Immediate Family
About Gottfried, I (IV), Graf von Blieskastel
GOTTFRIED [III], son of FOLMAR [VI] Graf & his wife Suanehilde --- (-1098 or after). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Graf im Bliesgau. 1075/98. Emperor Heinrich IV donated the abbey of Hornbach "in pago Blisengowe in comitatu Godefridi" to the church of Speyer by charter dated 1087[253].
m MATHILDE de Luxembourg, daughter of CONRAD I Comte de Luxembourg & his [first wife Ermensende ---]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitem Guilelmum de Luscelenburg…et Ermensendem…et Mathildem" as children of "Conrado comiti de Luscelenburch" & his wife Ermensende, specifying that Mathilde was "comitissam de Longui et de Homborc et de Castris" and that she was mother of "comitem Folmerum et sorores eius Helvidem, quam habuit comes Gerardus de Reneke dyocesis Herbipolensis et illam qua dux de Bronsviic genuit filiam, que in Sclavia hereditavit"[254], although the Chronicle appears to skip a generation in this account. It is improbable, from a chronological point of view, that Mathilde was the daughter of Konrad´s wife Clementia, assuming that the latter is the same person as Clementia Gräfin von Gleichberg who is named in charters dated 1141 (see the document LUXEMBOURG). Considering that Mathilde´s son is named in 1087, it is unlikely that Mathilde herself could have been born much later than [1065]. If that is correct, Clementia would have been a centenarian when she died after 1141, which is unlikely. It is therefore probable that Mathilde was born from an earlier marriage of her father´s.
Godefroi & his wife had [three] children:
1. GOTTFRIED [I] (-1127 or after). Graf von Bliescastel. 1087/1127. m ---. Gottfried [I] & his wife had [nine] children:
a) FOLMAR [I] (-1179 or after). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Mathildem [de Luscelenburch]" as mother of "comitem Folmerum et sorores eius Helvidem, quam habuit comes Gerardus de Reneke dyocesis Herbipolensis et illam qua dux de Bronsviic genuit filiam, que in Sclavia hereditavit"[255], although the Chronicle appears to skip a generation in this account. Graf von Bliescastel.
b) DIETRICH (-[1155/59]). Graf von Hüneburg. Landgraf im (Unter-)Elsass [1135]. "Matheus Lotharingorum dux et marchio" donated property "loco predium de Wulvelingen" to Kloster Stürtzelbronn, with the consent of "coniugis mee Berthe et Balduini fratris mei", for the soul of "progenitoris mei Symonis", by charter dated 13 Jan 1143, which names "Theodericus…comes…cum uxore sua Adelheide et filio suo Gotefrido"[256]. "Theodericus lantgravius et comes Volmarus de Castelle" are named in another charter dated 1155 which confirmed the prior donation of "Wulvelingen" to Kloster Stürtzelbronn[257]. m ADELHEID von Habsburg, daughter of OTTO [II] Graf von Habsburg & his wife ---. A Habsburg genealogy names "Wernherum et Adelheidem de Huneburg" as the children of "Otto"[258]. "Matheus Lotharingorum dux et marchio" donated property "loco predium de Wulvelingen" to Kloster Stürtzelbronn, with the consent of "coniugis mee Berthe et Balduini fratris mei", for the soul of "progenitoris mei Symonis", by charter dated 13 Jan 1143, which names "Theodericus…comes…cum uxore sua Adelheide et filio suo Gotefrido"[259]. 1155. Graf Dietrich & his wife had four children:i) GOTTFRIED (-1175 or after). "Matheus Lotharingorum dux et marchio" donated property "loco predium de Wulvelingen" to Kloster Stürtzelbronn, with the consent of "coniugis mee Berthe et Balduini fratris mei", for the soul of "progenitoris mei Symonis", by charter dated 13 Jan 1143, which names "Theodericus…comes…cum uxore sua Adelheide et filio suo Gotefrido"[260]. Graf von Hüneburg. Landgraf in Alsace.
ii) OTTO . Graf von Hüneburg 1153/1181.
iii) DIETRICH (-1182 or after, bur Werschweiler). Graf von Homburg. “...Theodoricus comes de Homberc...” subscribed the charter dated 1172 under which “Ludovicus senior comes de Sarwerden...et frater meus Ludovicus” confirmed the foundation of Wœrschweiler (Wernereswilre) abbey[261]. - GRAFEN und HERREN von HOMBURG[262]. The testament of “Domina Mathildis de Hombourg comitissa”, dated 10 Apr 1195, donated property to “abbati et fratribus Salinæ-vallis” for the soul of “mei sponsi Arnulphi comitis de Hombourg”[263].
iv) daughter.c) GOTTFRIED .
d) GREGOR . Abbot of Prüm 1171-1179.
e) LOTHAR . 1175.
f) [daughter ([1130]-[1190]). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Mathildem [de Luscelenburch]" as mother of "comitem Folmerum et sorores eius Helvidem, quam habuit comes Gerardus de Reneke dyocesis Herbipolensis et illam qua dux de Bronsviic genuit filiam, que in Sclavia hereditavit"[264], although the Chronicle appears to skip a generation in this account. The likely birth date of this individual suggests it is unlikely that she was the daughter of Graf Gottfried [I], given the other dates attributed to his children. Until corroboration of her parentage is found in other sources, the accuracy of Alberic must be considered doubtful. Jordan clarifies that the name "Ida" attributed to Duke Heinrich's mistress[265] is incorrect, being an error deriving from Origines Guelficæ[266] which, in recopying from the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, miscopied the word "illam" as "Idam"[267]. Mistress of HEINRICH “der Löwe” Duke of Saxony [HEINRICH XII Duke of Bavaria], son of HEINRICH X "der Stolze" Duke of Bavaria and Duke of Saxony & his wife Gertrud von Süpplingenburg ([1129/30]-Braunschweig 6 Aug 1195, bur Braunschweig Cathedral).]
g) HUGO (-after 1173). "Folmarus comes de Castro et frater eius Hugo…" witnessed the charter dated 1173 under which Arnold Archbishop of Trier confirmed property to Kloster Himmerode[268].
h) [FRIEDRICH . Graf von Saarwerden. 1111/1131.] - GRAFEN von SAARWERDEN.
2. FOLMAR . Graf von Hüneburg. 1105/1133. “Counradus Dux de Zaringen, Gotefridus comes palatinus de Calewo, Adelbertus Comes de Lewinstein fratruelis eiusdem Gotefridi palatini, Hugo comes de Tagesburc, Volmarus Comes de Huneburc, Willehelmus Comes de Lucelenburc, Addelbero Comes de Areburc et frater eius Herimannus et ipse Comes Counradus de Horeburc...” witnessed the charter dated 1123 under which Emperor Heinrich V [IV] confirmed the foundation of Alpirsbach monastery[269].
3. [HELWIDE . The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Mathildem [de Luscelenburch]" as mother of "comitem Folmerum et sorores eius Helvidem, quam habuit comes Gerardus de Reneke dyocesis Herbipolensis et illam qua dux de Bronsviic genuit filiam, que in Sclavia hereditavit"[270]. As noted above, there appears to be some chronological doubt about the accuracy of this report. In particular, it is unlikely that the mistress of Heinrich "der Löwe" Duke of Saxony could have been the sister of the wife of Gerhard Graf von Mainz. However, assuming that Helwide was a member of the Blieskastel family, it is chronologically probable that she was the sister of Graf Gottfried [I]. m GERHARD Graf von Mainz, son of --- (-after 1106). 1084/1106.]
Gottfried, I (IV), Graf von Blieskastel's Timeline
1105 |
1115 |
Blieskastel, Germany
1130 |
Brunswick, Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, Germany
1135 |
Age 30
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