Historical records matching Geneviève Raté Ratté
Immediate Family
About Geneviève Raté Ratté
Married 27 Nov 1694 St-Pierre, Ille-D'Orleans, Montmorency, Quebec, Canada to Sieur Jean-Baptiste Sicard De Carufel
Jean SICARD and Genevieve RATE were married by the priest/cure Dauric. Present at the ceremony were Pierre Sicard & Marie Defargues, parents of groom; Jacques Ratte & Anne Martin, parents of bride and Ignace GOSSELAIN (brother-in-law or step-brother), and Pierre ROBERGE. General(3): All of the children with the exception of Joseph are included in this listing. There is, however, a "parchemin" [notarized contract] that states Joseph was the son of Jean and Genevieve.
A marriage contract prepared by the notary, Etienne Jacob and signed 25 November 1694, states that, at the time, the Jean was a sergeant in the Company of Michel Leneuf de la Vallière. Two days later, Sergeant Jean Sicard de Carufel, married Geneviève, daughter of Jacques Ratté and Anne Martin [grand-daughter of Abraham Martin dit l'Ecossais, a royal pilot. The land of Martin, called the Plains of Abraham, adjoined the famous plateau where Wolfe and Montcalm battled.] The ceremony in the parish of Saint Pierre de l'Île d'Orléans was officiated by the Abby Dauric and witnessed by Jacques Ratté and his wife, Anne Martin, Jacques Gosselin, the bride's brother-in-law andPierre Roberge. In addition to the dispensation of two bans, due to Sicard's military career, permission was granted by the Governor-general.
@R853204050@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
Ancestry Family Tree http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=153605387&pi...
Geneviève Raté Ratté's Timeline
1678 |
February 2, 1678
Montmorency, Ile DE Quebec, Quebec
February 2, 1678
Quebec, Canada
1695 |
September 17, 1695
Saint-Pierre-de-l'Île-d'Orléans, L'Île-d'Orléans Regional County Municipality, Québec, Canada
1698 |
July 12, 1698
Saint-Pierre, Île d'Orléans, Québec, Canada
1701 |
June 12, 1701
Saint-Pierre, Île d'Orléans, Québec, Canada
1705 |
January 25, 1705
Trois Rivières, St-Maurice, Québec, Canada
1706 |
November 18, 1706
Saint-Joseph, Maskinongé, Maskinongé, Québec, Canada
1708 |
September 29, 1708
Saint-Joseph, Maskinongé, Maskinongé, Québec, Canada
1711 |
March 11, 1711
Saint-Joseph, Maskinongé, Maskinongé, Québec, Canada