South Africa
A possible justification for Geertje and Grietje Gerrits being the same person.
Inligting uit “Die Taaloord” van 1937 bladsy 50-53 bevestid dat SV Coenraad Visser 2 maal getroud is. X 1648 in Nederland met Alida Gerrits (GReetjen) XX in Suid Afrika met haar suster MARGARETHA Gerrits ook vanaf Haardenburg met noemnaam GEERtjen).
According to "Suid-Afrikaanse Geslagsregisters" 15 pages 12-13 Margaretha (Geertjen) Gerrits married Jan Coenraad Visser c.1662. She was his sister-in-law as he was first married to her sister Alida (Greetjen) Gerrits from Hardenberg in c.1648 in the Netherlands.
As far as SAG 15 (Suid Afrikaanse Geslagsregisters 15) notes, his 1st wife Alida Gerrits arrived in Cape Town in 1662 with 4 children:
What happened to Alida Gerrits is uncertain for in the same year that she arrived in the Cape with her children, her husband, Jan Coenraad Visser *1633, married her sister, Margaretha Gerrits.
The only children mentioned for Margaretha as 2nd wife of Jan Coenraad Visser *c.1633 is mentioned on page 50 of SAG:
There is no documentary evidence that a person by the name of Alida Geeritsz (who would have called herself Aeltje) existed.
Margaretha, or Geertjen, would have had to be married to Jan Visser at the Cape, since he arrived here on 28th April 1658. No such marriage can be found.
Richard Ball thinks there were only one person: http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/olivier/I112.html
However, Mansell Upham argues that Jan Visser might have had two wives, Aeltje Gerritsz and Geertjen Gerritsz or Pietersz in Upham, Mansell, Hel En Paradijs - De Hoop Op Constantia on http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/ui45.htm
The above information for Coenraad is wrong:
Coenraad, b4 was born at the Cape: 'Coenraad Jansz' Visser gebooren aan Cabo de Goede Hoop, oud vyftig jaaren ...(from his will dated 15 November 1710)
And this is his date of baptism at the Cape: 'April Anno 1663 Den 8en do heeft Dome de Metre ... gedoopt dese vier navolgende kinderen: ... ende een van Jan Coenraets Visscher vrij lantbouwer, en is genaemt Coenraet, de getuigen sijn Jacob Cloeten, vrij lantbouwer ende sijn huysvrouw' op http://www.eggsa.org/sarecords/index.php/church-registers/cape-town...
The entry for 16 January 1667 refers to Johannes's baptism:
A: 1667
Januarij 16 een soontje van Jan Coenraets en Grietjen Gerritsen sijn huysvrouw, wierd genaempt Johannes, peters waren Bartholomeus Boorn, en Teuntjen Bartholomeusz on http://www.eggsa.org/sarecords/index.php/church-registers/cape-town... - JS
Geertjen (Margaretha) GERRITS en hulle kinders wat in Nederland gebore is, arriveer gedurende 1662 aan die Kaap. Geertjen word op 'n Vrydag-aand gedurende Maart 1692 deur 'n slaaf Klaas van Mallebar vermoor.
Die Monsterrolle vir 1664 toon Jan en Grietjie met 3 kinders aan : Gerrit, Geesje en Coenraad. Die Monsterrolle vir 1666/7 toon Jan en Grietjie aan met 5 kinders, nl. Gerrit, Geesje, Coenraad, Zacharia en Johannes.
Bo-staande inligting in verband met die kinders van Jan en Grietjie kan verwarrend wees, maar volgens Wyle Dr J.L.M. FRANKEN se artikel in Standpunte van Oktober/November 1956, doen Jan aansoek om belasting verligting op die 18de Desember 1662: "18 Dec 1662: For Tax relief Purposes Jan stated that his family consisted of himself, his wife and five children, one of the children being his second eldest son, Gerrit Jansz VISSER, who was then about 5 years of age."
Source 2 http://www.steenkamp.netfirms.com/jan.htm
There is no documentary evidence that a person by the name of Alida Geeritsz (who would have called herself Aeltje) existed.
Margaretha, or Geertjen, would have had to be married to Jan Visser at the Cape, since he arrived here on 28th April 1658. No such marriage can be found.
Richard Ball thinks there were only one person: http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/olivier/I112.html
However, Mansell Upham argues that Jan Visser might have had two wives, Aeltje Gerritsz and Geertjen Gerritsz or Pietersz in Upham, Mansell, Hel En Paradijs - De Hoop Op Constantia on http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/ui45.htm - JS
Margaretha GERRITS, gebore in Hardenberg, Nederland, c.1640 trou met Jan Coenrad Visser in Nederland, c.1653. Margaretha het agtergebly terwyl Jan Coenraad na die Kaap gekom het - sy het gevolg in 1662 met hulle vyf kinders.
Gerrit Jansz VISSER, vader van Gesina, was hulle sede kind en die enigste een gebore aan die Kaap.
Hulle tweede kind en oudste seun, Coenraad VISSER, was getroud met Catherina Everts van der Zee, maar hy het ook 'n jarelange verhouding gehad met sy moeder se slavin,Maria van Negapatnam. (Coenraad VISSER was die vader van tien kinders. Ons weet nie hoeveel van hulle was sy vrou s'n nie - sy houvrou Maria had ten minste drie kinders by hom.)
Margaretha GERRITS was vermoor deur haar huisslaaf Claas van Malabar:Op 'n Vrydagaand in Maart 1692 was Margaretha in die kombuis besig, toe die slaaf Claas daar deurstap met die byl, op pad om te gaan hout kap. Sy raas nog met hom omdat hy nie reeds die hout klaar gekap het nie, toe skree hy op haar: "Jou lelijke oud hond, jij moogste den selvers gaan haalen!" Sy mik om hom 'n klap te gee, en daarmee kap hy haar in die nek met die byl: haar kop was amper heeltemal af.
Arriveer in die Kaap aanboord skip Malacca met vyf kinders op 4 Feb 1662.
Geertjen Gerrits was vermoor {Hof verwysing: AR VOC 4030 (14 Maart 1692) fol 328.} Maria/Marie van Negapatnam was 'n slavin van Geertjen en Jan Coenraad Visser. 'n Vrydag aand in Maart 1692 het Geertjen en Maria in die kombuis gewerk, toe die slaaf Claas van Mallebar deur die kombuis geloop het om hout te gaan kap, Geertjen het met hom geraas omdat hy nie betyds gereed gekry het vir haar om te bak nie. Geertjen het ook nie Claas se verskoning aanvaar dat hy vir die koeie gaan soek het in die berge nie. Claas sê toe: "Jou oud hond, Jij moogste den selvs gaan haalen" - Geertjen probeer toe om Claas te slaan met 'n stuk hout, maar Claas vat die byl in slaan die byl reg in haar nek, dit was noodlotig en haar kop was amper afgekap. Hierdie het plaas gevind voor Maria van Negapatnam (Robert Shell Children of Bondag p 219). Maria hardloop toe na Jag Visser en skreeu: "Baas, Baas! Moeder is dood! Moeder is dood!". Shell verduidelik dat aan die Kaap was die huisvrou beskou as beide nonna en moeder en die baas as vader. In hierdie geval kon Geertjen wel Maria se de facto skoonmoeder gewees het want die seun Coenraad Visser het met haar gehad.
Margaretha Gerrits b. circa 1630, d. March 1692
Part of the Settlement of the Dutch Cape Colony.
Geertjen Gerrits was vermoor {Hof verwysing: AR VOC 4030 (14 Maart 1692) fol 328.} Maria/ Marie van Negapatnam was 'n slavin van Geertjen en Jan Coenraad Visser. 'n Vrydag aand in Maart 1692 het Geertjen en Maria in die kombuis gewerk, toe die slaaf Claas van Mallebar deur die kombuis geloop het om hout te gaan kap, Geertjen het met hom geraas omdat hy nie betyds gereed gekry het vir haar om te bak nie. Geertjen het ook nie Claas se verskoning aanvaar dat hy vir die koeie gaan soek het in die berge nie. Claas sê toe: "Jou oud hond, Jij moogste den selvs gaan haalen" - Geertjen probeer toe om Claas te slaan met 'n stuk hout, maar Claas vat die byl in slaan die byl reg in haar nek, dit was noodlotig en haar kop was amper afgekap. Hierdie het plaas gevind voor Maria van Negapatnam (Robert Shell Children of Bondag p 219). Maria hardloop toe na Jag Visser en skreeu: "Baas, Baas! Moeder is dood! Moeder is dood!". Shell verduidelik dat aan die Kaap was die huisvrou beskou as beide nonna en moeder en die baas as vader. In hierdie geval kon Geertjen wel Maria se de facto skoonmoeder gewees het want die seun Coenraad Visser het met haar gehad. [5] (Source: WikiTree)
Bio notes: (Murdered (axed to death) on a Friday evening by the slave, Claes van Malabar) Alida was her sister
Geertjen Gerrits was killed {Court reference: AR VOC 4030 (14 March 1692) fol 328.} Maria / Marie van Negapatnam was a maid of Geertjen and Jan Coenraad Visser. On a Friday evening in March 1692, Geertjen and Maria were working in the kitchen, when the slave Claas van Mallebar walked through the kitchen to cut wood, Geertjen made a noise with him because he did not get ready for her time to bake no. Geertjen also did not accept Claas's excuse that he went looking for the cows in the mountains. Claas then said, "Your old dog, you were allowed to fetch the self" - Geertjen then tried to hit Claas with a piece of wood, but Claas took the ax and hit the ax right in her neck, it was fatal and her head was almost cut off. This took place before Mary of Negapatnam (Robert Shell Children of Bondag p 219). Mary then ran to Jag Visser and shouted: "Boss, Boss! Mother is dead! Mother is dead!". Shell explained that at the Cape, the housewife was regarded as both nun and mother and the boss as father. In this case, Geertjen may well have been Mary's de facto mother-in-law because the boy Coenraad Visser had with her. [5]
Inligting uit “Die Taaloord” van 1937 bladsy 50-53 bevestid dat SV Coenraad Visser 2 maal getroud is. X 1648 in Nederland met Alida Gerrits (GReetjen) XX in Suid Afrika met haar suster MARGARETHA Gerrits ook vanaf Haardenburg met noemnaam GEERtjen).
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ According to "Suid-Afrikaanse Geslagsregisters" 15 pages 12-13 Margaretha (Geertjen) Gerrits married Jan Coenraad Visser c.1662. She was his sister-in-law as he was first married to her sister Alida (Greetjen) Gerrits from Hardenberg in c.1648 in the Netherlands.
As far as SAG 15 (Suid Afrikaanse Geslagsregisters 15) notes, his 1st wife Alida Gerrits arrived in Cape Town in 1662 with 4 children:
b1 Maria *Ommen, Netherland c.1649;
b2 Gerrit Jansz *Ommen, Netherland c. 1650:
b3 Gesina * Ommen, Netherland c. 1655 ;
b4 Coenraad *Ommen, Netherland 1660, baptised in South Africa 16,1.1667.
What happened to Alida Gerrits is uncertain for in the same year that she arrived in the Cape with her children, her husband, Jan Coenraad Visser *1633, married her sister, Margaretha Gerrits.
The only children mentioned for Margaretha as 2nd wife of Jan Coenraad Visser *c.1633 is mentioned on page 50 of SAG:
b5 Zacharias (Zacharararayda) baptised 28.8.1665 b6 Johannes baptised Cape Town 16.1.1667
There is no documentary evidence that a person by the name of Alida Geeritsz (who would have called herself Aeltje) existed.
Margaretha, or Geertjen, would have had to be married to Jan Visser at the Cape, since he arrived here on 28th April 1658. No such marriage can be found.
Richard Ball thinks there were only one person: http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/olivier/I112.html
However, Mansell Upham argues that Jan Visser might have had two wives, Aeltje Gerritsz and Geertjen Gerritsz or Pietersz in Upham, Mansell, Hel En Paradijs - De Hoop Op Constantia on http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/ui45.htm
The above information for Coenraad is wrong:
Coenraad, b4 was born at the Cape: 'Coenraad Jansz' Visser gebooren aan Cabo de Goede Hoop, oud vyftig jaaren ...(from his will dated 15 November 1710)
And this is his date of baptism at the Cape: 'April Anno 1663 Den 8en do heeft Dome de Metre ... gedoopt dese vier navolgende kinderen: ... ende een van Jan Coenraets Visscher vrij lantbouwer, en is genaemt Coenraet, de getuigen sijn Jacob Cloeten, vrij lantbouwer ende sijn huysvrouw' op http://www.eggsa.org/sarecords/index.php/church-registers/cape-town...
The entry for 16 January 1667 refers to Johannes's baptism:
A: 1667
Januarij 16 een soontje van Jan Coenraets en Grietjen Gerritsen sijn huysvrouw, wierd genaempt Johannes, peters waren Bartholomeus Boorn, en Teuntjen Bartholomeusz on http://www.eggsa.org/sarecords/index.php/church-registers/cape-town... - JS --------------------
Geertjen (Margaretha) GERRITS en hulle kinders wat in Nederland gebore is, arriveer gedurende 1662 aan die Kaap. Geertjen word op 'n Vrydag-aand gedurende Maart 1692 deur 'n slaaf Klaas van Mallebar vermoor. Die Monsterrolle vir 1664 toon Jan en Grietjie met 3 kinders aan : Gerrit, Geesje en Coenraad. Die Monsterrolle vir 1666/7 toon Jan en Grietjie aan met 5 kinders, nl. Gerrit, Geesje, Coenraad, Zacharia en Johannes.
Bo-staande inligting in verband met die kinders van Jan en Grietjie kan verwarrend wees, maar volgens Wyle Dr J.L.M. FRANKEN se artikel in Standpunte van Oktober/November 1956, doen Jan aansoek om belasting verligting op die 18de Desember 1662: "18 Dec 1662: For Tax relief Purposes Jan stated that his family consisted of himself, his wife and five children, one of the children being his second eldest son, Gerrit Jansz VISSER, who was then about 5 years of age." --------------------
Birth Date 1630 Death Date 3/21/1692 First Name Greetjen (Alida) Last Name Visser Maiden Name Gerrits Gender Female Birth Location Hardenberg, Overijssel, Nederland Death Location Cape of Good Hope, South Africa http://rudolph-gen.com/getperson.php?personID=I1450&tree=rudolph
Source 2 http://www.steenkamp.netfirms.com/jan.htm
There is no documentary evidence that a person by the name of Alida Geeritsz (who would have called herself Aeltje) existed.
Margaretha, or Geertjen, would have had to be married to Jan Visser at the Cape, since he arrived here on 28th April 1658. No such marriage can be found.
Richard Ball thinks there were only one person: http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/olivier/I112.html
However, Mansell Upham argues that Jan Visser might have had two wives, Aeltje Gerritsz and Geertjen Gerritsz or Pietersz in Upham, Mansell, Hel En Paradijs - De Hoop Op Constantia on http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/ui45.htm - JS
Margaretha GERRITS, gebore in Hardenberg, Nederland, c.1640 trou met Jan Coenrad Visser in Nederland, c.1653. Margaretha het agtergebly terwyl Jan Coenraad na die Kaap gekom het - sy het gevolg in 1662 met hulle vyf kinders.
Gerrit Jansz VISSER, vader van Gesina, was hulle sede kind en die enigste een gebore aan die Kaap.
Hulle tweede kind en oudste seun, Coenraad VISSER, was getroud met Catherina Everts van der Zee, maar hy het ook 'n jarelange verhouding gehad met sy moeder se slavin,Maria van Negapatnam. (Coenraad VISSER was die vader van tien kinders. Ons weet nie hoeveel van hulle was sy vrou s'n nie - sy houvrou Maria had ten minste drie kinders by hom.)
Margaretha GERRITS was vermoor deur haar huisslaaf Claas van Malabar:Op 'n Vrydagaand in Maart 1692 was Margaretha in die kombuis besig, toe die slaaf Claas daar deurstap met die byl, op pad om te gaan hout kap. Sy raas nog met hom omdat hy nie reeds die hout klaar gekap het nie, toe skree hy op haar: "Jou lelijke oud hond, jij moogste den selvers gaan haalen!" Sy mik om hom 'n klap te gee, en daarmee kap hy haar in die nek met die byl: haar kop was amper heeltemal af.
Arriveer in die Kaap aanboord skip Malacca met vyf kinders op 4 Feb 1662.
Geertjen Gerrits was vermoor {Hof verwysing: AR VOC 4030 (14 Maart 1692) fol 328.} Maria/Marie van Negapatnam was 'n slavin van Geertjen en Jan Coenraad Visser. 'n Vrydag aand in Maart 1692 het Geertjen en Maria in die kombuis gewerk, toe die slaaf Claas van Mallebar deur die kombuis geloop het om hout te gaan kap, Geertjen het met hom geraas omdat hy nie betyds gereed gekry het vir haar om te bak nie. Geertjen het ook nie Claas se verskoning aanvaar dat hy vir die koeie gaan soek het in die berge nie. Claas sê toe: "Jou oud hond, Jij moogste den selvs gaan haalen" - Geertjen probeer toe om Claas te slaan met 'n stuk hout, maar Claas vat die byl in slaan die byl reg in haar nek, dit was noodlotig en haar kop was amper afgekap. Hierdie het plaas gevind voor Maria van Negapatnam (Robert Shell Children of Bondag p 219). Maria hardloop toe na Jag Visser en skreeu: "Baas, Baas! Moeder is dood! Moeder is dood!". Shell verduidelik dat aan die Kaap was die huisvrou beskou as beide nonna en moeder en die baas as vader. In hierdie geval kon Geertjen wel Maria se de facto skoonmoeder gewees het want die seun Coenraad Visser het met haar gehad.
Margaretha Gerrits b. circa 1630, d. March 1692
NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 NGK (Cape Town) Baptisms 1665-1695 Birth* Margaretha Gerrits was born circa 1630 at Hardenberg, Nederland. 1 Marriage* She married Jan Coenraad Visser before 1649. 2,3 Death* She died in March 1692 at de Caep de Goede Hoop She was axed to death by her slave, Claes van Malabar, whom she had beaten. 4 NameRecord An unknown date , the name of Margaretha Gerrits was written in the record as Grietie Gerrits. NameRecord An unknown date , the name of Margaretha Gerrits was written in the record as Grietie Pietersz. NameRecord An unknown date , the name of Margaretha Gerrits was written in the record as Grietje Groff. ShipVoyage On 27 September 1661 the Wapen van Amsterdam departed Vlie enroute to de Caep de Goede Hoop where it docked on 30 January 1662. On board were Grietie Gerrits, Maria Jansz Visser, Gerrit Jans Visser and Geesie Visser. 5,6 Baptism She and Jan Coenraad Visser witnessed the baptism of Zacharia Jansz Visser on 23 August 1665 at Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop. 7,8 Baptism She and Jochem Marquart witnessed the baptism of Willem Wilhelmse on 15 November 1671 at Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop. 9 Baptism She and Gerritt Cloete witnessed the baptism of Gysbert Hendricksz on 15 November 1671 at Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop.1 0 Baptism She and Jannetie Tielmans, Gerrit Jansz and Jan Coenraets Visscher witnessed the baptism of Thieleman Visser on 21 February 1677 at Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, (Cape Town), de Caep de Goede Hoop. 11 Family Jan Coenraad Visser b. c 1620 Children Maria Jansz Visser+12 b. c 1649, d. 7 Jun 1718 Geesje Visser+12 b. c 1654 Gerrit Jansz Visser+ b. c 1657 Coenraad Janse Visser+12 b. b 8 Apr 1663 Zacharia Jansz Visser+ b. b 23 Aug 1665, d. b 21 Nov 1721 Johannes Visser+ b. b 16 Jan 1667 Citations: [S331] Webpage Ball Family Records (www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk) "http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/olivier/I112.html, last accessed on 27 Oct 2010; date estimated by compiler." [S331] Webpage Ball Family Records (www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk) "http://www.ballfamilyrecords.co.uk/olivier/I112.html, last accessed on 27 Oct 2010; date estimated by compiler based on the presumed date of birth of the apparent first child." [S191] C.C. de Villiers & C. Pama, Geslagregisters van ou Kaapse Families III S-Z (Cape Town / Amsterdam: A.A. Balkema, 1966), Page 1061-1062. Hereinafter cited as Geslagregisters van ou Kaapse Families III S-K. [S205] Mansell G. Upham, "Keeping the gate of Hell . . . "subliminal racism" & early Cape carnal conversations between black men & white women", Capensis 1/2001 [Upham ... Keeping] 1/2001 (April 2001): Page 25 ". . . who beat her slave Claes van Malabar, was axed to death by him in March 1692.". Hereinafter cited as "Keeping." [S654] Mansell Upham 'What can't be cured, must be endured … Cape of Good Hope - first marriages & baptisms (1652-1665)', January 2012, 30 January 1662: Wapen van Amsterdam brings: wife of Johannes (Jan Grof) Coenraed(sz): / Coenraet[sz:] Visser (from Ommen) Geertjen [? Alida (Aeltje)] Gerrits: with 3 children Maria Jans: Visser [already wife to Willem Willemsz: de Lierman (from Deventer [Overijssel]%29 Gerrit Jansz: Visser Gesina (Geesje) Jans: Visser." [S406] H.B. Thom, editor, Journal of Jan van Riebeeck Vol III 1659-1662 translated by J. Smuts from the original Dutch, (Cape Town, Amsterdam: A.A. Balkema, 1954), [30 January 1662] A N.W. breeze blowing during the afternoon, by means of which the above vessel safely arrived on the roadstead. The Fiscal landed with the letters, but they contained nothing that was necessary to be despatched in the Nachtegael. About the same time the skipper Jan van Campen and the junior merchant Casper van Dalen also landed and reported their vessel to be the Wapen van Amsterdam, which had left the Vlie on the 27th September, 1661, in company of the Amersfoort, with 350 men, of whom only three had died and 2 been drowned The rest were in good health. She had called nowhere and had lost sight of the Amersfoort the same day that she left. The Malacca was then also ready to leave the Vlie.. Hereinafter cited as Journal of Jan van Riebeeck Vol III 1659-1662. [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.), 1665-1695: Noch een kind van Joan Coenraadsz Visscher by Grietje Gerrits, genaamt Sacharias, transcribed by Richard Ball, Norfolk, England, (May 2006), Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/. Hereinafter cited as Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.). [S205] Mansell G. Upham, "Keeping", Page 25 "Zacharia Jans Visser was born at the Cape and baptised on 23 August 1665. Since commander Zacharias Wagenaer had been her godfather, she was commonly referred to as Zacharias Wagenaer. Possibly, this is earliest documented case of a woman at the Cape using a man's name. " [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): Anno 1671 den 15 9veme Een soontje van Willem Willemsz en Marie syn huysvr' wiert genaamt Willem tot getuyge stonden Grietje Gerridz en Jochem Marquaert, 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/ [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): Anno 1671 dito (15 9vrme) een soontje van Gijsbert Hendricksz en Geesje sijn huysvr' wiert genaamt Gysbert tot getuyge stonden Grietje Gerrids, en Gerrid Cloete[N], 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/ [S397] NGK G1 1/1, Nederduitsch Gereformeerde Kerk, Kerken Boek (Bapt.): Den 21 dito (Febr) Tielman Gerrit Jansz en Jannetie Tielmans Jan Coenraets Visscher en Grietie Gerrits syn huijsvr', 1665-1695, Genealogical Society of South Africa, eGSSA Branch http://www.eggsa.org/ [S377] Webpage South Africa's Stamouers (http://www.stamouers.com/).
1630 |
Overijssel, Netherlands
1649 |
Ommen, Overijssel, Nederland (Netherlands)
1654 |
Ommen, Overijssel, Netherlands
1655 |
Ommen, Overijssel, Friesland, Nederland (Netherlands)
1662 |
February 4, 1662
Age 32
Cape Town, Cape Of Good Hope
Age 32
1663 |
April 8, 1663
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1665 |
August 23, 1665
Kaapstad, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1667 |
January 16, 1667
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa