Immediate Family
About Gerberge du Gâtinais, comtesse d'Anjou
Gerberge, d'Orléans, de Gâtinais, Comtesse d'Anjou
Parents: (uncertain) Geoffroy, Vicomte d'Orléans. Comte de Gâtinais & his (unknown) wife
Spouse: Foulques II d'Anjou
1. Geoffroy
2. Guy
3. Adalais
4. Drogon
GEOFFROY (-after May 939). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Vicomte d'Orléans. 933/42. Comte de Gâtinais. "Gaufredi Aurelianensium Vicecomitis" subscribed a charter dated May 939 under which "Hugo dux Francorum" confirmed a donation by "Rotbertus" to "Monesterio sancti Juliani"[1143].
m ---. The name of Geoffroy's wife is not known.
Geoffroy & his wife had three children:
ii) [GERBERGE (-before 952). This origin of the wife of Comte Foulques II appears to be based on onomastic reasons only, proposed by Chaume to explain the use of the name Geoffroy in the family of the Comtes d'Anjou[1149].
m (937) as his first wife, FOULQUES II "le Bon" Comte d'Anjou, son of FOULQUES I "le Roux" Comte d'Anjou & his wife Roscille de "Loches" ([920]-11 Nov 958).]
The following link suggests Gerberge wife of Foulques "the good" was daughter of Viscount I Ratburnus Vienna and Gerberge, related to Adalard Eveque Puy then Archbishop of Tours.
Until this link is proven or disproven l will leave 2 Gerberge profiles linked as his wife .
FOULQUES d'Anjou, son of FOULQUES I "le Roux" Comte d'Anjou & his wife Roscille de "Loches" ([920]-11 Nov 958). The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum names "Fulco Rufus alium [filium] …tertium iuniorem…alter Fulco cognominatus Bonus" when recording that he succeeded his father[61]. He succeeded his father in 942 as FOULQUES II "le Bon" Comte d'Anjou. He made peace with the Normans.
m firstly (937) GERBERGE, daughter of --- (-before 952). "Gaufridus…Andecavorum comes" names "patris mei Fulconis, matris quoque meæ Gerbergæ" in his charter dated 19 Jun 966[62]. Maurice Chaume suggested that she was Gerberge, daughter of Geoffroy Vicomte d'Orléans [Comte de Gâtinais], based on onomastic reasons only to explain the use of the name Geoffroy in the family of the Comtes d'Anjou[63].
Comte Foulques II & his first wife had four children.
1. GEOFFROY d'Anjou ([938/40]-21 Jul 987, bur Châteauneuf, église Saint-Martin). The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum names "primogenitus Gofridus…Guido…episcopus Podii…tertius minor Drogo" as the three sons of "Fulco Pius"[65]. He succeeded his father in 958 as GEOFFROY I "Grisgonelle" Comte d'Anjou.
- see below.
2. GUY d'Anjou (-before 995). The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum names "primogenitus Gofridus…Guido…episcopus Podii…tertius minor Drogo" as the three sons of "Fulco Pius"[66]. The Chronicle of Saint-Pierre du Puy refers to the bishop who was "frater germanus comes Gaufridus cognomento Grisogonella", clarifying in a later passage that he was "dominus Guido sanctæ Vallavensis ecclesiæ…episcopus"[67]. "Gaufridus…Andecavorum comes", with the consent of "fratre meo Widone abate", established the right of the comtes d'Anjou to appoint abbots of Saint-Aubin d'Angers, by charter dated 19 Jun 966[68]. He was appointed Bishop of Le Puy in 975 by Lothaire King of the Franks.
3. ADELAIS [Blanche] d'Anjou ([940/50]-[29 May 1026, bur Montmajour, near Arles]). Her parentage and first marriage are confirmed by the Chronicle of Saint-Pierre du Puy which names "comes Gaufridus cognomento Grisogonella…Pontius et Bertrandus eius nepotes…matre eorum Adalaide sorore ipsius"[69], the brothers Pons and Bertrand being confirmed in other sources as the sons of Etienne de Brioude, for example the charter dated 1000 under which "duo germani fratres…Pontius, alter Bertrandus" donated property to Saint-Chaffre for the souls of "patris sui Stephani matrisque nomine Alaicis"[70]. Adelais's second and third marriages are confirmed by Richer who records the marriage of Louis and "Adelaidem, Ragemundi nuper defuncti ducis Gothorum uxorem" and their coronation as king and queen of Aquitaine[71]. The Chronicon Andegavensi names "Blanchiam filiam Fulconis Boni comitis Andegavensis" as wife of the successor of "Lotharius rex Francorum", but confuses matters by stating that the couple were parents of "filiam Constantiam" wife of Robert II King of France[72]. The Chronicle of Saint-Maxence names "Blanchiam" as the wife of "Lotharius rex…Ludovicum filium" but does not give her origin[73]. She was crowned Queen of Aquitaine with her third husband on the day of their marriage. The Libro de Otiis Imperialibus names "Blanchiam" as wife of "Ludovicus puer [filius Lotharii]"[74]. Rodulfus Glaber refers to the unnamed wife of "Ludowicum" as "ab Aquitanis partibus uxorem", recounting that she tricked him into travelling to Aquitaine where "she left him and attached herself to her own family"[75]. Richer records her marriage with "Wilelmum Arelatensem" after her divorce from Louis[76]. Her fourth marriage is confirmed by the Historia Francorum which names "Blanca sorore Gaufridi comitis Andegavensis" as wife of "Guillelmi comitis Arelatensis"[77]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Blanche comitisse Arelatensis" as mother of "Constantia [uxor Robertus rex]", specifying that she was "soror Gaufridi Grisagonelli"[78]. The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum names "Blanca sorore eius" ( "eius" referring incorrectly to Foulques "Nerra" Comte d'Anjou) as wife of "Guillelmi Arelatensis comitis" and as mother of Constance, wife of Robert II King of France[79]. "Adalaiz comitissa" donated property to Saint-Victor de Marseille by charter dated 1003[80]. This charter is subscribed by "Emma comitissa…Wilelmus comes", the second of whom was presumably the son of Adelais but the first of whom has not been identified. "Pontius…Massiliensis ecclesie pontifex" issued a charter dated 1005 with the consent of "domni Rodhbaldi comitis et domne Adalaizis comitisse, domnique Guillelmi comitis filii eius"[81]. "Adalax comitissa mater Villelmi quondam Provintie comitis et Geriberga eque comitissa…eiusdem principis olim uxor" donated property to Saint-Victor de Marseille for the soul of their late son and husband respectively by charter dated 1018 (this document making no mention of her supposed fifth husband)[82]. No explanation has been found for her having been named Adelais in some sources and Blanche in others, as it is difficult to interpret these documents to mean that they referred to two separate individuals. Adelais's supposed fifth marriage is deduced from the following: Count Othon-Guillaume's wife is named Adelais in several charters[83], and Pope Benedict VIII refers to "domnæ Adeleidi comitissæ cognomento Blanchæ" with "nuruique eius domnæ Gerbergæ comitissæ" when addressing her supposed husband in a document dated Sep 1016[84], Gerberga presumably being Count Othon-Guillaume's daughter by his first wife who was the widow of Adelaide-Blanche d´Anjou's son by her fourth husband. However, the document in question appears not to specify that "domnæ Adeleidi…" was the wife of Othon Guillaume and the extracts seen (the full text has not yet been consulted) do not permit this conclusion to be drawn. It is perfectly possible that the Pope named Adelais-Blanche in the letter only in reference to her relationship to Othon Guillaume´s daughter. If her fifth marriage is correct, Adelais would have been considerably older than her new husband, and probably nearly sixty years old when she married (Othon-Guillaume's first wife died in [1002/04]), which seems unlikely. Another difficulty is presented by three entries dated 1018, 1024 and 1026 which appear to link Adelais to Provence while, if the fifth marriage was correct, she would have been with her husband (whose death is recorded in Sep 1026) in Mâcon. These entries are: firstly, "Adalax comitissa mater Villelmi quondam Provintie comitis et Geriberga eque comitissa…eiusdem principis olim uxor" donated property to Saint-Victor de Marseille for the soul of their late son and husband respectively by charter dated 1018[85]; secondly, "Vuilelmus filius Rodbaldi" donated property "in comitatu Aquense in valle…Cagnanam" to Marseille Saint-Victor by charter dated 1024, signed by "Adalaiz comitissa, Vuilelmus comes filius Rodbaldi"[86]; and thirdly, a manuscript written by Arnoux, monk at Saint-André-lès-Avignon, records the death in 1026 of "Adalax comitissa"[87]. The necrology of Saint-Pierre de Mâcon records the death "IV Kal Jun" of "Adalasia comitissa vocata regali progenie orta"[88]. An enquiry dated 2 Jan 1215 records that "comitissa Blanca" was buried "apud Montem Majorem"[89]. m firstly ([950/60]%29 as his second wife, ETIENNE de Brioude, son of BERTRAND --- & his wife Emilgarde [Emilde] --- (-before [970/75]). m secondly ([970/75]) RAYMOND IV Comte de Toulouse, son of RAYMOND III Comte de Toulouse & his wife Gundinildis --- ([945/55]-killed "Carazo" [972/79]). m thirdly (Vieux-Brioude, Haute-Loire 982, divorced 984) LOUIS associate King of the Franks, son of LOTHAIRE King of the Franks & Emma d'Arles [Italy] ([966/67]-Compiègne 21 May 987, bur Compiègne, église collégiale de Saint-Corneille). Crowned King of Aquitaine the day of his marriage in 982. He succeeded his father in 986 as LOUIS V King of the Franks. m fourthly ([984/86]) as his second wife, GUILLAUME [II] "le Libérateur" Comte d'Arles Marquis de Provence, son of BOSON [II] Comte d'Arles & his wife Constantia [de Vienne] ([955]-Avignon 993 after 29 Aug, bur Sarrians, église de Sainte-Croix). [m fifthly (before 1016) as his second wife, OTHON GUILLAUME Comte de Mâcon et de Nevers [Bourgogne-Comté], son of ADALBERTO associate-King of Italy & his wife Gerberge de Chalon ([960/62]-Dijon 21 Sep 1026).]
4. DROGON d'Anjou (-998). The Gesta Consulum Andegavorum names "primogenitus Gofridus…Guido…episcopus Podii…tertius minor Drogo" as the three sons of "Fulco Pius", specifying that Drogo succeeded his brother as Bishop of Le Puy[90].
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Anjou:
Foulques II d'Anjou married firstly (937) GERBERGE, daughter of --- (-before 952).
"Gaufridus…Andecavorum comes" names "patris mei Fulconis, matris quoque meæ Gerbergæ" in his charter dated 19 Jun 966[62].
Maurice Chaume suggested that she was Gerberge, daughter of Geoffroy Vicomte d'Orléans [Comte de Gâtinais], based on onomastic reasons only to explain the use of the name Geoffroy in the family of the Comtes d'Anjou[63].
Drogo was the count of Vannes and Nantes and duke of Brittany from 952, when he succeeded his father, Alan Wrybeard, as a minor, until his death in 958. Throughout his reign, he was under the shared regency of his uncle the count of Blois, Theobald I (who entrusted the administration to Wicohen, Archbishop of Dol, and the count of Rennes, Juhel Berengar) and of his stepfather the count of Anjou, Fulk II, who married the Wrybeard's widow.
Theobald was initially a vassal of Hugh the Great, Duke of France. Around 945, he captured King Louis IV to the benefit of Hugh. In return for freedom, the king granted him the city of Laon. He took the title of "count" in Tours. He seized Chartres and Châteaudun and remarried his sister to Fulk II of Anjou. In 958, he met Fulk in Verron and the two described themselves as "governor and administrator [of the] kingdom [of Neustria]" and comites Dei gratia ("counts by the grace of God").
Fulk II died at Tours. By his spouse, Gerberge of Maine, he had several children:
Adelais of Anjou, married five times
Geoffrey I, Count of Anjou, married Adelaide of Vermandois
Bouchard IV, Count of Vendome, married Elizabeth of Vendome; their daughter, Elizabeth married her cousin, Geoffrey I's son, Fulk the Black, only to be burnt at the stake by her husband in her wedding dress.
Theobald's sister married Alan II of Brittany and Theobald governed the duchy during the minority of her son Drogo. Thus, Theobald extended his influence all the way to Rennes.
Fulk II of Anjou, son of Fulk the Red, was count of Anjou from 942 to his death.
He was often at war with the Bretons. He seems to have been a man of culture, a poet and an artist. He was succeeded by his son Geoffrey Greymantle.
Fulk II died at Tours. Fulk's date of death 11 November 958 is given by Christian Settipani in his work La Noblesse du Midi Carolingien.
By his spouse, Gerberge, he had several children:
* Adelais of Anjou, married five times
* Geoffrey I, Count of Anjou, married Adelaide of Vermandois
Gerberga Gerberge von Maine Niederlothringen Gatinais 916–952 Birth 916 • Arles, Pyrenees-Orientales, Languedoc-Roussillon, France Death 5 MAY 952 • Anjou, Normandie, France
When Gerberga Gerberge von Maine Niederlothringen Gatinais was born in 916 in Arles, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, her father, Geoffrey, was 26, and her mother, Ava, was 24. She married Foulques II Fulk II le Anjou in Anjou, Isère, France. They had one child during their marriage. She died on May 5, 952, in Anjou, Isère, France, at the age of 36.
Gerberga Gerberge von Maine Niederlothringen Gatinais was born in 916 in Arles, Pyrénées-Orientales, France, to Ava of Auvergne, age 24, and Geoffrey I De 'Count Gatinais' de Orleans, age 26. Arles, Pyrenees-Orientales, Languedoc-Roussillon, France 916 • Arles, Pyrenees-Orientales, Languedoc-Roussillon, France
2 Mar 935
Age 19 Marriage
Gerberga Gerberge von Maine Niederlothringen Gatinais married Foulques II Fulk II le Anjou in Anjou, Isère, France, on March 2, 935, when she was 19 years old. Anjou, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France Foulques II Fulk II le Anjou 38GGF
909–958 2 Mar 935 • Anjou, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France
7 Dec 942
Age 26 Birth of Daughter
Her daughter Adelaise Arsinde Blanche 'Countess Toulouse' d' was born on December 7, 942, in Anjou, Isère, France. Adelaise Arsinde Blanche 'Countess Toulouse' d' Anjou
942–1026 7 Dec 942 • Anjou, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France 942
Age 26 Death of Father
Her father Geoffrey I De 'Count Gatinais' de passed away in 942 in Orléans, Loiret, France, at the age of 52. Geoffrey I De 'Count Gatinais' de Orleans
890–942 942 • Orléans, Loiret, Centre, France 942
Age 26 Death of Mother
Her mother Ava of passed away in 942 in Sauxillanges, Puy-de-Dôme, France, at the age of 50. Ava of Auvergne
892–942 942 • Sauxillanges, Puy-de-Dome, Auvergne, France
5 May 952
Age 36 Death
Gerberga Gerberge von Maine Niederlothringen Gatinais died on May 5, 952, in Anjou, Isère, France, when she was 36 years old. Anjou, Normandie, France 5 May 952 • Anjou, Normandie, France Marriage
Gerberga Gerberge von Maine Niederlothringen Gatinais married Foulques II Fulk II le Anjou in Anjou, Isère, France. Anjou, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France Foulques II Fulk II le Anjou 38GGF
909–958 Anjou, Isere, Rhone-Alpes, France
Gerberge du Gâtinais, comtesse d'Anjou's Timeline
913 |
Maine, Charente, Poitou-Charentes, France
925 |
Anjou, France
934 |
Anjou, France
938 |
940 |
November 11, 940
Anjou, Pays-de-la-Loire, France
946 |
Anjou, now, Pays de la Loire, France
950 |
952 |
Age 39
Tours, Puy-De-Dome, Auvergne, France
Age 39
Reims, Champagne, Rheims, Champagne-Ardenne, France