Matching family tree profiles for Guillaume Trahan
Immediate Family
About Guillaume Trahan
- Sources:
- 1671 Acadie Census - shown to be 60 years old which estimates birth c.1611.
- 1671 Acadie Census - shown to be 60 years old which estimates birth c.1611.
@R703549614@ Canadian Genealogy Index, 1600s-1900s Genealogical Research Library, Ontario, Canada Ancestry.com Operations Inc Compiled from various family history sources. See source information provided with each entry. 1,7920::0
@R703549614@ U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc Filby, P. William, ed. <i>Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s</i>. Farmington Hills, MI, USA: Gale Research, 2012. 1,7486::0
@R703549614@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,9289::0
@R703549614@ Canada, Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,60527::0
@R703549614@ Canadian Genealogy Index, 1600s-1900s Genealogical Research Library, Ontario, Canada Ancestry.com Operations Inc Compiled from various family history sources. See source information provided with each entry. 1,7920::0
@R703549614@ U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Yates Publishing Ancestry.com Operations Inc This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived from an array of materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, querie. 1,7836::0
@R703549614@ U.S. and Canada, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc Filby, P. William, ed. <i>Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s</i>. Farmington Hills, MI, USA: Gale Research, 2012. 1,7486::0
@R703549614@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 Ancestry.com Ancestry.com Operations, Inc. 1,9289::0
@R703549614@ U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Yates Publishing Ancestry.com Operations Inc This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived from an array of materials including pedigree charts, family history articles, querie. 1,7836::0
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints "FamilySearch Family Tree," database, FamilySearch Name: (https://www.familysearch.org);
accessed 12 Jun 2018), entry for Guillaume Trahan, person ID 93GW-CZW. 3
Biographie Trahan Guillaume
Guillaume Trahan, fils de Nicolas Trahan et de Renée Desloges, naquit à Bourgueil vers 1606. Le 17 juillet 1627, dans l'église Saint-Etienne de Chinon, il épouse Françoise Corbineau. Chinon est située à 15 km environ au sud-est de Bourgueil, à 50 km au sud-ouest de Tours.
En 1636, il émigre en Acadie. Sur le rôle d'embarquement du Saint-Jean, parmi les " paysans d'Anjou " qui vont " travailler en la Nouvelle-France ", on lit cette mention: "Guillaume Trahan, mareschal de tranchant, avec sa femme et deux enfants et un valet, aussi de Bourgueil. " Le maréchal de tranchant était un artisan qui fabriquait toutes sortes d'outils tranchants: haches, couteaux, faux, serpettes, faucilles, ciseaux de menuisier, etc., et même des ustensiles de table, comme couteaux, fourchettes, cuillères, etc.
Il fut l'un des citoyens les mieux notés de Port-Royal. En 1640 d'Aulnay le chargeait, conjointement avec Germain Doucet dit La Verdure et Isaac Pessely, d'informer contre Charles de La Tour et, le 16 août 1654, à titre de syndic des habitants, il signait l'acte de capitulation de Port-Royal.
Vers 1665 il épouse Magdeleine Brun, fille de Vincent Brun et de Renée Brault.
Ginette Arpin
2008, Contrecoeur
L'origine de Guillaume Trahan (Bourgueil) a été publiée en 1991 - Messager de l'Atlantique-Jean-Marie Germe ainsi que la date de son mariage avec Françoise Corbineau (le 13 juillet 1627 à Chinon) acte de mariage découvert par Jean-Marie Germe ainsi que le Rôle du Saint-François (Stephen White cite ces parutions en 2005 ci-dessous).
Une plaque commémorative fût apposée dans la région en 1996 pour ces 2 pionniers ainsi que Pierre Martin et Catherine Vigneau ( je peux vous envoyer une photo)
Marie-Christine Chaillou
ID No: 1947
Prénom: Guillaume Nom: Trahan Sexe: M Occupation: Naissance: 1606 vers Paroisse/ville: Bourgeuil, Touraine Pays: France Bapt./Source: Guillaume Trahan né à Bourgueil (Touraine) vers 1606- Marié à CHINON (Touraine) en l'église Saint-Etienne le 13 juillet 1627 acte de mariage retrouvé par Jean-Marie Germe/AGCF et publié en 1991 dans le Messager de l'Atlantiquem m37285 Décès: Paroisse/ville: Pays: Information, autres enfants, notes, etc. Biographie / Anecdotes L'ancêtre Guillaume Trahan fils de Nicolas Trahan et Renée Desloges veuf Francoise Corbineau (S. White) Autres mariages de: Guillaume Trahan Francoise Charbonneau St-Etienne, Chinon
Guillaume Trahan ID : I1081 Male
Naissance vers 1601 St-Germain, Bourgueil, France Décès vers 1684 Acadie
Parents 1. Trahan, Nicholas I1554 Male
Desloges, Renée I339106 Female Type : Mariés
Mariages 1. Brun, Madeleine (1645 - 1701) I1082 Female ID : F815 Type : Mariés Enfants : 3 Marriage vers 1666 à Port-Royal, Acadie
Enfants Trahan, Jean-Charles I4626 Male Trahan, Jeanne I394048 Female ? - avant octobre 1732 Trahan, Madeleine I1080 Female vers 1678 - 8 décembre 1742
2. Charbonneau, Françoise (1610 - 1665) I14923 Female ID : F816 Type : Mariés Enfants : 1 Marriage 13 juillet 1627 St-Étienne-de-Chinon, France
Enfants Trahan, Jeanne I1553 Female 1629 - vers 1698
- Reference: GenealogieOnline Family Tree Index - SmartCopy: Mar 10 2021, 1:21:35 UTC
!Guillaume sailed from France to Port Royal, Acadia, departing on 1 Apr 1636
aboard the "Saint Jehan". He was accompanied by his wife, two children and a
valet. On the same voyage there were 6 persons from Chinon and 23 from
Bourgueil, including Pierre Martin, his wife and son Pierre. Guillaume was a
blacksmith and a prominent citizen at Port Royal. He, Germain Doucet, and Isaac Pesseley
were directed by Governor D'Aulnay to start proceedings against Charles De La Tour, D'Aulnay's
enemy. As a truste of Port Royal Guillaume signed the act of capituation of Port Royal.
FamilySearch: Family Tree
Guillaume Trahan
Birth 1611 • Montreuil-Bellay, Maine-et-Loire, Pays de la Loire, France
Death 31 December 1682 • Port-Royal, Acadia, New France
Parents Nicolas Trahan • Renée Desloges
Spouse Françoise Charbonneau Corbineau • Madeleine Brun
Children Alexandre Trahan • Anne Madeleine Trahan • Guillaume Trahan • Jean Charles Trahan • Jeanne Trahan • Marie Jeanne Trahan • Marie Trahan • Trahan
Lead confidence: 5
FamilySearch: Find A Grave Index
Guillaume Trahan, "Find A Grave Index"
Lead confidence: 5
!Source: Historie Et Genealogie Des Acadiens, by Bona Arsenault
Né en 1611 Naissance, en 1611, à Bourgue
Né en1611Naissance, en 1611, à Bourgueil, 37140, INDRE-ET-LOIRE, Centre, FR16 ans1627Mariage avec Françoise CHARBONNEAU, le 13/07/1627, à St-Étienne, Indre-Et-Loire, France, 37, CENTR, FRA55 ans1666Mariage avec Magdeleine BRUN, en 1666, à Port-Royal, Acadie71 ans1682Décès, en 1682, à Port-Royal, Acadie
Guilliaume Trahan
1 Apr 1636: Roster of the Saint-Jehan: "Guillaume Trahan, an edge-tool maker, with his wife, two children, and a valet, also from Burgueil."
14 Jul 1640: Inquiry presided over by Mathieu Cappon, clerk and registrar, against Charles de Saint-Étienne de la Tour, at which appeared Germain Doucet dit Laverdure, Isaac Pesseley and Guillaume Trahan.
16 Aug 1654: in his capacity as syndic of the inhabitants, Guillaume Trahan signed the capitulation of Port-Royal.
2 Dec 1705: Expropriation of a lot, adjoining the side of the old fort, and belonging to Guillaume Trahan, for the extension of the fort at Port-Royal. As Guillaume Trahan had been dead for over twenty years, one must suppose that his heirs were the actual owners of this land in 1705.
Guillaume and Francoise lived at Verron then Bourgeuil before immigrating to Acadia on 1 Apr 1636. They came on the "St. Jehan". He was a blacksmith or toolsmith and an important citizen of Port Royal. He signed the act of capitulation of Port Royal in 1654 on behalf of the citizens. From the 1671 Acadian Census: Guillaume TRAHAN, 60, wife Madelaine BRUN 25; Children: Guillaume 4, Jehan-Charles 3, Alexandre 1; cattle 8, sheep 10.
1678 Acadia Census
Port Royal:
Guillaume Trahan & Madelenne Brun
3 boys: Guillaume 10, b.1668, Jean Charles 8, b.1670, Alexandre 7, b.1670
3 girls: Marie[Anne] 6, b.1672, girl [unknown daughter] 5, b.1673, girl [Marie Jeanne] 4, b.1674.
4 acres, 6 cattle,
Guillaume arrived in Acadie in 1636.
1671 Acadia Census
Port Royal:
Guillaume Trahan 60, wife Madelaine Brun 25.
Children: Guillaume 4, Jehan-Charles 3, Alexandre 1;
8 cattle & 6 sheep.
Guillaume Trahan & wife #1 Francoise CHarbonneau had 1 child. Guillaume Trahan& wife #2 Madeleine Brun had 6 children
Arrived in Acadie in 1636 from St Germain de Bourgeuil, Indre-et-Loire, France Guillaume TRAHAN, 60, wife Madelaine BRUN 25; Children: Guillaume 4, Jehan-Charles 3, Alexandre 1; cattle 8, sheep 10. 1671 Acadian Census Port Royal
!BIRTH: Information from Beauregard, Dictionnaire Genealogique l'Ancienne Acadia, available on the Internet at http://www.cam.org/beaur/dgaa/dgaa-b4.html (gives year of birth and says this person arrived in 1636 from France). !CHRISTENING: Information from Beauregard, Dictionnaire Genealogique l'Ancienne Acadia, available on the Internet at http://www.cam.org/beaur/dgaa/dgaa-b4.html !MARRIAGE: Information not found; estimated year is based on this person's year of birth and children's birth years. !DEATH: Information not researched. !BURIAL: Information not researched. !IMMIGRATION: Beaugegard, above, says this person arrived in Acadia from France in 1636 with spouse and two infants.
He was a marshall
Line 76 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: BIRT PLAC St. Germain De Bourgueil, Indre Et Loire, Fr. Line 79 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: DEAT PLAC Annapolis Royal, Rich. Nova Scotia Line 239 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: MARR PLAC Annapolis Royal, Rich. Nova Scotia Line 21 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: BIRT PLAC St. Germain De Bourgueil, Indre Et Loire, Fr. Line 24 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: DEAT PLAC Annapolis Royal, Rich. Nova Scotia Line 76 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: MARR PLAC Annapolis Royal, Rich. Nova Scotia Line 21 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: BIRT PLAC St. Germain De Bourgueil, Indre Et Loire, Fr. Line 24 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: DEAT PLAC Annapolis Royal, Rich. Nova Scotia Line 103 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: MARR PLAC Annapolis Royal, Rich. Nova Scotia Line 21 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: BIRT PLAC St. Germain De Bourgueil, Indre Et Loire, Fr. Line 24 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: DEAT PLAC Annapolis Royal, Rich. Nova Scotia Line 76 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:MARR PLAC Annapolis Royal, Rich. Nova Scotia Line 338 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHIL SLGC 27 Mar'68 Line 344 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHIL SLGC 27 Mar'68 Line 346 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHIL SLGC 27 Mar'68 Line 351 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHIL SLGC 27 Mar'68 Line 355 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHIL SLGC 27 Mar'68 Line 357 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHIL SLGC 27 Mar'68 Line 338 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHIL SLGC 27 Mar'68 Line 344 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHIL SLGC 27 Mar'68 Line 346 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHIL SLGC 27 Mar'68 Line 351 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHIL SLGC 27 Mar'68 Line 355 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHIL SLGC 27 Mar'68 Line 357 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: CHIL SLGC 27 Mar'68
Book, The Acadians in France Vol 2, page 22 by Melton P. Rieder, Jr. and Norma Gaudet Rieder.
Line 304 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: BIRT PLAC St. Germain De Bourgueil, Indre Et Loire, Fr. Line 307 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: DEAT PLAC Annapolis Royal, Rich.Nova Scotia Line 1126 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long: MARR PLAC Annapolis Royal, Rich. Nova Scotia
Né en 1611 Naissance, en 1611, à Bourgue
Né en
Naissance, en 1611, à Bourgueil, 37140, INDRE-ET-LOIRE, Centre, FR
16 ans
Mariage avec Françoise CHARBONNEAU, le 13/07/1627, à St-Étienne, Indre-Et-Loire, France, 37, CENTR, FRA
55 ans
Mariage avec Magdeleine BRUN, en 1666, à Port-Royal, Acadie
71 ans
Décès, en 1682, à Port-Royal, Acadie
!BIRTH: "Generations...Past to Present",by Phobe Chauvin Morrison: p. 391 Published by Terrebonne Genealogical Society, Houma, LA. Book located in main public library in Dallas, Texas. !MARRIAGE: "Generations...Past to Present",by Phobe Chauvin Morrison: p. 391 Published by Terrebonne Genealogical Society, Houma, LA. Book located in main public library in Dallas, Texas.
[momma-up.ged] !BIRTH:Bona Arsenault,"H
!BIRTH:Bona Arsenault,"Hist...Acadiens", vol. 2, p. 456-457/816.
!MARRIAGE: ibid[bourg jb.ged]
Custom Field:(_FA#) 1636Arrived in Acadia
Custom Field:(_FA#) marechal de tran chant
REFN: 52
Left from LaRochelle 1 April 1636 with wife, two children and a valet.
He was a Marechal le tranchant. See "Les Voyageurs" Volume Viii, # 4,
page 175
Guillaume TRAHAN
BIRTH: 1611, Montreuil-Belly,Maine-et-Loire,F rance
DEATH: 1682, Port Royal,Nova Scotia,Canada
BURIAL: 1682
Father: Nic olas TRAHAN
Mother: Renée DESLOGES
Family 1: Françoise CHARBONNEAUX (Corbin eau)
MARRIAGE: 13 JUL 1627, St. Étienne de C,France
1.Jeanne TRAHAN
2.TRAH AN _____
Family 2: Madeleine BRUN
MARRIAGE: 1666, Port Royal,Nova Scotia,Ca nada
1.Guillaume TRAHAN
2.Jean Charles TRAHAN
3.Alexandre TRAHAN
4.Mari e TRAHAN
5.Jeanne TRAHAN
6.Madeleine TRAHAN
!BIRT SOUR Bona Arsena ult "Histoire et Genealogie des Acadiens", Vol. 2,
page 816. Listed in the 16 78 Acadian census as having 4 acres, 6 cattle,
3 boys, and 3 girls.
!COMMEN T: Toolsmith at Bourgueil, Indre-et-Louie, France from 1632.
Sailed for Acadi a on the St. Jehan in 1636. TRAHAN also spelled TROUEN.
"The Father of all TR AHANs in North America."
!MARR PLACE St. Étienne de Chinon, France
!MARR SO UR Bona Arsenault "Histoire et Genealogie des Acadiens", Vol. 2,
page 816
C reated by GED2HTML v2.5b (4/12/96) on Sun Jan 11 23:29:23 1998
Genealogy sub mitted by Judy Wostal,[supple.ged]
Custom Field:(_FA#) 1636Arrived in Acadia
Custom Field:(_FA#) marechal de tran chant
REFN: 52
Left from LaRochelle 1 April 1636 with wife, two children and a valet.
He was a Marechal le tranchant. See "Les Voyageurs" Volume Viii, # 4,
page 175
Guillaume TRAHAN
BIRTH: 1611, Montreuil-Belly,Maine-et-Loire,F rance
DEATH: 1682, Port Royal,Nova Scotia,Canada
BURIAL: 1682
Father: Nic olas TRAHAN
Mother: Renée DESLOGES
Family 1: Françoise CHARBONNEAUX (Corbin eau)
MARRIAGE: 13 JUL 1627, St. Étienne de C,France
1.Jeanne TRAHAN
2.TRAH AN _____
Family 2: Madeleine BRUN
MARRIAGE: 1666, Port Royal,Nova Scotia,Ca nada
1.Guillaume TRAHAN
2.Jean Charles TRAHAN
3.Alexandre TRAHAN
4.Mari e TRAHAN
5.Jeanne TRAHAN
6.Madeleine TRAHAN
!BIRT SOUR Bona Arsena ult "Histoire et Genealogie des Acadiens", Vol. 2,
page 816. Listed in the 16 78 Acadian census as having 4 acres, 6 cattle,
3 boys, and 3 girls.
!COMMEN T: Toolsmith at Bourgueil, Indre-et-Louie, France from 1632.
Sailed for Acadi a on the St. Jehan in 1636. TRAHAN also spelled TROUEN.
"The Father of all TR AHANs in North America."
!MARR PLACE St. Étienne de Chinon, France
!MARR SO UR Bona Arsenault "Histoire et Genealogie des Acadiens", Vol. 2,
page 816
C reated by GED2HTML v2.5b (4/12/96) on Sun Jan 11 23:29:23 1998
Genealogy sub mitted by Judy Wostal,[mrguillot.ged]
Custom Field:(_FA#) 1636Arrived in Acadia
Custom Field:(_FA#) marechal de tran chant
REFN: 52
Left from LaRochelle 1 April 1636 with wife, two children and a valet.
He was a Marechal le tranchant. See "Les Voyageurs" Volume Viii, # 4,
page 175
Guillaume TRAHAN
BIRTH: 1611, Montreuil-Belly,Maine-et-Loire,F rance
DEATH: 1682, Port Royal,Nova Scotia,Canada
BURIAL: 1682
Father: Nic olas TRAHAN
Mother: Renée DESLOGES
Family 1: Françoise CHARBONNEAUX (Corbin eau)
MARRIAGE: 13 JUL 1627, St. Étienne de C,France
1.Jeanne TRAHAN
2.TRAH AN _____
Family 2: Madeleine BRUN
MARRIAGE: 1666, Port Royal,Nova Scotia,Ca nada
1.Guillaume TRAHAN
2.Jean Charles TRAHAN
3.Alexandre TRAHAN
4.Mari e TRAHAN
5.Jeanne TRAHAN
6.Madeleine TRAHAN
!BIRT SOUR Bona Arsena ult "Histoire et Genealogie des Acadiens", Vol. 2,
page 816. Listed in the 16 78 Acadian census as having 4 acres, 6 cattle,
3 boys, and 3 girls.
!COMMEN T: Toolsmith at Bourgueil, Indre-et-Louie, France from 1632.
Sailed for Acadi a on the St. Jehan in 1636. TRAHAN also spelled TROUEN.
"The Father of all TR AHANs in North America."
!MARR PLACE St. Étienne de Chinon, France
!MARR SO UR Bona Arsenault "Histoire et Genealogie des Acadiens", Vol. 2,
page 816
C reated by GED2HTML v2.5b (4/12/96) on Sun Jan 11 23:29:23 1998
Genealogy sub mitted by Judy Wostal,[marcellite.ged]
Custom Field:(_FA#) 1636Arrived in Acadia
Custom Field:(_FA#) marechal de tran chant
REFN: 52
Left from LaRochelle 1 April 1636 with wife, two children and a valet.
He was a Marechal le tranchant. See "Les Voyageurs" Volume Viii, # 4,
page 175
Guillaume TRAHAN
BIRTH: 1611, Montreuil-Belly,Maine-et-Loire,F rance
DEATH: 1682, Port Royal,Nova Scotia,Canada
BURIAL: 1682
Father: Nic olas TRAHAN
Mother: Renée DESLOGES
Family 1: Françoise CHARBONNEAUX (Corbin eau)
MARRIAGE: 13 JUL 1627, St. Étienne de C,France
1.Jeanne TRAHAN
2.TRAH AN _____
Family 2: Madeleine BRUN
MARRIAGE: 1666, Port Royal,Nova Scotia,Ca nada
1.Guillaume TRAHAN
2.Jean Charles TRAHAN
3.Alexandre TRAHAN
4.Mari e TRAHAN
5.Jeanne TRAHAN
6.Madeleine TRAHAN
!BIRT SOUR Bona Arsena ult "Histoire et Genealogie des Acadiens", Vol. 2,
page 816. Listed in the 16 78 Acadian census as having 4 acres, 6 cattle,
3 boys, and 3 girls.
!COMMEN T: Toolsmith at Bourgueil, Indre-et-Louie, France from 1632.
Sailed for Acadi a on the St. Jehan in 1636. TRAHAN also spelled TROUEN.
"The Father of all TR AHANs in North America."
!MARR PLACE St. Étienne de Chinon, France
!MARR SO UR Bona Arsenault "Histoire et Genealogie des Acadiens", Vol. 2,
page 816
C reated by GED2HTML v2.5b (4/12/96) on Sun Jan 11 23:29:23 1998
Genealogy sub mitted by Judy Wostal,[marcelite.ged]
Custom Field:(_FA#) 1636Arrived in Acadia
Custom Field:(_FA#) marechal de tran chant
REFN: 52
Left from LaRochelle 1 April 1636 with wife, two children and a valet.
He was a Marechal le tranchant. See "Les Voyageurs" Volume Viii, # 4,
page 175
Guillaume TRAHAN
BIRTH: 1611, Montreuil-Belly,Maine-et-Loire,F rance
DEATH: 1682, Port Royal,Nova Scotia,Canada
BURIAL: 1682
Father: Nic olas TRAHAN
Mother: Renée DESLOGES
Family 1: Françoise CHARBONNEAUX (Corbin eau)
MARRIAGE: 13 JUL 1627, St. Étienne de C,France
1.Jeanne TRAHAN
2.TRAH AN _____
Family 2: Madeleine BRUN
MARRIAGE: 1666, Port Royal,Nova Scotia,Ca nada
1.Guillaume TRAHAN
2.Jean Charles TRAHAN
3.Alexandre TRAHAN
4.Mari e TRAHAN
5.Jeanne TRAHAN
6.Madeleine TRAHAN
!BIRT SOUR Bona Arsena ult "Histoire et Genealogie des Acadiens", Vol. 2,
page 816. Listed in the 16 78 Acadian census as having 4 acres, 6 cattle,
3 boys, and 3 girls.
!COMMEN T: Toolsmith at Bourgueil, Indre-et-Louie, France from 1632.
Sailed for Acadi a on the St. Jehan in 1636. TRAHAN also spelled TROUEN.
"The Father of all TR AHANs in North America."
!MARR PLACE St. Étienne de Chinon, France
!MARR SO UR Bona Arsenault "Histoire et Genealogie des Acadiens", Vol. 2,
page 816
C reated by GED2HTML v2.5b (4/12/96) on Sun Jan 11 23:29:23 1998
Genealogy sub mitted by Judy Wostal,[2112467.ged]
Custom Field:(_FA#) 1636Arrived in Acadia
Custom Field:(_FA#) marechal de tran chant
REFN: 52
Left from LaRochelle 1 April 1636 with wife, two children and a valet.
He was a Marechal le tranchant. See "Les Voyageurs" Volume Viii, # 4,
page 175
Guillaume TRAHAN
BIRTH: 1611, Montreuil-Belly,Maine-et-Loire,F rance
DEATH: 1682, Port Royal,Nova Scotia,Canada
BURIAL: 1682
Father: Nic olas TRAHAN
Mother: Renée DESLOGES
Family 1: Françoise CHARBONNEAUX (Corbin eau)
MARRIAGE: 13 JUL 1627, St. Étienne de C,France
1.Jeanne TRAHAN
2.TRAH AN _____
Family 2: Madeleine BRUN
MARRIAGE: 1666, Port Royal,Nova Scotia,Ca nada
1.Guillaume TRAHAN
2.Jean Charles TRAHAN
3.Alexandre TRAHAN
4.Mari e TRAHAN
5.Jeanne TRAHAN
6.Madeleine TRAHAN
!BIRT SOUR Bona Arsena ult "Histoire et Genealogie des Acadiens", Vol. 2,
page 816. Listed in the 16 78 Acadian census as having 4 acres, 6 cattle,
3 boys, and 3 girls.
!COMMEN T: Toolsmith at Bourgueil, Indre-et-Louie, France from 1632.
Sailed for Acadi a on the St. Jehan in 1636. TRAHAN also spelled TROUEN.
"The Father of all TR AHANs in North America."
!MARR PLACE St. Étienne de Chinon, France
!MARR SO UR Bona Arsenault "Histoire et Genealogie des Acadiens", Vol. 2,
page 816
C reated by GED2HTML v2.5b (4/12/96) on Sun Jan 11 23:29:23 1998
Genealogy sub mitted by Judy Wostal,
Guillaume Trahan, marerchal de tranchant, with his wife and two children and a valet, a citizen of Saint-Germain de Bourgeuil, Indre-et- Loire, France, son of Nicolas and Renee' Desloges of Montreuil-Belley Maine-et-Loire; disembarked from La Rochelle on April 1,1636, for Mew France. With the family were six other individuals of Chinon and twenty-three from Bourguiel, also Pierre Martin, his wifeand son, Pierre. The ship appears to have been the "Saint- Jean" which is noted elsewhere. In 1654, Guillaume headed a local council to over see the operation of Acadia under terms of surrender forced upon the settlers by an English fleet which came up from Boston under the orders of Cromwell. The Lord Protector wanted to drive the French entirely out of Acadia.
OCC: TOOLSMITH He sailed on the first ship, "The ST.JEHAN" with the acadian settlers. He and Pierre Martin were from Bourgueil, Anjou, France. Married: Francoise Carbonneau, ca 1627 In 1654 the Frenchand English were at war and the Brithish began to attack Acadia agai. Major Sedgwick took Port Royal from Leborgne and Jemseg from LaTour. They left Guillaume Trahan in charge of Port Royal under a coucil of local inhabitants. The Trahans were exiled to Louisiana. Some returned to Brittany, spicifically at Belle-Isle-en mer. Census of 1678 Port Royal Guillaume Trahan & Madelenne Brun 4 acres 6 cattle 3 boys: Guillaume, 10 1668 Jean Charles, 8, 1670 Alexandre 7, 1670 3 girls: Marie 6, 1672 Unk. 5, 1673 Unk. 4 1674 Note: the "Public Archives of Canade of the vensus of 1686 gives, as children ofGuillaume Trahan and of Madeleine Brun, ahte following names: Guillaume, 19 years: Jean, 17; Jean Charles, 15; Marie, 14; Jeanne, 12; Madeleine, 9. On above census, Jean Charles is Alexandre, same age. Then on another recording the boys are recorded at different ages as: Guillaume, 20; Jean, 18; Aleandre 16. By the a686 census the father Guillaume had died, and Madeleine had remarried. Different names are given for this husband. In 1686 he is called Pierre Joan, and the other time La Riviere. But according to the copy of the census of Acadia at the "Pub. Arch. Of Canada," in 1693 he is calledPierre Arbezier, in 1698 Pierre Dalesie and in 1700 Pierre de Bezier.
Father was Nicolas Trahan,Mother was Renee Desloges.
A. Godbout, Le role du Saint-Jehan...,'...(According to Father Godbout, the second child who came to Acadia with Guillaume Trahan might well have been a daughter who was to marry sometime before 1654Germain Doucet dit La Verdue.) 1 April 1636: Roster of the Saint-Jehan: "Guillame Trahan, and edge tool maker, with his wife, two children, and a valet. also from Bourgueil." 14 July 1640: Inquiry presided over by Mathieu Cappon, clerk and registrar, against Charles de Saint-Etienne de La Tour, at which appeared Germain Doucet dit La Verdue, Isaac Pesseley, and Guillaume Trahan. 16 August 1654: In his capacity as Syndic of the inhabitants, Guillaume Trahan signed the capitulation of Port-Royal. 2 December 1705: Expropriation of a lot, adjoining the side of the old fort , and belonging to Guillaume Trahan, for the extension of the fort at Port-Royal. As Guillaume Trahan had been dead for over twenty tears, one must suppose that the heirs were the actual owners of this land in 1705.
1671 Acadian Census: Guillaume Traham 60,(2nd Marriage) wife MadelaineBrun 25: Children: Guillaume 4, Jehan-Charles 3, Alexandre 1; cattle 8,sheep 10. Census of Port Royal - 1678 Guillaume Trahan and Madeleine Brun 4acres, 6 cattle Guillaume 10, Jean Charles 8, Alexandre 7, Marie 3, Girl 5, Girl 4
He arrived in Acadia in 1636.
Né en
Naissance, en 1611, à Bourgueil, 37140, INDRE-ET-LOIRE, Centre, FR
16 ans
Mariage avec Françoise CHARBONNEAU, le 13/07/1627, à St-Étienne, Indre-Et-Loire, France, 37, CENTR, FRA
55 ans
Mariage avec Magdeleine BRUN, en 1666, à Port-Royal, Acadie
71 ans
Décès, en 1682, à Port-Royal, Acadie
1st Wife Francoise Charbonneau 2nd Wi
1st Wife Francoise Charbonneau
2nd Wife Madeliene LeBrun
! Guillaume arrived in Acadia (Canada) in 1636. Most likely he was born in
France, but it is not known for sure as of 08 Apr 1996.
Sources: Internet GG Lucie Le Blanc Note
Internet GG Lucie Le Blanc
1st Wife Francoise Charbonneau 2nd Wi
1st Wife Francoise Charbonneau2nd Wife Madeliene LeBrun
Dup0964, Dup1784, Dup7538, Dup3906, Dup3982, Bra0264, Bra6342
Guillaume Trahan, Sr.
Birthdate:circa 1611
Birthplace:St. Germain De, Bourgueil, Indre Et, Loire, France
Death:Died 1684 in Port-Royal, Acadie, Nova Scotia, Canada
Immediate Family:
Son of Nicolas Trahan and Marie-Renée Renne Desloges
Husband of Francoise Trahan; Françoise Corbineau and Marie-Madeleine Brun
Father of Jacques Bourgeoise; Jeanne-Anne Trahan; Unknown Trahan; Jacques Jacob Trahan; Guillaume Trahan (ancêtre de l'honorable juge) and 6 others
Brother of Nicolas Trahan, Jr.; Anne Trahan; François Trahan; Renee Trahan; Lucretia (Lucrece) Trahan and 1 other
Occupation:Metal worker, Toolmaker, R1b1b2, Maréchal de tranchant, Metal worker Bourgueil 1630, blacksmith, edge-tool maker (maréchal de tranchant)
He was a blacksmith. He signed the "capitulation of Port Royal" in 1654. He came in 1636 to St. Jean.
Biographie Trahan Guillaume
Guillaume Trahan, fils de Nicolas Trahan et de Renée Desloges, naquit à Bourgueil vers 1606. Le 17 juillet 1627, dans l'église Saint-Etienne de Chinon, il épouse Françoise Corbineau. Chinon est situéeà 15 km environ au sud-est de Bourgueil, à 50 km au sud-ouest de Tours.
En 1636, il émigre en Acadie. Sur le rôle d'embarquement du Saint-Jean, parmi les " paysans d'Anjou " qui vont " travailler en la Nouvelle-France ", on lit cette mention: "Guillaume Trahan, mareschal de tranchant, avec sa femme et deux enfants et un valet, aussi de Bourgueil. " Le maréchal de tranchant était un artisan qui fabriquait toutes sortes d'outils tranchants: haches, couteaux, faux, serpettes, faucilles, ciseaux de menuisier, etc., et même des ustensiles de table, comme couteaux, fourchettes, cuillères, etc.
Il fut l'un des citoyens les mieux notés de Port-Royal. En 1640 d'Aulnay le chargeait, conjointement avec Germain Doucet dit La Verdure et Isaac Pessely, d'informer contre Charles de La Tour et, le 16août 1654, à titre de syndic des habitants, il signait l'acte de capitulation de Port-Royal.
Vers 1665 il épouse Magdeleine Brun, fille de Vincent Brun et de Renée Brault.
First Trahan of L,Acadia. Present Day Nova Scotia According to the book "A Great And Noble Scheme: The Tragic Story of the Expulsion of the French Acadians from Their American Homeland" by Yale University Professor John Mack Faragher, Guillaume Trahan and his wife Francoise Charbonneau sailed from La Rochelle, France in 1636 onboard the transport ship Saint-Jehan. Guillaume was a marechal de tranchant (steelsmith) and was the first Trahan to arrive in Nova Scotia.
book TitleThe decendants [i.e. descendants] of Guillaume Trahan, 1611-1682, Volume 4 The Decendants [i.e. Descendants] of Guillaume Trahan, 1611-1682, Michael Conover Compiled byMichael Conover PublisherM.E. Conover, 1996 Original fromthe University of Wisconsin - Madison DigitizedFeb 23, 2008 Length1887 pages
Trahan family The ANCESTOR GUILLAUME TRAHAN IN ACADIA.Guillaume Trahan, son of Nicolas Trahan and Renée Desloges, was born about 1606 in Bourgueil. On July 17, 1627, in Saint-Etienne de Chinon, he married Francoise Corbineau. Chinon is located 15 km south-east of Bourgueil, 50 km south-west of Tours.In 1636, he emigrated to Acadia. On the role of board of St. John, among the "peasants of Anjou" who will "work in New France," reads the inscription: "William Trahan, marshal slashing with his wife and two children a servant, also from Bourgueil. "Marshal edge was a craftsman who made all kinds of cutting tools, axes, knives, scythes, pruners, scythes, scissors, carpenters etc.. and even eating utensils, as knives , forks, spoons, etc..He was one of the best rated citizens of Port Royal. In 1640 the Aulnay charged jointly with Germain Doucet dit La Verdure Pessely and Isaac, to inform against and Charles de La Tour, August 16, 1654, as trustee of the inhabitants, he signed the capitulation of Port Royal.Around 1665 he married Magdalene Brown, daughter of Vincent Brun and Renee Brault.Ginette Arpin2008, Contrecoeur ***********************************************************************47
marriage "Le 13eme de Juillet 1627 fut épouse Guillaume Trahâ fils de Nicollas Trahân de Reneé Desloges avec Françoise Corbineau de cette paroisse St Estienne présents ledit Nicollas Trahân père du dit Trahân....... Pierre Ligie Pierre Baudry dame Anne Ligier femme de Me Gellin assistes aux Magdeleine leger Boyre P.Liger"
Guillaume Trahan's Timeline
1601 |
Montreuil-Bellay, Anjou, France
1628 |
[Uncertain], France
1629 |
January 8, 1629
Bourgueil, Anjou, France
1630 |
1636 |
Age 35
Acadia, Canada
Age 35
Marechal de Tranchant.
1667 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, [French Colonial North America]