Friedrich Thom

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Friedrich Thom

Birthplace: Bieniczki, Goleniów County, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland
Death: circa September 17, 1917 (64-80)
Standerton, Eastvaal District Council, Mpumalanga, South Africa ( The train he was boarding at Platrand moved forward suddenly and without warning and he fell under the wheels. His lower body was mutilated.)
Immediate Family:

Son of Friedrich Thom and Charlotte Thom
Husband of Auguste Christine Wilhelmine Thom
Father of Christian Albert Herman Thom; Louise Auguste Charlotte Paul; Friedrich Carl Wilhem Thom and HERMAN FRIEDRICH WILHELM Thom

Occupation: He was a Farmer and a Building Contractor
Managed by: Georg Gustav Meyer
Last Updated:

About Friedrich Thom

German Settlers to British Kaffraria. Arrived on the ship "Wilhelmsburg" 1,000 tons departed Hamburg 19/10/1858 and arrived East London on 13/1/1859. Captain C H Muller and Doctor Carl Paul. Total families = 121 comprising 563 people. 64 Children and 1 woman died on the voyage to South Africa.

The Thom family conmsisted of Friederich (aged 46 when the ship set sail) and his wife, Charlotte aged 47 with 2 children. The family were settled in Frankfort, in the Eastern Cape.

Marriage Record:
Death Notice:

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Friedrich Thom's Timeline

March 27, 1845
Bieniczki, Goleniów County, West Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland
October 28, 1867
Cape Colony, South Africa
May 22, 1870
Frankfort, Amatole, Eastern Cape, South Africa
August 20, 1875
Queenstown, Stormberg District, Eastern Cape, South Africa
July 5, 1887
Indwe, Stormberg District, Eastern Cape, South Africa
September 17, 1917
Age 72
Standerton, Eastvaal District Council, Mpumalanga, South Africa