Immediate Family
half brother
half brother
half sister
About Gilla Pátraic mac Donnchada, king of Osraige
King of Osraige
Gilla Pátraic mac Donnchada, tigherna Osraighe
d. 997
Father Donnchad mac Cellaich, rí Osraige1,2 d. 976
Mother Aífe ingen Fáeláin3
Gilla Pátraic mac Donnchada, tigherna Osraighe was the son of Donnchad mac Cellaich, rí Osraige and Aífe ingen Fáeláin.1,2,3
Also called Gilli Pátric mac Donnchada.4
Gilla Pátraic mac Donnchada, tigherna Osraighe married Echrad ingen Carrlusa Uí Áeda Odba, daughter of rí Uí Áeda Odba Carrlus mac Ailella Uí Áeda Odba.3
Gilla Pátraic mac Donnchada, tigherna Osraighe married Máelmare Haraldsdottir of Dublin, daughter of Harald Guthfrithsson of Dublin.3 Lord of Osraige at Ossory, Leinster, Ireland, between 976 and 996.5
Annals of Ulster 996: "Diarmait son of Domnall, king of Uí Cheinnselaig, Gilla Pátraic son of Donnchad, king of Osraige, Cormac ua Congalaig, coarb of Daiminis, die. / Diarmait m. Domnaill rí H. Ceinnselaig, Gilla Patraicc m. Donnchada rí Osraigi, Cormacc H. Conghalaig comarba Daiminnsi, mortui sunt."6
Annals of the Four Masters 997: "Giolla Patraicc, mac Donnchadha, tigherna Osraighe, d'écc." (Gillapadraig, son of Donnchadh, lord of Osraighe, died.).7 Gilla Pátraic mac Donnchada, tigherna Osraighe died in 997.5
Family 1
- Máelmare Haraldsdottir of Dublin
- Child
- ?Donnchad mac Gillai Pátraic, rí Osraige & Laigin d'urmhór+ d. 10392,8
Family 2
- Echrad ingen Carrlusa Uí Áeda Odba
- Children
- ?Aífe ingen Gillai Pátraic Uí Éremóin+ 9
- ?Tadg mac Gillai Pátraic+ 3
- 1.[S335] Donnchadh Ó Corráin, Rawl. 502, 22].
- 2.[S335] Donnchadh Ó Corráin, Rawl. 502, 73, ¶489].
- 3.[S278] DfAdam, online unknown url, The Line of Condla mac Bresail, 113.
- 4.[S335] Donnchadh Ó Corráin, Rawl. 502, 73, ¶489], ... m. Gilli Pátric m. Donnchada.
- 5.[S334] Emma Ryan Vol. 1, Myriam Priour Vol. 2 & 3 and Floortje Hondelink Vol. 4, A4M, 997.2.
- 6.[S897] [unknown], AU, U996.2.
- 7.[S334] Emma Ryan Vol. 1, Myriam Priour Vol. 2 & 3 and Floortje Hondelink Vol. 4, A4M, M997.2/.4.
- 8.[S334] Emma Ryan Vol. 1, Myriam Priour Vol. 2 & 3 and Floortje Hondelink Vol. 4, A4M, M1039.11.
- 9.[S1193] Stewart Baldwin (e-mail address), Eve of Leinster and Radnailt of Dublin in "Eve and Radnailt," newsgroup message 1996/08/16, per Ban Senchus pgs. 189, 228.
Gilla Pátraic mac Donnchada, king of Osraige
ii) DONNCHAD (-[974/76]). Donnchad & his wife had five children:
(a) GILLA PATRAIC (-996). King of Ossory. The Annals of Inisfallen record that "Gilla Pátraic son of Donnchaidh king of Osraige” was captured by “Brian son of Cennétig” in 983[720], adding in a later passage that he was released in 984[731]. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 996 of "Gilla Pátraic son of Donnchadh king of Osraige” and the accession of “Cellach son of Diarmait”[732]. m ---. The name of Gilla Patraic´s wife is not known. Gilla Patraic & his wife had four children:
1. DONNCHAD (-1039). The Annals of Tigernach record that “Cellach son of Diarmait king of Ossory” was killed in [1001/02] by “the son of his father´s brother…Donchad son of Gilla Patraic”[733]. King of Leinster 1033. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Donnchad Mac Gilla Pátraic” held “the Fair of Carman…after taking the kingship of Leinster” in 1033[734]. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Donnchad son of Gilla Pátraic, overking of Leinster and Ossory, champion of Ireland” died in 1039[735]. m ---. The name of Donnchad´s wife is not known. Donnchad & his wife had two children:
a) DIARMAIT (-killed 1036). The Annals of the Four Masters record the death in 1036 of “Diarmaid son of Donnchadh, Tanist of Osraighe…slain”[736].
b) GILLA PATRAIC (-1055). King of Ossory. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Murchad son of Dunlang king of Leinster” was killed by “Gilla Pátraic son of Donnchad king of Ossory” in 1042[737]. The Annals of Tigernach record the death in 1055 of “Gilla Pátraic king of Ossory”[738]. m ---. The name of Gilla Patraic´s wife is not known. Gilla Patraic & his wife had three children:i) DOMNALL (-1087). King of Ossory. The Annals of Inisfallen record that "Domnall Ua Gilla Pátraic submitted to Tiadelbach Ua Briain and received a very large stipend of valuables and riches from the king of Mumu” in 1070[739]. The Annals of Inisfallen record that "the son of Conchobair Ua Mail Sechnaill (king of Temuir), Gofraid grandson of Ragnall king of Áth Cliath, and Domnall son of Gilla Pátraic king of Osraige…submitted to Tairdelbach Ua Briain king of Mum” in 1072 and “gave acknowledgement and high-kingship to him”[740]. The Annals of Ulster record the death in 1087 of "Domnall mac Gilla Pátraic king of Osraige”[741]. m ---. The name of Domnall´s wife is not known. Domnall & his wife had two children:
(a) DONNCHAD (-killed 1090). The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 1090 of "Donnchadh son of Domnall Ua Gilla Pátraic…slain”[742].
(b) MUIRCHERTACH (-1095). The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 1095 of "Muirchertach son of Domnall son of Gilla Pátraic, royal heir of Osraige”[743].
(c) [GILLA PATRAIC “Ruad/Red” (-killed in battle Mag Coba, Ulster 1103). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. King of Ossory. The Annals of Inisfallen record that "Gilla Pátraic Ruad king of Osraige” was killed in 1103 at “the battle of Mag Coba”[744].] m ---. The name of Gilla Patraic´s wife is not known. Gilla Patraic & his wife had one child:(1) DONNCHAD (-killed 1123). King of Ossory. The Annals of Inisfallen record that "Tadc son of Mac Carthaig accompanied by the Desmumu went to Osraige” and “Ua Gilla Pátraic king of Osraige submitted to him”, adding that “the nobles of Osraige including their king were imprisoned by the Dál Cais”[745]. The Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) record that “Donncadh Húa Gilla Padraic king of Ossory” was killed in 1123[746]. The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 1123 of "the son of Gilla Pátraic, king of Osraige…slain by his own people”[747].
ii) DONNCHAD (-killed 1089). The Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) record that “Donncadh mac Gilla Padraic king of Ossory” was killed in 1089[748].
iii) CERBALL (-1105). The Annals of Inisfallen record the death in 1105 of "Cerball son of Domnall son of Gilla Pátraic, king of the south of Osraige”[749].2. DUNGHAL (-killed 1015). The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Dunghal son of Gillaphadraig son of Donnchadh” was killed in 1015 by “Maelseachlainn [in a raid] into Ossory”[750].
3. MUIRCHERTACH (-killed 1041). Joint King of Ossory. The Annals of Tigernach record that “Muirchertach Mac Gilla Pátraic one of the two kings of Ossory” was killed in 1041 by “the Húi Caeluide his own people”[751].
4. TAIDHG (-after 1027). The Annals of the Four Masters record that “Tadhg Mac Gillaphadraig” was blinded in 1027 by “the lord of Osraighe, Donnchadh Mac Gillaphadraig”[752]. m ---. The name of Taidhg´s wife is not known. Taidhg & his wife had one child:a) DERBORGAILL (-after 1098). The Annals of Tigernach (Continuation) record that “Derborgaill daughter of Tadg, son of Gilla Pátraic, mother of Muirchertach Húa Bríáin king of Ireland…rested in Glendalough” in 1098[753]. m TOIRDELBACH, son of TADGH & his wife --- ([1008/09]-Cenn Coradh 14 Jul 1086). He succeeded in 1064 as King of Munster.
D: I25376
Name: Gilla Pátraic mac Donnchada Sex: M Birth: in tigherna Osraighe Death: 997 Reference Number: 25376 Note: Gilla Pátraic mac Donnchada, tigherna Osraighe was the son of Donnchad mac Cellaich, rí Osraige and Aífe ingen Fáeláin.1,2,3 Also called Gilli Pátric mac Donnchada.4 He married Echrad ingen Carrlusa Uí Áeda Odba, daughter of rí Uí Áeda Odba Carrlus mac Ailella Uí Áeda Odba.3 He married Máelmare Haraldsdottir of Dublin, daughter of Harald Guthfrithsson of Dublin.3 Lord of Osraige in Ossory, Leinster, Ireland, between 976 and 996.5 Annals of Ulster 996: "Diarmait son of Domnall, king of Uí Cheinnselaig, Gilla Pátraic son of Donnchad, king of Osraige, Cormac ua Congalaig, coarb of Daiminis, die. / Diarmait m. Domnaill rí H. Ceinnselaig, Gilla Patraicc m. Donnchada rí Osraigi, Cormacc H. Conghalaig comarba Daiminnsi, mortui sunt."6 Annals of the Four Masters 997: "Giolla Patraicc, mac Donnchadha, tigherna Osraighe, d'écc." (Gillapadraig, son of Donnchadh, lord of Osraighe, died.).7 He died in 997.5
Child of Gilla Pátraic mac Donnchada, tigherna Osraighe and Máelmare Haraldsdottir of Dublin: Donnchad mac Gillai Pátraic, rí Osraige & Laigin d'urmhór+ d. 1039
Children of Gilla Pátraic mac Donnchada, tigherna Osraighe and Echrad ingen Carrlusa Uí Áeda Odba: Aífe ingen Gillai Pátraic Uí Éremóin+ Tadg mac Gillai Pátraic+
[S335] Donnchadh Ó Corráin, compiler, Genealogies from Rawlinson B 502 (College Road, Cork, Ireland: University College, latest revision (1997-09-15)), 22]. Hereinafter cited as Rawl. 502. [S335] Donnchadh Ó Corráin, Rawl. 502, 73, ¶489]. [S278] A Descent from Adam, online http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/2444/Adam.htm, The Line of Condla mac Bresail, 113. Hereinafter cited as DfAdam. [S335] Donnchadh Ó Corráin, Rawl. 502, 73, ¶489], ... m. Gilli Pátric m. Donnchada. [S334] Emma Ryan Vol. 1, Myriam Priour Vol. 2 & 3 and Floortje Hondelink Vol. 4, compiler, Annala Rioghachta Eireann: Annals of the kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters, from the earliest period to the year 1616 (College Road, Cork, Ireland: CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork, 1998), 997.2. Hereinafter cited as A4M. [S897] [unknown], The Annals of Ulster, AD 431-1131 (College Road, Cork, Ireland : University College Cork, 1997), U996.2. Hereinafter cited as AU. [S334] Emma Ryan Vol. 1, Myriam Priour Vol. 2 & 3 and Floortje Hondelink Vol. 4, A4M, M997.2/.4.
Marriage 1 Máelmare Haraldsdottir of Dublin Children Has Children Donnchad mac Gillai Pátraic b: in rí Osraige & Laigin d'urmhór
Marriage 2 Echrad ingen Carrlusa Uí Áeda Odba Children Has Children Aífe ingen Gillai Pátraic Uí Éremóin Has Children Tadg mac Gillai Pátraic
Gilla Pátraic mac Donnchada, king of Osraige's Timeline
952 |
Ossory,Kilkenny, Ireland
975 |
Osraige, Ireland
980 |
Ossory, Ireland
996 |
Age 44
???? | |||
???? |
Ossary, , , Ireland
???? |
rí Osraige & Laigin d'urmhór
???? |