Matching family tree profiles for Frances Beckley
Immediate Family
About Frances Beckley
No proof of the DEMING maiden name. According to TORREY' NEW ENGLAND MARRIAGES, Richard Beckley and Frances (Unknown) were married by 1640/1 in New Haven.
According to the baptisms at the New Haven Church, SISTER BECKLEY, wife of RICHARD BECKLEY, had the following children baptized at the Church:
- John, 1641
- Mary, 1647
- Benjamin, 1650
- Nathaniel, 1653
- Hannah, 1656
According to the will of RICHARD BECKLEY, dated May 1689, Richard names his wife FRANCES. In the will, he orders his son NATHANIEL (born 1652) to "MAINTAIN HIS MOTHER, MY SAID WIFE" for all the days of her life..."
So the mother, FRANCES of Richard Beckley has to be old enough to have had a child in 1652 and cannot be the erroneous claimed daughter of John Deming who married Richard in 1665.
Most likely, Frances, the wife Richard married in 1640 per Torrey's New England Marriages, is the mother of the New Haven children as shown in the New Haven baptism records from 1641 - 1656.
Frances Beckley's Timeline
1620 |
1641 |
March 6, 1641
New Haven, Connecticut
1647 |
September 12, 1647
New Haven, Connecticut
1650 |
January 27, 1650
New Haven, Connecticut
1652 |
October 13, 1652
New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut Colony, (present USA)
1656 |
October 14, 1656
New Haven, Connecticut
1689 |
May 1689
Age 69
Wethersfield, Hartford County, Connecticut
1696 |
April 1696
Age 76
Beckley Cemetery, Berlin, Hartford, Connecticut, United States