Historical records matching Gauthier, Count of Rethel
Immediate Family
About Gauthier, Count of Rethel
ITHIER de Rethel, son of EUDES de Vitry Châtelain de Vitry, Comte de Rethel & his wife Mathilde Ctss de Rethel (-1171). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "castellanum Guitherum" as son of "Odoni castellano Vitriaci" & his wife Mathilde, specifying that he succeeded his mother as Comte de Rethel[391]. The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis names "comitis Witeri de Retest" as son of "castellanam de Victereio [filiam Hugonem comitem de Retest]"[392]. "…Guitterius sororius regis…" subscribed the charter dated Mar 1128 under which "Balduinus…rex Iherusalem Latinorum secundus" granted privileges to the church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem[393], although "sororius" is presumably an error for "nepos". Comte de Rethel. A charter dated 1127 records the absolution of "Guiterus comes Registensis" who had been excommunicated by Renaud Archbishop of Reims because of his actions against church property[394]. Châtelain de Vitry. "Albricus Matrannus et Gilo filius eius cum uxoribus et filiis eorum" donated part of the mills at Rethel to the church of Rethel, with the consent of "Guiteri Regitestensis comitis et Beatricis comitissæ et filiorum eorum Johannis et Manasse", by charter dated 1144[395]. "Witerus comes Regitestis" donated property to the church of Breaux, with the consent of "Beatrix uxor sua comitissa et Hugo filius suus major natu et Henricus et Balduinus", by charter dated 1155, witnessed by "Witerus de Cuciaco, Gilo de Regiteste, Albricus Gilone nepos…Albertus canonicus prefati comitis filius"[396]. "H comes Regitestensis et M uxor mea…et filii sui M…B et G" donated property to "Silve Majoris", confirmed by "Alexander episcopus" by charter dated 22 Jun, dated to 1168 or 1169[397]. This charter is difficult to explain satisfactorily. Assuming that the year is correct (not specified in the charter, presumably dated to the bishop), "H" should have been "I" Comte de Rethel. However, if that is correct, "M uxor mea" should have been "B". The names of the first two sons could have been Manassès and Baudouin, consistent with the donor being Ithier, but no other primary source has been identified which names a third son "G". “Iterius...comes Registensis cum uxore et filiis ac nepotibus” donated serfs to the prior of Mont Dieu by undated charter[398].
m BEATRIX de Namur, daughter of GODEFROI I Comte de Namur & his second wife Ermesinde de Luxembourg ([1115/16]-1160). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "unam filiarum supradicti comitis Namurensis [=comitis Godefridi] Beatricem" as wife of "castellanum Guitherum…Vitriaci", and in a later passage naming (in order) "ducissa Cyringie…Beatrix…Alidis…" as the three daughters of "comes Godefridus de Namuco" & his second wife, clarifying that Beatrix married "comiti Guithero Reytestensi"[399]. The Chronicon Hanoniense refers to the three daughters of "Godefridus comes Namurcensi" & his second wife as "ducissam…Ciringiorum et comitissam de Retest et…Alidem comitissam Hanoniensem"[400]. "Albricus Matrannus et Gilo filius eius cum uxoribus et filiis eorum" donated part of the mills at Rethel to the church of Rethel, with the consent of "Guiteri Regitestensis comitis et Beatricis comitissæ et filiorum eorum Johannis et Manasse", by charter dated 1144[401]. "Witerus comes Regitestis" donated property to the church of Breaux, with the consent of "Beatrix uxor sua comitissa et Hugo filius suus major natu et Henricus et Balduinus", by charter dated 1155, witnessed by "Witerus de Cuciaco, Gilo de Regiteste, Albricus Gilone nepos…Albertus canonicus prefati comitis filius"[402].
Ithier & his wife had eleven children:
Gauthier, Count of Rethel's Timeline
1101 |
Rethel, Ardennes, Champagne-Ardenne, France
1131 |
Rethel, Ardennes, France
1135 |
Reims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France
1140 |
Rethel, Ardennes, France
Rethel, Ardennes, France
1143 |
Vitry, France
1159 |
Age 58
Rethel, Ardennes, Champagne-Ardenne, France
???? | |||
???? |