: English Lords D–K (11 Jan 2023)

  • ROBERT FitzWalter of Woodham Walter, Essex (?–9 Dec 1235, Dunmow Priory)...
  • m firstly (after 1194) as her second husband, GUNNOR de Valoignes, widow of DURAND de Ostill, daughter of ROBERT de Valoignes & his wife Hawise --- (?–after 1208).
  • Bracton records an inquiry, dated 1234/35, whether "Cristiana de Mandevilla soror Walteri filii Roberti" was seised of part of land "in Dersingham", which descended to her "ex parte Gunnore matris sue" and was inherited by "Henricus de Bailloil et Lora uxor eius" because "idem Walterus non fuit frater predicte Cristiane nisi ex parte patris", noting that "tres fratres fuerunt…Petrus, Robertus, Philippus ex parte patris et matris", that Robert was father of "Gunora mater predicte Cristiane"[198].
  • Durandus de Steill camerarius domini regis et Gunnora de Valoniis uxor eius” confirmed donations made to Binham priory by “Rogerus de Valoniis” by undated charter[199].
  • Her first marriage is confirmed by the Rotuli de Dominabus of 1185 which records property “Hortfurdburia et Hochwelle” held by her paternal grandmother “Agnes de Valeines…l annorum”, property “Hecham et Leic” held by “Agnes de Valuines…plusquam lx annorum”, and “Redefelde” held by “Agnes de Valuines…soror Pagani filii Johannis” adding that her heir is “filia eius et heres data est Durando de Ostili”[200].
  • Round suggests that "filia eius" in this passage is an error for "neptis eius", as Gunnor was the senior heiress of her grandmother as only daughter of the latter’s second surviving son, and pointing out that "Durandus de Osteilli" paid scutage in Essex/Hertfordshire of £15/3/4 in the Pipe Roll 1190, equivalent to the 30 and one third knights’ fees on which the barony of Valoignes paid had paid in 1166, and on which "Gunnore de Valoniis" paid in 1194[201].
  • The Red Book of the Exchequer, listing scutage payments in [1194/95], records that "Gunnore de Valoniis" paid "xx s, i militem" in Norfolk, Suffolk, and also paid in Essex, Hertfordshire[202].
  • The Red Book of the Exchequer, listing scutage payments in [1196/97], records "Gunnore de Valoniis" paying "xxx l, xxx milites" in Essex, Hertfordshire[203].
  • "Rob fil Walteri et Gunnor ux eius" paid a fine for the inheritance of "Gaufri de Valon avunculi ipsius Gunnor", dated 1208[204]....
    • ...Robert & his first wife had three children:
    • i) MATILDA (?–1212, bur Dunmow Priory). The 13th century Histoire des ducs de Normandie et des rois d’Angleterre records that "Joffrois de Mandeville" married "la fille Robiert le fil Gautier"[206].
      • m GEOFFREY de Mandeville, son of GEOFFREY FitzPiers & his first wife Beatrice de Say (?–London 23 Feb 1216, bur Trinity Prior within Aldgate). He succeeded his father in 1213 as Earl of Essex.
      • ii) CHRISTINE (?–before 17 Jun 1232, bur Shouldham Priory).
      • The 13th century Histoire des ducs de Normandie et des rois d’Angleterre records that "Robiert le fil Gautier" had two daughters and one son, adding that the second daughter married "Guillaume de Mandeville, qui freres fu Joffroi"[207].
      • Christiana de mea...viduitate”, as successor of “Roberti de Valoniis avi mei et Roberti filii Walteri patris mei, Gunnore uxoris sue matris mee”, confirmed the donation of revenue from “ecclesia de Baketona in Suffolchia” to Binham priory made by “Robertus filius Walteri pater meus et Gunnora mater mea”, for the souls of “Willelmi de Maundeville comitis Essexie quondam mariti mei...Roberti filii Walteri patris mei et Gunnore uxoris sue matris mee”, by undated charter, witnessed by “...Gondreda de Warenne soror mea”[208].
      • The Annals of Dunstable record that “Hubertus de Burgo…Remundus nepos eius” married “comitissam Essexiæ” in 1227[209].
      • An order dated [Nov] 1227 refers to "Reymundus de Burgo…et Christiana uxore eius"[210]. King Henry III granted "duos damos in foresta de Wauberg" to "Christiane uxori Remundi de Burgo”, dated 1229[211].
      • The History of the Foundation of Walden Abbey records that “Cristiana uxore sua, comitissa Essexiæ” was buried with her (first) husband “apud Soldham”[212].
        • m firstly (before 18 Nov 1220) WILLIAM de Mandeville Earl of Essex, son of GEOFFREY FitzPiers & his first wife Beatrice de Say (?–8 Jan 1227, bur Shouldham Priory).
      • m secondly ([9 Jan/15 May] 1227) RAYMOND de Burgh of Dartford, Kent, son of --- de Burgh & his wife --- (?–drowned 1230, bur Dover).
    • iii) son. (?–?) The 13th century Histoire des ducs de Normandie et des rois d’Angleterre records that "Robiert le fil Gautier" had two daughters and one son[213].

en.Wikipedia: de Valognes

  • "de Valognes (Valoignes, Valoines, Valoins, Valons, Valeynes, Valeignes, Valens, Valence, Valance, Valang, Valoniis) is a family name of two distinct powerful families with notable descendants in the centuries immediately following the Norman Conquest. Although a connection between them has been inferred by some authorities,[1] this is not supported by positive evidence.
  • "The family descending from the Domesday ancestor Peter de Valognes is believed to have originated in Valognes in the Cotentin peninsula in Normandy. The family descending from Hamo de Valoines of Parham may have originated from Valaines in the region of Rennes in Brittany.[2]"
    • NOTES
      • 1. e.g. 'Valoines', in W. Dugdale, The Baronage of England, 2 vols (Tho. Newcomb, for Abel Roper, Iohn Martin, and Henry Herringman, London 1676), I, pp. 441-42 (Umich/eebo)
      • 2. K.S.B. Keats-Rohan, A Prosopography of Persons Occurring in English Documents 1066-1166 (Roch, New York/The Boydell Press 2002), p. 754.

Geneanet: Gunnor de Valoines Valognes/ Countess of Dunmow
Born: (1167-1169) - Hinchley, Suffolk, England
Deceased: (1203-1208) - Little Dunmow, Essex, England
Father: Robert II Valognes/ Lord Valoines De Valoines 1142-1210
Mother: Roese Roesia 1148-

Fab Pedigree: The Pedigree of Gunora de Valoines