public profile
The county of Paris... is recorded in the late 8th and early 9th centuries as being held by count Gerard [I] and two of his sons, but was also governed by count Enguerrand, who was apparently unrelated to the earlier and later counts, during the later years of the 8th century. The example of count Gerard also shows that sources, especially in the earlier period, rarely specify which territory a particular count governed. Gerard, whose death is recorded in 779, is known to history as count of Paris. However, he is named in five charters dated between 747 and 775, none of which refer to his territorial holding when noting his title. Count Gerard's family also demonstrates how many different territories could be held at different times by members of a single family, his sons being recorded as counts of Paris, marquis of Septimania and count of Fezensac, while the latter's son was count of Vienne.
1. GERARD [I] (-779).
m ROTRUD, daughter of ---. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "III Non Dec" of "Hrottrudis coniugis Gerehardi"[54].
Gérard & his wife had one child:
[Possible, but not likely, other sons https://www.geni.com/discussions/166304?msg=1139327]
a) STEPHANUS [I] ([754]-[16 Aug] [815]). The primary source which establishes that Stephanus was the son of Gerard has not so far been identified. However, he was the brother of Liuthard as shown by the charter dated 811 under which "Stephanus…comes…Amaltrudis comitissa" donated property "in pago Parisiaco in loco…Sulciacus [et]…Nocetus" to "Inchadus Parisiace urbis episcopus", subscribed by "Leutardi germanum Stephani comitis"[55]. Comte de Paris. Emperor Charlemagne´s Capitularius dated 802 names “missi…Fardulfus et Stephanus” in Paris[56]. Einhard names "Stephanus comes" as one of the 15 witnesses of the testament of Emperor Charlemagne dated 811[57]. “Stephanus comes” donated property to Paris Sainte-Marie by charter dated to [820], subscribed by “comitis Stephani, comitisse A., Wilelmi filii comitis, Tebaldi filii comitis, Stephani filii comitis”[58]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "XVII Kal Sep" of "Stephani comitis"[59]. m AMALTRUD, daughter of ---. “Stephanus…comes…et Amaltrudis coniugis eius…et comitisse” donated property to Paris Sainte-Marie by charter dated 811[60]. The necrology of the Eglise Cathédrale de Paris records the death "XVII Kal Sep" of "Stephani comitis et Amaltrudis uxoris eius qui dederunt nobis Suci villam"[61], the date of death referring to Stephanus.
b) [BEGO ([755/60]-28 Oct 816). The primary source which establishes that Bego was the son of Gerard has not so far been identified. Marquis de Septimanie: Bego governed the county of Toulouse as "marchio" for Septimania from 806. He was chambrier, equivalent to viceroy, for Louis King of Aquitaine (son of Emperor Charlemagne)[65]. Comte de Paris in [815], succeeding comte Stephanus. He founded the Abbey of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés near Paris. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "V Kal Nov" of "Begoni comitis"[66]. [m firstly ---. There is no proof of this possible first marriage of Bego. However, as noted below, if his wife Alpais was the daughter of Emperor Louis, there would have been a considerable age difference between her and Bego, which suggests the possibility of an earlier marriage.] m [secondly] ([806]%29 ALPAIS, illegitimate daughter of [Emperor LOUIS I & his mistress ---] ([793/94]-23 Jul 852 or after, bur [Reims]). Flodoard refers to "Ludowicus Alpheidi filie sue uxori Begonis comitis"[67]. The Annales Hildesheimenses name "filiam imperatoris…Elpheid" as the wife of "Bicgo de amici regis" when recording the death of her husband[68]. Settipani discusses the debate about the paternity of Alpais, preferring the theory that Emperor Charles I was her father[69]. If Emperor Louis was her father, it is unlikely that she was born before [793/94], given his known birth date in 778. It would therefore be chronologically tight for her to have had [three] children by her husband before his death in 816. However, no indication has been found in primary sources of the ages of these children when their father died. The question of her paternity is obviously not beyond doubt, but it is felt preferable to show her as the probable daughter of Emperor Louis in view of the clear statement in Flodoard. If Alpais was the daughter of Emperor Louis, it is likely that she was not her husband's only wife in view of his estimated birth date. After her husband died, she became abbess of Saint-Pierre-le-Bas at Reims in [817]. She was still there 29 May 852.
c) LIUTHARD (-3 Jan [813] or after). "Leutardi germanum Stephani comitis" subscribed the charter dated 811 under which "Stephanus…comes…Amaltrudis comitissa" donated property to "Inchadus Parisiace urbis episcopus"[73]. The primary source which identifies that he was the son of Gerard has not so far been identified. Comte de Fézensac. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records the death of "Burgundio" [in 801] and that "comitatus eius Fedentiacus" was granted to "Liutardo"[74]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Liutardum, Isembardum" [in 813][75]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "III Non Jan" of "Leuthardi comitis"[76]. m GRIMHILD, daughter of ---. Her marriage is confirmed by the testament of "Gerardus [comes]" which names "…genitoribus atque parentibus…Luthardi et Grimildis atque…Hugonis et Bavæ…filiis et filiabus ipsorum"[77].
Girard Count of Paris1
b. before 745, d. circa 755, #30900
Marriage* Girard Count of Paris married Rotrude of Austrasia, daughter of Carloman Mayor of Austrasia and Daughter of Alard. This marriage likely occurred before 738 as they had a son in 738.1
research* 738 Find at Internet 738.
Birth* before 745 Girard was born before 745.2
Death* circa 755
Girard died circa 755. He was the Count of Paris from 743 until 755.1
Family Rotrude of Austrasia b. circa 734
Children 1. Count Leuthard of Paris+ b. b 7553
2. Beggan (Bego) Count of Paris+ b. bt 755 - 760, d. 28 Oct 8161
1) "Pedigree Resource File", database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SGVV-LTW : accessed 2013-05-24), entry for Eberhard /De Paris/.
2) "Pedigree Resource File", database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SGVJ-CGT : accessed 2013-05-24), entry for Rotrude /De Austrasia/.
Gerard I, Comte de Paris
1. GERARD [I] (-779).
Comte de Paris, although the source which confirms that he held this county has not yet been identified.
"Pippinus maior domus" donated property to the abbey of St Denis by charter dated 11 Feb 747, which names "fidelibus nostris…Haginone, Theudeberto, Remedio, Gerehardo, Fulgario, Bovilone, Walcherio, Rauchingo et Ermenaldo comite palatii nostro"[49]. "Pippinus rex Francorum" confirmed a donation to Fulrad Abbot of Saint-Denis by charter dated 1 Mar 752 which names "fidelibus nostris…Milone, Rotgario, Cheimgaudo, Crothardo, Gerichardo, Autgario et Wiberto comite palatii nostri"[50]. "Pippinus rex Francorum" confirmed a donation to the abbey of Saint-Denis by "Gerardum comitem" by charter dated 30 Oct 759[51]. "Pippinus rex Francorum" donated property to found Kloster Prüm by charter dated 13 Aug 762 which names "coniux mea Bertrada…genitor suus Heribertus" and was subscribed by (first column) "Droconi comitis, Warini comitis, Baugulfi comitis, Troanie comitis, Herloini comitis, Rachulfi comitis" and (second column) "Chrodardi comitis, Welenti comitis, Gerhardi comitis, Waltarii comitis, Gunberti comitis, Warini comitis"[52]. "Carolus…rex Francorum et Langobardorum" granted the monastery of Plaisir to Folrad abbot of Saint-Denis by charter dated 28 Jul 775 which name "fidelibus…Ghaerardo, Bernardo, Radulfo, Hilderado, Ermenaldo, Hebroino, Theudbaldo, Agneone comitibus, Haltberto, Laumberto, Haererico et Anselmo comite palatio nostro"[53]. m ROTRUD, daughter of ---. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "III Non Dec" of "Hrottrudis coniugis Gerehardi"[54].
Gerard & his wife had four children:
a) STEPHANUS [I] ([754]-[16 Aug] [815]). The primary source which establishes that Stephanus was the son of Gerard has not so far been identified. However, he was the brother of Liuthard as shown by the charter dated 811 under which "Stephanus…comes…Amaltrudis comitissa" donated property "in pago Parisiaco in loco…Sulciacus [et]…Nocetus" to "Inchadus Parisiace urbis episcopus", subscribed by "Leutardi germanum Stephani comitis"[55]. Comte de Paris. Emperor Charlemagne´s Capitularius dated 802 names “missi…Fardulfus et Stephanus” in Paris[56]. Einhard names "Stephanus comes" as one of the 15 witnesses of the testament of Emperor Charlemagne dated 811[57]. “Stephanus comes” donated property to Paris Sainte-Marie by charter dated to [820], subscribed by “comitis Stephani, comitisse A., Wilelmi filii comitis, Tebaldi filii comitis, Stephani filii comitis”[58]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "XVII Kal Sep" of "Stephani comitis"[59]. m AMALTRUD, daughter of ---. “Stephanus…comes…et Amaltrudis coniugis eius…et comitisse” donated property to Paris Sainte-Marie by charter dated 811[60]. The necrology of the Eglise Cathédrale de Paris records the death "XVII Kal Sep" of "Stephani comitis et Amaltrudis uxoris eius qui dederunt nobis Suci villam"[61], the date of death referring to Stephanus.
b) [BEGO ([755/60]-28 Oct 816). The primary source which establishes that Bego was the son of Gerard has not so far been identified. Marquis de Septimanie: Bego governed the county of Toulouse as "marchio" for Septimania from 806. He was chambrier, equivalent to viceroy, for Louis King of Aquitaine (son of Emperor Charlemagne)[65]. Comte de Paris in [815], succeeding comte Stephanus. He founded the Abbey of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés near Paris. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "V Kal Nov" of "Begoni comitis"[66]. [m firstly ---. There is no proof of this possible first marriage of Bego. However, as noted below, if his wife Alpais was the daughter of Emperor Louis, there would have been a considerable age difference between her and Bego, which suggests the possibility of an earlier marriage.] m [secondly] ([806]%29 ALPAIS, illegitimate daughter of [Emperor LOUIS I & his mistress ---] ([793/94]-23 Jul 852 or after, bur [Reims]). Flodoard refers to "Ludowicus Alpheidi filie sue uxori Begonis comitis"[67]. The Annales Hildesheimenses name "filiam imperatoris…Elpheid" as the wife of "Bicgo de amici regis" when recording the death of her husband[68]. Settipani discusses the debate about the paternity of Alpais, preferring the theory that Emperor Charles I was her father[69]. If Emperor Louis was her father, it is unlikely that she was born before [793/94], given his known birth date in 778. It would therefore be chronologically tight for her to have had [three] children by her husband before his death in 816. However, no indication has been found in primary sources of the ages of these children when their father died. The question of her paternity is obviously not beyond doubt, but it is felt preferable to show her as the probable daughter of Emperor Louis in view of the clear statement in Flodoard. If Alpais was the daughter of Emperor Louis, it is likely that she was not her husband's only wife in view of his estimated birth date. After her husband died, she became abbess of Saint-Pierre-le-Bas at Reims in [817]. She was still there 29 May 852.
c) LIUTHARD (-3 Jan [813] or after). "Leutardi germanum Stephani comitis" subscribed the charter dated 811 under which "Stephanus…comes…Amaltrudis comitissa" donated property to "Inchadus Parisiace urbis episcopus"[73]. The primary source which identifies that he was the son of Gerard has not so far been identified. Comte de Fézensac. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records the death of "Burgundio" [in 801] and that "comitatus eius Fedentiacus" was granted to "Liutardo"[74]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Liutardum, Isembardum" [in 813][75]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "III Non Jan" of "Leuthardi comitis"[76]. m GRIMHILD, daughter of ---. Her marriage is confirmed by the testament of "Gerardus [comes]" which names "…genitoribus atque parentibus…Luthardi et Grimildis atque…Hugonis et Bavæ…filiis et filiabus ipsorum"[77].
d) ROTHILDE (-24 May ----). The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "IX Kal Jun" of "Chrotildis filia Gerehardi"[114].
Girard Count of Paris1
b. before 745, d. circa 755, #30900
Marriage* Girard Count of Paris married Rotrude of Austrasia, daughter of Carloman Mayor of Austrasia and Daughter of Alard. This marriage likely occurred before 738 as they had a son in 738.1
research* 738 Find at Internet 738.
Birth* before 745 Girard was born before 745.2
Death* circa 755
Girard died circa 755. He was the Count of Paris from 743 until 755.1
Family Rotrude of Austrasia b. circa 734
Children 1. Count Leuthard of Paris+ b. b 7553
2. Beggan (Bego) Count of Paris+ b. bt 755 - 760, d. 28 Oct 8161
Girard De Paris
spouse: Rotrou wife of Girard De Paris children: Begue (Bego) Count of Paris born abt 0760 Paris, Seine, France; died abt 0816
Reference Sources
1) "Pedigree Resource File", database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SGVV-LTW : accessed 2013-05-24), entry for Eberhard /De Paris/.
2) "Pedigree Resource File", database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SGVJ-CGT : accessed 2013-05-24), entry for Rotrude /De Austrasia/.
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Gerard I, Comte de Paris
1. GERARD [I] (-779).
Comte de Paris, although the source which confirms that he held this county has not yet been identified. "Pippinus maior domus" donated property to the abbey of St Denis by charter dated 11 Feb 747, which names "fidelibus nostris…Haginone, Theudeberto, Remedio, Gerehardo, Fulgario, Bovilone, Walcherio, Rauchingo et Ermenaldo comite palatii nostro"[49]. "Pippinus rex Francorum" confirmed a donation to Fulrad Abbot of Saint-Denis by charter dated 1 Mar 752 which names "fidelibus nostris…Milone, Rotgario, Cheimgaudo, Crothardo, Gerichardo, Autgario et Wiberto comite palatii nostri"[50]. "Pippinus rex Francorum" confirmed a donation to the abbey of Saint-Denis by "Gerardum comitem" by charter dated 30 Oct 759[51]. "Pippinus rex Francorum" donated property to found Kloster Prüm by charter dated 13 Aug 762 which names "coniux mea Bertrada…genitor suus Heribertus" and was subscribed by (first column) "Droconi comitis, Warini comitis, Baugulfi comitis, Troanie comitis, Herloini comitis, Rachulfi comitis" and (second column) "Chrodardi comitis, Welenti comitis, Gerhardi comitis, Waltarii comitis, Gunberti comitis, Warini comitis"[52]. "Carolus…rex Francorum et Langobardorum" granted the monastery of Plaisir to Folrad abbot of Saint-Denis by charter dated 28 Jul 775 which name "fidelibus…Ghaerardo, Bernardo, Radulfo, Hilderado, Ermenaldo, Hebroino, Theudbaldo, Agneone comitibus, Haltberto, Laumberto, Haererico et Anselmo comite palatio nostro"[53]. m ROTRUD, daughter of ---. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "III Non Dec" of "Hrottrudis coniugis Gerehardi"[54].
Gerard & his wife had four children:
a) STEPHANUS [I] ([754]-[16 Aug] [815]). The primary source which establishes that Stephanus was the son of Gerard has not so far been identified. However, he was the brother of Liuthard as shown by the charter dated 811 under which "Stephanus…comes…Amaltrudis comitissa" donated property "in pago Parisiaco in loco…Sulciacus [et]…Nocetus" to "Inchadus Parisiace urbis episcopus", subscribed by "Leutardi germanum Stephani comitis"[55]. Comte de Paris. Emperor Charlemagne´s Capitularius dated 802 names “missi…Fardulfus et Stephanus” in Paris[56]. Einhard names "Stephanus comes" as one of the 15 witnesses of the testament of Emperor Charlemagne dated 811[57]. “Stephanus comes” donated property to Paris Sainte-Marie by charter dated to [820], subscribed by “comitis Stephani, comitisse A., Wilelmi filii comitis, Tebaldi filii comitis, Stephani filii comitis”[58]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "XVII Kal Sep" of "Stephani comitis"[59]. m AMALTRUD, daughter of ---. “Stephanus…comes…et Amaltrudis coniugis eius…et comitisse” donated property to Paris Sainte-Marie by charter dated 811[60]. The necrology of the Eglise Cathédrale de Paris records the death "XVII Kal Sep" of "Stephani comitis et Amaltrudis uxoris eius qui dederunt nobis Suci villam"[61], the date of death referring to Stephanus.
b) [BEGO ([755/60]-28 Oct 816). The primary source which establishes that Bego was the son of Gerard has not so far been identified. Marquis de Septimanie: Bego governed the county of Toulouse as "marchio" for Septimania from 806. He was chambrier, equivalent to viceroy, for Louis King of Aquitaine (son of Emperor Charlemagne)[65]. Comte de Paris in [815], succeeding comte Stephanus. He founded the Abbey of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés near Paris. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "V Kal Nov" of "Begoni comitis"[66]. [m firstly ---. There is no proof of this possible first marriage of Bego. However, as noted below, if his wife Alpais was the daughter of Emperor Louis, there would have been a considerable age difference between her and Bego, which suggests the possibility of an earlier marriage.] m [secondly] ([806]%29 ALPAIS, illegitimate daughter of [Emperor LOUIS I & his mistress ---] ([793/94]-23 Jul 852 or after, bur [Reims]). Flodoard refers to "Ludowicus Alpheidi filie sue uxori Begonis comitis"[67]. The Annales Hildesheimenses name "filiam imperatoris…Elpheid" as the wife of "Bicgo de amici regis" when recording the death of her husband[68]. Settipani discusses the debate about the paternity of Alpais, preferring the theory that Emperor Charles I was her father[69]. If Emperor Louis was her father, it is unlikely that she was born before [793/94], given his known birth date in 778. It would therefore be chronologically tight for her to have had [three] children by her husband before his death in 816. However, no indication has been found in primary sources of the ages of these children when their father died. The question of her paternity is obviously not beyond doubt, but it is felt preferable to show her as the probable daughter of Emperor Louis in view of the clear statement in Flodoard. If Alpais was the daughter of Emperor Louis, it is likely that she was not her husband's only wife in view of his estimated birth date. After her husband died, she became abbess of Saint-Pierre-le-Bas at Reims in [817]. She was still there 29 May 852.
c) LIUTHARD (-3 Jan [813] or after). "Leutardi germanum Stephani comitis" subscribed the charter dated 811 under which "Stephanus…comes…Amaltrudis comitissa" donated property to "Inchadus Parisiace urbis episcopus"[73]. The primary source which identifies that he was the son of Gerard has not so far been identified. Comte de Fézensac. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records the death of "Burgundio" [in 801] and that "comitatus eius Fedentiacus" was granted to "Liutardo"[74]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Liutardum, Isembardum" [in 813][75]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "III Non Jan" of "Leuthardi comitis"[76]. m GRIMHILD, daughter of ---. Her marriage is confirmed by the testament of "Gerardus [comes]" which names "…genitoribus atque parentibus…Luthardi et Grimildis atque…Hugonis et Bavæ…filiis et filiabus ipsorum"[77].
d) ROTHILDE (-24 May ----). The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "IX Kal Jun" of "Chrotildis filia Gerehardi"[114].
Girard Count of Paris1
b. before 745, d. circa 755, #30900
Marriage* Girard Count of Paris married Rotrude of Austrasia, daughter of Carloman Mayor of Austrasia and Daughter of Alard. This marriage likely occurred before 738 as they had a son in 738.1
research* 738 Find at Internet 738.
Birth* before 745 Girard was born before 745.2
Death* circa 755
Girard died circa 755. He was the Count of Paris from 743 until 755.1
Family Rotrude of Austrasia b. circa 734
Children 1. Count Leuthard of Paris+ b. b 7553
2. Beggan (Bego) Count of Paris+ b. bt 755 - 760, d. 28 Oct 8161
Girard De Paris
spouse: Rotrou wife of Girard De Paris children: Begue (Bego) Count of Paris born abt 0760 Paris, Seine, France; died abt 0816
Reference Sources
1) "Pedigree Resource File", database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SGVV-LTW : accessed 2013-05-24), entry for Eberhard /De Paris/.
2) "Pedigree Resource File", database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/SGVJ-CGT : accessed 2013-05-24), entry for Rotrude /De Austrasia/.
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Gerard I, Comte de Paris
1. GERARD [I] (-779).
Comte de Paris, although the source which confirms that he held this county has not yet been identified. "Pippinus maior domus" donated property to the abbey of St Denis by charter dated 11 Feb 747, which names "fidelibus nostris…Haginone, Theudeberto, Remedio, Gerehardo, Fulgario, Bovilone, Walcherio, Rauchingo et Ermenaldo comite palatii nostro"[49]. "Pippinus rex Francorum" confirmed a donation to Fulrad Abbot of Saint-Denis by charter dated 1 Mar 752 which names "fidelibus nostris…Milone, Rotgario, Cheimgaudo, Crothardo, Gerichardo, Autgario et Wiberto comite palatii nostri"[50]. "Pippinus rex Francorum" confirmed a donation to the abbey of Saint-Denis by "Gerardum comitem" by charter dated 30 Oct 759[51]. "Pippinus rex Francorum" donated property to found Kloster Prüm by charter dated 13 Aug 762 which names "coniux mea Bertrada…genitor suus Heribertus" and was subscribed by (first column) "Droconi comitis, Warini comitis, Baugulfi comitis, Troanie comitis, Herloini comitis, Rachulfi comitis" and (second column) "Chrodardi comitis, Welenti comitis, Gerhardi comitis, Waltarii comitis, Gunberti comitis, Warini comitis"[52]. "Carolus…rex Francorum et Langobardorum" granted the monastery of Plaisir to Folrad abbot of Saint-Denis by charter dated 28 Jul 775 which name "fidelibus…Ghaerardo, Bernardo, Radulfo, Hilderado, Ermenaldo, Hebroino, Theudbaldo, Agneone comitibus, Haltberto, Laumberto, Haererico et Anselmo comite palatio nostro"[53]. m ROTRUD, daughter of ---. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "III Non Dec" of "Hrottrudis coniugis Gerehardi"[54].
Gerard & his wife had four children:
a) STEPHANUS [I] ([754]-[16 Aug] [815]). The primary source which establishes that Stephanus was the son of Gerard has not so far been identified. However, he was the brother of Liuthard as shown by the charter dated 811 under which "Stephanus…comes…Amaltrudis comitissa" donated property "in pago Parisiaco in loco…Sulciacus [et]…Nocetus" to "Inchadus Parisiace urbis episcopus", subscribed by "Leutardi germanum Stephani comitis"[55]. Comte de Paris. Emperor Charlemagne´s Capitularius dated 802 names “missi…Fardulfus et Stephanus” in Paris[56]. Einhard names "Stephanus comes" as one of the 15 witnesses of the testament of Emperor Charlemagne dated 811[57]. “Stephanus comes” donated property to Paris Sainte-Marie by charter dated to [820], subscribed by “comitis Stephani, comitisse A., Wilelmi filii comitis, Tebaldi filii comitis, Stephani filii comitis”[58]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "XVII Kal Sep" of "Stephani comitis"[59]. m AMALTRUD, daughter of ---. “Stephanus…comes…et Amaltrudis coniugis eius…et comitisse” donated property to Paris Sainte-Marie by charter dated 811[60]. The necrology of the Eglise Cathédrale de Paris records the death "XVII Kal Sep" of "Stephani comitis et Amaltrudis uxoris eius qui dederunt nobis Suci villam"[61], the date of death referring to Stephanus.
b) [BEGO ([755/60]-28 Oct 816). The primary source which establishes that Bego was the son of Gerard has not so far been identified. Marquis de Septimanie: Bego governed the county of Toulouse as "marchio" for Septimania from 806. He was chambrier, equivalent to viceroy, for Louis King of Aquitaine (son of Emperor Charlemagne)[65]. Comte de Paris in [815], succeeding comte Stephanus. He founded the Abbey of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés near Paris. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "V Kal Nov" of "Begoni comitis"[66]. [m firstly ---. There is no proof of this possible first marriage of Bego. However, as noted below, if his wife Alpais was the daughter of Emperor Louis, there would have been a considerable age difference between her and Bego, which suggests the possibility of an earlier marriage.] m [secondly] ([806]%29 ALPAIS, illegitimate daughter of [Emperor LOUIS I & his mistress ---] ([793/94]-23 Jul 852 or after, bur [Reims]). Flodoard refers to "Ludowicus Alpheidi filie sue uxori Begonis comitis"[67]. The Annales Hildesheimenses name "filiam imperatoris…Elpheid" as the wife of "Bicgo de amici regis" when recording the death of her husband[68]. Settipani discusses the debate about the paternity of Alpais, preferring the theory that Emperor Charles I was her father[69]. If Emperor Louis was her father, it is unlikely that she was born before [793/94], given his known birth date in 778. It would therefore be chronologically tight for her to have had [three] children by her husband before his death in 816. However, no indication has been found in primary sources of the ages of these children when their father died. The question of her paternity is obviously not beyond doubt, but it is felt preferable to show her as the probable daughter of Emperor Louis in view of the clear statement in Flodoard. If Alpais was the daughter of Emperor Louis, it is likely that she was not her husband's only wife in view of his estimated birth date. After her husband died, she became abbess of Saint-Pierre-le-Bas at Reims in [817]. She was still there 29 May 852.
c) LIUTHARD (-3 Jan [813] or after). "Leutardi germanum Stephani comitis" subscribed the charter dated 811 under which "Stephanus…comes…Amaltrudis comitissa" donated property to "Inchadus Parisiace urbis episcopus"[73]. The primary source which identifies that he was the son of Gerard has not so far been identified. Comte de Fézensac. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records the death of "Burgundio" [in 801] and that "comitatus eius Fedentiacus" was granted to "Liutardo"[74]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Liutardum, Isembardum" [in 813][75]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "III Non Jan" of "Leuthardi comitis"[76]. m GRIMHILD, daughter of ---. Her marriage is confirmed by the testament of "Gerardus [comes]" which names "…genitoribus atque parentibus…Luthardi et Grimildis atque…Hugonis et Bavæ…filiis et filiabus ipsorum"[77].
d) ROTHILDE (-24 May ----). The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Germain-des-Prés records the death "IX Kal Jun" of "Chrotildis filia Gerehardi"[114].
FROM WIKIPEDIA: Gerard I of Paris From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Gerard I of Paris (d. 779) was a count of Paris. He was the founder of the House of Girardids. Biography[edit] According to various sources, he married a certain Rotrude who may have been a daughter of Carloman, son of Charles Martel. From this union was born: the future count Stephen of Paris (c. 754-811/815) the future count Leuthard I of Paris (?-813) the future count Beggo of Paris (?-816) His son Stephen of Paris succeeded him to the title of count of Paris. Stub icon This biography of a French peer or noble is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.
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Paris, Paris, Île-de-France, France
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Age 39
Paris, Paris, Île-de-France, France
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