Immediate Family
third cousin once removed
About Frederick I, count of Moselgau
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_of_Luxembourg Alt birth dates: 1345, 1358, 1360, 1375 and in French: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric_de_Luxembourg
Frederick of Luxembourg (965 - 6 October 1019), count of Moezelgouw, was a son of count Siegfried of Luxembourg and Hedwig of Nordgau.
By a wife whose name is unknown (certain historians give her as Ermentrude, countess of Gleiberg), he had :
1. Henry II († 1047), count of Luxembourg and duke of Bavaria
2. Frederick (1003 † 1065), Duke of Lower Lorraine
3. Giselbert (1007 † 1059), count of Longwy, of Salm and of Luxembourg
4. Adalbéron III († 1072), bishop of Metz
5. Thierry, father of :
—o Thierry († 1075)
—o Henry († 1095), count palatine of Lorraine
—o Poppon († 1103), bishop of Metz
7. Ogive (v. 990 † 1036), married in 1012 to Baldwin IV (980 † 1035), count of Flanders
8. Ermengarde (1000 † 1057), married Welf II of Altdorf, count in Lechrain († 1030)
9. Oda, canoness at Remiremont, then abbess of Saint-Rémy at Lunéville
10. Gisèle (1019 † after 1058), married to Radulfe, lord of Aalst († after 1038)
Frederick of Luxembourg (965 - 6 October 1019), count of Moezelgouw, was a son of count Siegfried of Luxembourg and Hedwig of Nordgau.
By a wife whose name is unknown (certain historians give her as Ermentrude, countess of Gleiberg), he had :
Henry II († 1047), count of Luxembourg and duke of Bavaria Frederick (1003 † 1065), Duke of Lower Lorraine Giselbert (1007 † 1059), count of Longwy, of Salm and of Luxembourg Adalbéron III († 1072), bishop of Metz Thierry, father of : Thierry († 1075) Henry († 1095), count palatine of Lorraine Poppon († 1103), bishop of Metz Ogive (v. 990 † 1036), married in 1012 to Baldwin IV (980 † 1035), count of Flanders Ermengarde (1000 † 1057), married Welf II of Altdorf, count in Lechrain († 1030) Oda, canoness at Remiremont, then abbess of Saint-Rémy at Lunéville Gisèle (1019 † after 1058), married to Radulfe, lord of Aalst († after 1038)
Because of problems with identification, Frédéric is a rather obscure individual, and the region over which he was count cannot be identified with certainty. Even though he often appears in secondary sources with the title "count of Luxemburg", there does not seem to be any record which would justify this title. Frédéric appears with the title of count in 996 as a witness to a charter of Bertha, widow of count Volkmar ["Friderich comes" Wampach (1935), 293 (#207)]. Frédéric appears as advocate of Stavelot-Malmedy in 1004, signing a document also witnessed by counts Henri and Giselbert, probably his brothers ["... Fridericum ipsius advocatum loci, Heinricum comitem, Giselbertem comitem, Godefridum ducem, ...", Cart. Stavelot-Malmedy 202 (#93); Wampach (1935), 307 (#217)]. Depoin would make him count of Castrice, based on an act of Heinrich II at Utrecht on 5 May 1005 ["... Frederici dilectissimi comitis ..., ... in villa que nuncupatur Duncherio sita in comitatu predicti Frederici comitis qui vocatur Castrinsis, ..." MGH DD H II, 120-1 (#96); Depoin (1904), 507]. Wampach stated that it is unlikely that this was Cunégonde's brother, and identified count Frédéric of Castrice with the son of Godefroid of Verdun of that name [Wampach (1935), 317 (#225)]. The claim that Frédéric was count in Moselgau is not directly documented, but is based on fact that his son Henri was count there before the death of his uncle of the same name [Wampach (1935), 317 (#225), 28 January 1026 "...in pago Mueslechowe in comitatu vero Henrici filii Friderici, ..." 328 (#234); Vannerus (1947), 819]. In the period from 1008 to 1019, there are some appearances of a count Friedrich of Hessengau, i.e., at Ingelheim on 24 May 1008 ["... Heinricus divina favente clementia rex. ... coniugus nostre Cunigundae videlicet reginæ sibi quandam nostrae proprietatis cortem Cassellam dictam sitam in pago Hessia in comitatu vero Friderici comitis, ..." MGH DD H II, 216 (#182)], Frankfurt on 26 January 1015["in villa Búnon in pago Hessigouue in comitatu vero Friderici comitis ..." MGH DD H II, 416 (#329)], and Paderborn in 1019, "... in loco qui dicitur Uuolfesanger in pago Hassia in comitatu Frederici comitis ..." MGH DD H II, 527 (#412); also, a false charter allegedly at Allstedt, 4 May 1019, "in pago Hassia sitas in comitatu Friderici comitis ..." MGH DD H II, 521 (#406b)]. Since Frédéric's wife was from that general region, and the chronology seems to fit well, he could be the same as the Hessengau count, but that is not certain. [See, e.g., Wolf (1998), 46 (for the Hessengau identification); Jackman (1997), 202-3 (against the identification)]
Date of Birth: Unknown. Place of Birth: Unknown.
Date of Death: 6 October 1019. ["Hoc ipso anno Fridericus, frater Cunigundae imperatricis, defunctus est", Annales Quedlinburgenses (Continuation), s.a. 1019, MHG SS 3: 84] The date of 6 October is based on an epitaph from an eleventh century manuscript from Stavelot which appears to be his: "... Libertate potens, regali stemmate pollens, / Conditur hoc tumulo Fredericus funere mesto; / Qui comes insignis, titulis preclarus et altis, / Justiciae gazas et rerum rexit habenas / Hic fuit ecclesie provisor hujus honeste; / Armis protexit temerataque jura resolvit. / Nonis octobris pridiae vitalibus auris / Cessit ..." [Vannerus (1947), 819] Place of Death: Unknown.
Father: Sigefroid, living 997, ancestor of the counts of Luxemburg.
Mother: Hedwig, d. 13 December, after 993. As shown above, Frédéric was a brother of the empress Cunégonde, and therefore a son of Sigefroid and Hedwig.
Spouse: NN, daughter of Heribert, count in Kinziggau, by his wife Ermentrude/Imiza. The life of Adelheid, abbess of Viliers, names among the children of Megingoz and Gerberge (Adelaide's parents) a daughter Ermentrude, grandmother of duke Heinrich, of Adalbero, bishop of Metz, and of duke Frédéric ["... Ex quibus una nomine Irminthrudis avia erat Henrici magnifici ducis et Adhelberonis Metensis episcopi, Friderici ducis fratrumque suorum, magnorum scilicet huius temporis virorum", Vita Adelheidis Abbatissae Vilicensis auct. Bertha., MGH SS 15, part 2: 757]. Since this Ermentrude could not have been the mother of Frédéric, she must have been his mother-in-law.
Children: From the life of abbess Adelaide (see above), Flandria Generosa (see Otgive below), and the Welf genealogies (see Imiza below), we know that duke Heinrich of Bavaria, duke Frédéric of Lower Lorraine, and bishop Adalbero of Metz were brothers, and the first two of these appear as brothers in a number of other records [see, e.g., Wampach (1935), passim]. Heinrich is called son of Frédéric and son of a brother of the empress Cunégonde, and various other members of the family can be filled in by information given below.
FEMALE Ermentrude/Imiza, d. 2 August, year unknown; m. (perhaps ca. 1015), Welf II, count of Altdorf. Genealogies of the family of Welfs state that Welf's wife Imiza was a sister of dukes Heinrich of Bavaria (Noricum) and Frédéric of Lorraine and of bishop Adalbero of Metz ["Guelfo supra nominatus, Roudolfi huius filius, uxorem duxit de gente Salica de castro Glizberch, Imizam nomine, sororem Heinrici ducis Noricorum et Friderici ducis Lotharingiorum et Adilberonis episcopi Metensis", Historia Welforum Weingartensis, MGH SS 21: 460; similarly in Genealogia Welforum, MGH SS 13: 734]. This is confirmed by the chronicle of Hermann of Reichenau ["Quo tempore Welf comitem, Suevigenam, Welf dudum comitis filium, Carentani ducem promovit. Avunculum quoque eius Adalberonem, ducum videlicet Heinrici et Friderici fratrem, Metensis aecclesiae episcopum post Theodericum nuper defunctum constituit." Hermann of Reichenau, Chronicon, s.a. 1047, MGH SS 5: 127]. The necrology of Weingarten gives her death date as 2 August [Parisse (1981), 33].
MALE Henri/Heinrich, d. 14 Oct. 1047 [Annales Altahenses, s.a. 1005 (year only), MGH SS 20: 804 ; "2. Idus Octobris Heinricus, filius fratris Chunigundis imperatrice, obiit", MGH SS 4: 791; see Wampach (1935), 383-5 (#267)], advocate of Echternach and Saint-Maximin; count in Moselgau and Bidgau; duke of Bavaria, 1042-7. On 23 September 1024, a certain Henri appears as count of Moselgau [Wampach (1935), 324 (#231); cites MGH DD K II 6 (#5)]. This would be either the present Henri or his uncle of the same name, then duke of Bavaria. A donation of a certain Udilo dated 28 January 1026 mentions count Henri in Moselgau, son of Friderich ["... in pago Mueslechowe in comitatu vero Henrici filii Fiderici ...", Wampach (1935), 327-8 (#234)]. Since this was before the death of his uncle duke Heinrich one month later, this would suggest that the 1024 record was also of the nephew rather than the uncle. In 1030, he was in the army of emperor Konrad II, figthing against the Hungarians [Wampach (1935), 332-3 (#238)]. As advocate of Saint-Maximin, he appears with his brother Frédéric, advocate of Stavelot-Malmedy (and duke of Lower Lorraine) [e.g., 1033: "... super abbatiam sancti Maximini comite Heinrico, super bono sancti Remacli fratre eius Frederico, ..." Cart. Stavelot-Malmedy, 209 (#99), Wampach (1935), 342 (#245); 1034×6: "... comite Heinrico de bono sancti Maximini, Frederico fratræ eius de abbatia sancti Remagli, ..." Cart. Stavelot-Malmedy, 210 (#100), which suggests 1034-5, Wampach (1935), 351 (#248a), which suggests 1036]. On 21 February 1042, he was named duke of Bavaria [Wampach (1935), 376-7 (#259); "Hainricus VII dux Bawarie factus est" Auctorum Garstense, s.a. 1042, MGH SS 9: 567; "Hisdem diebus, id est in quinquagesima, traditus est principatus Baioariae in civitate Basilea Henrico duci, fratrueli Henrici ducis et dominae Chunigundae imperatricis, uxoris Henrici piisimi et dignissimi imperatoris." Annales Altahenses maiores, s.a. 1042, MGH SS 20: 797]. A duke Heinrich appears as count in Bitgau in a document which is undated (even approximately), which may be either the present Heinrich or his uncle ["... in pago Bitgowensi in comitatu Henrici ducis ..." Wampach (1935), 382 (#265)].
MALE Frédéric, d. 1065 [Sigebert de Gembloux, Chronica, MGH SS 6: 361], advocate of Stavelot-Malmedy; duke of Lower Lorraine 1046-1065; m. (1) Gerberge, daughter of Eustache I, count of Boulogne ["Mathildis filia Gerberge, genuit Eustachium comitem Buloiensem et Gerbergam, Friderici ducis uxorem." Genealogia ex stirpe sancti Arnulfi, c. 4, MGH SS 25: 383]; m. (2) Ide (or Raelendis), who later m. (2) Albert, count of Namur ["Hiis probatis Albertus comes Namucensis cum in Arduenna silva moraretur gratia venandi, et veneratione loci diverteret cum uxore sua Ida, quem prius fuerat uxor ducis Frederici, ..." Chronicon S. Hubert Andaginensis, c. 17 (24), MGH SS 8: 577; "Huius Frederici relictam nomine Raelendem duxit comes Namurcensis Albertus et genuit comitem Godefridum." Aubri de Troisfontaines, s.a. 1065, MGH SS 23: 795; "Comes vero Namucensis Albertus per aliam Idam uxorem suam dictum Bullonium reclamabat." ibid., s.a. 1075, p. 798]. For Frédéric as advocate of Stavelot-Malmedy, see above under his brother Heinrich. In 1048, Frédéric was named duke of Lower Lorraine, at the same time that Gerard d'Alsace was named duke of Upper Lorraine ["Ducatum eius Gerardus de Alsatia, alterum ver ducatum Fridericus optinet." Sigebert de Gembloux, Chronica, s.a. 1048, MGH SS 6: 359]. On his death in 1065, he was succeeded by Godefroid "the Bearded" ["Friderico duce mortuo, Godefridus ducatum recepit." ibid., s.a. 1065, p. 361]
MALE Giselbert (of Salm), d. 14 August 1056×9 [Wampach (1935), 414-5 (#282)], advocate of Saint-Maximin, count of Luxemburg, count of Salm. Giselbert appears with his son Conrad in Gesta Treverorum as Giselbertus, count of the castle called Lucelenburc ["... Giselbertus quidam comes de castello Lucelenburc nominato cum filio suo Cuonrado, ..." Gesta Treveroroum, c. 4, MGH SS 8: 177], and he also appears as count of Luxemburg in the life of abbot Richard of Saint-Vanne ["... auxilio Gisleberti Luzeburgensis comitis ..." Vita Richardis abb. S. Vitoni Virdunensis, c. 9, MGH SS 11: 285], making him the first to appear under that title in an early source [see also Twellenkamp (1991)]. He appears as "comes Giselbertus de Salmo" in a witness list of ca. 1034×6 [Cart. Stavelot-Malmedy, 210 (#100); Wampach (1935), 352 (#248a); also as Giselbertus comes de Salinis in Flandria Generosa, MGH SS 9: 318]. He was named with his two brothers Frédéric and Thierry/Dietrich in a document of their uncle Adalbero dated 10 November 1036 ["... Friderico comite eiusque fratribus Giselberto et Theoderico ...", Wampach (1935), 361 (#249)]. In 1056, he appears as advocate of Saint-Maximin in a document of emperor Heinrch III [Wampach (1935), 404, 410 (#279)].
MALE Adalbero III, d. 13 Nov. 1072, bishop of Metz, 1046-1072. ["... frater, ut dixi, ducis Friderici ...", Rudolfi Gesta Abb. Trudonensium, MGH SS 10: 235; "Ego Adelbero Dei gratia Metensis episcopus, ... inter germanum meum, ducem Fredericum, ..." Rudolfi abb. Trud. epistolae, MGH SS 10: 325; "Adelbero tercius episcopus Metensis" Ann. S. Vincentii Mettensis, s.a. 1047, MGH SS 3: 157."Adalbero Mettensis episcopus obiit; cui Herimannus Leodiensis praepositus successit." Lambert of Hersefeld, Annales, s.a. 1072, MGH SS 5: 191; "Deoderico Mettensium episcopo defuncto, succedit Adelbero fratruelis eius, vir magnae prudentiae et sanctitatis." Sigebert de Gembloux, Chronica, s.a. 1046, MGH SS 6: 358; "Obiit Idus Novembris" Gesta episcoporum Mettensium, MGH SS 10: 543; Nek. S. Vanne 148] Adalbero has sometimes been incorrectly called a son of duke Thierry of Upper Lorraine ["Post cuius obitum (i.e., of Thierry II, bishop of Metz) Adelbero eius consanguineus, nepos Adelberonis tercii (sic, correct to secundi) huius nominis ex fratre Theoderico duce Lotharingie seu Mosellorum successit, ..." Gestorum abb. Trud. cont. tertia. auctar., s.a. 1048, MGH SS 10: 384; see Witte (1893-5), 5: 71]. This is evidently due to confusion between two different duke Frédérics, one a brother of Adalbero, and one a son of duke Thierry.
MALE Thierry/Dietrich, fl. 1036, 1056. ["Theodericus de Luzelenburch", Flandria Generosa, MGH SS 9: 318.] He was named with his two brothers Frédéric and Giselbert in a document of their uncle Adalbero dated 10 November 1036 ["... Friderico comite eiusque fratribus Giselberto et Theoderico ...", Wampach (1935), 361 (#249)], and he was a witness along with his brothers duke Frédéric, Giselbert, and Hermann in a document of emperor Heinrich III in 1056 ["... Friderici ducum, Gisilberti, Herimanni, Theoderici, ...", ibid., 420-1 (#279)].
MALE Hermann, of Gleiberg, living 1045, 1056. Mentioned as a brother of duke Henry of Bavaria on 13 November 1045 [Parisse (1981), 33, citing Wurt. Urk. I, Stuttgart 1849, # 226], he was evidently also the Herimannus who signed the 1056 document of Heinrich III along with other sons of Frédéric [Wampach (1935), 420-1 (#279), see above].
FEMALE Oda, nun in Reinersberg, abbess in Lunéville. She is referred to as sister of bishop Adalbero of Metz ["Uda a cunabulis Deo consecrata in Romaricensi ecclesia, soror domini Alberonis Metensis episcopi, quae in ecclesia Romaricensi, petente fratre eius Alberone episcopo, post mortem Adelaidis abbatissae in abbatiam successit, quam -- usque ad senectam strenue rexit." Wampach (1935), 319 (#225)]
Possible children: Otgive was a daughter of either Frédéric or his brother Giselbert, and Gisèle was a sister of Otgive, whose parentage is discussed in detail on her page.
FEMALE Otgive, m. Baldwin IV, count of Flanders. In a contradictory passage, Otgive is stated to be daughter of Giselbert of Luxemburg, and the same time sister of men known to be sons of Frédéric ["Iste Balduinus vir pulcher, formosus et stature grandis, uxorem accepit Ogivam, filiam Gisleberti comitis de Lixelemborg, cuius fratres fuerent hi: Adalbero Metensis episcopus, Fredericus dux Lotharingie, Henricus dux Baioarie, Gislebertus comes de Salinis, Theodericus de Luzelenburch", Flandria Generosa, MGH SS 9: 318]. The parentage of Otgive is discussed in detail on her page.
FEMALE Gisèle, d. 22 May, year unknown; generally believed to be the same as: Gisèle, m. Raoul, advocate of Saint-Pierre de Gand, lord of Alost. Gisèle is known to have been a sister of Otgive, and her connection to Frédéric obviously depends on the correctness of Otgive's attribution as a daughter of Frédéric. See Otgive's page for details.
1. Odgiva De LUXEMBURG, b. 984, Luxembourg , d. 21 Feb 1029/30, Flanders, France
2. Count Friedrich II De LUXEMBOURG, b. Abt 994, d. 18 May 1065
3. Countess Irmentrude De LUXEMBOURG, b. 1000, d. 1057
4. Count Giselbert II De LUXEMBOURG, b. Abt 1014, Chateau De Salm, Luxembourg, Belgium> , d. Aug 1059
5. Gisele De LUXEMBOURG, b. Abt 1028, Flanders, Belgium
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Not to be confused with Frederick, Duke of Lower Lorraine.
Frederick of Luxembourg (965 - 6 October 1019), count of Moezelgouw, was a son of count Siegfried of Luxembourg and Hedwig of Nordgau.
By a wife whose name is unknown (certain historians give her as Ermentrude, countess of Gleiberg), he had :
* Henry II († 1047), count of Luxembourg and duke of Bavaria
* Frederick (1003 † 1065), duke of Lower Lotharingia
* Giselbert (1007 † 1059), count of Longwy, of Salm and of Luxembourg
* Adalbéron III († 1072), bishop of Metz
* Thierry, father of :
o Thierry († 1075)
o Henry († 1095), count palatine of Lorraine
o Poppon († 1103), bishop of Metz
* Ogive (v. 990 † 1036), married in 1012 to Baldwin IV (980 † 1035), count of Flanders
* Ermengarde (1000 † 1057), married Welf II of Altdorf, count in Lechrain († 1030)
* Oda, canoness at Remiremont, then abbess of Saint-Rémy at Lunéville
* Gisèle (1019 † after 1058), married to Radulfe, lord of Aalst († after 1038)
Frederick I. of Luxembourg, Count of Salm*[1]
ABT 965 - 1019
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Suffix Count of Salm* Birth Abt 965 Luxembourg - son of Siegfried Gender Male Died 1019 Person ID I19170 mykindred Last Modified 06 Feb 2003 00:00:00
Father Siegfried of Luxembourg, *, b. Abt 922, Luxembourg - Count of Ardenne Mother Hedwig of Eberhard, *, b. Abt 930, Germany (Eberard-Clausen-near Treves) Family ID F6918 Group Sheet
Family Ermentrude of Gleiberg, *, b. Abt 970, Gleiberg Castle, Germany (Lahn Valley) Married Bef 988 Children 1. Frederick Duke of Luxembourg, b. Abt 989, Luxembourg - son of Frederick
2. Ogivie of Luxembourg, *, b. Abt 990, Luxembourg
3. Gisele of Luxembourg, b. Abt 998, Luxembourg - dtr of Frederick I
Family ID F6813 Group Sheet
Sources [S580] Gedcom - Rein-Shwayder, Carol.
Frederick I Count of Luxembourg, Count in the Moselgau Male, (about 965 - 6 October 1019)
Frederick I Count of Luxembourg, Count in the Moselgau|b. a 965\nd. 6 Oct 1019|p30412.htm|Siegfried Count of Luxemburg and in the Moselgau|b. a 922\nd. 998|p31398.htm|Hedwig|d. 13 Dec 992|p31399.htm|Wigeric Count in the Triergau and Ardennesgau|d. b 919|p31855.htm|Kunigunde|b. a 890\nd. a 923|p31856.htm|Eberhard I. Count in Alsace and in the Nordgau|d. 18 Dec 972|p31400.htm|Luitgarde o. T.||p31401.htm|
Frederick I Count of Luxembourg, Count in the Moselgau was born about 965.1 He was the son of Siegfried Count of Luxemburg and in the Moselgau and Hedwig.1 After 985 Frederick married Ermentrude von Gleiberg, daughter of Heribert Count in the Wetterau and Ermentrude of Avalgau.1 Frederick I Count of Luxembourg, Count in the Moselgau died on Wednesday, 6 October 1019.1 Charts Ancestry of Edward III Children of Frederick I Count of Luxembourg, Count in the Moselgau and Ermentrude von Gleiberg Ogive of Luxembourg+ (a 995 - 21 Feb 1030)2,1 Ermentrude of Luxemburg+ (a 1000 - 21 Aug 1057)1 Giselbert I Count of Luxemburg, Salm, and Longwy+ (a 1005 - 14 Aug 1059)1 Citations Stuart, Roderick W. Royalty for Commoners, The Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philippa. Fourth Edition. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2002. Weis, Frederick Lewis. Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists Who Came to New England Between 1623 and 1650. Fifth Edition. Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1982.
From Wikipedia:
Frederick of Luxembourg (965 - 6 October 1019), count of Moselgau, was a son of count Siegfried of Luxembourg and Hedwig of Nordgau.
By a wife whose name is unknown (certain historians give her as Ermentrude, countess of Gleiberg), he had :
* Henry II († 1047), count of Luxembourg and duke of Bavaria
* Frederick (1003 † 1065), Duke of Lower Lorraine
* Giselbert (1007 † 1059), count of Longwy, of Salm and of Luxembourg
* Adalbéron III († 1072), bishop of Metz
* Thierry, father of :
o Thierry († 1075)
o Henry († 1095), count palatine of Lorraine
o Poppon († 1103), bishop of Metz
* Ogive (v. 990 † 1036), married in 1012 to Baldwin IV (980 † 1035), count of Flanders
* Ermengarde (1000 † 1057), married Welf II of Altdorf, count in Lechrain († 1030)
* Oda, canoness at Remiremont, then abbess of Saint-Rémy at Lunéville
* Gisèle (1019 † after 1058), married to Radulfe, lord of Aalst († after 1038)
Persoonlijke gegevens Friedrich I. von Luxemburg Geboren in um 965. Gedoopt. Geloof: r.K. Overleden op 6 oktober 1019. Beroep: Gf. v. Luxemburg.
Gezin Friedrich I. von Luxemburg Relatie met Irmtrud von Gleiberg.
Heinrich Ii. von Luxemburg 1000-1047 Friedrich Ii. von Luxemburg 1002-1065 Giselbert von Luxemburg 1005-???? Gisela von Luxemburg 1007-> 1058 Adabert Iii. von Luxemburg 1010-1072 Dietrich von Luxemburg 1012-> 1045 Hermann I. von Gleiberg 1014-1062 Oda von Luxemburg 1016-> 1045 Irmtrud von Luxemburg ????-1057 Otgiva von Luxemburg ????-1030
Notities bij Friedrich I. von Luxemburg Gf. im Moselgau 1044, Gf. v. Luxemburg 998, Vogt v. Stablo/Malmedy, urk. 998-1019
Frederik I (van LUXEMBURG), geb, ca. 965, graaf in Hessen en de Moezelgouw, graaf van Luxemburg (Lutzelburg, 998), voogd van Trier, Stavelot en Metz, kwam tussen 1008 en 1012 in opstand tegen de zwager van de Duitse keizer, maar gevangen genomen (1011/12), bestrijder van vele bisschoppen, overl. 6-10-1019, tr. 985-vóór 995
N.N. (Irmtrud ?) van de WETTERAU ook van GLEIBERG, erfgen. van het graafschap Gleiberg, gelegen in Hessen (bij Giessen), overl. na 985.
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_II._%28Luxemburg%29 Friedrich II. (Luxemburg) aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche
Friedrich II. von Luxemburg (* um 1005; † 28. August 1065), aus dem Haus der Wigeriche, war seit 1035 Vogt von Malmedy und Stablo und von 1046 bis 1065 Herzog von Niederlothringen. Inhaltsverzeichnis [Anzeigen]
* 1 Abstammung
* 2 Herrschaft
* 3 Familie
* 4 Literatur
* 5 Weblinks
Abstammung [Bearbeiten]
Seine Eltern waren Friedrich I. von Luxemburg und vom Moselgau und Irmtrud (od. Irmintrud), Tochter des Grafen Heribert von der Wetterau. Sein Großvater war Siegfried I. Graf von Luxemburg, aber als jüngerer Sohn Friedrichs I. hatte er zunächst wenig Aussichten auf eine herausragende Stellung im Reich. Er und sein jüngerer Bruder Hermann sind als Besitzer und Bewohner der Burg Gleiberg in der 2. Hälfte des 11. Jahrhunderts urkundlich erwähnt. Herrschaft [Bearbeiten]
Über Friedrich ist in zeitgenössischen Quellen wenig überliefert. Um 1020 baute er die Burg Limburg auf der alten königlichen Grundherrschaft Baelen, die er von seiner Mutter geerbt hatte. Diese war Ursprung der Stadt Limbourg und der Grafschaft bzw. des späteren Herzogtums Limburg.
Als im Jahr 1044 Herzog Gotzelo I. von Ober- und Niederlothringen starb, verlieh Kaiser Heinrich III. das Herzogtum Niederlothringen an dessen jüngeren Sohn Gotzelo II., während Oberlothringen an den älteren Bruder Gottfried III., „den Bärtigen“, ging.
Nach dem frühen Tod Gozelos beanspruchte 1046 Gottfried III. auch Niederlothringen. Doch Kaiser Heinrich verlieh es an Friedrich, der ein Neffe der Kaisermutter Kunigunde war. Die damit verbundenen Herrschaftsrechte waren allerdings gering.
Mit Hilfe des Abtes von Stablo und seines Bruders Adalbero III. von Luxemburg, der 1047 Bischof von Metz wurde, konnte Friedrich sich die Vogteien über Stablo und Malmedy sowie über das Metzer Eigenkloster St. Truiden sichern.
Inzwischen war Heinrich IV. deutscher König geworden. Als Friedrich im Jahr 1065 starb, erhielt Gottfried III. „der Bärtige“ das Herzogtum Niederlothringen. Familie [Bearbeiten]
Friedrich war zweimal verheiratet.
* Seine erste Gemahlin war Gerberga († um 1049), eine Tochter des Grafen Eustach I. von Boulogne (Haus Boulogne). Mit ihr hatte er eine Tochter namens Judith oder Jutta. Sie war die Erbin von Limburg und brachte es ihrem Gatten, Walram II. (Arlon), Graf von Arlon, mit in die Ehe.
* Seine zweite Gemahlin war Ida († 31. Juli 1101), eine Tochter des Herzogs Bernhard II. von Sachsen aus der Familie der Billunger. Kinder aus dieser Ehe sind nicht bekannt.
Friedrich starb am 28. August 1065 und wurde in der Abtei Stablo neben seiner ersten Frau bestattet.
Ida ging nach Friedrichs Tod eine neue Ehe mit Graf Albert III. von Namur ein. Literatur [Bearbeiten]
A. Wendehorst: 18. Friedrich II. von Luxemburg, Herzog von Niederlothringen. in: Lexikon des Mittelalters. Studienausgabe in 9 Bänden. DTV, München 2003, Band IV, Spalte 950-951. ISBN 3-423-59057-2 Weblinks [Bearbeiten]
* www.genealogie-mittelalter.de, hier: Friedrich II. von Luxemburg, Herzog von Niederlothringen
Normdaten: PND: 136848117 – weitere Informationen Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 22. März 2010 um 16:08 Uhr geändert.
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_%28Moselgau%29 Friedrich (Moselgau) aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie Wechseln zu: Navigation, Suche
Friedrich (* 965; † 6. Oktober 1019) aus der Familie der Wigeriche war Graf im Moselgau und Vogt von Stablo und Malmedy. Er war der Sohn des Grafen Siegfried, der Vogt von Sankt Maximin in Trier und Echternach war, und der Hedwig.
Durch seine Schwester Kunigunde war er der Schwager des Kaisers Heinrich II., gegen den er sich 1008 erhob, weshalb er 1011–1012 inhaftiert war. Nach der Aussöhnung mit Heinrich stand er wieder auf dessen Seite.
Friedrich heiratete Irmtrud von der Wetterau (* 972, † nach 1015), eine Tochter des Grafen Heribert von der Wetterau und im Kinziggau und die Erbin von Gleiberg aus der Familie der Konradiner, mit der er mindestens zehn Kinder hatte:
1. Heinrich VII. († 14. Oktober 1047), Graf, Vogt von Sankt Maximin in Trier und Echternach, 1042/47 Herzog von Bayern, begraben in Sankt Maximin in Trier
2. Friedrich II. († 28. August 1065), 1033 bezeugt, 1046 Herzog von Niederlothringen, Vogt von Stablo und Malmedy, in Stablo begraben
1. oo I. Gerberge von Boulogne (* um 1008, † um 1059 in Stablo, Belgien), Tochter von Eustache von Boulogne und Mathilde von Löwen
2. oo II. Ida Billiung von Sachsen, Tochter von Bernhard II. († 1059), Herzog in Sachsen, und Eilika (od. Eilica) von Schweinfurt († 10. Dezember nach 1055/56), Tochter des Heinrich von Schweinfurt, Markgraf auf dem Nordgau; heiratete nach Friedrichs Tod Albert III. von Namur (* 10. August 1035, † 22. Juni 1102), 1063–1102 Graf von Namur
3. Adalbero (* um 1010, † 13. November 1072), 1047–1072 Bischof von Metz, gründete 1070 das Stift Saint-Sauveur in Metz, dort auch begraben
4. Giselbert († 14. August 1056/59), 1030 bezeugt, 1036 Graf von Salm, 1047 Graf von Luxemburg, wohl auch von Longwy, Vogt von Sankt Maximin in Trier und Echternach
5. Dietrich, 1012/57 bezeugt
6. Hermann I. von Gleiberg (* um 1012/15, † 1062/1076 ?), 1046/57 bezeugt, erbte die halbe Grafschaft Gleiberg
7. Otgiva (* um 995, † 21. Februar 1030), begraben in Sankt Peter in Gent; ∞ um 1012 Balduin IV., 987 Graf von Flandern († 30. Mai 1035)
8. Gisela (* um 1007, † nach 1058); ∞ Rudolf von Aalst, 1031-34/52 bezeugt
9. Imiza († nach 2. August 1055); ∞ Welf II. († 1030), Graf von Altdorf (Welfen)
10. Uda (* um 1016), 1050 bezeugt, geistlich in Remiremont, 1045 bezeugt als Äbtissin von Saint-Rémy in Lunéville
Da Friedrichs Enkel Konrad I. 1083 den Titel eines Grafen von Luxemburg annahm, wird er nicht nur als Stammvater des luxemburgischen Grafenhauses angesehen, sondern oft auch selbst als Graf von Luxemburg bezeichnet. Weblink [Bearbeiten]
* Genealogie Mittelalter
Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 6. Juli 2010 um 14:41 Uhr geändert
Frederick of Luxembourg (965 - 6 October 1019), count of Moezelgouw, was a son of count Siegfried of Luxembourg and Hedwig of Nordgau.
By a wife whose name is unknown (certain historians give her as Ermentrude, countess of Gleiberg), he had :
Henry II († 1047), count of Luxembourg and duke of Bavaria Frederick (1003 † 1065), duke of Lower Lotharingia Giselbert (1007 † 1059), count of Longwy, of Salm and of Luxembourg Adalbéron III († 1072), bishop of Metz Thierry, father of : Thierry († 1075) Henry († 1095), count palatine of Lorraine Poppon († 1103), bishop of Metz Ogive (v. 990 † 1036), married in 1012 to Baldwin IV (980 † 1035), count of Flanders Ermengarde (1000 † 1057), married Welf II of Altdorf, count in Lechrain († 1030) Oda, canoness at Remiremont, then abbess of Saint-Rémy at Lunéville Gisèle (1019 † after 1058), married to Radulfe, lord of Aalst († after 1038)
Frederick of Luxembourg (965 - 6 October 1019), count of Moezelgouw, was a son of count Siegfried of Luxembourg and Hedwig of Nordgau.
By a wife whose name is unknown (certain historians give her as Ermentrude, countess of Gleiberg), he had :
Henry II († 1047), count of Luxembourg and duke of Bavaria Frederick (1003 † 1065), duke of Lower Lotharingia Giselbert (1007 † 1059), count of Longwy, of Salm and of Luxembourg Adalbéron III († 1072), bishop of Metz Thierry, father of : Thierry († 1075) Henry († 1095), count palatine of Lorraine Poppon († 1103), bishop of Metz Ogive (v. 990 † 1036), married in 1012 to Baldwin IV (980 † 1035), count of Flanders Ermengarde (1000 † 1057), married Welf II of Altdorf, count in Lechrain († 1030) Oda, canoness at Remiremont, then abbess of Saint-Rémy at Lunéville Gisèle (1019 † after 1058), married to Radulfe, lord of Aalst († after 1038)
Frederick I of Luxembourg was also Count of Salm. Roesch adds that he was Count in the Moselle district, while Stuart adds that he was also Count of Bavaria.
Count of Salm and Luxembourg. See Saillot, "Le Sang de Charlemagne" and Erick Brandenburg, "Die Nachkommen Karls des Grossen" (1935).
References: [RFC],[Paget1],[ES],[PlantagenetA]
Frederick of Luxembourg (965 - 6 October 1019), count of Moezelgouw, was a son of count Siegfried of Luxembourg and Hedwig of Nordgau.
By a wife whose name is unknown (certain historians give her as Ermentrude, countess of Gleiberg), he had :
* Henry II († 1047), count of Luxembourg and duke of Bavaria
* Frederick (1003 † 1065), Duke of Lower Lorraine
* Giselbert (1007 † 1059), count of Longwy, of Salm and of Luxembourg
* Adalbéron III († 1072), bishop of Metz
* Thierry, father of :
o Thierry († 1075)
o Henry († 1095), count palatine of Lorraine
o Poppon († 1103), bishop of Metz
* Ogive (v. 990 † 1036), married in 1012 to Baldwin IV (980 † 1035), count of Flanders
* Ermengarde (1000 † 1057), married Welf II of Altdorf, count in Lechrain († 1030)
* Oda, canoness at Remiremont, then abbess of Saint-Rémy at Lunéville
* Gisèle (1019 † after 1058), married to Radulfe, lord of Aalst († after 1038)
Courtesy of fantastically full family tree cf.:
Hughes of Gwerclas 1/2/3/4:
"The Mosell Valley lay at the center of Moselgau, that administrative dictrict that arose in the aftermath of the collapse of the Carolingian empire; the counts of Moselgau appear in documents well into the 12th century."
Routledge Revivals: Medieval Germany 2001: An Encyclopedia. ed John M Jeep. google page excerpt
Frederick I, count of Moselgau's Timeline
965 |
Moselgau, France
986 |
990 |
995 |
Lothringen, Germany
997 |
1000 |
1010 |
Flanders, Belgium
1015 |
Wettenberg, Giessen, HE, Germany
1019 |
October 6, 1019
Age 54
Chateau Salm, Luxembourg, Luxembourg