Immediate Family
About Gilbert I, vicomte de Millau et Gévaudan
Gilbert Ier de Gévaudan, ou Gilbert Ier de Millau, né vers 1055, assassiné en 1111 fut vicomte de Millau et de Lodève, puis comte de Gévaudan et, par mariage, comte de Provence. Il était fils de Bérenger, vicomte de Millau et de Rodez, et d'Adèle de Carlat, vicomtesse de Carlat et de Lodève.
Il partagea les titres de ses parents avec son frère Richard : il reçut Millau et Lodève, tandis que son frère eut Rodez et Carlat. Possédant différentes terres dans le Gévaudan, il en profita pour relever le titre de comte de Gévaudan, tombé en désuétude depuis moins d'un siècle.
En 1073, il épouse Gerberge (1060 † 1115), comtesse de Provence, fille de Bertrand, comte de Provence, et de Mathilde. Ils eurent au moins trois filles :
Douce (1090 † 1130), mariée en 1112 à Raimond Bérenger III (1082 † 1131), comte de Barcelone.
Étiennette († ap.1160), mariée à Raymond († 1150), seigneur des Baux. Leur fils émettra des prétentions sur le comté de Provence, débutant ainsi les Guerres Baussenques.
Sibylle mariée à Guy III de Sévérac1.
En 1096, à l'occasion de la refondation de l'église de Toulon, Gilbert prévoit la création d'un monastère dans les îles Stoechades, ces trois îles qui se trouvent au sud d'Hyères. Après son assassinat survenu en 1111, ce furent sa fille Douce et son gendre Raymond-Bérenger II qui lui succédèrent.
Occupation: Viscount of Milhaud He shared the title of his parents and his brother Richard, he received Millau Lodeve, while his brother was Rodez Carlat . With different land in the Gevaudan, it took the opportunity to take the title of Count of Gevaudan, obsolete less than a century.
In 1073, he married Gerberge ( 1060 † 1115) , Countess of Provence , daughter of Bertrand , Count of Provence, and Matilda . They had at least three daughters :
Douce ( 1090 † 1130) , married in 1112 to Raymond Berenger III ( 1082 † 1131 ) , Count of Barcelona . Étiennette ( † ap.1160 ) , married to Raymond ( † 1150) , Lord of Baux . Their son will issue claims on the county of Provence and Baux starting the wars . Sibyl married to Guy III Sévérac1 .
In 1096 , during the rebuilding of the church of Toulon , Gilbert provides for the establishment of a monastery in Stoechades islands, three islands that lie south of Hyères. After his assassination occurred in 1111 , it was his daughter and son- Sweet Raymond Berenger II succeeded him
ii) GIRBERT [Gilbert] (-[1110/3 Feb 1112]). “Berengarius vicecomes de Cartlato et uxor mea Adila et mater uxoris meæ Nobilis” founded Montsalvy monastery, with the consent of “filii nostri Ricardus, Girbertus, Raimundus”, by charter dated to [1060/71][1205]. “Allebertus de Caniliaco” swore allegiance to “Berengario nec ad filios tuos Ricard et Girbert” for the château of Canillac and others by undated charter, probably dated to [1080/97][1206]. Vicomte de Millau, de Gévaudan, et de Carlat (part). "Gerberti vice comitis" subscribed the charter dated 1100 under which "Petrus Virgilius et frater meus Raimundus" donated "æcclesiam sancti Martini…Priscus…[et] mansum de Roqueta…" to Conques[1207]. "...Richardi vicecomitis et fratris eius Girberti..." subscribed the charter dated 1103 under which "nobili...Guidone" donated property to Saint-Chaffre[1208]. The Brevi Historia Comitum Provinciæ records the death "circa 1110" of "Gilberto comite Provinciæ" who left a widow "Tiburgia…comitissa" and "Dulcia unica filia"[1209]. It should be noted that no primary source has been identified in which Girbert is recorded as comte de Provence during his lifetime.
m GERBERGE Ctss de Provence, daughter of --- ([1078/84]-[3 Feb 1112/Jan 1118]). The doubts concerning the parentage of Gerberge are discussed in the document PROVENCE. The Brevi Historia Comitum Provinciæ records the death "circa 1110" of "Gilberto comite Provinciæ" and that he was survived by his widow "Tiburgia…comitissa" and "Dulcia unica filia"[1210]. “Girberga comitissa” donated “comitatum...Provinciæ et Gavaldanensis et Carladensis et...honorem...in comitatu Rutenensi”, which came to her “voce parentum meorum et largitione viri mei Girberti comitis patris tui”, to “Dulciæ filiæ meæ” by charter dated 1 Feb 1112[1211]. “Gerberga comitissa Arelatensis” granted “filiam meam in conjugium...Dulcem” to “Raymundo Berengarii comiti”, together with “omni honore meo et cum...honore qui fuit Girberti comitis patris puellæ”, by charter dated 3 Feb 1112[1212]. - COMTES de PROVENCE.
Gilbert I, vicomte de Millau et Gévaudan's Timeline
1100 |
Rouergue, France
1110 |
1994 |
February 10, 1994
March 30, 1994
March 31, 1994
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daughter, Heiress