Immediate Family
About Francis Wright, of King William County
Not the same as Francis E. Wright, III (son of Francis Wright & Ann) who married Mary Elizabeth "Polly" Wright
ii. Francis (4) Wright (son of John Wright & Dorothy) was born in 1709 at of Hamilton Parish, PW County. He married Ann Massey on 7 Sep 1737
His 3 daughters were Elizabeth, Dorothea, and Frances
I am only familiar with two children of John and Dorothy:
1) Francis Wright (1703-- Abt 1741/1742) (eldest son, died a fairly young man)
2) John Wright (II) (1706/1707- 27 Feb 1792)
In 1723, the appraisers of the estate of Major Francis Wright recorded:
...In the early autumn of 1723, John Wright and his wife, Dorothy, and their two sons, Francis age fifteen, and John age twelve, moved to their new home, then known as "Sylvania" (but later Leesylvania.)[2]
Col. Francis Wright's descent through his 2nd wife Martha Cox does continue today. If you are a male Wright descendant through Francis Wright and Martha Cox you can still qualify for DNA testing.
Prince William County, Virginia Will Book Liber C, 1734-1744; (John Fredrick Dorman); Pages 376-377.
Will of Francs Wright, dated 29 March 1742
Francis Wrigjt of Prince William County being very sick and weak
Unto my wel beloved wife Ann Wright her choice of half that tract of back land to settle on durnig her natural life and' being now apprehensive that my beloved wife is pregnant and if it should prove a boy the other half of the back land I give into him and after his mother's decease the whole tract of land to fall to him. But in case it should prove a girl the whole property of the land to belong to my beloved wife'during her natural life a-nd aftewards to be eqally divided betw-een my three daughters if the last should prove a gir. In case any of them should die without any such heir (lawfully begotten] to the next heir at heir.
My will is that my beloved wife should peaceably posess al1 that appertaineth unto me during her natural life except if she should marry and then to possess all untill my children are of age to choose their Guardians. My will is that after my beloved wifes decease that my negros, stock and household goods be equally divided amongst my children and the heirs lawfully begotten of their bodies. I do hereby appoint my true and trusty friends Moses Linton of Prince William County and Sigismund Massey of Stafford County executors and my beloved wife elecutrix of this my last will and testament during her widowhood but no longer.
wit: Jane (X) Calvert, Moses Linton, Jno. Bryan 27 Sept. 1742. presented in Court by Ann Wright executrix. proved by the oaths of Moses Linton and Jane Colvert, witnesses
Francis Wright, of King William County's Timeline
1710 |
March 1, 1710
Hamilton Parish, Prince William County, Virginia, British Colonial America
1738 |
September 1738
Province of Virginia
1740 |
Alexandria, Fairfax, Virginia, United States
1742 |
March 29, 1742
Age 32
Prince William County, Virginia
Prince William County, Virginia, United States