Immediate Family
About Godfrey III-IV "The Hunchback" duke of Lower Lorraine
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godfrey_IV,_Duke_of_Lower_Lorraine
- http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/LOTHARINGIA.htm#GodefroiIIIdied1076
2. GODEFROI ([1025/40]-murdered Vlaardingen, near Antwerp 26 Feb 1076, bur Verdun Cathedral). He was short and hunch-backed. The Gesta Mediolanensium names "dux Gotefredus Gotofredi filius" when recording his death and that Matilda was his widow[281]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Godefridus Gibbosus" as son of "dux Bullonii Godefridus Magnus…dictus…Barbatus" when recording that he succeeded his father, specifying that he was "corpore exiguous tamen animo eximius"[282]. There is little information on which to base a precise estimated birth date range, although it is more likely that he was born in the later part of the period [1025/40] if it is correct (as suggested above) that his father was born in the later part of the date range [1000/20]. Heinrich IV King of Germany appointed him to succeeded his father in 1069 as GODEFROI III "Gibbosus/le Bossu" Duke of Lower Lotharingia, Comte de Verdun. He rejoined his wife in Tuscany in late 1072, returning alone to Lotharingia in 1073[283]. He provided troops for King Heinrich IV in the latter's struggle against the Saxons in 1074, to the displeasure of Pope Gregory VII. Duke Godefroi's name appears in the list of the nobles who purportedly deposed the Pope at Worms 24 Jan 1076. He also volunteered to lead the army to Rome to expel the Pope. The Annals of Lambert record that "Gozilo dux Lutheringorum" was murdered in Antwerp supposedly on the instructions of Robert Count of Flanders[284]. He designated his nephew Godefroi de Boulogne as his heir in Lower Lotharingia. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines records the death of "Godefridus Gibbosus" and his burial at Verdun[285]. The necrology of Liège Saint-Lambert records the death "VI Kal Mar" of "Godefridi ducis"[286]. The necrology of Verdun Saint-Vanne records the death "V Kal Mar" of "Godefridus iunior dux et marchio"[287].
- m (betrothed 1055, Verdun [May] 1069[288]%29 as her first husband, MATILDA Signora di Canossa Ctss of Tuscany, daughter and heiress of BONIFAZIO Marchese of Tuscany, Signor di Canossa & his second wife Beatrix of Upper Lotharingia ([Mantua] 1046-Bondeno de' Roncovi 24 Jul 1115, bur Monastery of San Benedetto di Polirone, transferred 1633 to St Peter's Rome). ... ... ... ....
Duke Godefroi & his wife had one child:
Godfrey III-IV "The Hunchback" duke of Lower Lorraine's Timeline
1040 |
1070 |
1076 |
February 26, 1076
Age 36
Cambrai, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
???? |
Cathedral, Verdun, Grand Est, France