Immediate Family
About Gormflaith ingen Murchada O'Faelain
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gormflaith_ingen_Murchada
Gormflaith was born in Naas, County Kildare, Ireland, around AD 960. She was the daughter of Murchad mac Find, King of Leinster, sister of his successor, Mael Mórdha mac Murchada, and widow of Olaf Cuaran, the Viking king of Dublin and York. The main source of her life history is the Cogadh Gaedhil re Gallaibh. She was also the mother of King Sigtrygg Silkbeard of Dublin.
Gormflaith married Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill after Olaf's death, but she is best known for being the third wife of Brian Ború, the High King of Ireland. She was the mother of Donnchad, who succeeded Brian as King of Munster. In 999, Brian defeated Mael Mordha and Sigtrygg 'Silkbeard' at the Battle of Glen Mama. To negotiate peace, Brian married one of his daughters to Sigtrygg and took Gormflaith as wife. According to Njál's saga, which refers to her as "Kormloð": "she was endowed with great beauty... [but] was utterly wicked." She was later divorced by Brian, and she began engineering opposition to the High King. She prompted Sigtrygg into gathering support from Vikings outside Ireland, most notably Earl Sigurd of Orkney and Brodir of the Isle of Man.
The conflict she caused came to its climax at the Battle of Clontarf, at which Brian was killed. Brian's forces were victorious, however, and neither Gormflaith nor Sigtrygg were killed, as they were safe behind the walls of Dublin. She died in 1030.
Gormflaith was the daughter of Muchad MacFinn, King of Leinster. She was the widow of Olaf Cuaran, the Viking King of Dublin and York. She was the mother of King Sigtrygg "Silkbeard" of Dublin.
Gormflaith married Mael Sechnaill Mac Domnaill after Olaf's death. Mael Sechnaill is the man with whom Brian Boru later split the country of Ireland with and shared power.
Brian defeated Mael Mordha and Sigtrygg 'Silkbeard' at the battle of Glen Mama in 999. To negotiate peace, Brian married one of his daughters to Sigtrygg and took Gormflaith as his wife.
She prompted her son Sigtrygg (who was married to Brian's daughter) into gathering support from Vikings outside of Ireland. The conflict she caused came to its climax at the Battle of Clontarf, at which Brian was killed.
MURCHAD (-972). King of Leinster 965. The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Murchadh son of Finn king of Leinster” led an army “into Osraighe” in 965[613]. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 972 of "Murchad son of Finn king of Laigin”[614]. m ---. The name of Murchad´s wife is not known. Murchad & his wife had three children:
a) MAELMORDA (-killed in battle Clontarf 23 Apr 1014). King of Leinster. The Annals of Ulster record that "Brian son of Ceinnéitig son of Lorcán king of Ireland and Mael Sechnaill son of Domnall king of Temair" led an army to “Áth Cliath” in 1014, adding that “Mael Mórda son of Murchad king of Laigin” was killed in the battle[615]. The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Murchadh son of Finn king of Leinster” was killed in 1013 in the battle [of Clontarf][616]. m ---. The name of Mail-mordha´s wife is not known. Mail-mordha & his wife had two children:
i) CEARBALL (-killed 1017). The Annals of Tigernach record that “Cearball mac Mail-mordha crownprince of Leinster” was killed in 1017[617].
ii) BRAEN (-Köln 1052). King of Leinster. The Annals of Ulster record that "Braen son of Mael Mórda king of Laigin” was blinded in 1018 “in Áth Cliath by Sitriuc son of Amlaib”[618].b) GORMLAITH (-1030). The Annals of Tigernach record the death in 1030 of “Gormlaith, daughter of Murchad son of Fland” mother of “Sitric son of Olaf king of the Foreigners and of Donnchad son of Brian king of Munster”[619]. Her third marriage is confirmed by the Annals of the Four Masters which record the death in 1030 of “Gormlaith daughter of Murchadh son of Finn, mother of the king of the foreigners Sitric, Donnchadh son of Brian king of Munster, and Conchobhar son of Maeleachlainn king of Teamhair”[620]. It is assumed that Maelsechnaill separated from Gormlaith as he is recorded with another wife before Gormlaith died. m firstly as his third wife, OLAF Sihtricsson King of Dublin, son of SIHTRIC King of York & his first wife --- (-981). m secondly (after 981, [separated]%29 [as his second wife,] BRIAN Boroma, son of CEINNÉITIG & his wife --- (941-killed in battle Clontarf 23 Apr 1014). m thirdly ([separated]) as his [third] wife, MAELSECHNAILL King of Ireland, son of DOMNALL & his wife --- ([949/50]-Cró Inis of Lough Ennell 2 Sep 1022).
c) BRAEN (-killed in battle Teamhair [978/80]). The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 973 of “Ceallach son of Domhnall, lord of Ui-Faelain” killed by “Broen son of Murchadh”[621]. The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Braen son of Murchadh royal heir of Leinster” was killed in 978 in “the battle of Teamhair”[622], the battle being dated between 978 and 980 in different sources.
Gormlaith was also called Gormlaith of Leinster and also Gormlaith ingen Murchada of Laigin.
According to the Chronicon Scotorum (unknown date): "Gormlaith daughter of Murchad son of Find, mother of the king of the foreigners i.e. Sitric and of the king of Mumu .i. Donnchad son of Brian, dies."
Gormlaith ingen Murchada of Laigin married Amlaíb Cuarán mac Sitric of Dublin, son of Sitric Caoch ua Ímair, rí Dubgall & Finngall and unknown, before 980; she also married Brian Bóruma mac Cennétig, *Ard-rí na h'Éireann*, son of Cennétig mac Lorcáin, rí Tuadh Mumhan and Bé Binn ingen Aurchada Uí Briúin Seóla, before 1000; and she also married Máel Sechnaill, rí Midi, *Ard-rí na h'Éireann*, son of Domnall mac Donnchad, rí Midhe and Dunlaith Ó Neill.
According to the Annals of the Four Masters (1030): "Gormlaith, daughter of Murchadh, son of Finn, mother of the king of the foreigners, i.e. of Sitric; Donnchadh, son of Brian, King of Munster; and ConchoLhar, son of Maeleachlainn, King of Teamhair, died. It was this Gormlaith that took the three leaps, of which was said: Gormlaith took three leaps, Which a woman shall never take again, A leap at Ath-cliath, a leap at Teamhair, A leap at Caiseal of the goblets over all. / Gormlaith, inghen Murchadha, mic Find, máthair righ Gall .i. Sittrig, & Donnchaidh mic Briain, righ Mumhan, & Choncobhaír, mic Maoilechlainn, rígh Temhra, d'écc. As í an Gormlaith-si ro ling na trí léimeannae, dia n-ebradh, Trí léimeanna ro ling Gormlaith, ní lingfedh ben co bráth, léim i n-Ath Cliath, léim i t-Temhraigh, léim i c-Caisel carn-maigh ós cach."
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p337.htm#i8051 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
After her husband Amlaíb's death, Gormflaith married Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill, but she is best known for being the third wife of Brian Ború, the High King of Ireland. She was the mother of Donnchad, who succeeded Brian as King of Munster.
In 999, Brian defeated Mael Mordha and Sigtrygg 'Silkbeard' at the Battle of Glen Mama. To negotiate peace, Brian married one of his daughters to Sigtrygg and took Gormflaith as wife.
According to Njál's saga, which refers to her as "Kormloð": "she was endowed with great beauty... [but] was utterly wicked." She was later divorced by Brian, and she began engineering opposition to the High King. She prompted Sigtrygg into gathering support from Vikings outside Ireland, most notably Earl Sigurd of Orkney and Brodir of the Isle of Man.
The conflict she caused came to its climax at the Battle of Clontarf, at which Brian was killed. Brian's forces were victorious, however, but neither Gormflaith nor Sigtrygg were killed, as they were safe behind the walls of Dublin.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gormflaith for more information.
Gormflaith ingen Murchada MacFinn, i Njåls saga omtalt som Kormloð, født omkring år 960 i Naas (gælisk:Nás na Rí - kongers møteplass) i det som nå er grevskapet Kildare i provinsen Leinster i Irland. Hun var, som navnet antyder, datter av Murchad MacFinn, som var konge i Leinster. Hennes bror Maelmorda MacMurchada ble senere også hersker i Leinster.
Gormflaith er best kjent som den irske overkongen Brian Borus hustru, men hun var tidligere gift også med Olav Kvåran, som var konge i det norrøne kongedømmet Dublin. Med Olav fikk hun sønnen Sigtrygg, som etterfulgte sin far som hersker i Dublin og fikk tilnavnet «Silkeskjegg». Mellom Olav og Brian var hun gift med Brians forgjenger og etterfølger som overkonge, Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill. Gormflaith var altså i tur og orden gift med de tre mektigste mennene i Irland.
Ekteskapet med Brian Boru kom i stand som del av fredsslutningen etter at Brian hadde beseiret Maelmorda og Sigtrygg i Slaget ved Glen Mama. Brian lot en av sine døtre gifte seg med Sigtrygg, og giftet selv seg med Gormflaith. Allianser gjennom giftermål var en vanlig måte å knytte bånd mellom tidligere fiender på, og dette giftermålet var nok som sådan rent politisk. Brian skilte seg senere fra henne.
Kilder som Cogadh Gaedhil re Gallaibh og Njåls saga framstiller Gormflaith som drivkraften bak krigen som førte til Brians død ved Slaget ved Clontarf i 1014. Njåls saga skriver at
Kormloð var den vakreste av kvinner, og hadde best evner i alt som ikke var i hennes egen makt, men menn snakket om at hun gjorde bare onde ting hvor hun hadde makt... ...[hun] var ikke mor til Brians barn, og så vred var hun på kong Brian etter at de var skilt at hun ville gjerne ha ham død.
Gormflaith skal ha vært den som fikk Sigtrygg til å hente hjelp fra den norrønne jarlen Sigurd på Orknøyene og fra norrønne krigere fra øya Man til krigen mot Brian. Det er naturlig at Gormflaith lojalitet heller lå hos hennes sønn Sigtrygg og bror Maelmorda snarere enn hos Brian som hadde forsmådd henne. Men den rollen historien har gitt henne som renkespillende femme fatale er nok betydelig overdreven, og skyldes heller samtidens mistenksomhet mot sterke selvstendige kvinner enn historiske fakta.
Njåls saga tar sannsynligvis feil når den sier at hun ikke var mor til Brians barn, hun regnes av irske kilder som mor til Dunnchad MacBrian.
Gormflith overlevde alle sine ektemenn, og døde i 1030
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gormflaith was born in Naas, County Kildare, Ireland, around AD 960. She was the daughter of Murchad mac Find, King of Leinster, sister of his successor, Mael Mórdha mac Murchada, and widow of Olaf Cuaran, the Viking king of Dublin and York. The main source of her life history is the Cogadh Gaedhil re Gallaibh. She was also the mother of King Sigtrygg Silkbeard of Dublin.
Gormflaith married Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill after Olaf's death, but she is best known for being the third wife of Brian Ború, the High King of Ireland. She was the mother of Donnchad, who succeeded Brian as King of Munster. In 999, Brian defeated Mael Mordha and Sigtrygg 'Silkbeard' at the Battle of Glen Mama. To negotiate peace, Brian married one of his daughters to Sigtrygg and took Gormflaith as wife. According to Njál's saga, which refers to her as "Kormloð": "she was endowed with great beauty... [but] was utterly wicked." She was later divorced by Brian, and she began engineering opposition to the High King. She prompted Sigtrygg into gathering support from Vikings outside Ireland, most notably Earl Sigurd of Orkney and Brodir of the Isle of Man.
The conflict she caused came to its climax at the Battle of Clontarf, at which Brian was killed. Brian's forces were victorious, however, and neither Gormflaith nor Sigtrygg were killed, as they were safe behind the walls of Dublin. She died in 1030.
Gormflaith was the daughter of Muchad MacFinn, King of Leinster. She was the widow of Olaf Cuaran, the Viking King of Dublin and York. She was the mother of King Sigtrygg "Silkbeard" of Dublin.
Gormflaith married Mael Sechnaill Mac Domnaill after Olaf's death. Mael Sechnaill is the man with whom Brian Boru later split the country of Ireland with and shared power.
Brian defeated Mael Mordha and Sigtrygg 'Silkbeard' at the battle of Glen Mama in 999. To negotiate peace, Brian married one of his daughters to Sigtrygg and took Gormflaith as his wife.
She prompted her son Sigtrygg (who was married to Brian's daughter) into gathering support from Vikings outside of Ireland. The conflict she caused came to its climax at the Battle of Clontarf, at which Brian was killed. -------------------- Gormflaith Bóruma (c.960 - 1030)
Birthdate: circa 960
Death: Died 1030
Immediate Family: Daughter of Murchad
Wife of Brian
Mother of Donnchad
Sister of Máel Mórda
Gormflaith ingen Murchada
Gormlaith was also called Gormlaith of Leinster and also Gormlaith ingen Murchada of Laigin.
According to the Chronicon Scotorum (unknown date): "Gormlaith daughter of Murchad son of Find, mother of the king of the foreigners i.e. Sitric and of the king of Mumu .i. Donnchad son of Brian, dies."
Gormlaith ingen Murchada of Laigin married Amlaíb Cuarán mac Sitric of Dublin, son of Sitric Caoch ua Ímair, rí Dubgall & Finngall and unknown, before 980; she also married Brian Bóruma mac Cennétig, *Ard-rí na h'Éireann*, son of Cennétig mac Lorcáin, rí Tuadh Mumhan and Bé Binn ingen Aurchada Uí Briúin Seóla, before 1000; and she also married Máel Sechnaill, rí Midi, *Ard-rí na h'Éireann*, son of Domnall mac Donnchad, rí Midhe and Dunlaith Ó Neill.
According to the Annals of the Four Masters (1030): "Gormlaith, daughter of Murchadh, son of Finn, mother of the king of the foreigners, i.e. of Sitric; Donnchadh, son of Brian, King of Munster; and ConchoLhar, son of Maeleachlainn, King of Teamhair, died. It was this Gormlaith that took the three leaps, of which was said: Gormlaith took three leaps, Which a woman shall never take again, A leap at Ath-cliath, a leap at Teamhair, A leap at Caiseal of the goblets over all. / Gormlaith, inghen Murchadha, mic Find, máthair righ Gall .i. Sittrig, & Donnchaidh mic Briain, righ Mumhan, & Choncobhaír, mic Maoilechlainn, rígh Temhra, d'écc. As í an Gormlaith-si ro ling na trí léimeannae, dia n-ebradh, Trí léimeanna ro ling Gormlaith, ní lingfedh ben co bráth, léim i n-Ath Cliath, léim i t-Temhraigh, léim i c-Caisel carn-maigh ós cach."
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/p337.htm#i8051 )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( http://homepages.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cousin/html/index.htm )
After her husband Amlaíb's death, Gormflaith married Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill, but she is best known for being the third wife of Brian Ború, the High King of Ireland. She was the mother of Donnchad, who succeeded Brian as King of Munster.
In 999, Brian defeated Mael Mordha and Sigtrygg 'Silkbeard' at the Battle of Glen Mama. To negotiate peace, Brian married one of his daughters to Sigtrygg and took Gormflaith as wife.
According to Njál's saga, which refers to her as "Kormloð": "she was endowed with great beauty... [but] was utterly wicked." She was later divorced by Brian, and she began engineering opposition to the High King. She prompted Sigtrygg into gathering support from Vikings outside Ireland, most notably Earl Sigurd of Orkney and Brodir of the Isle of Man.
The conflict she caused came to its climax at the Battle of Clontarf, at which Brian was killed. Brian's forces were victorious, however, but neither Gormflaith nor Sigtrygg were killed, as they were safe behind the walls of Dublin.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gormflaith for more information.
Gormflaith ingen Murchada MacFinn, i Njåls saga omtalt som Kormloð, født omkring år 960 i Naas (gælisk:Nás na Rí - kongers møteplass) i det som nå er grevskapet Kildare i provinsen Leinster i Irland. Hun var, som navnet antyder, datter av Murchad MacFinn, som var konge i Leinster. Hennes bror Maelmorda MacMurchada ble senere også hersker i Leinster.
Gormflaith er best kjent som den irske overkongen Brian Borus hustru, men hun var tidligere gift også med Olav Kvåran, som var konge i det norrøne kongedømmet Dublin. Med Olav fikk hun sønnen Sigtrygg, som etterfulgte sin far som hersker i Dublin og fikk tilnavnet «Silkeskjegg». Mellom Olav og Brian var hun gift med Brians forgjenger og etterfølger som overkonge, Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill. Gormflaith var altså i tur og orden gift med de tre mektigste mennene i Irland.
Ekteskapet med Brian Boru kom i stand som del av fredsslutningen etter at Brian hadde beseiret Maelmorda og Sigtrygg i Slaget ved Glen Mama. Brian lot en av sine døtre gifte seg med Sigtrygg, og giftet selv seg med Gormflaith. Allianser gjennom giftermål var en vanlig måte å knytte bånd mellom tidligere fiender på, og dette giftermålet var nok som sådan rent politisk. Brian skilte seg senere fra henne.
Kilder som Cogadh Gaedhil re Gallaibh og Njåls saga framstiller Gormflaith som drivkraften bak krigen som førte til Brians død ved Slaget ved Clontarf i 1014. Njåls saga skriver at
Kormloð var den vakreste av kvinner, og hadde best evner i alt som ikke var i hennes egen makt, men menn snakket om at hun gjorde bare onde ting hvor hun hadde makt... ...[hun] var ikke mor til Brians barn, og så vred var hun på kong Brian etter at de var skilt at hun ville gjerne ha ham død.
Gormflaith skal ha vært den som fikk Sigtrygg til å hente hjelp fra den norrønne jarlen Sigurd på Orknøyene og fra norrønne krigere fra øya Man til krigen mot Brian. Det er naturlig at Gormflaith lojalitet heller lå hos hennes sønn Sigtrygg og bror Maelmorda snarere enn hos Brian som hadde forsmådd henne. Men den rollen historien har gitt henne som renkespillende femme fatale er nok betydelig overdreven, og skyldes heller samtidens mistenksomhet mot sterke selvstendige kvinner enn historiske fakta.
Njåls saga tar sannsynligvis feil når den sier at hun ikke var mor til Brians barn, hun regnes av irske kilder som mor til Dunnchad MacBrian.
Gormflith overlevde alle sine ektemenn, og døde i 1030
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gormflaith -------------------- read more
Gormflaith ingen Murchada O'Faelain's Timeline
960 |
Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Naas, County Kildare, Ireland
970 |
Dublin, Ireland
975 |
979 |
980 |
1030 |
Age 70
Kincora, Munster, Ireland