Immediate Family
About Godefroi I the Captive, count of Ardennes
He was Count of Ardennes, Verdun (965), and Mainault (Hainault?) (973- 995), Count in Bidgau (943) and Methingau (960), and Margrave of Antwerp and Eenam. He was called Godefroi le Vieux (the Old) and Godefroi the Captive.
Godfried van Verdun, bijgenaamd de Gevangene (930- 3/4 september 996/1005), graaf van Verdun, markgraaf van Ename en Antwerpen, gouwgraaf van de Bidgouw en de Methingouw, was een zoon van Gozelo van de Ardennen en Uda van Metz. Zijn broer was Adalbero van Reims. Hij huwde in 963 met Mathildis van Saksen (937-1008), dochter van Herman Billung en weduwe van graaf Boudewijn III van Vlaanderen, en werd vader van:
Frederik (±970-1022), geestelijke, graaf van Verdun
Godfried de Kinderloze (-1023), hertog van Neder-Lotharingen
Adalbero (-988/989), bisschop van Verdun
Herman van Ename (-1029), graaf van Brabant en graaf van Verdun
Gozelo (-1044), hertog van Neder- en Opper-Lotharingen
Ermengarde (-1042), gehuwd met Otto I van Zutphen (Hammerstein)
Ermentrudis, gehuwd met heer Arnulf I van Florennes-Rumigny
(onder voorbehoud: Gerberga, gehuwd met graaf Folmar I van Metz)
De bijnaam De Gevangene wordt afgeleid door het feit, dat Godfried de aanval koos tegen de Franken, maar bij Verdun werd hij verslagen door Heribert de Jongere en gevangen gezet in 985. Als Hugo Capet koning wordt krijgt Godfried gratie in 987, maar zou pas in 990 zijn vrijgekomen. Godfried zou begraven zijn in de St.Pieter te Gent.
Godfrey I, Count of Verdun
Godfrey I (died 1002), called the Prisoner or the Captive, sometimes the Old, was the count of Bidgau and Methingau from 959 and the count of Verdun from 963 to his death. In 969, he obtained the margravate of Antwerp and Ename. Between 974 and 998, he was also the count of Hainault and Mons.
He was the son of Gozlin, Count of Bidgau and Methingau, and Oda of Metz. He was the brother of Adalberon, Archbishop of Reims, who crowned Hugh Capet the king of France.
He was the founder of the House of Limburg or House of Ardennes-Verdun, a cadet branch of the House of Ardennes. He was always loyal to the Ottonians, whom he was related through his maternal grandmother.
He appears as the new count of Verdun in 963, though already count of Bidgau and Methingau through inheritance since 959. In 974, he became count of Mons, and Hainault jointly with Arnold, Count of Valenciennes, after the fall of Reginar IV. Charles, Duke of Lower Lorraine, was a supporter of Reginar and defeated Godfrey and Arnold at Mons in 976, where the former was captured.
After his release, he was at the side of the Emperor Otto II fighting Lothair of France at Verdun in 985, but he was again taken captive and held several years. He was released in 987 by Hugh Capet, whose political ally Godfrey's family was: Adalberon, Godfrey's brother, having crowned Hugh and Godfrey being an enemy of Charles of Lower Lorraine, Hugh's Carolingian rival.
In 989, he was made prisoner a third time by Herbert III of Vermandois. He was liberated before 995, when he appears at the synod of Mousson. In 998, he lost his Hainault portion (the county of Mons) to Reginar.
In 963, he married Matilda, daughter of Herman, Duke of Saxony, of the Billung family, a widow of Baldwin III of Flanders. He had the following issue:
Frederick (d. 1022), count of Verdun
Godfrey (d. 1023), count of Verdun and duke of Lower Lorraine (1012-1023)
Adalberon (d. 988) , bishop of Verdun (984-988)
Herman of Ename (d. 1024), count of Brabant (retired as a monk in the abbey of Verdun abt. 1020)
Gothelo (d. 1044), margrave of Antwerp, duke of Lower (1023-1044) and later also Upper (1033-1044) Lorraine
Bertram de Verdun, went to England where he held the manor of Farnham Royal in Buckinghamshire.
Ermengarde (d. 1042), married Otto of Hammerstein, count in the Wettergau
Ermentrude, married Arnold de Rumigny (d. 1010), lord of Florennes
probably also an unnamed daughter, married Count Godizo of Aspelt
född 930-935
- Name: Gottfried DE VERDUN
- Given Name: Gottfried
- Surname: De Verdun
- Sex: M
- Birth: 937 in Lorraine, France
- Death: 4 Sep 1005
- Title: Comte De Verdun
- Note: Alias: Le Captif /Le Vieux/
Father: Gozelo Von Ardennes DE BASSE-LORRAINE b: Abt. 911
Mother: Oda DE METZ b: 910
Marriage 1 Mathilde SAXONY b: Abt. 941 in Saxony, Germany
1. Has Children Bonne DE ARDENNES b: 958
2. Has Children Ermentrude DE ARDENNES b: Abt. 959
3. Has Children Hermann DE VERDUN b: Abt. 967
4. Has No Children Gottfried I DE LORRAINE b: 968
5. Has Children Gonzelon I DE LORRAINE b: Abt. 969 in Verdun, Meuse, France
6. Has Children Frederic DE VERDUN b: Abt. 970
7. Has Children Irmengarde DE LUXEMBOURG b: Abt. 980
8. Has Children Gerberge DE VERDUN b: Abt. 985
9. Has No Children Adalberon DE VERDUN b: Abt. 965
The Ardennes-Verdun dynasty, centered on Verdun, dominated Lotharingia in the 11th century.
The founder of the dynasty was Godfrey, known as the Captive. He was a son of Count Gozlin, brother of bishop Adalbero of Metz, and Uda, a daughter of Gerard, Count of Metz, and Uda of Saxony. Godfrey was the brother of Adalbero, Archbishop of Reims. Count Gozlin's parents were Wigeric, count palatine of Lotharingia, and Cunigunde, a granddaughter of Louis II of France.
All descending from Wigeric and Cunigunde, the Ardennes-Verdun dynasty was closely tied to the houses of Ardennes-Bar, Salm and Ardennes-Luxembourg.
Genealogy of the Ardennes-Verdun dynasty[edit]
Possessions and titles[edit]
The County of Verdun was given to Godfrey by Emperor Otto I between 944 and 951,[1] and was held by several dynasty members over the following four generations.
The Duchies of Upper and Lower Lorraine were the result of the division of the old kingdom, later duchy of Lotharingia in 959. Following the death of the childless Duke Otto in 1012, Godfrey the Childless was granted the Duchy of Lower Lorraine. Godfrey was succeeded in 1023 by his brother Gozelo, who also became Duke of Upper Lorraine in 1033. Both duchies were in the control of the dynasty until 1046, when the rebellions of Godfrey the Bearded led to the loss of both titles. Godfrey was finally restored to Lower Lorraine in 1065, and passed this on to his son, Godfrey the Hunchback. The Crusader Godfrey of Bouillon was a nephew of Godfrey the Hunchback, and the last of the dynasty to hold the Duchy.
The Castle of Bouillon is first mentioned in 988 in a letter to Godfrey the Captive from his brother Adalberon, Archbishop of Reims. It is believed that this castle, and the estate connected, was an original patrimony of the dynasty.[1] Bouillon was one of the central points of the dynasty's power, and was in their possession until it was sold by Godfrey of Bouillon to cover expenses for the First Crusade
- Gottfried (Godefroy) "the Captive" "the Old" Count of Verdun & Bidgau & Ardenne born about 0930 died after 3 September 1005
- Gozelon von Ardennes
- born about 0911 Aachen, Rheinland, Prussia
- died 18 December 0943
- mother:
- *Uda (or Voda) of Metz
- born about 0915 <Lorraine>
- died 7 April 0963
- siblings:
- unknown
- spouse:
- *Mathilde Princess of Saxony
- born before 0958? Saxony
- died 25 May 1008
- married after 0962?
- children:
- *Bonne Adelaide Duchess of Lorraine born about 0963? Ardenne, France
- *Gonzelon I Duke of Lorraine born about 0967 Verdun, Meuse, France died 19 April 1044
- *Ermintrude von Limburg born about 0965
- Gottfried I Duke of Lower Lorraine born 0966? <Verdun, Meuse, France> died 11 August 1023
- Hermann Count of Verdun born about 0965 Verdun, Meuse, France died 28 May 1029
- *Gerberge de Verdun born 0973
- *Regilla de Verdun born 0979
biographical and/or anecdotal:
Godefroy 'the Old', Count of Verdun, Bidgau, and Ardennes1,2 M, #7253, b. between 930 and 935, d. after 3 September 997 Father Gozelin, Count in the Bidgau1 b. c 911, d. bt 12 Oct 942 - 16 Feb 943 Mother Uda von Metz1 d. a 9 Apr 963 Charts Some Descendants of Charlemagne (#1) Some Descendants of Charlemagne (#2)
Godefroy 'the Old', Count of Verdun, Bidgau, and Ardennes Count in Bidgau in the Methingau; Marquis of Antwerp and Eenam. He was born between 930 and 935. He married Matilda of Saxony, daughter of Herman Billung, Duke of Saxony and Hildegarde de Westerbourg, circa 963; They had 5 sons (Frederic, Comte de Verdun, Provost of St. Vaast; Adalberon, Bishop of Verdun; Hermann, Comte de Eename & Brabant; Godefroid, Duke of Lower Lorraine; & Gozelo I, Duke of Lower Lorraine & Upper Lorraine, Marquis de Antwerp) & 1 daughter (Ermengarde, wife of Otto von Hammerstein, Comte in the Wetterau).3,1,2 Godefroy 'the Old', Count of Verdun, Bidgau, and Ardennes died after 3 September 997; Buried at St. Peter, Ghent.1,4,2 Family 1 Matilda of Saxony d. 25 May 1009 Children
Frederick, Duke of Upper Lorraine, Count of Verdun d. 6 Jan 1022
Regilla of Verdun+ d. 1 Feb 1050
Hermann, Comte de Verdun, Graf in Eifelgau & Westfalen+ d. 28 May 1029
Gonzelon I, Count Verdun, Marquis Antwerp, Duke of All Lorraine+1 d. 19 Apr 1044
Ermentrude de Verdun+5 d. a 7 Mar 1010
Irmgard von Verdun+1 d. 1042
Adalbero, Bishop of Verdun1 d. 18 Apr 988
Gottfried, Duke of Lower Lorraine1 d. 26 Sep 1023
Aubertine I 'the Orphan' d' Ardenne, Sire de Pouilly-sur-Meuse+6
Family 2
Gerberge of Verdun+7
[S2] Detlev Schwennicke, Europaische Stammtafeln, New Series, Vol. I/2, Tafel 202.
[S4] Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. V, p. 495.
[S54] Middle & Far East Families, Saxony.
[S11569] Europaische Stammtafeln, by Wilhelm Karl, Prinz zu Isenburg, Vol. VI, Tafel 127.
[S2] Detlev Schwennicke, Europaische Stammtafeln, New Series, Vol. XXVI, Tafel 127.
[S59] GeneaNet, Généalogie pierfit: Aubertin Ier d'Ardenne l'Orphelin.
[S54] Middle & Far East Families, Metz.
Source: http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p242.htm#i...
He was Count of Ardennes, Verdun (965), and Mainault (Hainault?) (973- 995), Count in Bidgau (943) and Methingau (960), and Margrave of Antwerp and Eenam. He was called Godefroi le Vieux (the Old) and Godefroi the Captive.
Godfried van Verdun, bijgenaamd de Gevangene (930- 3/4 september 996/1005), graaf van Verdun, markgraaf van Ename en Antwerpen, gouwgraaf van de Bidgouw en de Methingouw, was een zoon van Gozelo van de Ardennen en Uda van Metz. Zijn broer was Adalbero van Reims. Hij huwde in 963 met Mathildis van Saksen (937-1008), dochter van Herman Billung en weduwe van graaf Boudewijn III van Vlaanderen, en werd vader van:
Frederik (±970-1022), geestelijke, graaf van Verdun
Godfried de Kinderloze (-1023), hertog van Neder-Lotharingen
Adalbero (-988/989), bisschop van Verdun
Herman van Ename (-1029), graaf van Brabant en graaf van Verdun
Gozelo (-1044), hertog van Neder- en Opper-Lotharingen
Ermengarde (-1042), gehuwd met Otto I van Zutphen (Hammerstein)
Ermentrudis, gehuwd met heer Arnulf I van Florennes-Rumigny
(onder voorbehoud: Gerberga, gehuwd met graaf Folmar I van Metz)
De bijnaam De Gevangene wordt afgeleid door het feit, dat Godfried de aanval koos tegen de Franken, maar bij Verdun werd hij verslagen door Heribert de Jongere en gevangen gezet in 985. Als Hugo Capet koning wordt krijgt Godfried gratie in 987, maar zou pas in 990 zijn vrijgekomen. Godfried zou begraven zijn in de St.Pieter te Gent.
1.Name: Gottfried DE VERDUN 2.Given Name: Gottfried 3.Surname: De Verdun 4.Sex: M 5.Birth: 937 in Lorraine, France 6.Death: 4 Sep 1005 7.Title: Comte De Verdun 8.Note: Alias: Le Captif /Le Vieux/
Father: Gozelo Von Ardennes DE BASSE-LORRAINE b: Abt. 911
Mother: Oda DE METZ b: 910
Marriage 1 Mathilde SAXONY b: Abt. 941 in Saxony, Germany
1. Has Children Bonne DE ARDENNES b: 958
2. Has Children Ermentrude DE ARDENNES b: Abt. 959
3. Has Children Hermann DE VERDUN b: Abt. 967
4. Has No Children Gottfried I DE LORRAINE b: 968
5. Has Children Gonzelon I DE LORRAINE b: Abt. 969 in Verdun, Meuse, France
6. Has Children Frederic DE VERDUN b: Abt. 970
7. Has Children Irmengarde DE LUXEMBOURG b: Abt. 980
8. Has Children Gerberge DE VERDUN b: Abt. 985
9. Has No Children Adalberon DE VERDUN b: Abt. 965
The Ardennes-Verdun dynasty, centered on Verdun, dominated Lotharingia in the 11th century.
The founder of the dynasty was Godfrey, known as the Captive. He was a son of Count Gozlin, brother of bishop Adalbero of Metz, and Uda, a daughter of Gerard, Count of Metz, and Uda of Saxony. Godfrey was the brother of Adalbero, Archbishop of Reims. Count Gozlin's parents were Wigeric, count palatine of Lotharingia, and Cunigunde, a granddaughter of Louis II of France.
All descending from Wigeric and Cunigunde, the Ardennes-Verdun dynasty was closely tied to the houses of Ardennes-Bar, Salm and Ardennes-Luxembourg.
Genealogy of the Ardennes-Verdun dynasty[edit]
Possessions and titles[edit]
The County of Verdun was given to Godfrey by Emperor Otto I between 944 and 951,[1] and was held by several dynasty members over the following four generations.
The Duchies of Upper and Lower Lorraine were the result of the division of the old kingdom, later duchy of Lotharingia in 959. Following the death of the childless Duke Otto in 1012, Godfrey the Childless was granted the Duchy of Lower Lorraine. Godfrey was succeeded in 1023 by his brother Gozelo, who also became Duke of Upper Lorraine in 1033. Both duchies were in the control of the dynasty until 1046, when the rebellions of Godfrey the Bearded led to the loss of both titles. Godfrey was finally restored to Lower Lorraine in 1065, and passed this on to his son, Godfrey the Hunchback. The Crusader Godfrey of Bouillon was a nephew of Godfrey the Hunchback, and the last of the dynasty to hold the Duchy.
The Castle of Bouillon is first mentioned in 988 in a letter to Godfrey the Captive from his brother Adalberon, Archbishop of Reims. It is believed that this castle, and the estate connected, was an original patrimony of the dynasty.[1] Bouillon was one of the central points of the dynasty's power, and was in their possession until it was sold by Godfrey of Bouillon to cover expenses for the First Crusade
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ardennes-Verdun_dynasty •Gottfried (Godefroy) "the Captive" "the Old" Count of Verdun & Bidgau & Ardenne
born about 0930 died after 3 September 1005
father: •Gozelon von Ardennes •born about 0911 Aachen, Rheinland, Prussia •died 18 December 0943
•mother: •*Uda (or Voda) of Metz •born about 0915 <Lorraine> •died 7 April 0963
•siblings: •unknown
•spouse: •*Mathilde Princess of Saxony •born before 0958? Saxony •died 25 May 1008 •married after 0962?
•children: •*Bonne Adelaide Duchess of Lorraine born about 0963? Ardenne, France •*Gonzelon I Duke of Lorraine born about 0967 Verdun, Meuse, France died 19 April 1044 •*Ermintrude von Limburg born about 0965 •Gottfried I Duke of Lower Lorraine born 0966? <Verdun, Meuse, France> died 11 August 1023 •Hermann Count of Verdun born about 0965 Verdun, Meuse, France died 28 May 1029 •*Gerberge de Verdun born 0973 •*Regilla de Verdun born 0979
biographical and/or anecdotal:
Godefroy 'the Old', Count of Verdun, Bidgau, and Ardennes1,2 M, #7253, b. between 930 and 935, d. after 3 September 997 Father Gozelin, Count in the Bidgau1 b. c 911, d. bt 12 Oct 942 - 16 Feb 943 Mother Uda von Metz1 d. a 9 Apr 963 Charts Some Descendants of Charlemagne (#1) Some Descendants of Charlemagne (#2)
Godefroy 'the Old', Count of Verdun, Bidgau, and Ardennes Count in Bidgau in the Methingau; Marquis of Antwerp and Eenam. He was born between 930 and 935. He married Matilda of Saxony, daughter of Herman Billung, Duke of Saxony and Hildegarde de Westerbourg, circa 963; They had 5 sons (Frederic, Comte de Verdun, Provost of St. Vaast; Adalberon, Bishop of Verdun; Hermann, Comte de Eename & Brabant; Godefroid, Duke of Lower Lorraine; & Gozelo I, Duke of Lower Lorraine & Upper Lorraine, Marquis de Antwerp) & 1 daughter (Ermengarde, wife of Otto von Hammerstein, Comte in the Wetterau).3,1,2 Godefroy 'the Old', Count of Verdun, Bidgau, and Ardennes died after 3 September 997; Buried at St. Peter, Ghent.1,4,2
Family 1 Matilda of Saxony d. 25 May 1009 Children
Frederick, Duke of Upper Lorraine, Count of Verdun d. 6 Jan 1022 Regilla of Verdun+ d. 1 Feb 1050 Hermann, Comte de Verdun, Graf in Eifelgau & Westfalen+ d. 28 May 1029 Gonzelon I, Count Verdun, Marquis Antwerp, Duke of All Lorraine+1 d. 19 Apr 1044 Ermentrude de Verdun+5 d. a 7 Mar 1010 Irmgard von Verdun+1 d. 1042 Adalbero, Bishop of Verdun1 d. 18 Apr 988 Gottfried, Duke of Lower Lorraine1 d. 26 Sep 1023 Aubertine I 'the Orphan' d' Ardenne, Sire de Pouilly-sur-Meuse+6
Family 2 Child
Gerberge of Verdun+7
[S2] Detlev Schwennicke, Europaische Stammtafeln, New Series, Vol. I/2, Tafel 202. [S4] Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. V, p. 495. [S54] Middle & Far East Families, Saxony. [S11569] Europaische Stammtafeln, by Wilhelm Karl, Prinz zu Isenburg, Vol. VI, Tafel 127. [S2] Detlev Schwennicke, Europaische Stammtafeln, New Series, Vol. XXVI, Tafel 127. [S59] GeneaNet, Généalogie pierfit: Aubertin Ier d'Ardenne l'Orphelin. [S54] Middle & Far East Families, Metz.
Source: http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p242.htm#i...
Henry Project: https://fasg.org/projects/henryproject/data/godef002.htm
Godefroi I the Captive, count of Ardennes's Timeline
930 |
Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine, France
957 |
Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine, France
964 |
Verdun, France
965 |
Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine, France
Verdun, Département Meuse, Grand Est, France
970 |
Hammerstein, (Now Czarne), Koszalin, Poland
971 |
Loraine, Verdun, Meuse, Grand Est, France