Fredrick "Daddy Ice" Ice, II

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Fredrick "Daddy Ice" Ice (Eyck), II

Also Known As: "Frederick Van Eyck", "Frederick Iaac", "Ice", "Fredrick Ice", "Daddy Ice", "Frederick Janes Ten ICE ( IAAC )", "Frederick Augustum Ice", "Frederick Ice", "Frederick Iaac "Ten Eyck" Ice", "Frederick Iaac Ice", "Frederick Iaak Ice Jr", "Frederick Ten Eyck Vander Voort"
Birthplace: Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands
Death: 1794 (113-114)
Cheat Island, Cheat Lake, Monongalia County, now, Marion County, West Virginia, United States (Drowned in the Cheat River at Ice's Ferry)
Place of Burial: Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of Fredrick ten Eyck, sr and Gerritje Geetruy Barentse Ten Eyck
Husband of Mary Margaret Ice and Eleanor ‘Nellie’ Ice
Father of James Snodgrass Ice; William 'Indian Billy' Ice; Mary Ice; Christina Ice / Iaac; Marguerite Ice and 7 others
Brother of Samuel Ten Eyck; Coenraedt Jacob Ten Eyck; Marjken, Mayken Ten Eyck; Andries Jacobsen Ten Eyck; Teuntie TenEyck and 2 others

Occupation: Owner of Ice's Ferry, West Virginia
DAR: Ancestor #: A203556
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Fredrick "Daddy Ice" Ice, II

A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA. DAR Ancestor # A203556

Frederick “Daddy Ice” Ice BIRTH 1680 Amsterdam, Amsterdam Municipality, Noord-Holland, Netherlands DEATH 1794 (aged 113–114) Monongalia County, West Virginia, USA BURIAL Island Tract at Ice's Ferry (now uunder water) Marion County, West Virginia, PLOT Under Ice's Ferry Bridge (now demolished)


Frederick "Daddy" Ice was born 1680 in Amsterdam, Holland, Netherlands, and died 1794 in Ice's Ferry, Cheat River, Monongalia Co., Virginia. He married (1) MARY GALLOWAY 1722 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., Colony of Pennsylvania, daughter of JOHN GALLOWAY and CHRISTINA BRUIN. She was born 1690 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., Colony of Pennsylvania, and died 1745 in Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia. He married (2) ELEANOR "NELLIE" LIVINGSTON THOMPSON March 09, 1751/52 in Christian Creek, South Branch of the Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia. She died 1791 in Ice's Ferry, Cheat River, Monongalia Co., Virginia.


Frederick Ten Eyck, Jr. was born in 1680 near Amsterdam, Holland, one of the younger sons of a wealthy Dutch landowner. Frederick's father was described by Florence Snoderly Billingslea, the granddaughter of Andrew "Hairy Andy" Ice, in the following manner, "The father of Frederick was said to have been a large robust man, broad shoulders and outstanding red cheeks with hair as white as wool."

Frederick was taught by his father to speak and read five or six different languages and received his higher education in Germany. It was the custom for the eldest son to inherit the lands owned by the father. Frederick being one of the youngest, decided to seek his fortune in America. In 1710, Frederick left Germany to begin his new life, probably landing in the Colony of Delaware which was, at that time, largely controlled by the Dutch and Swedish. He proceeded directly to Baltimore in the Colony of Maryland where he remained for about twelve years. It was in Baltimore that he became more commonly known as Frederick Isaac. Alternate spellings for the name Eyck in Holland were Isaac and Iaac. Frederick's family in Holland also used the last name of Iceleigh. Early land records show that Frederick soon adopted the last name of Iaac. As time passed, he changed his name to Ice, which became the family name in America.

Although there were many Ice's that migrated to America, Frederick was the first. He is commonly acknowledged and credited as being "the father of the Ice family in America."

The Colony of Virginia was large. It encompassed not only present day Virginia and West Virginia but the southern portion of Pennsylvania and all of Kentucky. It was Frederick's plan to establish a settlement in the Colony and in about 1720 he began to organize a group of settlers for this purpose. In 1722, Frederick purchased two land deeds from Lord Thomas Fairfax, the Proprietor of the Northern Neck of the Colony of Virginia. The land was located on the South Branch of the Potomac River. The first deed was on the Drains of Christian Creek, later known as Patterson Creek, and Lick Run. The second, was on Nobly Mountain and the Drains of Christian Creek. These deeds were located in Spottsylvania County, present day Hardy County, Colony of Virginia, present day West Virginia. It was, shortly after this purchase, that Frederick, his wife Mary Galloway, and the others embarked to establish the settlement and begin to develop the land.

The settlement was a success and prospered despite occasional Indian attacks. In the year 1745, the crops were exceptionally bountiful. Frederick, his oldest son John, and most of the men from the settlement left to take the crops to mill and to purchase supplies. In all probability they went to Winchester in Frederick County which was the nearest mercantile center to the settlement. While away, Shawnee Indians raided the settlement, killing or taking captive all the inhabitants, Frederick's family included. The Indians burned the homes, destroyed the fields and scattered the livestock. Upon their return, Frederick, his son John, and men from a nearby settlement pursued the Indians until it became unsafe to venture further. Along the trail, Frederick discovered his wife Mary, daughter Marguerite Mary, and newborn infant had been killed. The rest of his family, William, Mary, and Christina had been captured. It is most likely the captured children were taken across the Ohio River into the Northwest Territory to a place named Chillicothe near the forks of Quary Run. Chillicothe in Native American language means "old campground".

Frederick brought his murdered wife and children back to be buried at the settlement on Christian Creek.

In 1752, Frederick married Eleanor Livingston Thompson, the daughter of a Scottish Army Officer. She was the widow of Mr. Thompson and had a daughter, Mary Jane Thompson, from that marriage. Together they began a new family, but Frederick had not given up hope for the safe return of his son and two daughters who he still presumed to be held prisoner by the Shawnee Indians.

The population was growing in the area around the South Branch of the Potomac River and in 1754 Hampshire County was created from the western part of Frederick County. As such, the settlement became part of this new County.

During the early part of the French and Indian War, 1755 to 1757, Frederick occasionally served with the Virginia Militia. The Militia, at that time, was under the command of George Washington. While serving, he was probably assigned to Fort Pitt in the Colony of Pennsylvania, the nearest major fort in the area.

The years 1756 to 1758 were times of great Indian unrest and raids upon the settlements became more frequent. George Washington designed and had built a series of forts that ran north and south along the Allegheny frontier to protect settlers during such uprisings. In 1757 when the frequency of Indian raids close to the settlement was on the increase, Frederick and his family, along with the rest of the settlers, went to take refuge at one of these forts, Fort Pleasant. Fort Pleasant was located in what is now Old Fields in Hardy County, West Virginia. It was during this stay that Frederick met Dr. Samuel Eckerlin who was being detained there on suspicion of providing aid and support to the Indians. Dr. Eckerlin was the founder of a settlement for Seventh Day Baptists, also known as Ephraians or Dunkards, on the Monongahela River at Dunkard Creek near present day Morgantown in Monongalia County, West Virginia. Dr. Eckerlin insisted upon his innocence, claiming that his settlement was purely religious in nature. A military escort was assembled to go and investigate his claims. Frederick and his son John decided to join this expedition to the Cheat River in hopes of searching for their lost family. Upon reaching the Cheat River, Frederick liked what he saw and vowed to relocate his family there and begin a new settlement.

Upon reaching Dr. Eckerlin's Dunkard Creek settlement they found it had been raided by the Indians, burned to the ground and all the settlers murdered. However, not among the dead were Dr. Eckerlin's two brothers. Also missing was a large pot containing the settlements' treasure of gold and jewels. Frederick's sons John and William, and many others, would search for this treasure in later years. It was never found.

In 1767, Frederick began his new settlement on the Cheat River near present day Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia. He had chosen a portion of the river that had an island in the middle. It was on this island that the settlement was built. This island he hoped would provide his family and the others a ground of defense in the event of Indian raids. The land on the island that Frederick owned became known on land surveys as the "Island Tract" and the land owned along the river was known as the "Ice's Ferry Tract".

Frederick was a millwright as well as an excellent farmer. He began to fashion millstones from the sandstone that was available in the river valley and soon had a gristmill in operation. Thais was the first settlement west of the Allegheny Mountains and the last up the river from Pittsburgh. On August 5, 1767 Frederick's son David Gallion Adam Ice was born. Adam is credited as being the first white child born west of the Alleghenies.

Frederick always insisted that when the men from the settlement went into the woods to work, they take the women and children with them and to always have a gun. He would explain that he had lost his family once and if the men had been there the Indians would never have attacked. The settlers would have been too powerful.

In Virginia Hall Conaway's book, Ice's Ferry, Elizabeth Ice Hall tells of what her father, Andrew Ice, said about the daily life at the settlement; "Daddy always had good crops raised. He got some men to help him and we boys hunted and fished most of the time. When we got tired of that we worked some. Daddy never paid any attention to us. He would ask us sometimes how we were off for powder and lead. Daddy always had plenty. He had salt and leather, powder and lead. We had good clothes for that day. There was a weaver in the settlement. My mother and the other women could card and spin and knit stockings but they could not weave. They had a man to weave, as the women had never woven in the old country, in that day. I was nearly a man grown before I was ever in a store. Some of the men went to Winchester, Virginia, and Daddy sent me to buy salt and leather and some things mother and the other women wanted. About this time there were several other settlements made at Morgantown. The people were well to do. They built houses, and a tavern, and had a store. My mother used to go to that tavern, and stay and go around to see the people. She always bought tea. She gave five dollars a pound, and always bought two or three pounds. She would say that we were about to have another war, and she must have plenty of tea. When I went to Winchester that time, Daddy wrote the storekeeper a letter and gave it to me with some money to pay for what I got. The storekeeper gave me all that Daddy went for and a heap beside. The women were pleased at getting so much more than they expected. Maybe goods were not so high as Daddy thought. The storekeeper was satisfied with his pay.

Daddy was the only German in the settlement. Mammy and the other settlers were from other countries."

During the year 1769, Frederick helped John Pierpont construct Fort Pierpont. This was a small stockade fort located about two miles southwest of the Cheat River settlement near present day Easton, Monongalia County, West Virginia.

Following the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the Colony of Virginia, although still under the rule of the British Crown, became known as the Territory of Virginia.

During the Revolutionary War, Frederick provided materials and meal from his gristmill to help supply the needs at Prickett's Fort. This fort, built in 1774, was located at the confluence of Pricketts Creek and the Monongahela River just north of present day Fairmont, Marion County, West Virginia.

In 1784, Frederick's son Andrew, received the permission from King George III to open and operate a ferry across the Cheat River at the settlement. This was the first authorized ferry to be established in western Virginia. The settlement now became known as, Ice's Ferry. While on a surveying expedition in September 1784, George Washington crossed the Cheat River via Ice's Ferry. While there he met and spoke with Andrew in regards to the nature of the river.

Frederick had by now sold most of the land he had purchased from Lord Fairfax on the South Branch of the Potomac River. He began to purchase more land in the rapidly growing area around Ice's Ferry. He purchased four 200 acre tracts of land from the Indians for $15.00 a tract near present day Barrackville, Marion County, West Virginia. He gave one tract each to his four sons, William, Andrew, Abram, and Adam.

Frederick, taking advantage of the increased population, began to operate several ferry landings where the West Fork River and the Tygart's Valley River join to form the Monongahela River. He also opened Ice's Mill at the same location. This area soon became know as Middletown, present day, Fairmont, Marion County, West Virginia and Frederick built and operated the first hotel there. The hotel was located where the T. F. Watson Hotel now stands.

Frederick lived to a very old age. A record exists to indicate the age of Frederick shortly before his death. The Reverend Harry Smith recalls in his autobiography, written in about 1794, of his encounter with Frederick; "During the summer, I saw a man, said to be 113 years old, ride to meeting on a horse led by his son, himself an old man. He was a German (Hollander) known by the name of Daddy Ice throughout all the county. I visited him in his last sickness and found his intellect had not failed as much as might be expected, I preached at his funeral and it was a solemn time, while I preached for his children, then old and gray headed people, and his grandchildren and great grandchildren."

Frederick drowned in the Cheat River at Ice's Ferry, Monongalia County, Virginia, in 1794. He was at the age of 114 years. He was buried on Cheat Island at Ice's Ferry. The location of Ice's Ferry and Cheat Island is six miles from the mouth of the Cheat River where it empties into the Monongahela River at present day Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia. In 1903 the river was dammed to form Cheat Lake and the island is now underwater. Ice's Ferry Bridge, which spans the lake, passes directly over the island.

The last will and testament of Frederick Iaac Ice: In the name of God Amen The Twenty-ninth day of February in the Year of our Lord One Thousand and Seven Hundred and Eighth Eight In the County of Monongahela. Being of great age and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be unto God, therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul unto God that gave it and for my body I recommend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian like decent manner at the declaration of my executors nothing doubting at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same by the mighty power of God and as touching my worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life I give divided of the same in the following manner and form: In prime it is my will and good order that in the first place that all my debts including funeral charges be paid I give and bequeath unto Ellen my dearly beloved wife all the movables in the dwelling house and cows sheep and hogs during her lifetime and then to dispose of them to whom she pleases also the third of the plantation at the Ferry during her lifetime and then to fall unto my son Andrew wholly at her death. I give to my son Abraham and my son Adam a tract of Land on Buffalo Creek also to William Ice to be equally divided between them. I further give unto my son Adam the Roan Mare Colt. I further give unto my grandson Jesse a horse and one hundred acres of land the one half to my son Andrew is to be at the expense of purchasing for Jesse for land and I do ordain Francis Warman Esq., John Mansey Simeon to be Sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly dismiss and waive other testaments, wills and legacies and executors by me in any way before this time named willed and bequeathed. Notifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In witness I have here unto set my hand and Seal and year within written, Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared by Frederick Ice his last Will and Testament in the performance of us the subscribers.

His William Norris Frederick X Ice (seal) James Wilke Mark


Burial: 1794, Cheat Island, Ice's Ferry, Cheat River, Monongalia Co., Virginia


The Shawnee Indians killed Mary shortly after their raid on the settlement at the South Branch of the Potomac River. She had just given birth and in her weakened condition was unable to sustain the quick pace the Indians had set. Probably for this reason, she was murdered along with her newborn child and youngest daughter, Marguerite Mary.

Frederick and John found her, along with her two children, not far from the settlement. They were taken back for burial at the settlement on Christian Creek, South Branch of the Potomac River, Frederick County, Colony of Virginia, present day Patterson Creek, Hardy County, West Virginia.

More About MARY GALLOWAY: Burial: 1745, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia



  • 3. i. JOHN ROBERT "OLD LONELY"3 ICE, b. 1728, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia; d. 1796, Archers Fork, Ohio Co., Virginia.
  • 4. ii. WILLIAM GALLOWAY "INDIAN BILLY" ICE, b. April 01, 1730, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia; d. February 1826, Bill Ice's Run, Buffalo Creek, Barrackville, Monongalia Co., Virginia.
  • 5. iii. CHRISTINA ICE, b. 1734, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia; d. 1759.
  • 6. iv. MARY ICE, b. 1737, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia; d. 1831.
  • 7. v. MARGUERITE MARY ICE, b. 1739, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia; d. 1745, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia.


  • 8. vi. ANDREW3 ICE, SR., b. October 16, 1757, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Hampshire Co., Colony of Virginia; d. March 14, 1848, New Castle, Henry Co., Indiana.
  • 9. vii. MAGDALENE ICE, b. February 16, 1760, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Hampshire Co., Colony of Virginia; d. in youth.
  • 10. viii. FREDERICK ICE, JR., b. July 09, 1762, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Hampshire Co., Colony of Virginia; d. February 29, 1788, Ice's Ferry, Cheat River, Monongalia Co., Territory of Virginia.
  • 11. ix. ABRAHAM "ABRAM" ICE, b. November 25, 1765, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Hampshire Co., Colony of Virginia; d. 1790, Barrackville, Monongalia Co., Virginia.
  • 12. x. DAVID GALLION ADAM ICE, b. August 05, 1767, Cheat River, Augusta Co., Colony of Virginia; d. July 05, 1851, Barrackville, Marion Co., Virginia.


Immigrated to New York in the early 1710's

Lived in Baltimore and Frederick Counties

In 1750's lived along the South Branch of the Potomac River Hampshire County, WV

Abt 1765 moved to Hampshire County, VA

Abt 1767 moved to W Augusts District, VA

(Later Monongalia County, WV)

Buired on Cheat Lake near Morgantown,WV

(Now covered by water, was on an island and when the dam was put in on cheat lake the island went under water. There is a marker along the bank of Cheat Lake that marks the spot)

Born in Amsterdam, Frederick spoke and read 5-6 languages. Received higher education in Germany. Left Germany in 1710 for America. He landed in the Delaware Colony. He adopted the name Eyck/Ten Eyck from Iaac and then soon became Ice.He is credited for being the father of the American Ice family. Frederick found his Wife Mary, and two children dead after a Shawnee/Mohawk Indian raid. They had captured his daughters Mary, Christina, and his son William Galloway Ice (who later escaped) while he and his son John left for supplies. Frederick remarried to Eleanor Livingston Thompson and started another family. He never gave up looking for his family and on an expedition with a local militia (Virginia Militia), he came across the Cheat River where he later started Ice's Ferry in 1767. Frederick drowned in the Cheat River at Ice's Ferry, Monongalia County, Virginia, in 1794. He was at the age of 114 years. He was buried on Cheat Island at Ice's Ferry. The location of Ice's Ferry and Cheat Island is six miles from the mouth of the Cheat River where it empties into the Monongahela River at present day Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia. In 1903 the river was dammed to form Cheat Lake and the island is now underwater. Ice's Ferry Bridge, which spans the lake, passes directly over the island.


Frederick "Daddy" Ice was born 1680 in Amsterdam, Holland, Netherlands, and died 1794 in Ice's Ferry, Cheat River, Monongalia Co., Virginia. He married (1) MARY GALLOWAY 1722 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., Colony of Pennsylvania, daughter of JOHN GALLOWAY and CHRISTINA BRUIN. She was born 1690 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., Colony of Pennsylvania, and died 1745 in Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia. He married (2) ELEANOR "NELLIE" LIVINGSTON THOMPSON March 09, 1751/52 in Christian Creek, South Branch of the Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia. She died 1791 in Ice's Ferry, Cheat River, Monongalia Co., Virginia.


Frederick Ten Eyck, Jr. was born in 1680 near Amsterdam, Holland, one of the younger sons of a wealthy Dutch landowner. Frederick's father was described by Florence Snoderly Billingslea, the granddaughter of Andrew "Hairy Andy" Ice, in the following manner, "The father of Frederick was said to have been a large robust man, broad shoulders and outstanding red cheeks with hair as white as wool."

Frederick was taught by his father to speak and read five or six different languages and received his higher education in Germany. It was the custom for the eldest son to inherit the lands owned by the father. Frederick being one of the youngest, decided to seek his fortune in America. In 1710, Frederick left Germany to begin his new life, probably landing in the Colony of Delaware which was, at that time, largely controlled by the Dutch and Swedish. He proceeded directly to Baltimore in the Colony of Maryland where he remained for about twelve years. It was in Baltimore that he became more commonly known as Frederick Isaac. Alternate spellings for the name Eyck in Holland were Isaac and Iaac. Frederick's family in Holland also used the last name of Iceleigh. Early land records show that Frederick soon adopted the last name of Iaac. As time passed, he changed his name to Ice, which became the family name in America.

Although there were many Ice's that migrated to America, Frederick was the first. He is commonly acknowledged and credited as being "the father of the Ice family in America."

The Colony of Virginia was large. It encompassed not only present day Virginia and West Virginia but the southern portion of Pennsylvania and all of Kentucky. It was Frederick's plan to establish a settlement in the Colony and in about 1720 he began to organize a group of settlers for this purpose. In 1722, Frederick purchased two land deeds from Lord Thomas Fairfax, the Proprietor of the Northern Neck of the Colony of Virginia. The land was located on the South Branch of the Potomac River. The first deed was on the Drains of Christian Creek, later known as Patterson Creek, and Lick Run. The second, was on Nobly Mountain and the Drains of Christian Creek. These deeds were located in Spottsylvania County, present day Hardy County, Colony of Virginia, present day West Virginia. It was, shortly after this purchase, that Frederick, his wife Mary Galloway, and the others embarked to establish the settlement and begin to develop the land.

The settlement was a success and prospered despite occasional Indian attacks. In the year 1745, the crops were exceptionally bountiful. Frederick, his oldest son John, and most of the men from the settlement left to take the crops to mill and to purchase supplies. In all probability they went to Winchester in Frederick County which was the nearest mercantile center to the settlement. While away, Shawnee Indians raided the settlement, killing or taking captive all the inhabitants, Frederick's family included. The Indians burned the homes, destroyed the fields and scattered the livestock. Upon their return, Frederick, his son John, and men from a nearby settlement pursued the Indians until it became unsafe to venture further. Along the trail, Frederick discovered his wife Mary, daughter Marguerite Mary, and newborn infant had been killed. The rest of his family, William, Mary, and Christina had been captured. It is most likely the captured children were taken across the Ohio River into the Northwest Territory to a place named Chillicothe near the forks of Quary Run. Chillicothe in Native American language means "old campground".

Frederick brought his murdered wife and children back to be buried at the settlement on Christian Creek.

In 1752, Frederick married Eleanor Livingston Thompson, the daughter of a Scottish Army Officer. She was the widow of Mr. Thompson and had a daughter, Mary Jane Thompson, from that marriage. Together they began a new family, but Frederick had not given up hope for the safe return of his son and two daughters who he still presumed to be held prisoner by the Shawnee Indians.

The population was growing in the area around the South Branch of the Potomac River and in 1754 Hampshire County was created from the western part of Frederick County. As such, the settlement became part of this new County.

During the early part of the French and Indian War, 1755 to 1757, Frederick occasionally served with the Virginia Militia. The Militia, at that time, was under the command of George Washington. While serving, he was probably assigned to Fort Pitt in the Colony of Pennsylvania, the nearest major fort in the area.

The years 1756 to 1758 were times of great Indian unrest and raids upon the settlements became more frequent. George Washington designed and had built a series of forts that ran north and south along the Allegheny frontier to protect settlers during such uprisings. In 1757 when the frequency of Indian raids close to the settlement was on the increase, Frederick and his family, along with the rest of the settlers, went to take refuge at one of these forts, Fort Pleasant. Fort Pleasant was located in what is now Old Fields in Hardy County, West Virginia. It was during this stay that Frederick met Dr. Samuel Eckerlin who was being detained there on suspicion of providing aid and support to the Indians. Dr. Eckerlin was the founder of a settlement for Seventh Day Baptists, also known as Ephraians or Dunkards, on the Monongahela River at Dunkard Creek near present day Morgantown in Monongalia County, West Virginia. Dr. Eckerlin insisted upon his innocence, claiming that his settlement was purely religious in nature. A military escort was assembled to go and investigate his claims. Frederick and his son John decided to join this expedition to the Cheat River in hopes of searching for their lost family. Upon reaching the Cheat River, Frederick liked what he saw and vowed to relocate his family there and begin a new settlement.

Upon reaching Dr. Eckerlin's Dunkard Creek settlement they found it had been raided by the Indians, burned to the ground and all the settlers murdered. However, not among the dead were Dr. Eckerlin's two brothers. Also missing was a large pot containing the settlements' treasure of gold and jewels. Frederick's sons John and William, and many others, would search for this treasure in later years. It was never found.

In 1767, Frederick began his new settlement on the Cheat River near present day Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia. He had chosen a portion of the river that had an island in the middle. It was on this island that the settlement was built. This island he hoped would provide his family and the others a ground of defense in the event of Indian raids. The land on the island that Frederick owned became known on land surveys as the "Island Tract" and the land owned along the river was known as the "Ice's Ferry Tract".

Frederick was a millwright as well as an excellent farmer. He began to fashion millstones from the sandstone that was available in the river valley and soon had a gristmill in operation. Thais was the first settlement west of the Allegheny Mountains and the last up the river from Pittsburgh. On August 5, 1767 Frederick's son David Gallion Adam Ice was born. Adam is credited as being the first white child born west of the Alleghenies.

Frederick always insisted that when the men from the settlement went into the woods to work, they take the women and children with them and to always have a gun. He would explain that he had lost his family once and if the men had been there the Indians would never have attacked. The settlers would have been too powerful.

In Virginia Hall Conaway's book, Ice's Ferry, Elizabeth Ice Hall tells of what her father, Andrew Ice, said about the daily life at the settlement; "Daddy always had good crops raised. He got some men to help him and we boys hunted and fished most of the time. When we got tired of that we worked some. Daddy never paid any attention to us. He would ask us sometimes how we were off for powder and lead. Daddy always had plenty. He had salt and leather, powder and lead. We had good clothes for that day. There was a weaver in the settlement. My mother and the other women could card and spin and knit stockings but they could not weave. They had a man to weave, as the women had never woven in the old country, in that day. I was nearly a man grown before I was ever in a store. Some of the men went to Winchester, Virginia, and Daddy sent me to buy salt and leather and some things mother and the other women wanted. About this time there were several other settlements made at Morgantown. The people were well to do. They built houses, and a tavern, and had a store. My mother used to go to that tavern, and stay and go around to see the people. She always bought tea. She gave five dollars a pound, and always bought two or three pounds. She would say that we were about to have another war, and she must have plenty of tea.

When I went to Winchester that time, Daddy wrote the storekeeper a letter and gave it to me with some money to pay for what I got. The storekeeper gave me all that Daddy went for and a heap beside. The women were pleased at getting so much more than they expected. Maybe goods were not so high as Daddy thought. The storekeeper was satisfied with his pay. Daddy was the only German in the settlement. Mammy and the other settlers were from other countries."

During the year 1769, Frederick helped John Pierpont construct Fort Pierpont. This was a small stockade fort located about two miles southwest of the Cheat River settlement near present day Easton, Monongalia County, West Virginia.

Following the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the Colony of Virginia, although still under the rule of the British Crown, became known as the Territory of Virginia.

During the Revolutionary War, Frederick provided materials and meal from his gristmill to help supply the needs at Prickett's Fort. This fort, built in 1774, was located at the confluence of Pricketts Creek and the Monongahela River just north of present day Fairmont, Marion County, West Virginia.

In 1784, Frederick's son Andrew, received the permission from King George III to open and operate a ferry across the Cheat River at the settlement. This was the first authorized ferry to be established in western Virginia. The settlement now became known as, Ice's Ferry. While on a surveying expedition in September 1784, George Washington crossed the Cheat River via Ice's Ferry. While there he met and spoke with Andrew in regards to the nature of the river.

Frederick had by now sold most of the land he had purchased from Lord Fairfax on the South Branch of the Potomac River. He began to purchase more land in the rapidly growing area around Ice's Ferry. He purchased four 200 acre tracts of land from the Indians for $15.00 a tract near present day Barrackville, Marion County, West Virginia. He gave one tract each to his four sons, William, Andrew, Abram, and Adam.

Frederick, taking advantage of the increased population, began to operate several ferry landings where the West Fork River and the Tygart's Valley River join to form the Monongahela River. He also opened Ice's Mill at the same location. This area soon became know as Middletown, present day, Fairmont, Marion County, West Virginia and Frederick built and operated the first hotel there. The hotel was located where the T. F. Watson Hotel now stands.

Frederick lived to a very old age. A record exists to indicate the age of Frederick shortly before his death. The Reverend Harry Smith recalls in his autobiography, written in about 1794, of his encounter with Frederick; "During the summer, I saw a man, said to be 113 years old, ride to meeting on a horse led by his son, himself an old man. He was a German (Hollander) known by the name of Daddy Ice throughout all the county. I visited him in his last sickness and found his intellect had not failed as much as might be expected, I preached at his funeral and it was a solemn time, while I preached for his children, then old and gray headed people, and his grandchildren and great grandchildren."

Frederick drowned in the Cheat River at Ice's Ferry, Monongalia County, Virginia, in 1794. He was at the age of 114 years. He was buried on Cheat Island at Ice's Ferry. The location of Ice's Ferry and Cheat Island is six miles from the mouth of the Cheat River where it empties into the Monongahela River at present day Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia. In 1903 the river was dammed to form Cheat Lake and the island is now underwater. Ice's Ferry Bridge, which spans the lake, passes directly over the island.

The last will and testament of Frederick Iaac Ice: In the name of God Amen The Twenty-ninth day of February in the Year of our Lord One Thousand and Seven Hundred and Eighth Eight In the County of Monongahela. Being of great age and weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be unto God, therefore calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul unto God that gave it and for my body I recommend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian like decent manner at the declaration of my executors nothing doubting at the General Resurrection I shall receive the same by the mighty power of God and as touching my worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life I give divided of the same in the following manner and form: In prime it is my will and good order that in the first place that all my debts including funeral charges be paid I give and bequeath unto Ellen my dearly beloved wife all the movables in the dwelling house and cows sheep and hogs during her lifetime and then to dispose of them to whom she pleases also the third of the plantation at the Ferry during her lifetime and then to fall unto my son Andrew wholly at her death. I give to my son Abraham and my son Adam a tract of Land on Buffalo Creek also to William Ice to be equally divided between them. I further give unto my son Adam the Roan Mare Colt. I further give unto my grandson Jesse a horse and one hundred acres of land the one half to my son Andrew is to be at the expense of purchasing for Jesse for land and I do ordain Francis Warman Esq., John Mansey Simeon to be Sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly dismiss and waive other testaments, wills and legacies and executors by me in any way before this time named willed and bequeathed. Notifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In witness I have here unto set my hand and Seal and year within written, Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared by Frederick Ice his last Will and Testament in the performance of us the subscribers.

His William Norris Frederick X Ice (seal) James Wilke Mark


Burial: 1794, Cheat Island, Ice's Ferry, Cheat River, Monongalia Co., Virginia


The Shawnee Indians killed Mary shortly after their raid on the settlement at the South Branch of the Potomac River. She had just given birth and in her weakened condition was unable to sustain the quick pace the Indians had set. Probably for this reason, she was murdered along with her newborn child and youngest daughter, Marguerite Mary.

Frederick and John found her, along with her two children, not far from the settlement. They were taken back for burial at the settlement on Christian Creek, South Branch of the Potomac River, Frederick County, Colony of Virginia, present day Patterson Creek, Hardy County, West Virginia.

More About MARY GALLOWAY: Burial: 1745, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia


Children of FREDERICK ICE and MARY GALLOWAY are: 3. i. JOHN ROBERT "OLD LONELY"3 ICE, b. 1728, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia; d. 1796, Archers Fork, Ohio Co., Virginia. 4. ii. WILLIAM GALLOWAY "INDIAN BILLY" ICE, b. April 01, 1730, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia; d. February 1826, Bill Ice's Run, Buffalo Creek, Barrackville, Monongalia Co., Virginia. 5. iii. CHRISTINA ICE, b. 1734, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia; d. 1759. 6. iv. MARY ICE, b. 1737, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia; d. 1831. 7. v. MARGUERITE MARY ICE, b. 1739, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia; d. 1745, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Frederick Co., Colony of Virginia.

Children of FREDERICK ICE and ELEANOR THOMPSON are: 8. vi. ANDREW3 ICE, SR., b. October 16, 1757, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Hampshire Co., Colony of Virginia; d. March 14, 1848, New Castle, Henry Co., Indiana. 9. vii. MAGDALENE ICE, b. February 16, 1760, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Hampshire Co., Colony of Virginia; d. in youth. 10. viii. FREDERICK ICE, JR., b. July 09, 1762, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Hampshire Co., Colony of Virginia; d. February 29, 1788, Ice's Ferry, Cheat River, Monongalia Co., Territory of Virginia. 11. ix. ABRAHAM "ABRAM" ICE, b. November 25, 1765, Christian Creek, South Branch of Potomac River, Hampshire Co., Colony of Virginia; d. 1790, Barrackville, Monongalia Co., Virginia. 12. x. DAVID GALLION ADAM ICE, b. August 05, 1767, Cheat River, Augusta Co., Colony of Virginia; d. July 05, 1851, Barrackville, Marion Co., Virginia. -------------------------------------------------------------- Immigrated to New York in the early 1710's

Lived in Baltimore and Frederick Counties

In 1750's lived along the South Branch of the Potomac River Hampshire County, WV

Abt 1765 moved to Hampshire County, VA

Abt 1767 moved to W Augusts District, VA

(Later Monongalia County, WV)

Buired on Cheat Lake near Morgantown,WV

(Now covered by water, was on an island and when the dam was put in on cheat lake the island went under water. There is a marker along the bank of Cheat Lake that marks the spot)

•Residence: 's, South Branch of Potomic River, Hampshire Co., (W.) Virginia - 1750 •Updated from MyHeritage Family Trees via son William Galloway 'indian Billy' Ice by SmartCopy: Apr 30 2015, 14:42:10 UTC

Born in Amsterdam, Frederick spoke and read 5-6 languages. Received higher education in Germany. Left Germany in 1710 for America. He landed in the Delaware Colony. He adopted the name Eyck/Ten Eyck from Iaac and then soon became Ice.He is credited for being the father of the American Ice family. Frederick found his Wife Mary, and two children dead after a Shawnee/Mohawk Indian raid. They had captured his daughters Mary, Christina, and his son William Galloway Ice (who later escaped) while he and his son John left for supplies. Frederick remarried to Eleanor Livingston Thompson and started another family. He never gave up looking for his family and on an expedition with a local militia (Virginia Militia), he came across the Cheat River where he later started Ice's Ferry in 1767.
Frederick drowned in the Cheat River at Ice's Ferry, Monongalia County, Virginia, in 1794. He was at the age of 114 years. He was buried on Cheat Island at Ice's Ferry. The location of Ice's Ferry and Cheat Island is six miles from the mouth of the Cheat River where it empties into the Monongahela River at present day Morgantown, Monongalia County, West Virginia. In 1903 the river was dammed to form Cheat Lake and the island is now underwater. Ice's Ferry Bridge, which spans the lake, passes directly over the island.* Reference: Find A Grave Memorial - SmartCopy: Oct 11 2023, 21:59:10 UTC

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Fredrick "Daddy Ice" Ice, II's Timeline

Amsterdam, North Holland, The Netherlands
Barrackville, Marion, West Virginia, United States
April 1, 1730
South Branch of Potomac River, Hampshire County, Virginia, now, West Virginia, Colonial America
South Branch Potomac River, Hampshire County, Virginia, now, West Virginia, United States
Hampshire, West Virginia, United States
VA (later became Nelson Co, KY)
October 16, 1757
South Branch of Potomic River, Hampshire County, West Virginia, Colonial America