Giric or Greg
KENNETH, son of DUFF King of Scotland & his wife --- (-killed in battle Monzievaird [25 Mar 1005]). The 11th century Synchronisms of Flann Mainistreach name (in order) "…Cuillen mac Illiulb, Cinaet mac Maelcolaim, Custantin mac Cuilen, Cinaet mac Duib, Maelcolaim mac Cinaeta" as Scottish kings, dated to the 10th and 11th centuries[208]. The 12th century Cronica Regum Scottorum lists "…Chinet filius Duf i anno et dimidium…" as king[209]. He succeeded in 997 as KENNETH III King of Scotland. The Annals of Ulster record that "the king of the Albu Cinaed son of Dub" was killed in battle "between the men of Albu themselves" in 1005[210]. m ---. The name of Kenneth's wife is not known. Kenneth III & his wife had [three] children:
1. GREG [Giric] (-killed in battle Monzievaird [25 Mar 1005], bur Isle of Iona). The Chronicle of the Picts and Scots dated 1251 records that "Girus mac Kinath mac Duff" reigned for 8 years, was killed "a filio Kinet in Moeghauard" and was buried at Iona[211]. The Chronicle of the Picts and Scots dated 1317 includes the same information[212]. His existence is not recorded in any of the earlier chronicles and should be treated with caution. The Chronicle of John of Fordun records that King Kenneth II decreed a change to the Scottish royal succession to enable "the nearest survivor in blood to the deceased king to succeed", in opposition to "Constantine the Bald, son of King Culen, and Gryme son of Kenneth son of King Duff"[213]. The Chronicle of John of Fordun records that "Gryme the son of Kenneth son of Duff" succeeded in 996 after King Constantine III was killed and reigned for eight years and three months[214]. The Chronicle of John of Fordun records that Grime was killed by Malcolm, son of King Kenneth II, adding that the latter arranged his burial at Iona[215].]
2. GILLACOMGAIN (-killed in battle 999). His parentage is confirmed by the Annals of Ulster which record that "Cathal son of Amalgaid, king of Western Laigin, and his wife, the daughter of the son of Gilla Caemgein son of Cinaed, and his hound were killed at the same time by the son of Cellach son of Dúnchad"[216]. m ---. The name of Gillacomgain's wife is not known. Gillacomgain & his wife had one child:a) son .
i) daughter (-murdered 1035).
3. BOITE [Bodhe] (-before 1033). His parentage is confirmed by the Annals of Ulster which record that "the grandson of Baete son of Cinead was killed by Mael Coluim son of Cinaed" in 1033[219]. m ---. The name of Boite's wife is not known. Boite & his wife had two children:
a) GILLE .
i) son (-murdered in infancy 1033).
b) GRUOCH ([1015]-).
i) LULACH ([1032]-killed in battle Essie, Strathbogie 17 Mar 1058, bur Isle of Iona).
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March 25, 1005
killed in the Battle of Monzievaird, Tayside
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Iona, Scotland (United Kingdom)