King Olav II had one illegitimate son by Mistress (1): ALVHILD [Elfhildis], daughter of --- (-after 1047).
MAGNUS ([Apr/Jun] [1024]-25 Oct 1047). Snorre records the birth of Magnus, son of King Olav by his concubine Alfhild[267]. Adam of Bremen names "Magnum" as son of "Olaphus martyris a concubina" when recording his election as king of Norway[268]. Morkinskinna records that “Queen Ingigerđr the daughter of King Óláfr the Swede”, wife of “King Yaroslav [of] Russia”, requested “King Óláfr in Norway” to send his “young son [born] out of wedlock…Magnús” to Russia to be fostered[269]. His date of birth is suggested by Morkinskinna which records King Magnus´s twentieth birthday “the following spring”, dateable from the context to 1044[270]. He was recalled from Novgorod by chiefs from the Trondheim area who were dissatisfied with Danish rule, and installed in 1035 as MAGNUS II "the Good" King of Norway. He claimed the throne of Denmark in 1042, on the basis of an alleged agreement with King Hardaknud in 1039. He also claimed the throne of England on the same basis, maybe with the support of Queen Emma[271]. He threatened to invade England but was too preoccupied with conquering Denmark to carry out the threat[272]. He was master of Denmark before the end of 1046. He defeated the Wends, a Slavish people from the southern shore of the Baltic, who were attempting to expand into Denmark. He died on an expedition against Svend Estridsen who succeeded him as King of Denmark. He was succeeded in Norway by his father's half-brother, Harald "Hardråde". Mistress: ---. No information has been identified concerning King Magnus's concubine. King Magnus II had one illegitimate child by his Mistress:
RAGNHILD Magnusdatter[. Morkinskinna records that King Magnus´s daughter “Ragnhildr” was “no more than a child” when her father died[273. Snorre records the marriage of "Hakon Ivarson" and "Ragnhild [daughter of] King Magnus"[274]. Morkinskinna records that “Hákon” as son of “Ívarr hvíti” married “King Magnus´s daughter Ragnhildr”, dated to [1062] from the context[275]. m ([1062]) HAAKON Ivarsson Jarl of the Uplands in Norway, son of IVAR Hvide & his wife --- (-after 1065).
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Ringerike kommun, Buskerud fylke, Norway
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