Matching family tree profiles for Fray Francisco Muñoz
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About Fray Francisco Muñoz
Information provided by Joseph H. Sanchez 9th grandson
As to date his family includes, partner Juana Lopez de Aragon, son's Jacinto Sanchez de Inigo, Pedro de Inigo and a daughter Francisca Sanchez de Inigo. Please do not add any additional family without contacting managers first.
Note: Kinsley Michaela Fisher do not add profiles from your Sanchez tree.
From "The Sánchez de Iñigo Puzzle: New Genealogical Considerations , by José Antonio Esquibel...
The genealogy of the Sánchez de Iñigo family of seventeenth-century New Mexico has been a puzzle for researchers interested in uncovering the paternal origins of this distinct New Mexican family. Fray Angélico Chávez identified the progenitor of the Sánchez de Iñigo family as Juana López, the mother of Jacinto Sánchez de Iñigo and Pedro Sánchez de Iñigo, and presumably the mother of doña Francisca Sánchez de Iñigo. A pre-nuptial investigation record for Pedro referred to his mother, Juana López, and did not offer any clues as to the identity of his father. Similar records for Jacinto Sánchez de Iñigo and doña Francisca Sánchez de Iñigo do not identify the names any parents for these individuals. The origin of the Sánchez de Iñigo surname used by these individuals has stumped New Mexico genealogical researchers for the past fifty years, particularly because there have not been any records extracted for a seventeenth-century settler of A New Mexico with this surname. As such, It has been thought that the Sánchez de Iñigo children were perhaps the children of one or more men living in New Mexico during the latter half of the 1600s. Now, recent research into seventeenth-century Inquisition records pertaining to New Mexico has lead to uncovering records for a man who was accused of "living scandalously" with a woman named Juana López de Aragón in 1663, and the surname this man's mother was Sánchez de Iñigo.....
Sánchez de Iñigo is a distinct and uncommon Spanish surname. 'Sánchez' is a patronym and 'Iñigo' is an ancient Basque given name popularized by the royal family of Navarra in the Middle Ages. .....
The research presented in this article is intended to assist further genealogical research into the Sánchez de Iñigo family. The loss of so many valuable historical records presents challenges for reconstructing many seventeenth-century New Mexico family genealogies. In the case of the Sánchez de Iñigo family, a few scatter fragments of critical information have been uncovered that serve as important pieces of the family puzzle. As such, the pattern of given names within the Sánchez de Iñigo family coupled with the distinctive surname of this family and the accusation of 'scandalously living' against Fray ~ Francisco Muñoz offer an argument for considering Muñoz as the father of the Sánchez de Iñigo siblings. Surnames link individuals to previous generations of paternal or maternal family members. This was particularly so in Spanish society of the seventeenth century, which highly valued family honor. One form of expression of this honor was in the use of paternal and maternal given names and surnames. Whether there were ever records of friars of New Mexico acknowledging their children will remain a mystery unless such records come to light. In the meantime, it appears that Fray Francisco Muñoz left a valuable clue for posterity by identifying his mother with the distinctive and rare surname of Sánchez de Iñigo and by what appears to be the christening of his sons with the given names of Jacinto (his father's name) and Pedro (his maternal grandfather's name) and by passing along his maternal family surname to these individuals."
- Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy: Oct 12 2017, 12:49:01 UTC'
Information provided by Joseph H. Sanchez 9th grandson
Interesting Facts: From a article by Jose Antionio Esquibel
He was Guardian of the Pueblo of Picuris in 1660, Guardian of the Pueblo of San Ildefonso in 1663 and in August of 1680 he was the Guardian of the Pueblo of Zia at the time of the Indian Revolt of 1680. He and four soldiers "escaped by dint of hard riding" with hostile Indians on their trail. they encountered a small group of soldiers under the command of lieutenant general Alonzo Garcia who escorted them to safety. On August 14th while encamped at the Pueblo of Isleta, Frey Francisco Munoz was one of the friars that agreed with the opinion of Garcia to continue moving southward to seek shelter, and safety. Munoz was consulted again at St. Cristobal (Sept. 14th) and at La Salineta (Oct. 2nd) by Oct. 15 1680, the refuges were at El Paso del Rio del Norte where Munoz and three others wrote a letter addressed to the Viceroy of New Spain. This was the last account of Fray Francisco Munoz. Basically Munoz was in New Mexico from at least 1660 through the fall of 1680, representing a lengthy career in New Mexico spanning at least 20 years.
Information provide by Joseph H. Sanchez 9th grandson
Additions to the family profiles done by Kinsley Michaela Fisher in the summer of 2021 are not part of the agreed family members of Jacinto Sanchez de Inigo. Ana J. Lopez was not the wife of Frey Francisco Munoz, doesn't Kinsley Fisher realize that he was a priest and did not marry anyone? She also added a J.Sanchez de Inigo as a son of Ana J. Lopez, if you read the profile page, it seems like a duplicate of the son Jacinto, except the information is garbled and incorrect. She has also added a Feliipe Sanchez as a son of Frey Francisco Munoz and Ana J. Lopez. This latest addition of dubious profiles need to be removed. How can someone add such poorly researched and incorrect data.
Fray Francisco Muñoz's Timeline
1629 |
October 22, 1629
Sagrario Metropolitano, Puebla, Reino de México, Reino de Nueva España
October 22, 1629
Catedral de Puebla
October 22, 1629
Catedral de Puebla
Pueblo de los Ángeles, Reino de México, Reino de Nueva España
1663 |
Santa Fé, Provincia de Nuevo México, Reino de Nueva España
1666 |
Santa Cruz de la Cañada, Rio Arriba, Provincia de Nuevo México, Reino de Nueva España
1673 |
Santa Fe, Provincia de Nuevo México, Reino de Nueva España
1680 |
Age 51
Taos, Rio Arriba, Provincia de Nuevo México, Reino de Nueva España